"I'm just a kid."

"I'm Just a Kid"



Jongin takes his little brother Sehun to his first day of kindergarten, meets Luhan and falls in love.

Luhan's little brother, Baekhyun, Sehun and a random 5-years-old Kyungsoo are in the way.



"I'm just a kid."


Take him, he was told, you know he doesn't whine when he's with you.


Jongin's desperate self at the moment, though, would not agree with his mother's stupid excuses.


Sehun, his 4-years-old nightmare, is indeed whining, and is whining hard.


"I don't want to go!"


Jongin tries to count to ten for the 15th time since that morning, in vain.


"You're a kid, you go to kindergarten, Sehun, okay? That's life."


Sehun bumps his little foot on the ground, crossing his arm and sending a challenging look to his older brother. Jongin rolls his eyes and, trying a friendly smile, goes to his knees to face him.


"Do that again and I'm cutting your secret chocolate dose for an entire week." 


Why is his brother so troublesome, by the way? Jongin can't understand. He remembers his first days of kindergarten well, and his memories are full of enthusiasm and candies and cute songs performed in class with a bounce of other adorable kids he used to exchange lollipops with. 


He sighs, closing his eyes. "Look around, Sehunie, everyone is going." he calmly tries again but as soon as he goes back looking to the little boy in front of his eyes, he freezes.

Sehun has his lips trembling dangerously, little eyes teary and chest raising and falling in an unnatural way. Only a few seconds later, the time Jongin has to register what's happening next, Sehun bursts out crying loud enough to bring all the people around the school's entrance to turn to their direction.


"You are so mean!" Sehun cries out loud, while Jongin begins gesturing in a slightly pathetic way to try calming him down "I want mommy and daddy!"

"Oh God." Jongin thinks all the looks around are making him wanting to disappear while, possibly, Sehun gets louder and louder every minute. 


"Sehun, stop." he murmurs, hugging the whining boy now "Everyone is looking at you."

"You are mean!"

Jongin sighs. "You know who's mean? Kids who refuses to go to school, that's it."


Obviously, Sehun only cries out louder at that. 


Jongin expects his mother to pay him an entire month of baking class for this. 


Before the older brother can come up with some other brilliant idea to calm Sehun down, a loud voice from not far makes it into Jongin's bleeding ears.


"Hyung! Why is that kid crying?"


Great, Jongin thinks, feeling like bringing Sehun away to move to a city in the south of the country and start a new life far away from all these people staring at them.


"Baekhyun! Don't point your finger." comes a loud scolding, noisy but discrete at the same time, and Jongin sighs, starting patting Sehun's back.


"See? You have audience."


At that, Sehun sniffs, immediately stopping crying. The little boy picks his nose, looking past Jongin's shoulders to meet a pair of lively eyes staring at him in a mixture of worried and curious.


"Hyung, why is that kid looking at me?"

Jongin takes a moment to celebrate the end of his brother's useless whining before answering while turning around "Because you are a cry-ba-"


Sehun stares at the two strangers past them, weeping his own tears, when his brother's half-sentence brings him to look up expectantly.




Jongin gulps.


After a fast glance to the cute, chocolate-eyed little boy looking at Sehun, Jongin has moved his eyes to meet the worried, embarrassed guy holding his hand, finding himself speechless. Said guy has to be the most beautiful and confusing thing Jongin has ever seen. 


He is quite tall, slim but toned body wrapped in simple jeans and a light blue t-shirt. He has honey hair, tousled and curly, falling on a porcelain face with doe-eyes, a little pointed nose and pretty pink lips. 

He is smiling, shy and embarrassed, making Jongin gulp again. 


"I'm sorry." the boy says and his face makes a very cute, animated motions with his eyebrows tilting "My brother is a bit uncontrollable."

Jongin supposes he is nodding, but he is not really sure. The silence that meets the other's statement makes Sehun tug his brother's shirt a little.



"Lulu-hyung, why is that boy staring at you?" 

At that, Jongin coughs and gets back to earth, noticing the fairy boy is blushing severely, so he blushes, too.


"Don't worry." he finally manages to say, grabbing Sehun's hand and going back to a standing position "My brother is just as uncontrollable."


