My fake girlfriend

A Prince Of Many Stories


1. Princess= Rapunzel

2. Human name= Yi Chae (nickname Chai)

3. Asianfanfics account? =MBLEAST_Kissme

4. Age= 18(October 13th 1992)

5. Favorite boy from boyfriend/ b1a4=Hyunseong I guess? BARO!!!!

6. Do you know you’re a princess? And if you are how? Did someone tell you or did you find out some other way? =No

7. Is there something about you that's irregular/inhuman/different? Maybe you own something powerful? =Nah….well there is the small fact that she grows a tail at odd times and lands like a cat (doesn’t have a problem with jumping amazing heights)…..but that’s normal right XD

8.Are you rich, middle class or poor(tell us how you’re in this social class)=Middle Class (though more rich than poor). Her father owns a successful well known company.

9.Do you get along well with guys or are you shy?=HECK YEAH!

10.Hobbies?=Randomly being y without realising it.

-stopping people from doing stupid things

-calling people stupid

-hitting people on the back of the head if they’re stupid

-giving people ideas that she’s flirting/likes them -eating other people’s food

11.[Be honest] would you be able to save another person in trouble?=It depends a whole lot on how the person looks and who they were and what trouble they were in. If they could sorta handle it themselves or others were there then probably no. But if I had to then sure. (I’m lazy….)

12. When it comes to friends, do you have a lot or a little why do you think that is?=You can only have so many true friends. She has ones that are like her friends, then others who she’s close with. But she’ll willingly slide next to anyone and chat them up.

13.Your Personality?=Chai oozes with confidence. Her stance, her expressions and her words say it all. She will mess around with your heart no matter how smart or hot you are and you will fall for her. There isn’t any boy or girl that could possibly reject her charms, and she knows it. She’ll use different ways of seduction, all adapting to the person(s) she’s focused on. Because of this, she knows every single type of guy and how to manipulate them.Though she may appear it, she isn’t one of your average s. Chai has brains, common sense and logic are what she specialises in and in no way possible will she speak up unless asked. That is unless you’re saying something extra specially stupid, then she’ll shut you up. She’ll observe people and get to know how they act before approaching them. She seldom speaks, mostly uses actions. Surprisingly, she will protect those she respects. She isn’t rude, just slightly judgemental and sly. She’ll work her way around, through and under problems if she can, immediately searching for a solution or better way out if presented with one. Sometimes she does revert to violence, targeting the wrists and neck and the side of the knee (giving people dead legs) as these are quick and effective. She’ll disable your arm if you really tick her off. Don’t mess with her or her friends. Full stop. Boys always think of her as their y little sister and are protective of her. They faun over her and miss her often. They and always show affection towards her. Oh yeah, and she can hold her liquor like heck.

14. Are you scared of anything? =Being alone for a long period of time or being outsmarted by someone dumber than her.

15. What do you look like?:tumblr_logdtxy5Sp1qa5dcno1_500.jpg


16. What is your favorite color? Why do you like the color? =Copper. It shines and it can be y and serious, sort of a bad girl status symbol?

Final question

17. What is a romantic place, act or thing a boy could take you or do for you?=I would like to be kissed in the rain, it seems dumb as it might sound.

Extra question

18.Her great talent in moulding in to different personalities, though her main personality is the one above, she takes on acting jobs for people who request her for a period of time (1 day-1 week etc). She can become out going, to a family member who has passed away, ex-girlfriends, best friends, even boys. She will change her appearance and monitor the character (if it’s a real person) to pick up characteristics. This works for imitating and most of the time gets her anywhere or past anyone. Flicking a coin with so much force it’ll blow a hole through glass.

She knows english (aussie accent) japanese and Korean.



 “You need a girlfriend seriously L.joe,” says Thunder with a slight laugh, taking a sip of his coffee while grading school papers

“Whatever, how’s the job coming along? You find that guy yet?”

“Well other than having to avoid the school girls---It’s not exactly easy to find him. It’s as if that energy is dormant in him or something,” Thunder puts his cup down to think for a moment

“How can you not know what he looks like? He played the game the other day!” L.joe exclaims. Thunder holds a finger to his lips hissing

“Shhh. It wasn’t my fault that as soon as he came he was gone…he didn’t even get his prize,” he thinks back on the event …


"Joon how much did you tell her?" Chundong growls from his seat behind Mir, who’s playing around with the control buttons.

"Not much. Dang you act like I told her the purpose of the game!" he yells in Thunder's face. Thunder shakes his head

"I asked because you've got a big mouth," he rectifies, but nonetheless Joon is still offended by his words.

