Jae's Jealousy

Romantic Comedy


[Hyeri’s P.O.V]


I stared at the figure of Kim Jaejoong. Okay, Things got a little over coincidence. The drunken meeting, the coffee spilling, now, in my house? What is he doing here anyway?


Oh yeah.. The Seoul concert, I sighed.


That Hyejin. I skipped my class for this?


 “Hyeri ah~ don’t just stand there, go and make something for our guests,” My dad exclaimed and asked Michi to joined him. Michi bowed politely and did as she was told.  


Me on the other hand, bowed and obeyed his orders. I wanted to squeal. Kim Jaejoong is in my house! That’s probably the nice thing I ever came across my entire life-


“Park Hyeri shii.. Please don’t make any coffee. Tea would be nice..”


Okay. Scratched that. Having Kim Jaejoong in my house is a curse. An incurable curse.


I caught a glimpse of his satisfied smile. Hah! Think I might spill at him twice?


With that, I strode to the kitchen.

[End of P.O.V]


[Kim Jaejoong’s P.O.V]


Why don’t you look at that. She’s not very happy to see me isn’t she? I came all the way here just to see her and all she could do is sigh in front of me?




Park Hyeri. If you’re not going to show any good expression until I count to 5. You’re so dead.










And I saw her bowed to her father’s order. Not even a single glance to me. Aish, this girl!


“Park Hyeri shii.. Please don’t make any coffee. Tea would be nice..” I said with a smirked.


Just then, she looked at me. More like glaring actually.


No worries my dear. I came this far, I might as well have fun.


[End of P.O.V]

The reason JYJ came to Hyeri’s house was because of work. According to their manager, they needed a change with the staging. The meeting was supposed to be among the staffs but Jaejoong insisted on coming to see Mr.Park himself. Giving reasons that he wanted to learn things about staging. But Yoochun and Junsu knew what his true motives were. They didn’t say anything but agree to their hyung’s suggestion.


Suddenly, Hyejin came running towards her dad. “Appa. Can I borrow Junsu oppa for a while?” she asked him.


Junsu looked up with a confuse look.


“Oppa, let’s play some games. I have X-box,” she baited him.


Yoochun smiled and nudged Junsu. “Yah, go and play. We’ll have the adult talk here,” he teased baby Junsu.


Junsu pouted. “Araso. Since I don’t know anything, I might as well go and play,” he replied and both of Hyejin and him excitedly went to play the X-box.


Yoochun and Jaejoong gave each other a look and laughed. To them, Junsu was the happiness that brightens them. They like to a lot. Due to Junsu’s gag, even looking at him makes them laugh.


“Oh, Pardon me. This is Michi. Hyeri’s bestfriend. They went to the same college,” Mr.Park introduced Michi to JYJ.


Michi smiled. “Annyoung.”


Both Jaejoong and Yoochun said their greetings. When Jaejoong glance at Yoochun, he frowned. Yoochun just can’t keep his eyes off her. Michi caught Yoochun red-handed, staring at her with his pupils. But then, she smiled at him.


Yoochun coughed. “Urm.. Now where were we?” he frowned to cover up his shyness.


Michi shrugged and excused herself to help Hyeri in the kitchen. “Hyeri ah~” she called.


“Oh Michi, what’s wrong?” Hyeri was busy cutting some fruits. She’s done with the tea.


“They’re hot,” Michi chuckled.


“No doubt.”


“You must so overjoyed..”

“Why would I?”


“He’s in your house.”






“Erk, excuse me,” a voice beamed. They turned and saw Jaejoong stood there with his innocent smile.


“I’ll just go..” Michi remarked and mouthed ‘hwaiting’ to her friend before making an exit.


“What do want Kim Jaejoong?” she asked annoyingly.


Jae didn’t answer her question. Instead, he walked and sat opposite to her, reaching for the fruit and shoved it into his mouth. “Fruits,” he answered while munching quietly.


