Park Chanyeol




I really enjoy everything Eunmi and I play in the arcade, even if she just watch me play, I enjoy her company, because she´s watching me, supporting me, and that´s what brings me alive. Her sweet smile and her caring gaze.

At the end, we had fun, so much fun.

We walked back to my apartment hand by hand, maybe it was around six.

We reached the entrance of the building and we went up the stairs. Eun got ahead. She reached my apartment’s door first.

When I arrived I notice Hyeri standing there. At first, she didn’t notice me, but I did saw her cold gaze towards Eunmi and it bothered me.

“Hyeri, what are you doing here?” I asked as I reached Eunmi´s side. I felt like protecting her. Even if Hyeri was my friend, the person I care the most is Eun.

I decided to trust Eunmi, even if Hyeri was really friendly towards me, even if she, in front of me, portraits a nice and caring girl, even if Hyeri hasn’t betrayed me once. I trust Eun, who also hasn’t betrayed me before. But Eun´s thoughts, Eun´s feelings, were more important for me. And she wasn’t the only one about Hyeri´s changing character, but also Hyeri´s friends, who are really nice and honest too.

I noticed Hyeri´s gaze changed to a soft one.

“Can we talk?” She pleaded.

“But we already talked yesterday” I answered with coldness.

“Please, it’s important”

At first, I struggled with an answer. I wasn’t sure if talking with her would be appropriate. I made myself clear with her last time. If she still behaves like that, not giving others, especially Eunmi, a chance before getting to know them, our friendship will end.

Actually, during middle school, she was like this. Throwing cold and daring glances towards all the female friends I had. I thought she´ll mature and I believed she did, because I didn’t notice her behavior when I wasn’t around. I was oblivious at first, but then I realized she hasn’t changed a bit. I need someone who guided me. Someone who showed me the light. And Eunmi did. Even if it took me a pair of days, she was there, waiting for my response, because at the end we trust each other.

“I´ll go buy something at the shop next door” Eunmi stated as she turned. She knew I was forcing myself to say no because she was there; and if she wasn’t, we could talk and settle things, again. Hyeri was stubborn, so I had to be a cold and direct with her.

But before she left I grabbed her arm.

“Are you ok with it?”

“I´m fine,” she smiled, “settle things with her. I trust you”

After that I saw how her silhouette disappeared as she turned the corner.

I heard Hyeri scoffing as I turned.

“She´s really something,” she mumbled, but I caught it.

“What does that suppose to mean?”

She smirked and shook her head. I was getting annoyed with her.

“Why did you come here, Hyeri?”

She pouted. She´s showing her weak side in front of me, but I don’t believe it anymore.

“Why so cold? You don’t like me anymore?”

“Straight to the point, Hyeri. I thought I was clear last time. I don’t like you behaving like this”

“Like what?” I noticed her small, but visible smirk. She´s playing around.

I sighed. “Hyeri, please, stop being stubborn. You need to mature and realize that your feelings towards me are only temporal. I´m just a crush that you´ll soon forget”

“Just a crush, uh?” She scoffed, “so what´s Song Eunmi for you? For me she´s only a crush you have and you´ll soon forget. Someone you´ll get rid of before you even realize it”

My hands turned into fits. I didn’t care if she use my own statement to support hers, but what really bothered me was she talking about Eunmi as someone I can play with, someone who I can dump if she were an used and old doll, someone I´ll soon forget. I hate it.

“Don’t you dare talking about her like that. You don’t know how important she is to me. You don’t have any right to be talking like that about Eun, because you barely know her”

The tone I used was cold and monotone. If I need to use this tone with Hyeri to make her realized about her immature acts, I´ll do it. As a friend I had to make myself clear. As a friend I needed to help her realized what she was doing was wrong. At first, when we were in middle school, I wasn’t able to perceive her changing behavior, I didn’t help her because I wasn’t aware of it, but now I can. As a friend I care for her, I still do despise her behavior.

Hyeri got closer to me. We were just a few meters back.

“You´re right. I barely know her, but I know enough. She´s just a girl. One of the bunch,” her tone was distant and cold, bittersweet too, “and it seems I´m too, as far as I see it, you only see me as a friend, nothing more, just one of the bunch of the girls”

“That´s what you´re to me, a friend”

She got closer; I could feel her gaze get deep in my eyes and our faces just inches apart.

