Days, days, days. I’ve been counting. It’s been months already since I dropped by her house to see her beautiful face. Did she even notice my absence, too?

                Aigoo! Stop fooling yourself Yong yong.

                Since it’s still early, I closed my eyes to let myself go back to sleep just when Tiffany came screaming.

                “Oppa, I miss you!” she came shouting inside my room with the top of her lungs.

                From my MC recording last night, I decide to go home since it’s my free day today. Instead of staying at my condo unit, being bugged by the teen-age fan club stalking me and being burned by the heat of the paparazzi nagging about the break up, I think this house would be a nice refuge away from the disturbed life I’m having there.

                “Sweetie, it’s too early to talk now, you know that,” I spoke.

                “Don’t you miss your younger sister, oppa?” she suddenly pouted her cute lips.

                “Fanny Sweetie, I do miss you but oppa needs to sleep too,” I answered gradually, it was like I’m explaining to a six – year – old girl.

                “Fanny won’t let you go back to sleep if you won’t tell me about the famous break – up,” she black –mailed me.

                This girl was really annoying at the moment but I can’t resist her cute aegyo.

                “Arasso,” I sat up and leaned my back on the pile of pillows behind my back. “Ask. One by one.”

                “Why did you break up?” she asked attentively.

                “Because I caught him with another guy. He is an actor. His name is Jun Kyu. What else?” I know she wants details so I’m giving it to her.

                “How?” she followed – up.

                “I followed her and then waited until something happens. Then it happened that something really did happen so I confronted her and broke up with her directly. Cut off all communication with her and the end.” I ended but Tiffany spoke again.

                “What happened?”

                “Jun Kyu wrapped around Jin Yeon’s waist, like they were almost hugging and laughing at the same time. Well, it didn’t hurt my heart but it hurt my ego, so I confronted them and broke up with her right in front of him. Then they didn’t answer back so I drove off. So, is there anything else?”

                To my relief she shook her head and she began screaming again.

                “I need to call her, I need to call her, I need to tell...”

                She kept on spazzing until I cannot hear her voice anymore.

                I lay back on my bed and sleep.

                I don’t know how long I fell asleep until I was awaken by soft knocks out my door.


                “Mr. Jung wants you in his office, sir,” the small voice of a girl answered.

                “De, please tell him that I’ll be there in a minute,” I answered back.

I just fix myself and went directly to our study room, where I know dad is.

When I entered the room, my dad was sitting at the center table but facing his back towards me. When he noticed that I arrived he turned his swivel chair and faced me.

“Sit down, son.”

“What’s up, appa?” I asked him while I sat at the settee fronting the center table.

“I’m not getting any younger,” he spoke.

“What do you mean?” I feel the anxiety stream to my nerves.

“I just can’t give the CEO slot to anybody, and you know that,” he paused and then spoke again. “I want you to choose, son. Is it your singing career or be the next CEO of the company we own?”

“Appa...” I don’t know what to say. I just can’t leave my band mates, I just can’t do that. But I cannot also refuse dad’s offer. But now is just not the right time.

“I’m not giving you all the pressure, Yong Hwa. I’m giving you time to think about it and decide.”


The conversation inside the study room was really unbelievable.

I just can’t decide now.

“If you’ll accept my offer to be the next CEO, I want you to study back at the States and come back here with degree.”

I’ll be leaving again Korea. But how can it be? How about my passion, my passion for music? I just can’t leave it here like nothing happened.

I must decide what’s best for me.

Aish! The offer was really making me crazy at the moment.

I went back to my bedroom and showered.

I need water to freshen up my heating mind.

I must think about it all over and over again like how I think of her.


It was my free day, I thought staying here for today would give me relief but it was the way around.

I closed my eyes and saw her angel – liked face. Seeing here really calms me. I really need to see her now.

I decided to drove off to Hyun’s house.

As I drive going inside the real estate, I saw Tiffany, her face was really gleeful when she waved at me, and so I waved back.

I assume that she just came from Hyun’s house.

Before I let my car enter Hyun’s gate, the guard check on me.

Good thing he knows me already so he let me pass.

Many paparazzi were outside the gate, I think maybe waiting for some news about Seo Hyun that I know they will not have.

I contemplated for how many minutes before I climbed down my car and went to Hyun’s entrance. The door was not locked so I opened it directly without knocking.

There I saw her, sitting calmly, she was like a princess sitting modestly on her throne.

She was just staring at me so I greeted her.

                “Anyong,” she doesn’t seem to respond so I kidded. “Ya, you seem to have seen a ghost.”

                “Yo~ng,” she spoke my name again, she was the only one calling me that way and I like it.

