As I finished reading the post, I looked at Hyun who was still stranded on her disbelief. It seemed like she has her world on her own. She didn’t notice that we are just at her back, just watching her ordeal.

What’s with this girl that I can’t resist controlling my emotions anymore? It’s like I felt her dreadfulness, her awfulness, her misery, her terror. Like I was experiencing what she’s experiencing. I was concerned about her, of course since she’s a friend. But this feeling was too different like I just want to hold her close and would wish that she’ll turn over to me her terror. That it would be okay if it’s me who feels the agony, just not her, not my Seo Hyun.

Even though it was not yet confirmed, I just have the consciousness that she is my Seo Hyun, my glamorous Seo Hyun, the president of my heart.

It wounded my heart more when I see those fluids running through her cheeks then to her chin. It was flowing copiously.

Tiffany was the first one who moved, she wiped Hyun’s tears using her handkerchief. We just followed her. Hyun did not progress, she was just standing there, staring at us blankly. I took off my shades and placed it on her so people will not see her tears but I can still see her tears falling under my shades. Joon placed his cap on Hyun so people would not know that it’s her.

 “Unnie,” she uttered. I was confused. Is  she referring to Yuri – noona? She spoke again the same thing. “Unnie.”

“She need Yoona, Yoona and I are one year ahead of her but since Joo Hyun took advance classes, she accelerated and cope with us. I heard from Yoona that whenever Joo Hyun experiences dire times, she would always go first to Yoona and let Yoona comfort her. She would then call Yoona, unnie. A form of defense mechanism.” Tiffany explained.

“Regression,” I added.

People are beginning to notice so we decided to walk away from the post. I held Hyun to guide her since she doesn’t seem to move.

I don’t have time to think about my class. Hyun’s security is more important than my class. Hyun is more important. There I go again, I began thinking why am I feeling this way? What’s with her?

We were already far from the bulletin board when we encountered Leeteuk. His eyes was really curious.

“We need your help,” I spoke to him, he was still curious. “Well explain later. We just have to hide from the people around.”

“Okay, follow me,” he answered.

I know that Leeteuk was still mystified but he managed to lead us to the Student Body Council office. All of us went inside. I let Hyun sat on the settee as Tiffany sat beside her and began wiping her tears again. Her tears were endless.

“Unnie,” Hyun uttered again.

“Maybe we need to call Yoona,” I suggested.

“De, I’ll call her,” Joon spoke.

He began dialling and called.

“The other council are in their classes, so it’s okay if we stay here longer. But can anyone tell me what’s happening?” Leeteuk spoke curiously.

I explained to him everything.

“I should remove that post,” Leeteuk stated.

He took the cluster of keys from the office table.

“Yoona’s coming,” Joon informed us.

“Great, nice timing. I might as well dodge,” Leeteuk joked and left.

We waited until Yoona came. It’s the first time I see her wearing jeans and over – sized top. It was obvious that she was in a hurry that she doesn’t even think about her look.

She directly reached Hyun and hugged the latter tightly.

 “Unnie... what’s with me?... Why does it always have to be me?... I want to go home... Oh, unnie,” Hyun was sobbing but her words were still understandable even she was stammering.

Yoona faced Hyun, she took off the shades Hyun is wearing and talked. The rivers of tears that Hyun was hiding came flowing plentifully.

“Everything’s going to be alright, arrasso?” Yoona consoled her while holding her back then she hugged her again.

I just looked at them. They looked like sisters, as the younger girl cry, the elder sister consoles her.

Few minutes later, Yoona spoke to us.

“She’s asleep. She must be stress out, worrying about her ghastly situation,” Yoona took the round pillow placed beside her and put it on her lap. Tiffany helped Yoona lay Hyun on the latter’s lap.

Tiffany and Joon sat together at the guest chairs fronting the office table just as Leeteuk arrived bringing the poster.

He sat on the chair behind the office table. He was reading the post so I moved towards him. I leaned my back on the wall behind the office table. Leeteuk was just silent but I eyed him looking at Yoona sometimes. He placed the post on the office table.

The face of Seo Hyun and Hyun. No difference at all, only the colour of the hair.

“Please, don’t remind S about what just happened,” Yoona requested.

All of us just nodded.

Minutes later I saw Hyun move. She was sitting straight already and looked at us curiously. We were just silent and just looked back at her full of understanding. Her expression abruptly changed from curiosity to surprise.  This girl really is something, she can invite anyone to her world just with her looks.

 “It’s almost our class,” Hyun broke the silence.

The room was suddenly filled with laughter.

She did not react. She looked at Yoona who just grinned beside her.

All of us decided to prepare for our next class, acting like nothing has happened.

“Where will you lair while waiting for lunch?” Hyun spoke to Yoona because Yoona was the only one who was not moving.

She seemed thinking deeply when Leeteuk spoke.

“You can stay here in the office while we go to our classes.” He spoke while browsing a folder. “The other councils were also having their classes, they’ll just come here after taking their lunch.”

Yoona seemed to think first but then said “Okay.”

They were both awkward, they can’t look directly towards each other. Leeteuk spoke again and was now looking at Yoona.