 “But for me, you aren’t just a friend”

Then she kissed me. And before I could even realize it Hyeri ended the kiss.

I was about to yell at her, but I hear someone at the back dropped something.

I turned around. My eyes immediately got wider and my breathing turned faster. Eunmi was standing there, looking at me with a gaze full with tears, full with pain, full with confusion, full with regret. And it broke my heart into miles of pieces.

“E-Eun,” I started trembling with ever single word that came from my mouth. How I was going to explained her? How I was supposed to start? “I-I-“

But before I could even finished Eunmi turned and ran. I heard Hyeri laughed at my back. She planned it from the begging. I just realized it now. She was the reason behind Eunmi´s insecurity. And she just committed her target: break us apart.

“You planned it,” I turned to her feeling extremely mad. Now, my friendship with her was turned into dust, into a feeling I abhore. I won’t ever forget her.

Hyeri just nodded, she was wearing a smirk now I detest. “I, actually, heard her coming up”

“You-“ A weird noise cut me off. It sounded like someone was falling from the stairs.

My eyes got wider as realization hit me. I couldn’t be, could it?

I run faster towards the stairs and I went down. Then realization hit me hard and cold. I run towards her lying body. She felt cold. Her skin was paler and she looked like a doll, which could break with a single touch.

I immediately call for help. I dialed emergency´s number.

Eunmi felt from the stairs. She hurt herself. And it was my entire fault, because I didn’t realize earlier Hyeri´s true intentions. Because I didn’t stopped her when I could. Because, a part of my, the innocent and soft one, the oblivious Chanyeol still believed Hyeri could turn softer, but she didn’t. Instead, she stabbed at my back when I wasn’t aware.



I´m sitting in the waiting room. It´s been nearly three hours since I arrived to the hospital, since everything happened, since I started sobbing like a baby.

Now, Eunmi is inside the emergency room. I´m waiting here and it drives me insane that I can’t do anything to help her. It makes me feel guiltier. The only thing I could do is wait and hope for the best.

I just-

“Excuse me; are you by chance relative of the patient?” A female voice asked. It was the doctor. I stood up, immediately.

“I´m her b-boyfriend” Actually, I don’t know if addressing myself as Eun´s boyfriend would be correct. I betrayed her and I have no right to call me, to address me, like that anymore, but if I didn’t I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t let me see her. I had no options. She has no relatives with her right now, her parents are abroad, and as far as I know the only family she has are they. All the other relatives of her are abroad too.

The doctor nodded. “Song Eunmi is not in critical condition-” I was happy “-but her physical condition it´s not good. She got into a deep coma”

My heart froze. My head went crazy as the doctor explained to me that due to the contusion Eunmi had when she felt the stairs, her head had suffer most of the pain and it drove her into  coma.

Eunmi was ok, but still she wasn’t.

“Can I see her?”

The doctor nodded and guided me towards her room.

When I entered, I faced a sleeping Eunmi. Her pale face, her dry lips, her lying body, her weak state, her petite silhouette, everything I saw in her made my heart pounded with a deep guilty and it made me sad, but mad at the same time.

“When she´ll wake up?” Even if I already knew the answer, I had a tiny hope for a positive answer.

“I´m not sure. Maybe tomorrow, the next week, next month,” the doctor paused and mumbled, “Or maybe never”

My eyes turned crystalline. I wanted to cry, but I need to be strong. I had to because if Eunmi see my week side, she´ll scold me. She always told me to be strong no matter what. She was the reason why I always stand up and search of the correct answer. Due to her when I fall, I immediately stood up, but now seeing her like that I feel vulnerable. Like a glass which started to fall and soon will face the grown and will break into pieces.

The following days I constantly visited her, but nothing had changed. She haven’t shows any improvements on her physical state.

A month already passed. It was already October, 15th.

What matters is that she´s still alive. I had to be patient.

But I don’t know if I’ll handle it. In this case, the definition of time is unknown, is not describe. It can be characterized by seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years, or even forever.

I feel so sad. I feel so lonely. I feel so weak. I feel really guilty.

I want to settle things, to make them clear, to explain Eunmi what really happen.