"It's just a game. As long as they think that, nothing will go wrong," Joon finally says replaying the part where the dark prince defeated the last hero. He smiles

"The kid is a little too good....better than all other customers we've had," he says. G.O nods saying

“Rain’s been looking for someone like him, I think we found him. But we gotta’ make sure,” he says looking to Joon,

“His friend went to get him. I’m sure they’ll be back here,” he grins. The group waits for a while, before Seungho gets tired of Mir’s random impressions---frankly Thunder was getting annoyed with Mir as well

“Okay maybe they got lost!” Joon answers the heavy sighs directed at him

“How can they get lost?! It’s one hallway and then you turn another and oh my gosh here’s the room!” grunts Chundong with a ‘duh’ expression on his face. Joon kicks the wall with fury and his teeth

“Dam*, we lost a potential prince!” he yells into the air. Everyone joins him in the disappointment then they decide to blame Joon afterwards to feel better

“My fault? Great let’s play the blame game! ”Joon stops glaring at the ceiling and transfers that angry gaze at everyone in the control room

“Okay I blame Seungho!” smiles Mir; everyone ignores the smiling boy and returns to accusing Joon

“Joon you didn’t tell them they get a prize if they win,”

“Well why didn’t you tell them Seungho I mean you were in the room too?!”Joon asked the leader.

“Was I announcing? Um I don’t think so---,”

“---You guys shut up, blaming doesn’t get us anywhere. They were teenagers right? Well someone’s got to look for them at the local school,”G.O cuts in

“Oh yes, let the 25 year olds just randomly visit a high school to look for someone. That’s not stalkerish at all!” Chundong says with the intention to be sarcastic. G.O wishes to slap the sarcastic member but smiles once something lights in his head

“Your right that’s not a great idea. But Thunder you are advanced in World History correct?”

“Oh G.O that’s brilliant!” claps Seungho catching on

“So you want me to be a teacher? Don’t I have to get a teaching degree?”

“Not if someone pulls some strings…” and everyone looks towards Mir. Mir may be a bubbly, adorkable normally---just illegally adorable, but he wasn’t in the group for nothing…he was very lets just say persuasive…

*End of Flashback *

        That’s what landed Thunder a job at the school, and at the moment he was with another addition to the mysterious group---Byung Hyun.

“So off that subject and back to that girl you need. You have literally a whole fan club; date one of them,” suggests the man seeing irritation in the pupil’s eyes

“I’m nothing but a delivery boy---so why can’t we leave this at a professional level and you stay out of my love life?” snares the youngster. Thunder laughs at the scowl on L.Joe’s face

“Well first off there’s nothing professional about delivering unless you’re the mail man. And second---you’re so serious all the time. It’s kind of ---annoying,” sighs Chundong, returning to the paperwork, “This girl is stupid, she doesn’t even know that Ethiopia is in Africa---she put in Europe!” he marvels in amazement. Byung Hyun stands up while Thunder is busy correcting the papers---but he didn’t leave unnoticed by Thunder

“There really is nothing else you can do as for delivering---so go be a teenager and have fun,” he says although he’s still focused on the class assignments. His words wrap around Byung Hyun’s mind as he exits the Starbucks café; he scratches his head.

*Maybe he’s right…I haven’t been with a girl in a while---since her…* his phone starts to buzz, and he picks up without checking the caller ID

“Yo L.joe, come over to the school we’re shooting hoops,” says Niel into the phone. L.joe sighs

“You and MiNa right?”

“Oh I love you too jerk,” MiNa smirks, causing a laugh to roll out of L.joe. He estimated the distance it was from the town to the school

“Okay,I’ll be there in about 30 minutes,”

“Okay----we’ll be shooting hoops,” Niel says, also ending the conversation. Byung Hyun was so oblivious to  all the girls who would check him out when he walked past, and even when he got on the bus.


   L.joe entered TOP Star High school, his sneakers touched the tiles in light steps, as he comfortably travelled towards the gym. As he was just about to get close to the lockers, he heard his phone again

“Dang, who is it now?” he looked at the caller ID and dread covered all other emotions

“Hello?” he asked unenthusiastically

“HEY L.JOE!” screams the girl so that L.joe has to take the phone away from his ear. He stops and lays his back on a bulletin board, examining it with much more interest

“Why are you calling me Chorong---did she use it?” there was an excited giggle

“Let’s step away from the torturing right now! I was thinking ---how about you and me hang out?” she asked cheerfully. L.joe’s eyes open wide and he refrains from a harsh put down---he looks up onto the board

“Hang out? W-With you?” he asked.