“You can use my laptop while waiting for us so you won’t get bored.”

“De,” Yoona replied thoughtlessly.

“The password is... never mind I’m going turn it on for you.” Leeteuk offered but was embarrassed.

Joon and I laughed meaningfully.

I remembered the time we used Leeteuk’s laptop and asked about its password. ‘ISTILLOVEYOU’. That’s the password all in upper case. We were bewildered before because he is still going out with Sun Kye and asked why he would use that password.

So the girl is Yoona, I just realized it now.

Leeteuk placed his laptop on his table and offered it to Yoona. “Here you go.”

Yoona stood up and sat on the chair behind the table.

All of us left Yoona alone in the office.

The guys walked the girls to their class and we set off.

When we entered our classroom, the welcoming features of our classmates met us. We just bowed and smiled.

Since there are still time, I decided to ask Leeteuk about Jin Yeon.

“You’re my friend right?” I started.

“Of course,” he seemed to be puzzled. “Waeyo?”

Joon beside us just listened.

“About Jin Yeon, about her secrets and lies,”

“Now is not the right time talk about it,” his voice was low but was understandable. “I’ll drop by your unit later.”

I nodded. Our class was fine and as we finished we proceeded directly to the cafeteria just as what we planned earlier.

All of us met inside the cafeteria and chose to sit at the farthest corner, connecting two tables so we would fit.

As gentlemen the guys were the one who ordered the food.

“Thank you for the food,” we chorused and ate our lunch.

“Oppas, are you aware of the new variety show of the MBC?” Yoona came out with.

We nodded.

“Waeyo?” Joon asked.

“We Got Married, the name’s interesting,” she answered and was playing with her juice

“Do you want to get married now?” Tiffany asked her lightly.

“Ani, the name’s just appealing,” Yoona made clear.

“Do you know what the variety show is all about?” I asked Yoona.

“Aniyo,” Yoona responded.

“It’s all about two stars that are randomly paired. They will live together as virtual husband and wife for the rest of the shoot.” I explained. Live together? I looked at Hyun. Will I live with her forever? Aish! Dream on Yong Hwa.

“Living together? As in together in one house?” Yoona asked surprised.

“Only for the shooting days,” I clarified. “I think it will be okay since there are lots of staffs around taking the videos, so they will not be alone together. That always goes on variety shows. You just act normally but the cameras are still rolling.”

Yoona nodded.

We conversed more about various things when the girls decided to go to the powder room. We, guys just waited for them.

I was resting my back on the chair’s leaner when I heard clicks. I turned to where the clicks are from. I was surprised when I saw lots of paparazzi by the girl’s rest room.

I can see the three girls behind the paparazzi, who are these paparazzi up to?

Leeteuk, Joon and I wore our shades and signalled the girls to run away. But it seemed like they can’t move away since the paparazzi are pressing towards Hyun. So, are they here for Hyun?

Yoona was the only one who escaped from the crowd. No doubt since she’s an actress. She got used to this crowd but how about my sister and Hyun?

The crowd became silent then when Hyun spoke with her pleasant, girly, soft voice. The politeness that she’d been having since the first time I talk to her was present.

“Please, be gentle and stop pushing each other. I would answer every question that you will throw if you just behave.”

The paparazzi asked lots of question that I can’t almost cope up with.

The press stopped when Hyun signalled to stop them.

 “Yes, Seo Joo Hyun and Seo Hyun are one.”

The moment I’ve been waiting for. The truth I’ve been hoping for was now right in front of me, slapping me so I would believe it.

“I am the famous model Seo Hyun from Los Angeles who modelled for Im Yin Hye...” Hyun added. She was still talking but I can’t absorb it anymore.

My mind was already full with the confession that I just heard. Hyun is my Seo Hyun. Just as what I have perceived.

Will everything be normal again knowing that the only girl I became crazy of is a close friend of mine who I was concern to? A family friend who I always think of? My girlfriend’s foster sister who I was falling with?

“I know they will not stop until they will find the truth. That’s already enough to let them stay away from me... for a while. I know that someday issues about me will come again, but I have to endure it the same as I endure it just a while ago.” I heard Hyun spoke in front of us.

I did not notice that she was already here.

What took her so long to confess this thing? It is because she’s just protecting herself so people won’t show interest towards her? But she should tell it to us earlier since we are the people whom she can trust to.

Hyun was in front of me now and was waiting something from me. “De?”

“Sorry, for lying to you, for not telling you that I’m the Seo Hyun,” she stated.

I don’t know how to respond her so I just nodded.

All of us drove off and left the university.

Yoona drove my car when she came. She returned my key and told me that she’ll drive for Hyun.

As I drove to my unit I was still thinking about what just happened. It was still early in the afternoon but it seemed like a long day already.

As I arrived at my unit I dropped my body directly on my sofa for being exhausted about the happenings. I did not notice that I fell asleep out of thinking so much.

I was woken up when somebody rang my doorbell.

I looked at my doorbell’s monitor and found out that it’s Leeteuk.

I opened the door and let him in.

“How long have you been outside?” I asked him.

“A while,” he answered as he sat on the sofa I was sleeping from.