So I just ask for another chance. To see her beautiful eyes open and shine like they always did. To feel contented once again. For just one day. It was all I asked for.

The sun light hit my face. Did I left the curtains open? No way. I turned my gaze towards the window. They were open. As far as I remember I closed them yesterday. Why are them open?

I shook my head. Maybe I forgot to close them because I arrived really tired. Things in college are getting harder and the constants visits to Eunmi made me feel exhausted.

I stood up. And when I left the room, I smell something.

Someone was preparing breakfast. But who could be? My mother? She didn’t told me she´ll be coming today.

Sometimes my mom visits me when she has time. She works really hard.

I made my way towards the kitchen and what I saw made my eyes grow wider. I felt how my heartbeat increased and how my breathing stopped for a few seconds. Maybe I was still sleep, maybe I was hallucinating.

Eunmi was there. She was standing in front of me preparing breakfast.

She turned and gave me the warmest smile she always shows me. I felt how the time suddenly stopped.

“Good morning”

I was out of words. How did this happen? Why the doctor didn’t tell me she woke up? And shouldn’t she be resting if she just woke up? Isn’t she angry with me?

“I prepare breakfast,” she got closer which I just nodded and she kissed the tip of my chin. I blushed and she laughed softly.

I´ll ask her what happen later.

Then we ate together.

When we end eating Eunmi made her way towards the desk next to the couch. She took a book. I got closer to see what she found and my eyes grew wider as I saw it. It said “Photo album”

“Yeol, what is this?”

It was my photo album. It contained lots of photos of me from the day I was born until my high school days.

I remember I put in away in my room´s cabin when we finished looking at them that day. Why it´s there again.

Eunmi sat on the couch and opened it. I sat next to her.

I looked at her and she was smiling at the photos all the time. It was like the first time she ever saw them. But that could not be, she already saw them.

“I love the photos, there´s no reason to be embarrassed,” she smiled to me.

That day she told me she loved the photos; there was no reason to be ashamed of them.

Her gaze stopped at one specific photo. I turned to look at it and my eyes grew wider. It was the photo when I was around five years old. The same photo she asked me if she could have it.

“Can I have this?” She pointed the photo

I nodded. She took the photo and placed it inside her pocket´s jacket.

What I´m living, what I’m experimenting, what I’m seeing, are the same situations from that day before Eunmi had the accident.

I´m reviving them.

Maybe I´m dreaming. This is not possible. It is not.

But it was what I asked for. To have another chance to see her, her gorgeous smile, her shining eyes. And I’m here re-experimenting those feelings I had that day. And I´ll live them once again, with my fullest.

I don’t care if I already know the ending of this story. It doesn’t matter anymore, for now.

We talked and laughed all the morning. We watched cartoons and dramas together.

Before even realizing it was lunch time already, so, like that time, we went to the same restaurant. We sat on the same table and we asked for the same food.

Déjà-vu? Yes, definitely, but I don’t care. I feel happy once again and I know Eunmi feels the same too, contented.

As we eat I always looked deeply into Eunmi´s actions. Watching her makes me feel nostalgic.  I have to remember every little detail from this day, because I don’t know when she´ll wake up afterwards. I need to remember her as much as I can.

“Is there something on my face?”

I blinked fastly as I heard Eunmi´s voice, which bring me back to reality. She was waiting for an answer.

“No there isn’t”

“So why are you watching me like that?” she paused, “it makes me uncomfortable”

I smiled. Maybe I was just mesmerized by her. I am. Watching her makes me happier. It brings color to my life.

“You are just so beautiful that my eyes can’t look away from you” I noticed how she blushed. She looked really cute and I´m sure she knows I’m not lying.

“Don’t say things like that”

“It´s true”


We both smiled. She knows my feelings are true for her. And I know hers are true too.

After that we went to the arcade. And like that time we played a lot, but mostly one of my favorite games: basketball. Even if Eunmi wasn’t that good at it, she enjoyed watching me play it. Sometimes teamed together, like the last time, but we always ended punching each other because there wasn’t enough space or because my ball pushed hers from entering the basket. It was always like that. But at the end we always end up laughing from our score.

At the end, we had fun, so much fun.

We walked back to my apartment hand by hand, maybe it was around six.