Sehun snorts, sending Jongin an annoyed look before turning his little face to the other kid named Baekhyun, who is still looking at him with big eyes. Defensively, Sehun pouts, hiding slightly behind Jongin's left leg. 


Baekhyun's brother then smiles a little, walking together with the little boy to Sehun, who hides more, and taking a hesitant hand to ruffle the kid's hair. 


"Are you scared, sweety? There is no reason to be, tell him, Baekhyunie."

The Baekhyun kid nods, sending the pouting Sehun a bright look. "School is fun!"

"I don't believe you." Sehun retorts, making Jongin's already inexistent composedness fall.

The sound of Baekhyun's brother's laugh makes Jongin's any scolding die in his throat, though, so he closes his mouth and fixes his eyes on his smiling face.


Baekhyun snorts, feeling offended by Sehun's lack of trust into his words, but his brother doesn't seem like wanting to give up.


"Is there something we can do to make you want to try? You'll see, you'll like it."


Sehun ponders for a moment, his little eyes on the older boy's pretty, gentle features. "I want hyung to take me in." he says eventually, pointing a little finger to the boy and making Jongin widen his eyes, bewildered.


Baekhyun's brother laughs, probably amused, while Baekhyun snorts loudly again and sends Sehun a judging look. 

"Stealing your friends' hyung is not cool, you know?"

"Who said we are friends?" Sehun pouts again, finally coming out from his shelter behind Jongin and placing himself in front of Baekhyun's slightly taller figure.

"Of course we are!" Baekhyun protests, rolling his eyes like it was the most obvious thing ever, and then taking Sehun's hand into his own. He sends his brother a hurried look "We'll be late."


The boy nods and looks up to Jongin, who is watching the entire scene confusedly, and smiles happily, mouthing him to follow.


Sehun lets himself be dragged inside by Baekhyun and his brother, who is holding his other hand, while Jongin follows discreetly from behind.


"Your hyung is cool.. wait. what's your name?" Baekhyun says suddenly, sending Jongin a little look and then looking back to Sehun.

"Sehun." Sehun answers "And yours is more."

To that, Baekhyun closes his eyes knowingly. "Baekhyun. And I know. My hyung always takes me to school and is nice and beautiful like an angel."

"Jongin-hyung is nothing like an ang-"

"I will take Sehunie to school everyday, too." Jongin butts in at that, eyes fixed on Baekhyun's confused brother, before Sehun can end his annoyed sentence, and his words lead his little brother to send him a bewildered look.

"But this morning you said-"

"That I'll always take my little brother to school like a good hyung."

"Eh, no, you said-"

"Come on, Sehunie, hurry up or you'll be late."


Sehun tilts his head to the side, eyes getting thin as his older brother pushes him through the school's entry.


"You've got something in your mind."


Jongin almost chokes at said words, blushing as he hears Baekhyun brother's bursting out laughing. He sends Sehun a weary look and just keeps on walking, trying to recover his calm.


The four of them keeps walking until Baekhyun and Sehun arrive to their class and here, Jongin finds himself incredulous at the fact that Sehun hasn't even had the decency to greet him goodbye now that he has started watching attentively anything Baekhyun and other kids are doing.


Few minutes of general conversation with one of the class' teachers, a woman in her 40's with a very gentle and reassuring face that Jongin immediately likes, the boy flashes Sehun a last look before walking away with Baekhyun's brother's hand posed gently on his shoulder.

"Let's go before he thinks this over." 


Jongin nods, and walks away from the small building all printed in pink colors with the shorter, beautiful man besides him, only stopping when the other also stops, outside the gate.


"This is his first day, isn't it?" the boy asks casually but gently, hands in his pockets.

"Yeah." Jongin blushes for no particular reasons.

The other smiles reassuringly, "He'll be good." making Jongin nods stupidly. 


Baekhyun's brother tilts his head to the side then, watching Jongin's stiff features with a cute, pouting expression before opening up into an embarrassed smile.

"I haven't even introduced myself." he says, reaching out for Jongin's hand quickly "I'm Luhan, nice to meet you."

Jongin can't help a little, shy smile slipping out his lips "Jongin."


Luhan answers with a gentle smile, the sight making Jongin feel his stomach bouncing. 


"It's really cute that you're taking your little brother to school." 