There’s a silence.


Hyeri continued cutting the fruits without making any eye contact with him. The fact is… she didn’t dare too. Her heart just beats faster when she faces him.


“You’re not happy to see me?” he started while taking another piece into his mouth.


“Should I?”


“Of course you should. I’m Kim Jaejoong..”


She laughed. “And I’m supposed to feel happy about that?”


“Not everyone gets to see Kim Jaejoong in their house,” he grinned.


‘True,’ she agreed with him. “I’m just lucky my dad is your stage manager,” she replied and cut the last piece of the peach. “Done. Come on, help me with the tea,” she said and passed him the tray.


Hyeri was the first to walk to the living room. Jae was trailing behind her. When he was convinced no one was looking at their direction. He leaned closer to Hyeri and whispered to her ear. “Glad to see you again..” he said softly.


She flinched by his breath. She turned to face him but he’s already at the coffee table, placing the tray gently. Hyeri could feel her cheek bloomed. This is what happened when you face the famous Hallyu star that’s good in flirting.


 ‘Not again!’ she cursed under her breath and continued walking.


Hours have passed. Michi had returned home early. Yoochun felt very disappointed about it. He wanted to ask Hyeri for more details on Michi but he just didn’t have any courage too.


During the meeting about the staging, Hyeri just sat there. She felt like a statue between JYJ and her dad. Sit and watch. Despite she was there, Jae didn’t give any attention to her at all. He was there alright. But he was concentrating with his work.



Time goes by and she didn’t understand a thing on what they were saying, she started to yawn. She glanced to see Jaejoong’s serious face. Right there, the side of Jaejoong she adored.


‘Okay…..what was I thinking?’ she shook her head.


“Imma do my assignment upstairs,” she quickly excused herself. She did exchanged glances with Jaejoong. Instead of smiling, she just bowed and made her way to her room.


When she stepped in her room, all she could think was sleep. “I’ll just take a nap…” she assured and laid herself on the bed. A few seconds later, she dozed off.


It was a total let down to Jaejoong. He thought he could spend more time teasing her but his job came first. He bit his lips and took a glimpse at Hyeri’s bedroom door.


That morning, Hyeri woke up early than usual. She scratched her hair and sat on her bed. She blinked several times. After realizing that the sun was up, her heart ached. She overslept! And now, she can’t see Jaejoong for another week. Then, she hit her head lightly. “Pabo..What the hell you’re thinking?!”


Today, she had two classes and only in the mornings. She could return early and perhaps making lunch for Hyejin and her dad. After taking her bath and changed to her grey tee with cardigans, she marched to her wardrobe and started searching for her pink Chanel handbag. Then she remembered she placed it in the guest room.


The guest room was usually empty. They didn’t get any visitors except for their mother. So, Hyeri decided to take half of wardrobe to herself. It was full of her bags and some old clothes that she wanted to keep.


She went out of her room.  When she reached the door, she turned the knob and swung it open.


“My eyes must be playing with me,” she muttered.


Right there. She saw Kim Jaejoong, bearing his perfect abs to her with his dimmed jeans on.


She wanted to scream. However, Jae was faster to cup . “Shhuu..” he placed his fingers to his lips. Then, a smile crept. “Good Morning,” he whispered.


She shoved his cold hand away. “What are you doing here?” she asked.


“Can’t you tell?”


“You slept here?”


“Yes my princess..” he answered and wore his white tee. “Your dad insists us on staying. Our meeting ended later than we expected. Sleeping for a night won’t hurt,” he explained.


Hyeri can’t seem to swallow everything. Why not? She just saw the most well build abs in the world. Who wouldn’t be speechless?


Jaejoong waved to her face. “Are you there?” he asked with a grin.


Again, she could feel her face going all red and her heart skipped a beat.


Jae chuckled again and cupped her face with both of his cold hands. “You’re blushing hard, Hyeri,” he said with a soft voice.