We reached the entrance of the building. I already know what’s next. Hyeri´s waiting on my door.

Before Eunmi got ahead I got her arm making her stopped.

“Something is wrong?” she asked me.

“Whatever happens you know I love you, right?”

She nodded. “I love you too, Chanyeol”

I got closer and I hugged her tightly. I inhaled her sweet sent. She felt really warm as she hugged me back.

“I really, really love you,” I paused as I deepen the hug, “And I wouldn’t ever betray you, be sure of it”

I feel her nodding.

“Chanyeol, even if I´m not awake please tell me what happened. I´m willing to know the true,” she mumbled.

I got surprised. Is this a message?

But I couldn’t get to ask her about it because when I realized it she was already running towards the stairs.

I followed her silently.

And what I was expecting to happen, happened. When I reach my apartment door Hyeri was standing there, she asked if she could talk with me, Eunmi left to buy something on the next door shop, Hyeri said the same words that day.

“For me she´s only a crush you have and you´ll soon forget. Someone you´ll get rid of before you even realize it”

“I barely know her, but I know enough”

“You aren’t just a friend”

Then everything went exactly after that kiss.


I woke up. My back hurts. As I opened my eyes I realized I felt asleep in the hospital room. On Eunmi´s room.

I glanced towards the calendar. Realization hit me. October 16th. I had dreamt all. Everything was a dream. Yet, it felt so lively.

I turned to look Eunmi´s sleeping figure.

She looked really calm.

“Chanyeol, even if I´m not awake please tell me what happened. I´m willing to know the true”

I remembered her words.

I needed to explain everything to her. Even if I’m not sure if she hears me, I need to tell her. Somehow, I hope she hears me and understands me.

“Eunmi,” I started, “that day, before you had that accident,” I paused as I took her hand and I caressed it gently, “Hyeri fooled me. She played with me. All this time, she was just playing with me and I just realized it that moment, when we talked. In that moment, she showed me the real person she was, the stubborn and immature Hyeri, the cold-hearted one. Even if you were warning me all this along I didn’t listen to you because I still believe in Hyeri, the so called kind one, but she wasn’t. She never existed. She played with my emotions. She played with the vulnerable and gullible person I am. Hyeri had planned everything, she told me she did. Like you said, she was trying to break us apart and the only way of doing it was showing you that I didn’t care for you, by looking like I betrayed you, but I never did. All the time I was talking with her I was thinking about you and your safety because Hyeri started to said things I didn’t like about you. She started to critic you. She tried to make me believe you were just any girl, but she couldn’t because I love you. I love you so much because you are real. You and your honesty are real, and that capture my heart. So please, I´m just asking you to believe my words. Believe the sincere Chanyeol I always present you, the gullible one full with regrets and flaws. The one who would do anything to search for your safety. I´ll understand if you hate me afterwards, but what I ask for is for you to believe my sincere words. Please, don’t keep in your thoughts the Chanyeol who betray you instead keep the one whose sincere heart got capture by you.”

I put my heart on those words. I feel them and I think about constantly. I tried to be as sincere as I could. I want her to believe me. I want her to be happy. I don’t care if I´m not, I just want her happiness.

I caressed once again her tiny hand with both of mine. Her hand was warm and soft. Her breathing was normal.

Suddenly, I felt her hand moving a bit. I got really surprised.


But still no response at all. There wasn’t any signal for about thirty minutes.

I continue taking care of her as I always did all this time as I watched her closely.

Somehow, I have the tiny hope that she listened to me. That the sudden movement she made was because she listened.

I spent the whole day on the hospital. I have the feeling she´ll show some improvement soon.

Sometimes spending all the day in that room can be really stressful and boring. The white colors of the wall were really monotonous. They showed no emotion at all, but I couldn’t do anything at all. They were white for a reason and I have nothing against it.

I opened my bag and took a book. I started reading it. Every ten minutes I stopped reading to check on her. I felt kind of anxious.

I was about to continue reading when I noticed something. Eunmi´s eyebrows moved a bit, like they were trying to frown. Little by little that movement became more visible.

I put my book away to take a closer look to her. She was starting to open her eyes. Little by little. I decided to stand a bit far, she need space for herself.