At that sincerely impressed statement, Jongin finds himself thinking of his fight with his mother that same morning and blushes, taking a hand to touch his neck in jitter. "Same with you." 


Luhan looks at him shyly, flashing a pretty smile. "Then, we might catch each other around here."

"Oh, sure." 


Jongin nods immediately, probably with too much enthusiasm because Luhan blushes and looks away, smiling a very embarrassed smile.


"It was nice to meet you, Jongin-sshi." he then greets, closed in his shoulders "See you."

"See you later." Jongin answers in a little voice, letting a little smile out that Luhan reciprocates cutely.


As soon as he watches Luhan leaving with that shy smile plastered on the pretty face, Jongin sighs stupidly.


It hadn't been that much a bad idea to take Sehun to school, after all.






When Jongin and Sehun get back home, later that day, the little boy of the family immediately runs to the kitchen, finding their mother busy in preparing what, based on the smell, seems to be a chocolate cake.


"Look at who's back!" the woman beams immediately, hurrying to get down to her knees to pull Sehun in a tight hug "Your mommy has made a cake for her good boy!"


She cuddles Sehun, almost choking him, but her smile dies immediately after as she notices the flat, annoyed expression gracing her beloved son's cute face despite the cake news.


"What's wrong, sweety?"


"Your son is acting strange." 




The woman looks up to an apparently disinterested Jongin standing with hands in his pockets and weight on a leg behind Sehun, looking around casually and raising an eyebrow at Sehun's statement.


"Jongin is acting strange?"

"Yes." Sehun emphasizes, crossing his arms "He is all lovey-dovey all of sudden and treats me like a puppy."

"Oh, don't be silly, Sehunie, he's just a hyung being good to his little brother."


Sehun raises an eyebrow, ignoring the way his mother stands up and goes giving Jongin a big kiss on his cheek immediately after.


"Sorry for today, Jonginie, I swear I'm not going to ask you to go anymore."

"Actually, I think I'll be taking Sehun to school everyday."



Sehun makes a knowingly face, enjoying the way his mother's expression falls at Jongin's words.


"Told you he is acting strange." 


Jongin sends the child an annoyed look, hurrying to give a look at the oven before facing the other two with a calm, composed expression.


"This kid talks too much. Send me a slice of cake upstairs as soon as it's ready." 


His mother watches him leaving with gaping open, Sehun shaking his head inquisitively besides her. 


"What happened to him, Sehun-ah?"

"How am I supposed to know. I'm just a kid."






Jongin takes Sehun to school the day after as well, just as he has promised to no one in particular. 


Sehun snorts loudly, his attitude towards kindergarten 360° degrees different from the previous day, as he is too busy glancing at his brother faking smoothness to freak out at the idea of being surrounded by other loud and cheerful children.


The kid notices Jongin looking around as to spot something or someone, and he himself is staring at him so much he doesn't notice two kids getting closer. The two don't approach Sehun, though, and go standing still in front of Jongin's pouting figure.


Sehun notices they are Baekhyun and Kyungsoo and raises an eyebrow, holding a laughter back when Jongin suddenly notices them too and nearly falls on his own feet for the shock. 


"So this is Jongin?" Kyungsoo asks, big eyes studying the boy's figure and a hand touching his chin thoughtfully. Besides him, Baekhyun nods vividly. 

"Yes, he is handsome, isn't he? Oh hi, Sehun-ah!"


Sehun waves at his friend, while Kyungsoo keeps on staring at a confused Jongin attentively. 


"He looked better in photos," comes Kyungsoo's conclusion "He has acne."


Jongin risks to fall on his own feet again at this, while Sehun bursts out laughing loudly and Baekhyun sends Jongin a quick look.


"Still handsome." 


Jongin tries hard to register the situation, obviously failing, when he notices a worried Luhan running in their directions breathlessly.


"You two!" Luhan yells, making Kyungsoo and Baekhyun bite their lips immediately. He stops as he arrives, flashing the two kids a scolding look "Why did you run away from me like this! Baekhyun, do that again and hyung is going to get really really angry at you."


Baekhyun looks apologetically at his brother, Kyungsoo doing the same with some really wide wide eyes, and Luhan's angry expression immediately fall at the sight.


"Sorry, Lulu-hyun." the two says in unison, pouting cutely. 