“I fell asleep,” I explained. I sat on the carpeted floor.

“Just as what I expected,” he replied.

Leeteuk stood up and went towards my kitchen, when he returned, he came bringing four beers in can. He gave me one and placed the others on the centre table fronting the sofa.

“Ya, it’s still too early to get drunk,” I stated but opened the can and drank.

“Two beers for each of us won’t get us drunk. And who told you that it’s still early?” He came back with.

I looked at the clock hanging above my flat screen television. It’s already a quarter past nine in the evening. I was indeed exhausted sleeping for almost six hours.

“You know dude, I don’t want to get in the way with your relationship with Jin Yeon,” Leeteuk started. “Have you notice that she’s been acting peculiar lately?”

I thought for a while and answered. “Ani, but I received from Uncle Joon Seok and Yuri – noona that Jin Yeon was always out lately.”

“What else?” he followed up but was calm.

I remembered that Jin Yeon would not call me anymore to drive her to her schedule which is great but it’s weird though. Before she would literally forced me to go fetch her and would always use her aegyo.

What else? She seldom text or call me these days, she would just call to tell me her schedule and remind me not to fetch her anymore since she has a driving manager. Before, I would receive at least fifty messages from her every day.

“You realized something, right?” Leeteuk disturbed my thoughts.

“What do you know?” I asked him straight.

“She’s dating another guy,” he answered me calmly.

I inspected my feelings. My heart was just beating normally, I breathe evenly, I was disappointed but not to the point that I was hurt. I was in fact happy, relieved, but why? Did I fall out of love for Jin Yeon unnoticeably?

“Just as what I thought,” Leeteuk grinned.

I looked at him with crossed eyebrows.


“You don’t love her truly, dude,” He said. He laughed and drank his beer. He spoke again. “You just took notice of her and forced yourself to think that you love her. But the truth is you just love the way she show you an innocent personality, not her.”

I just looked at him still thinking about what he said.

“She just acts the way your ideal type acts,” he added. “The pure and innocent type you would always answer everytime you were interviewed during television shows. Acting is really her talent though.”

“What made you sure that she’s just acting?” I asked him.

“I heard Jin Yeon and Sun Kye talking about you. Jin Yeon stated that she got tired of acting the pure and innocent girl you wanted her to be. She also stated that she just go out with you to raise her popularity.”

I remembered Tiffany’s dire perception about Jin Yeon. So, that is true.

                I don’t want to believe anything but I know Leeteuk won’t make stories like this.

                The next day I borrowed a car from dad, the one Jin Yeon haven’t seen. I followed her riding on her van with her driving manager.

                Her driving manager went with her inside the studio bringing her hand bag, an unusual manner, sometimes driving manager would just stay inside the van.

                It took me a lot of patience to wait for her to come out.

                When she come out, it was already dark. There were no other people around. Her driving manager’s arms were around her waist, wait I know that guy. He’s an actor, too. He is Shin Jun Kyu, a new debuted actor.

They were still talking at that spot so I went outside my car and confront them.

Jin Yeon and Jun Kyu were very surprised when I came smiling at them. Their faces were almost white because of shock. Jun Kyu suddenly removed his arms around Jin Yeon’s waist.

“Guess, I don’t have to explain why I want to break up with you,” I smiled at Jin Yeon. She bowed her head because of shame.

“Thank you for answering my prayers,” I spoke to Jun Kyu who was just silent. Guilt was in his eyes. “Well... take care of her.”

I left them and drove off to my unit.

Girls are really great problems.

I made a resolution that I will not make close relationship with girls again, even if it is Hyun.

I am not angry at her. I just can’t accept the fact that she doesn’t trust me enough to tell me that she’s Seo Hyun, the one I’ve been asking her with. What’s with this girl that really makes me think of her whenever the word ‘girl’ is the issue?

It’s because she is unique. I never meet anyone like her.

But my presence qualms her, the incident when our photos were posted was indeed terrifying to her. If I would go and see her in the future, I know more issues about us will arise that would terrify her more. I need to be tough and do anything just to make her happy again. The only way I know is to stay away from her, I know that she will be okay if I am by her side, but being also by her side really worries her a lot.

So no more girls Yong Hwa for now, focus on your career.

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Chapter 40: Daebak ^ - ^ because I really like your story ♡
oniongring #2
Chapter 40: I swear this is the best fanfic I've read! I love the storyline, I love that the happy ending didnt come easily, I love the way you portrayed their personalities and feelings! I'll be re reading this for sure! :)
Chapter 40: Waw! It's enough for me to vote!
Am I late? :o
Chapter 22: So many I love you o.o
I was so in love with this story! Wow! Thanks for writing this book author-nim... I had o much fun reading it.
ann11073 #6
such a good story, i so love it. :D
haha! I've been waiting for this aince MFAOL ended!! yay!! epilogue soon?!
blankdocument #8
yay!!! you update<br />
LOL, I write this comment before I read the story<br />
thank you ^^V
kanne_lyn29 #9
cant wait for the next chapter xD :]]
kinkitxr #10
Thanks for the chapter. I hope Yonghwa and Seohyun will reconcile soon.