Split Personality?

A Prince Of Many Stories


 Princess MiNa POV      


---------------------------------------------------No discussion… Thursday 14th 11:39

               It started on the off period, when words surged across the ears of slightly tired individuals---who had just gotten to school.

“May I have your attention?” asked Kwangmin, I take my head out of my folded arms looking up at the front of the class room

“Yo’ Prez what is it?” I ask from my seat, since no one bothered to ask.

“We’re holding a party on this Saturday. We just want to have a little fun, and we welcome everyone. Since everyone’s going to have fun we’ll call it the Ball,” he tells in that deep voice of his. I extend my thumb at him

“I’m coming then,” I informed and my eyes slowly wander away from his smiling face over to the desk in front of me the one that was currently empty. Niel usually beat me to school but ever since the incident…he’s a little---off his routine. Now that I think back on the incident at the basketball court---he wasn’t himself, and I wasn’t myself either. Before I could think back on yesterday’s event, in walked Niel. He looked normal, and he smiled once he sat down. It was kind of awkward with him sitting there. The words got jumbled in my throat, and I bit my tongue lightly afraid to bring up the---problem. Niel turns to me and I avoid eye contact,

“Um…MiNa we need---,” RINNGGG! The bells cut him off and strictly a minute afterwards, Mr.Park walked in while Kwangmin moved away from that girl---what was her name? He called her Smiles all the time, so now I think that’s her real name.

“So class, today we’re going across to the west—America,” he told us, rolling the map over the polished white board. Everyone took out their notebooks, I lazily copycatted and looked through my bag for a writing utensil. Much to my dismay, all I found was a box of pencil erasers. I scratch my head sighing until Niel turns to me

“What’s wrong?” he asked in a worried whisper. My eyes flash to the side as I wave him off

“Nothing,” I tell him. I can see that he watches me with disbelief growing in his head, but he listens to me and returns to his own desk. I look over at the person who sits at my side---

“Hey Kwangmin can I borrow a pencil?” I ask him. In the midst of his diligent note-taking, he fish’s a pencil out of his desk. I take it

“Thank you!”I whisper. I turn back to my desk satisfied, and I notice a balled up fist on the spiral spine of my writing log. Naturally I scale gradually up to the face of the angry fist’s owner; when I should’ve known instantly that it belonged to---

“Mina …you couldn’t ask me?” Niel roars in a husky whisper. A blaze of surprise flares up on his face. Why is he getting so mad all of a sudden about stupid crap---one might ask? I don’t know but he’s not being very friend-like if you ask me. Mr. Park slowly looks over and I leave Niel unanswered to start on my notes.

“Mr. Ahn do you know America well?” he asks while pulling his arm away from the board to face Niel. Niel looks a little frightened he was never the of any teachers humiliating jokes…until now. He turns back to his desk

“No sir,” he politely says. Mr. Park nodded

“And tell me do you want to ace this unit?” he asked the braniac. Niel nods slightly

“Really? Would you like to scoot you r desk all the way to the front? See I’m helping you, you won’t be able to talk to anyone, and you’ll definitely get all your notes done,” he has a chipper voice and Niel shakes his head vigorously

“I’m sorry Mr. Park I’ll be quiet,” he told and Mr. Park returns to the board. All of our classmates who were staring quickly return to their papers.  It was really silent after that except for the expo marker on the board, and Mr. Park’s soothing voice.

---------------------------------------------------------------Niel POV

          “MiNa wait up!” I exclaimed from my seat, but she pretended to not hear me and proceeded exiting World History. I gritted my teeth, and shoved my belonging’s in my bag, so that I could chase her down. Ever since the Minwoo thing at the basketball court---it seemed like our friend status dropped in one day tops! I walked out into the hallway and MiNa was nowhere to be found---gone like the wind. I stomp walking away towards second period which was Math for me, and lucky for me L.joe was there—maybe he could clear this up---yeah right he’s been out of love ever since----her.