When her eyes were fully opened I felt how my heartbeat increased fastly and when she tried to sit down I immediately help her. I couldn’t hide my sudden excitement.

“Chanyeol,” she looked surprised, “Where am I?”

“In the hospital. You had an accident”

She nodded. I wonder if she remembers it. I wonder if she hates me. I wonder if she heard me.

All this time I was keeping my distance with her because I wasn’t sure of her emotions at all. If she was mad, angry, disappointed with me I didn’t know.

“You were with me all this time?”

“If you mean if I took care of you all the following month, yes I did”

I noticed how her eyes turned wider.

“A m-month?”

“You were in coma all that time”

“Coma,” she mumbled, “for so long. I can´t believe it”

“Eun, you are a strong person,” I added smiling. She turned to me as telling me to continue, “All this time, even if you didn’t show any improvements on you physical state, the doctor told me you were pretty strong. Thanks to the tests they made on you they got to know that your emotional state was working the fullest to help you wake up”

She smiled. I missed that smile so much. I was craving to see it once again.

“Chanyeol, if you wonder I was able to listened you”

I was out of words.

“I believe every single word that you said,” she paused for a few seconds, “because I love you and I´ll always do”

My smile got wider and I got closer to hug her.

I hugged her tightly but softly and she hugged me back.

In that moment, I was sure she didn’t hate me at all. That she loves me as much as I do. That she believes me and that she accepts my apologies. From the bottom of my heart I´m really grateful.

“I love you Eun,” I paused because I started sobbing. My eyes got full with tears, “I really missed you and I´m happy you are here, with me, again”

Eunmi broke the hug to look directly at my eyes full with tears. I noticed hers turned into a crystalline color as she cupped my face. She was sobbing and crying too.

“I missed you too”

Our forehead touched. Even if our eyes were full with tears, we laughed because we were happy once again. We were together once again.

“I love you,” I kissed her forehead, “I love you,” I kissed the top of her nose, “Eunmi,” I kissed both of her cheeks, “I really,” I kissed her lips, “I really love you,” I kissed her lips again, but this time I deepen the kissed and she kissed me back.

I really felt for her. I really felt for him. I love her. I love him. I´m willing to live all my life next to her. I´m willing to live all my life next to him. Because she/ he is worth of it.


Your love inspires me,
your tenderness touches me
and your kisses drive me crazy




First of all, LET’S SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EXO´S HAPPY VIRUS PARK CHANYEOL! I wish you the best because you and EXO really, really, really deserve it. You guys are awesome and please keep working hard! I will always support you no matter what (;


This is the longest one-shot I ever write. I hope you enjoyed it because I had so much fun writing it. I spent the whole month writing it and I finally finished it on the 23th. Due to the many tests I had to study for I wasn’t able to finish it before, but I’m glad I did it. I´m glad I wrote it because I put my heart and soul on every word I wrote.

For Eunmi´s chapter we have 3450 words and for Chanyeol´s 4190 and together we have 7640 words! WOW! XDD My word document is full with 20 pages, without counting the first one, which contain the description, notes, phrases and else.

FT Island MV inspired me to write this. Even if I watched about two years ago, it help me came with this plot, with this history and I made it with a happy ending, because, until now, my world (my fics) it’s full with happy endings xp I live a fairy tale where everything is full with pastel and soft colors and I enjoyed  that world. It helps me escape reality and the responsibilities I need to do for a while.

I´m really happy with this result, with this ending, and I hope you liked it too; I hope I didn’t disappointed you and please keep supporting my other works too.

Now that I already finished this my priority will be my fic “Misfire

I hope you check that out and support me there too (:

See you next time and let me know what you think on the comments!

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[DejaVu] Chapters will be up tomorrow! 11/25


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Hey you! Sorry it took me this long to read it, thanks for being patient with me (: I really really like it, seriously this Chabyeol just melted me and the story seemed so real that I really got into it.
Love you ceci, I'll be supporting you <3 keep the awesome work!
Chapter 2: AMAZING!!!!!
Wahh Can't wait!!!!!!!! Even if I'm on my exams week I couldn't not post you a comment on this upcoming fic (:
I know you'll exceed my expectations and I'm pretty excited about this one in particular ^^
-S/N 1: Please don't make me cry (u know what I mean)
-S/N 2: Love ya! <3