“Well who else, bob? Of course me silly,” he becomes frantic

*Wait what’s that?* he spots a piece of paper, and he reads it---

                      Ever need a girlfriend for a date? Don’t have a guy friend, that’s cool---maybe you need someone to act like your ex-gilfriend or someone you know. Look no more, there’s no reason for you to be experiencing all this—because now you have Yi Chai as your problem solver. Able to mold into anyone you want---contact her at 456-788-3456.

  L.joe can’t believe what he’s looking at *How convenient* he thinks as he checks the paper again to make sure he’s not imagining anything.

“Oh I’m sorry, I have a date with my girlfriend,”

“GIRLFRIEND?!” she screams, as if she’d just been stabbed in her heart

“Yeah…so see ya,”

“Wait---I don’t believe you! You never walk around with this girlfriend at school---can I meet her?” she demands, her bubbly tone morphed into a serious one

“Sure, we’ll be going to the mall,” he says. He could hear Chorong murmuring curse words at the girl she has yet the pleasure of meeting.

“Okay, I’ll be there. What time are you and this supposed girlfriend going to the mall,”

“5:30,” he told her. Chorong hung up without saying goodbye and he knew that she was mad. L.joe quickly dials down the number of Yi Chai, tapping his foot as he waits for her to answer

“Hello?” he hears her strong and soothing voice. He wonders how she looks, since she didn’t put a picture on the poster----oh wait no, someone probably tore it off from the signs of rigid tears at the top of the paper.

“Um this is Chai right?” he asked her.

“This is her, are you calling for a situation where you need me?” she seems to have stopped all things to talk,

“Yes. I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend, for a date today,”

“So how do I act, and why do I need to be your girlfriend? Your friends don’t believe you have one?”she was getting all her facts so she could be prepared and aware of everything

“There’s this girl who won’t stop bothering me, and then I told her I had a girlfriend after I  saw your poster,”

“Well it’s a Saturday...I usually don’t work on week-ends, but I’m feeling bored so---my personality mr,”

“Call me L.joe or Byung hyun,”

“The Bad boy Kingka? Oh this is gonna be fun!” L.joe feels flattered by her exclamation

“Um make sure you look pretty---cute girl, but no baby talk, or annoying high pitched voices…innocent looking but able to speak her mind,” he tells her. Chai thinks it over

“Okay I get your concept, so when and where is this date?”

“5:30 at the TOP Star mall,”

“Okay, be there in---an hour,”

“Okay I’ll see you there---wait meet me at the ice cream bar,”

“Okay, see ya!”

               With the time being 4:40, L.joe looked towards the lockers then at his clothes. He pulls out his phone

“Yo---it’s been like an hour, and MiNa’s owning me in this game---it went to her head! Where are you?!” Niel whispers into the phone and the loud thuds of the basketball against the wood echoes through the gymnasium. L.joe starts to walk the back the way he came

“There’s been a change in my plans----I have a date today,”

“What---you----so your finally moving on after---you know,” Niel is afraid to bring back the past and L.joe has to force the memories back to their locked gates in his mind

“Yeah. So um, you guys won’t be mad right?”

“No, in fact we’re glad---,” the call ends so abruptly. But L.joe was far from the gym now, so he couldn’t have heard---what exactly happened. He takes it that Niel hung up so he wouldn’t have to continue with the unpredictable conversation---he didn’t know what might make L.joe burst out in anger---which L.joe understood perfectly. L.joe takes a bus up to his estate, sneaking in without being noticed.


   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mall Date …

                  Chai, ties up her coco brown hair, and reviews herself in the mirror. She smiles at the reflection

“Ooo playing the girlfriend of a Kingka that’s a first,” she tells the image, she smoothes out her dress, which hugs her curvy frame. Her lips are given just a small coat of pink lip-gloss to give them an extra gleam, and she makes sure she is perfect girlfriend material. She selects a bag off the purse rack in her closet, and then she looks towards the window, since her dad locks the doors at the time she usually plans to go out.

“If he plans to lock me away from the outside world, he might want to try locking the window too,” she slips off her wedged heels. Pushing back the windows she eyes the soft grass two stories down. Chai is as quiet as a cat when she scales down the tiled roof, peering over the edge. She’s a little scared at first, hoping not to fall to the ground. She inches towards the tree that reaches out towards the window---that belongs to her father’s study. She refuses to look down at the long drop, and focuses on the sturdy branch. She walks successfully on her feet,

*Okay, it looks like I’ll make it* she tells herself. He footsteps on something scaly, and she pulls her foot back hearing a hissing noise. Her ears tuned in and she located the sound before it could get any closer. She jumped back at the snap of a snake. Unfortunately she had also jumped backwards and off the thick arm of the tree. Without a thought her head turns slightly to look over her shoulder at the incoming green grass. Her body twists around and she lands on her feet----just like a cat. Chai sighs to herself, a little shocked at what just happened

“That was weird,” she notes, before slipping her shoes back on and taking out her cell phone

“Hey, Baro…can I get a ride somewhere?”