          I took my seat in the back of the class room, where L.joe had curled up on his desk, with his earbuds in, he had in a g-dragon song---Heartbreaker

“L.joe you really shouldn’t be listening to stuff like that,” He takes his head out of his arms, to glare at me

“If you promise that you won’t tell me what to do, and I promise I won’t kick the SugarHoneyIceTea out of you,” he grins propping his head up by his strong arms, “So anyway’s  before Mr. Woo comes in---what was up with you hanging up on me yesterday?” he questions turning the music down on his mp3.

“It wasn’t all that bad---okay it was, I got mad,” I start off seeing L.joe’s eyebrow raise

“You? You got mad?!” he didn’t believe it---I was normally mellow, and chill.

*Flashback*------------------------------------------------------Wham! Wednesday 13th 4:45


“Yeah. So um, you guys won’t be mad right?”

“No, in fact we’re glad---,” Niel’s index finger presses something on the screen when he looked away from the mobile device; clicking out of the conversation. Though talking to L.joe was the least of an occupation for the moment. His nemesis was hugging tightly to MiNa---he must’ve shown up when Niel was busy talking with L.joe. MiNa smiled her black cherry red hair was pulled out of its hold by the little bobby pin that once lied in her hair, causing her long tresses to tumble to her back.

Minwoo!” she exclaimed giving him a loving hug. Niel already planted both of his feet down on the ground to break up the greeting between the two

*I hate him so much!* Niel shouted inside, he appears next to the two clearing his throat. MiNa releases with a smile

“You remember Niel?!” she tilts her head at Niel who isn’t as friendly. Minwoo smiled turning his cap around to the back of his head

“Yeah, the crybaby. What’s up Niel!?” he teases holding a hand out to Niel. MiNa actually giggled at his remark, before she came to her senses (because a growl surfaced Niel’s vocal chords)

“Don’t say that,” she lightly hits him. Niel reluctantly takes Minwoo’s hand and shakes his hand firmly while he shoots hatred in his direction

“I thought you went away,” Niel says to him rather than giving a greeting. Minwoo can read Niel’s expression well; though MiNa doesn’t seem to be focused on him but on Minwoo

“Me too! But it’s good that your back,”

“I was hoping you’d be gone forever,” Niel sighed breathlessly

“Come again Daniel?” asked Minwoo moving away from MiNa so that he would hear Niel’s answer if he mumbled once again

“ I said that I thought you would be gone forever,”

“Good thing I won’t---now I can be with my friends,” his eyes glare back at Niel. MiNa turns away

“Boys! Here, you guys seem to be in a confrontation.  Squash this with a game of basketball!” she came back to the opponents bearing a black basketball that was usually used for school tournaments. Niel took it with a fierce gaze, and Minwoo packed the same amount of fury in his eyes.

          Niel started off and he dribbled eyeing the basketball, his rough drops of the ball made a hollow sound echo from each pound. He made sure to keep the ball out of Minwoo’s reach,  being taller than him helped a bit as he jumped up and threw the ball to the open mouth of the hoop. It flew over the outstretched hand of Minwoo and entered the hoop. He smiled as Minwoo took the ball into his hands throwing at Niel so that it nearly hit him in the head

“What can’t handle street ball?” he asked

“We’re playing basketball,” Niel rectifies bouncing the ball back and forth. Minwoo grinned

“Basketball is for chumps. Let’s play streetball,” he suggests. Niel doesn’t have time to think about it when Minwoo slaps the basketball out of his grasp and starts speeding off the goal. Within seconds the shorter male had successfully made a basket. He sees the scowl on Niel’s face

“I never said yes,” he spits

“You didn’t say no either. So now we’re playing streetball,” he goes towards the basketball pole again

“Hey!” Niel growls aiming for the ball but sadly his attempt to recapture the basketball was foiled when Minwoo maneuvered in time, also ramming his elbow into Niel’s back to push him down on the wood. The sound of the basketball hitting the board and squeezing through the net and finally falling towards the ground; fills Niel’s ears angering him. He was getting up when Minwoo made another shot. Niel looked towards Minwoo who smiled with a taunting glare

“Something wrong? Mad that MiNa doesn’t want you? I don’t blame her---I’m the best,” he says focusing on the goal, noticing Niel try to steal the ball. Minwoo whirls around once Niel lunged and he sent him to the ground a second time with a kick in the spine.