                I laugh courtly and spoke lowly. “You’re indeed a stress reliever.”

                “De?” I asked.

                “Hyu~n,” I changed the topic.

                She pouted her thin lips and spoke with eyebrows crossed. “Oppa, you said something.”

                What? Did this girl just call me oppa? Of course guys like it when a cute girl like her would call us oppa.

“You just called me, oppa?”

                “Huh?” she seemed puzzled by my question and then spoke again. “Oppa? Of course I’ll call you oppa, you are two years older than me.”

                I smirked. How could this girl not know that guys today really like it when girls call them that way. I shook my head gradually.

                “Waeyo?” she asked. I know she was still curious.

                I waved my hand and spoke, “Ande, ande, arasso. You’ll call me oppa because I’m older than you. Yong – oppa.”

                Then she would only be the girl calling me that way.

                 “Oppa, Tiffany just went here.” She changed the subject.

                “De, we happen to pass each other’s car and just waved,” I responded.

                “Waving while driving?” she suddenly seemed edgy. It’s nice to feel that she was concerned.

                “I’m here now, so, kwenchaneyo,” I spoke arrogantly.

                She just shook her head gradually and offered something to eat.

                I was eating when I noticed Hyun thinking deeply.

                “Ya, stop moping there,” I chided her.

                “Anyo,” she answered.

“You eat, too,” I offered.

                “I’m full,” she responded.

                “Arasso,” I just let her be I then continue eating.

                “Oppa, I need to go---“ I know what she’s up to so I stopped her.

                “Hyu~n, won’t you entertain your guest?” I said.

                “But oppa---“

                “Arasso,” I know she’s getting uneasy again. Around me? But we are close now.  Then I added, “Mind if I sleep at your living room?”

                She shook her head that only means that she agrees.

                I smiled.

                She did not smile back but instead turned her back towards me and walk but I caught her hand. She looked at me. I’m aware that I’m still wearing the curve on my lips.

                I think that whenever I smile this way her eyes would suddenly feel agitated and I love teasing her more.

                “Wae?” she asked. I can feel the tense she has right now.

                “Can I have your mobile number?” I remembered that I don’t have her number so I asked for it.

                “De,” she gave me the number hurriedly and suddenly walked away.

                I gradually shook my head.

                What’s with me that makes my stress reliever weird around me?

                Is it my smile or is she just like that everytime she’s around with guys?

                I did not sleep but just rested my back on sofa. I keep on looking at the picture frames where Hyun’s face where attached.

                What a nice sight to relieve stress.

                I decided to be earlier at the practice to meet my band mates so I asked nanny to check on Hyun.

                When she returned she said that Hyun was sleeping.

                “Can I take a glance of her, sleeping?” I asked Nanny.

                “Go, just don’t wake her up or that you caught her sleeping. You know she make small issues, hot issues,” she replied.

                I grinned at her.

                I went upstairs and went to Hyun’s door, it’s the first time I went upstairs to see her in her own sanctuary.

                I twirled the door knob and was about to push the door but an unknown force told me not to do so. So I ended up writing a note to her. Invading her personal sanctuary was not a good idea. I should wait for the time that she’ll invite me in.

I hope she’ll invite me in her heart, too.  My naughty mind added.


                                I can’t say goodbye to you personally since

Nanny said you have fallen asleep up there.

I need to be early for our practice so I better go now.

                                See you some other time, and please let me see again the honest

                                smile you  have that makes my stressful day lighten up.

                                Call you later.


                I think, because I know now that Hyun is Seo Hyun, maybe she should know that I am the head – over heels – stalker she had back in Los Angeles. The “J”.

                I will be back here, Hyun. Just to see your sweet honest smile.

                Then I drove off to our practice room.

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Chapter 40: Daebak ^ - ^ because I really like your story ♡
oniongring #2
Chapter 40: I swear this is the best fanfic I've read! I love the storyline, I love that the happy ending didnt come easily, I love the way you portrayed their personalities and feelings! I'll be re reading this for sure! :)
Chapter 40: Waw! It's enough for me to vote!
Am I late? :o
Chapter 22: So many I love you o.o
I was so in love with this story! Wow! Thanks for writing this book author-nim... I had o much fun reading it.
ann11073 #6
such a good story, i so love it. :D
haha! I've been waiting for this aince MFAOL ended!! yay!! epilogue soon?!
blankdocument #8
yay!!! you update<br />
LOL, I write this comment before I read the story<br />
thank you ^^V
kanne_lyn29 #9
cant wait for the next chapter xD :]]
kinkitxr #10
Thanks for the chapter. I hope Yonghwa and Seohyun will reconcile soon.