"Mhm," Luhan snorts, coughing "It's okay. Just don't do that again." 


Luhan then notices Sehun and Jongin standing there, observing the scene with raised eyebrows, and immediately blushes. 


"Good morning, Jongin-sshi, Sehunie. These two did not say something embarrassing, did they?" 

"No." Jongin says quickly, smiling shyly only to make that panicked expression disappear from Luhan's pretty face.

"Yes." Sehun disagrees, sending Jongin a worried look "Hyung, are you not feeling well? They said you have acne."


Luhan's face falls again. "Oh God."

"It's okay, it's okay." Jongin shrugs quickly before Luhan can go back scolding the two now smirking kids again "I mean.. kids are just.. honest?"


Luhan raises his eyebrows, getting slightly pink on his cheeks. "Jongin-sshi, I'm really sorry about this."

Jongin shrugs again, shaking his head. 


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun observes the scene with focused eyes, exchanging a knowing look right after. 


"I still think I am better for you than he is, Luhan-hyung." Kyungsoo declares with a chic expression, adjusting his backpack and flashing Jongin a challenging look "His twitter profile said he is nineteen, so he is as young for you as I am. You can wait fo-"


Luhan curses in every language he knows as he covers Kyungsoo's dangerous mouth as quickly as he can and, with his head kept down, cheeks going on fire, he pulls Baekhyun and him away to enter class in a desperate attempt to run away from the mortifying situation.


Sehun stares, only to shrug at everything eventually and lifting his eyes up to meet a -eating grin on his brother's face which makes him immediately shiver.


"Hyung," he whines "You are not going to act all strange again, are you?" 


Jongin ignores him fully, smiling like he is the happiest person on earth all of sudden, and takes his hand to bring him to class as well.


Sehun rolls his eyes, deciding he has had enough of adults' strangeness already.






Jongin has already acknowledged his crush for Luhan a week after their first meeting. 


If not for the hope of meeting Luhan and exchanging those few, shy words with him as they accompany their brothers to kindergarten, he would never obviously go with Sehun every single day. 


Luhan is pretty shy, though, and after the little incident with Kyungsoo's careless words, the honey-haired boy has become even shyer around Jongin who, as for himself, has been trying to pull him into a decent conversation for days, clearly failing. 


Jongin is a very shy person himself, with his experience in relationships and crushes being even more inexistent than Sehun's one, so despite the fact that Kyungsoo has given him a very valid point to being confident about Luhan liking him back at least a little, he simply fails and smiles and blushes every time he sees the boy.


He doesn't even know how to face the problem, as all their conversations mainly consist of "good morning", "did the kids say something embarrassing" and "have a good day."


Feeling like going crazy,  Jongin decides he does not want to stay home a single minute more so, glancing at his watch, he decides going to kindergarten to pick Sehun up a hour and half earlier is a better prospective than staying on his bed tormenting himself.


"Where are you going, honey?" his mother asks him wearily as she notices him putting his shoes on, and Jongin simply shrugs.

"Picking Sehunie up."



Jongin pouts, ignoring his mother's even wearier look now. "I'll take a walk as well." 


He thoughtlessly closes the door behind him, puts headphones on and goes for his walk. Sehun's kindergarten is only ten minutes away from home though, so he obviously arrives way too earlier. Jongin sighs, choosing another song and starting walking the street up and down continuously. 


At one point he looks up to the left, eyes getting slightly bigger as he notices a well-known head popping up from a bench in the nearest park. He feels a little smile forming on his lips at the coincidence. Or fate, as he likes to call it better.


He walks quickly to Luhan, reminding to himself to act as normally as he can, and greets the boy with a hesitant look. He smiles as Luhan acknowledges him with a surprised, almost delighted expression.


"What are you doing here, Jongin-sshi?"

"Came a little earlier because I.. well, had nothing better to do."

Luhan blinks shortly, nodding and then smiling shyly. "A lot earlier actually. Same here anyway." 


Jongin smiles then, shrugging "Can I join you?" 

Luhan gives him no time to sit down that stands up, flashing a shy smile and touching his hands, nervous. "What about.. going for a drink instead?"


The boy blushes as he notices Jongin's surprised expression, looking down to his own feet immediately after. "I mean, we have to wait a lot."