“Fudge,” Niel breathes into the ground, letting two shots go by as he finally builds up the strength to get up on his feet. Minwoo turns to MiNa

“You’re rooting for me babe?!” he asked with a wide a smile. MiNa gives him a thumbs up

“You’re doing good guys,” she tries to be encouraging to both. Minwoo turns to the furious Niel who guns for the ball once more

“What him? He’s getting creamed!” Minwoo busts out in laughter. Niel balls up a fist and socks Minwoo across the face. MiNa was stunned at what she just witnessed. But that punch was also something that made Niel scared of his strength, Niel watches Minwoo stop stammering and he raised his leg to whip it across Niel’s face, forcing him sideways. Niel returned and raised his fist sending quick jabs with deadly impacts as his adrenaline seeps into his veins and hits him pretty hard. He didn’t allow Minwoo one punch, or kick in the fight. MiNa screamed his name, but his anger fluxed through him like a sudden euphoria---taking over him, in a state that felt—great.  MiNa kicks Niel in the back with all her force

“NIEL!” she screams doing it again. This time he turned around so fast and gripped her arms

“WHAT?!” he shouted breathing hard. Minwoo gets up, lucky for him only his chest and stomach were bombarded. He pulls MiNa out of Niel’s grasp

“MiNa…,” he said a little weak, protectively holding her. Niel looks at Minwoo

“Niel what got into you?! You just started attacking Minwoo! I never knew you were such a sore loser,” she barks ushering the injured boy towards the exit. Niel takes a breather.

The results were that:

Minwoo was fine, he just had a bruised and sore, stomach. He blocked most of Niel’s uncoordinated attacks of fury. And Minwoo refused to tattle tell(what a baby-ish term) so it was pretty much a secret between the three. 

--------------------------------------------end of flashback

L.joe is in aw

“Your not as weak as I wanted to believe!” he said to Niel. Niel shrugs

“Usually I would be unhappy about that---but now MiNa thinks I’m horrible. I think she’s avoiding me, but I just hate Minwoo so much!” he vents holding his pencil tightly in a closed fist. L.joe pats his back

“Minwoo is pretty cool---if you’re a person who thinks of MiNa as a friend which is me. So guess this is a thing between you two since you both like her,”

“Minwoo treats girl’s like trash he did it in middle school! Plus there are so many queenka’s who want him. Why is he going for my girl,”

“Look I’m tired of this love crap,I’m not the person to be talking about it---I’m annoyed now,” L.joe suddenly states. Niel sighed

“Yeah you are, because your last comment didn’t make me feel better,” he admits. The teacher begins to hand out activity sheets

“Math jokes again—BULLSHIZZ!” L. joe grumbled loudly into his workspace. Niel looks at the sheet

“But it’s easy,” he tells him. L.joe hands him the paper

“Then you can do my sheet too,” he says. Niel takes it rolling his eyes

“Lazy bum,”

“Baby Hyung? Ew!” L.joe misinterprets what Niel said due to the fact that he just turned the volume of his music up,


“What’s behind me?” he looks back, only seeing the brick wall. Niel face-palmed a growl rolls in his throat.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry---Kind of?

Minwoo was giving a charming smile to Mina as she sat down

“You going to the Kingka’s Party?”she asked while scooping pasta into . Minwoo sighs

“I have to…I’m one of them,” he mutters but all of it was heard by Mina who in return became wide eyed

“But you just rejoined school yesterday! And the Kingka’s are new too! So how are you a Kingka so quick?”