“This is crazy,” she looked away.


“We both are..” Jae said in a very gentle tone. “Crazy for each other that is..” he beamed.


She frowned. Without saying a word to him, she looked away and hurriedly walked out of the room. Now, her breathing was getting heavy. Her heart was beating like crazy.


Jae was smiling to himself. Being honest to his heart, he likes her. A lot more than he expected. Although after the spilling coffee incident. What can he do? She swooned him with a kiss in the first place. Unknowingly, he fell for her.


After a nice breakfast, JYJ had to excuse themselves. They still have a photoshoot to attend to. Hyeri was to the first to reach for the door. As she swung it open, she saw a very familiar figure. Of course it was familiar. It was Minho.


Yes. The guy that dumped her. Causing her to kiss the Hallyu star Kim Jaejoong.


Eventually, after an unexpected meeting with Jaejoong, she had forgotten all about Minho.


Minho smiled weakly with a bouquet of flower in his hand. “Hi Hyeri,” he muttered.


“What-what are you doing here?” she stuttered. If Jaejoong sees this….


“Hyeri ah, I have to go now…” Jae came beside her. When he found Minho standing there with the flowers, his face darkened.


“Oh, hyung?” Minho frowned as he saw him. They knew each other when they were in the same company.


She noticed the changes in Jae’s expression and she knew Jae was not very pleasant to see Minho.


“So this is the Minho you’re talking about? It’s Choi Minho? Not Lee Minho..?” Jae asked sarcastically. Yes He’s jealous and yes he preferred to see Lee Minho as his rival and not this kid, Choi Minho. Why would she even feel sad about this kid anyway? His not as superior as he looks. Not to Jaejoong that is.


“Is there something I should know?” Minho asked. His eyes were fixed to the hyung in front of her.


“I-“ Before she could continue her words. Yoochun and Junsu appeared.


“Oh, Minho ah~” Yoochun’s expression was not happy either. He knew Jaejoong would feel something. He also knew Jae’s feeling towards Hyeri.


Junsu on the other hand, tried to clear things up. He didn’t want to see Jaejoong all mad, so he decided to drag him to the van.


“We’ll see you at Seoul concert, Hyeri ah~” Yoochun smiled weakly and followed s.


“What’s going on?” Minho blurted out.


Hyeri didn’t care to answer his question. Instead, she was more concern on what she had witnessed. She wondered if Jae hated her or anything. Just then, JYJ’s van drove out of sight. 



A/N: i guess this chapter is long isn't it? hehee. Please enjoy. Bytheway, do i still have readers? Really love to see your comments. It gives me all the support that i need. =) And Welcome to all my new subscriber~!! oh. and i have no grudge against Minho. Don't misunderstood me. heheh.


starlove: yeah~ they meet again~! <3 I hope you'll love this chapter.. ehhee

el4mjjeje: Don't worry, they'll get along~ but not just yet. Thanks for reading and commenting. *winks*
mydream_jae: awh~ you've waited for my update? Thank you! hope you like this long chappie.. =)
OnceUponATime: OMG~ you just made me imagine that way too. haha. i've updated and hope you enjoy it <33
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Chapter 16: Nice story author
Thanks for the beautiful story.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 16: Haha the ending is so funny xD
Keahun #3
Chapter 16: Love your jaejoong stories, more of it please, thanks.
starqueen #4
Chapter 16: i love this story ! one of the best stories ever !! :D
elfminoz #5
Chapter 16: So cute....love this story very much
redblossom07 #6
Chapter 16: omg! this is a cute story hehe!
really love this story...
oh while reading the part
where there's ghost
i can't help to imagine it
*if it happen to me I'm becoming so depressed really*
oh jaejoong is so sweetwhile confessing in japan
*if it happen to me I don't know what will be my reaction*
this story is daebak
new reader and subscriber
new reader & subscriber! really like this story especially the ending :)
im done! yiiey ~happy ending :))