“Sure,” he says in a tired tone

“Catching up on sleep?”

“You know it,” he says. Chai looks back at the tree, and the snake no longer resides grumpily on the outstretched limb. She walks forwards, never feeling a dark gaze on her

*Well, well, well…looks like she’s not the same as the story---rapunzel never had keen senses, and abilities like hers---but why hasn’t she shown this earlier?*thinks the onlooker.

            Baro pulled up near the park of the local neighborhood, his hair was always so fresh even when he had probably rolled out of bed. He was wearing basketball pants, and a black tank. He looks at Chai who is now getting off the swing adjusting the visor of his cap, whirling it to the back of his head

“Did you have fun?”

“Yes, I did being a child for a moment is fun,”

“So where are we going?” he asked as she gets into the white car

“The mall, I have a date,” she explains, sitting back in the passenger side.

                “Another date,” Baro sighs.

         It was almost too good to be true, L.joe waited by the ice cream bar, being showered with hello’s from familiar girls, who were joyous because of his presence. Even the Cashier was smiling goofily, at the bad boy aura coming from him

“I haven’t seen you around what’s your name?” she asked

“Mine,” said another voice. L.joe turns, and is taken aback at the person he sees…she was gorgeous. The cashier makes a face and walks off. L.joe blinks, looking over the girl she smiles

“So this is your girlfriend?! How long have you been with him?” asks Chorong, glaring at Chai

“We started dating last week,” answers Chai noticing how L.joe froze up. She hugs him tightly, and he finds her touch intoxicating

“Well, why’d you two get together,”

“The same reason you wanted to get with him----because he’s hot and because we like each other. Now that we’ve met ---what’s your name?”

“Chorong, and what’s yours?”

“Chai,” she wrapped her hand around L.joe’s and pulled him out of his seat. Chorong’s jaw squeezes tightly

“Nice to meet you,” Chorong says with sharp eyes. Chai nods

“Like I was saying—Now that we’ve met Chorong, I do believe that me and my boyfriend are ready to be alone,”

“Oh honey this is a triple date---just us three,” she gnarls at Chai. Chai looks to L.joe

“Chorong---your being ridiculous, you just wanted to meet Chai. Now that you have…me and her are going on our date,” and with confidence L.joe left with a pretty little thing, on his arm.


        “That girl needs pointers on how to attract dudes,” she looks back to see that Chorong is gone. But Chai smelled that pefume---Chorong hadn’t left just yet. Chai and L.joe passed the seafood restaurant, and instantly Chai pulled L.joe backwards---

“What is it---you want to eat here?”

“Yes! It would be a better place to convince Chorong we’re dating,” she tells him, turning his eyes towards the girl who was peaking at them from the store across from them. He nods at her, and they enter, the robust smell of fish excites Chai’s newfound hunger. The waiter is a male, he looks Chai over asking

“Would the beautiful lady like to pick her table?”

“Eh-hmm,” L.joe cleared his throat. He wondered if Chai liked this guy too, he had muscles that not even his dress shirt could conceal, and he was taller than him---he almost felt inferior

“Oh and her little brother too,” he quickly looks back over Chai, who’s view darts to the window booths, and she noticed a girl eagerly listening at their backs---pretending to be engrossed in the menu.

“Oh, yes---Oh L.joe you have a little gloss from when we kissed, let me get that,”Chai wipes imaginary make-up from L.joe’s lips, and the waiter turns red with humiliation. Chai turns back to the waiter, looking at his name tag, “We’ll sit over at that window booth,”

“Of course,” he allows them to pass while passing them menus and silverware

“Thank you Kiseop,”Chai pats his shoulder. He nods, glaring at L.joe. As he passed another guy Chai could hear them conversate

“I get to serve that babe---and her brother?” he seems almost like he was ready to die from this

“That’s not her brother---it’s her boyfriend Eli,” he says with disdain, and abhorrence for Chai’s fake boyfriend. Eli looks at the two wide eyed

“Liar! How’d he get a fine thing like her?!” he almost choked to say that. Kiseop groans, and leaves Eli.