“Oh, I’m friends with some of them he says into the air a little breathless. Mina shrugs off any other suspicions

“So---you’re fine after---yesterday, right?” she awkwardly placed her question. Minwoo takes a bite of her apple with a nod

“He was pretty tough I admit, but I’ll be fine,” he reassured her, and she snatches the red skinned apple out of his hand

“Now your cooties are all over it!” she whines with angry eyes. Suddenly the air takes a shift when a despised voice cuts into the air

“Mina,” it travelled from Niel’s mouth. Mina slightly turns to him,

“Hmm?” she hummed with Minwoo glaring at her side. Niel looks her in the eyes

“We need to talk about yesterday,”

“How about we don’t and you apologize to me?” Minwoo turns around fully to view Niel, noticing the muscles contracting in Niel’s hand, but Niel kept composure

“Why would I apologize to you?” he asked with a raised brow. Minwoo on the other hand was disturbed by the peaceful, cool expression Niel kept

“You beat me up over losing Streetball! You’re a sore loser!” he rose his voice a little, while Niel’s eyes drifted and he seemed unaffected by the red-faced angered male to his right.

“Oh your done whining?” he asked causing Minwoo’s jaw to drop in astonishment, Niel continued, “You still want an apology?” he looked at Minwoo’s jaw slowly tighten as he tried to hold back the fact he never expected such words to come from Niel----always underestimating him, “How about, I’m sorry for not punching that smirk off your face sooner,” but as soon as this comes from Niel’s mouth, he covers his mouth surprised. Minwoo was slightly impressed as opposed to annoyance and abhorrence for what just hit his ears. Mina though is a little worried as Niel quickly bows

“Please disregaurd what I said earlier,I’m sorry about everything Minwoo-ah,” he said before slipping away in a hurry, in the direction of the cafeteria doors. Mina picks up another forkful of pasta

“What’s up with Niel?” she asked herself aloud. Minwoo noticed the concern that wore itself on her face, and he pulled lightly on her arm

“Talk about split personality,” he laughs cheerfully. Mina smiled a bit

“I wonder why he doesn’t like you,” Minwoo nods honestly stating

“Me too.”

Niel rushed into the bathroom

“What happened back there---I wasn’t myself,” he said then he started thinking back on the gym fight “Come to think of it, yesterday---I let my anger get the best of me,” he notes thoughtfully while splashing icy water over his hot face. Niel slowly dried his eyes, and when his gaze leaped up into his reflection on the mirror; above the faucet, he saw a flash---like a peek into the future.

“Hehehe,” a different version of himself chuckled briefly, no longer was his hair brushed down on his head, so that it hugged the shape of his face and accentuated his skull nicely—now his hair was blown up in one direction and he had a confident streak in him---

*Okay, Niel your delusional--* he told himself dropping his head refusing to look at his reflection again.

-----------------------------------------------------------End of chapter

Author’s note: Poor Niel getting jealous, and getting creamed in Street ball---and the split personality, seems like he’s afraid of being a little---bad boyish hmm? So thank you everyone for reading and subscribing, and commenting! We love your comments; they’re always funny or interesting!!!

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hey back from my vay-cay


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Yay~ I'm so happy that you're still doing this story. ^^
haha I was re reading the chapter too!
*Q* Eun Ji perhaps? Hmmmmmm...
mysterious o___o i wonder who it is!
Yay~ You updated, even if it wasn't really a new chapter. I'm glad that you're still continuing with this story. ^^
LOL, I'm reading the chapters again for the fun of it...xD Man, I want to read more!!! Update soon, please!
So this means Eun Ji still doesn't know Carly's the Mermaid. *Q* I wonder how she'll find out though... haha, I'm thinking so negatively! xD;;<br />
It seems Minhee will be the one to uncover all the secrets of the princesses, haha! ;D
Grah! That stupid Eun Ji calling me annoying. >.> Anyway, still love it! Does that mean that in a past life, my name was Jewel and Youngmin's was Yisul?
Everything is so interesting ^^ I can't wait for more!
does Eun Ji know that Carly is the mermaid? :S lol lovin the story so far