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murderer - teaser

"murder is born of love, and love attains the greatest intensity in murder" —— Octave  Mirbeau

"Doctor Zhang, a phone call for you."


"I'll be right there," Yixing called back, snapping his notebook shut. He slipped it into his pocket and turned to take the phone. "Hello?"


"Zhang Yixing?" the voice on the other end was panicky, like it was in danger.


"This is he," Yixing paused. "Sir, are you alright?"


"This is Kim Joonmyeon," the man said. "I'm sure you remember me. I'm Kim Minseok's brother."


"Kim Minseok?" Yixing's grip on the phone tightened. "Why are you calling?"


"Yixing," Joonmyeon said, his voice cracking. "Minseok, he…" a sob escaped from his throat. "Someone… someone murdered him."



"What the hell do you mean someone murdered him?" the young man demanded, typing furiously away at his computer. "When did this happen?"


"About some time ago, Jongdae," Joonmyeon replied. "I've always been trying to call you, but you never picked up…" Jongdae rolled his eyes. Of course he never picked up. What business did he have to do with him?


"And what do you want me to do about me?" Jongdae clenched his teeth, turning around in his chair. "I don't want any thing to do with him."


"But…" Joonmyeon sighed. "Jongdae, he was once your best friend. You need to understand…"



A man with black hair was drowning down a drink when his phone rang noisily.


"God dammit," th

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