“Um welcome to King Krab. What can I get the couple?” he politely asks, getting out his notepad. Chai looks over the menu, while twirling a finger in her hair. She smiles when she sees something, and Eli and L.joe are dying from her unconscious iness.

“I would like to have the the sea food platter,”L.joe looks at the check, and at his current money

“Oh what about the seafood kids meal? We still gotta squeeze that movie popcorn in,” Chai looks over at him

“No,You and I can share it,” she says, flashing her own wallet.

“And so his pride in being the guy--- plummets,” says Eli under his breath. L.joe looks up at him

“What did you say?”

“I said do you guys want some refreshments?” he taps his pen on the pad

“I’ll have sprite,”

“Coca cola,” L.joe hisses. Eli leaves, and L.joe shakes his head

“I shouldn’t have listened to Thunder,” he tells himself looking out the window. Chai tilts her head

“Not enjoying yourself?”

“It’s not you it’s just that I didn’t pick the best place for a date,” he says bluntly. Chai smiles

“Is it too late for me to tell you that today will end good,”

“How so?” he gives her his full attention, even turning his body away from the window. She shrugs

“Just like what happens in all romantic flicks,” although L.joe was oblivious as to what she was talking about. Chai looks up and the food is all ready coming their way

“That was quick,” L.joe says, and she nods

                       “That’s good, and then we can go to our movie,” she was still being coy, making L.joe anxious.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wonderful! Kind of----

            “Romantic flick?! This is what you were talking about Chai?” he whined as they entered the theater, with their movie going to play. She waves him off

“Silly boy, you don’t think I want to be here too do you? But I promise you’ll love it,” she said leading him over to the second to last row of couple seats on the sides. Chai watches Chorong try to slyly sit behind them, and pretends not to notice.

The movie started, and L.joe noticed all the couples attending. His mind flooded with unwanted memories, so he didn’t enjoy the film----well not until…

“Huh..,” he gasped when he felt a warm hand wrap around his own. L.joe looks to the side at her, and sees a dreamy expression. Without a thought he leans down…and kissed her. She kissed back. L.joe was really delving into the kiss, before he jumps up suddenly after realizing what he just did---

“L.joe?” she whispers seeing him rush out. She looks back at Chorong who snickers

“Moving too fast. Now I know exactly not to do when I date him,” she smirks, and gets up from her seat. Chai’s eyebrows crease as she grabs her drink. She had planned to throw it at Chorong but, then she took a sip; decided against wasting such an expensive thing. Instead she grabs another person’s cup and douses the girl with it

“AH!” Chorong screams through clenched teeth

“Oops my bad,” and Chai acts innocent, getting close to the drenched girl

“And news flash—he didn’t want you then, and he doesn’t want you now,” she tells her. Moving quickly before she could get slapped. She travels down the stairs to have a hope to still catch L.joe, while Chorong slowly inches down the stairs cold, and angry.

           When Chai reaches the lobby---L.joe is nowhere to be found

“Great he ditched me,” she flips out her phone dialing Baro’s number.

             “How’d it go?” Baro asked in the dead silence. Chai crossed her arms


“Couldn’t handle you?”

“Probably, I don’t know,”

“Well now you and I can hang out with the guys,”

“This has never happened...,” she says

“Aw don’t dwell on it…,” he says poking her puffed out cheek.

Authors Note= Answers you should look for in upcoming chapters

Why did Niel hang up on L.joe?

How’d Chorong and L.joe meet?

Why did L.joe leave Chai?                            

And what is the bad thing happened in L.joe’s past?

           Can you guess the answer to one of these? I’m eager to see what you guys think. Sorry the chapter was so long -_-.

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hey back from my vay-cay


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Yay~ I'm so happy that you're still doing this story. ^^
haha I was re reading the chapter too!
*Q* Eun Ji perhaps? Hmmmmmm...
mysterious o___o i wonder who it is!
Yay~ You updated, even if it wasn't really a new chapter. I'm glad that you're still continuing with this story. ^^
LOL, I'm reading the chapters again for the fun of it...xD Man, I want to read more!!! Update soon, please!
So this means Eun Ji still doesn't know Carly's the Mermaid. *Q* I wonder how she'll find out though... haha, I'm thinking so negatively! xD;;<br />
It seems Minhee will be the one to uncover all the secrets of the princesses, haha! ;D
Grah! That stupid Eun Ji calling me annoying. >.> Anyway, still love it! Does that mean that in a past life, my name was Jewel and Youngmin's was Yisul?
Everything is so interesting ^^ I can't wait for more!
does Eun Ji know that Carly is the mermaid? :S lol lovin the story so far