` 002 - Skyping daddy.

Daddy's Girl





Ga Eul sighed for what seemed to be the nth time that hour, because Daeha just wouldn't stop crying. It had started when Jongwoon had left for the Super Show tour, at 3:30 that morning and hadn't stopped since.

Of course, it would have been a lot easier to calm Daeha down, had she not seen her father as he left. Clumsy moron that he is, Jongwoon had managed to drop his duffel bag and proceeded to trip over it. The commotion had woken Daeha and she'd come bolting out of her room to see what was happening.

The waterworks had started as soon as he'd kissed her forehead and shut the door.

Now Ga Eul rarely lost her temper, preferring to deal with things calmly, but having a wailing toddler refusing to move from the front door (which was securely locked), Ga Eul felt her self-control starting to dissolve.

Finally, she'd had enough and slammed her hands down on the kitchen table, startling Daeha and making her turn to face Ga Eul with watery eyes, "You," Ga Eul growled, "Go to your room, now. And don't come out until I call you." Stalking into the office, she heard Daeha sniffle as she did as she was told, closing her bedroom door quietly and the tell-tale creaks of bed springs told Ga Eul she was on her bed.

Ga Eul felt a little ashamed of herself, growling at her daughter like that, but there was only so much wailing her patience could take and she'd reached her limit.

Switching on the computer, Ga Eul tapped her fingers impatiently as it warmed up and her fingers slid over the keyboard as she hurriedly typed the password in.

Once the computer was fully functional, Ga Eul opened up Skype, finding Jongwoon's contact easily and felt relieved to see the little green bubble; indicating he was online. She quickly typed him a message;

Ga.Eul; You free for a few minutes?

She fidgeted slightly before she received a reply;

KimJ.Woon; I've got half an hour, what's up?

Ga.Eul; Daeha hasn't stopped crying since you left and I've just about lost my temper.

KimJ.Woon; Get her with you. I'll call in a minute. Be warned, I've got some nosey dongsaengs around.

Ga.Eul; When don't you have them around?

Turning away from the screen for a moment, Ga Eul called for Daeha and almost immediately, she heard the door open and little footsteps scurrying towards the office.

"Yes, mummy?"

Daeha's little black head of hair peeked inside the office, eyes still puffy and red from her crying, but at least she wasn't wailing anymore.

"Come here, sweetheart. Mummy's got something to show you."

Daeha ran into her mother's arms, settling herself on Ga Eul's lap as she gripped the edge of the desk for balance. She nearly fell off in surprise, as the screen lit up with her daddy's picture.

Ga Eul moused over the receive call button and clicked it.

All at once, the big computer screen was filled with a sighing Jongwoon, a hyperacive EunHae pair and a glaring Sungmin.


Donghae and Eunhyuk stopped fooling about abruptly, as Daeha squealed at the sight of her father. Jongwoon's face split into a grin as he waved at her through the computer, "How's my baby girl?"

"Daddy, where are you? Did you leave mummy?" Daeha's eyes got big and watery again, tears threatening to spill over, when Jongwoon and Ga Eul started to laugh loudly.

"No baby," Jongwoon managed, trying desperately not to fall off his chair as the other eavesdropping Super Junior members cracked up laughing too, "Daddy had to leave for work. I'll be home in a few days, okay?"


"I promise baby girl. So what's up?"

Ga Eul got up, adjusted the seat to Daeha's height and set the girl on it, "You talk to daddy, while I go and make some lunch, okay?" Daeha nodded, not really paying attention as she told her father about all the pictures she was going to draw for him when he got back home.

As Ga Eul slipped out of the office, Daeha decided that maybe Daddy going away for a while, wasn't such a bad thing after all.


I hate it when people go away ; A ; and you can't call them because they're in another country and phone calls are expensive and then the timezeones mess you up and ugh. This happened when my mum went to Canada for a month and omfg I missed her... Although we argue like crazy.

xoxo Raine

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gaofushuai #1
Chapter 2: I'm curious with the rest chap
Will u post it ?
Chapter 1: Cutie Yeye *^*
This is soooo cute :3
Update soon ;) Hwaiting <3
gaofushuai #3
Chapter 1: Aww~~ ♥
Love this!!!
Can't wait for next chap ^^
oppastongue #4
Chapter 1: Daddy Jongwoon. this could be the best one yet.