"I was just about to ask you the same." Jongin lies, just because he really would have liked to ask if he wasn't that much of a coward, and smiles reassuringly at Luhan, who immediately opens up in an excited expression.


"Then, what about going for a bubble tea?" 

"Bubble tea?"


Jongin wides his eyes slightly, making Luhan frown. "You don't like bubble tea?"


The boy quickly nods, smiling at Luhan as he invites him to start going. "I love bubble tea."

Luhan smiles then, happily joining him.


Sorry, Sehun-ah, Jongin thinks on their way to the nearest café, Hyung has to go Bubble tea without you this time.






Sehun wonders if it's okay for him to wish having a bubble tea so much during class.  


He touches his little tummy, feeling it groaning through his hand, but bites his lip and passes over it because the last time he has tried to eat something out of the proper break-time, Kyungsoo had put a pig nose on his face as a punishment. 


Kyungsoo is the class president, Sehun has learnt, and has to do such things to behave children. What Sehun can't really understand is how can Kyungsoo be a child himself if he can behave others. 


Trying to get over his hunger, Sehun decides to enlighten himself on the matter asking Baekhyun. 


"What are you doing?" he asks his friends, who seems busy drawing something on a piece of paper.

"Drawing Lulu-hyung and Jongin-hyung's wedding cake."



Sehun throws a look at the drawing, noticing a six-floor white and pink cake with two dolls, probably Luhan and Jongin, holding hands on the top of it, little red points everywhere.


"What are these points?"

Baekhyun lifts annoyed eyes up at him, "These are roses, babo-yah."

"Ah." Sehun acknowledges, not fully convinced but still saying nothing "Can I ask you something, hyung?"


Baekhyun nods, not stopping his furious coloring. 


"Why is Kyungsoo-hyung the class president?" 

"What kind of question is that, Sehunie? He is the first of the class."

"What's the first of the class?"


Baekhyun looks up at the little boy again this time, pouting cutely as he remembers the other is younger than him. 


"The first of the class is someone who is good in everything."

Sehun raises his eyebrows. "I am also good in everything."

"No, you're not." Kyungsoo intervenes, popping out of nowhere and sending a judgmental look at Baekhyun's drawing at the same time "You betrayed me." 

"Sorry, Jongin-hyung is more handsome than you, Kyungie."

"I am also good in everything!" Sehun protests agin, puffing his cheeks and crossing his arms.

Kyungsoo looks at him, patient. "Don't yell in class."


Sehun snorts, pouting. "Baekhyun-hyung, I am also good, right? Am I the first of the class as well then?"

"No," Kyungsoo answers "You are egocentric."


With that said, the little boy walks away with his knowing expression on, leaving Sehun to look at him in confusion.


"Baekhyung-hyung, what's an egocentric?" 

Baekhyun puffs his cheeks as well, looking up from his masterpiece "I don't know either."


Sehun feels even hungrier than before.






Whenever Sehun would ask him to go bubble tea together, there is to say, at least three times a week, every week of the year, even during the coldest time of the winter, their time together would be quiet and enjoyable, sometimes breaking into little brotherly fights.


Bubble tea with Luhan, Jongin discovers after only ten minute in the boy's company, is contemporarily the most beautiful thing ever and a cause of stomachache which brings his bubble tea to rest untouched on their table the whole time.


Luhan drinks cutely instead, lifting his eyes up at Jongin's stiff face now and then, blushing and going back drinking immediately after. From the delighted look on his face, Jongin can tell Luhan has to like bubble tea a lot, and the scene kinda reminds him of his little brother.


"Is your drink bad, Jongin-sshi?" Luhan asks at one point, noticing the forgotten cup.

"Oh, it's delicious. I just, uhm." Jongin trails off, bringing a hand up to his hair "I had a big breakfast." 



Luhan nods, blinking in that very trademark way of his Jongin has come to adore already. 


"If you want, you can take mine, too."

"Really?" Luhan's eyes widen and glitter in delightfulness at Jongin's offer.


Jongin smiles a little and offers his cup to the other.

Luhan bites his lips cutely, taking the stray to his mouth "We did not come here only to let me have bubble tea, did we?" 


At that, Jongin blushes, and the funniest part is that Luhan blushes too. 


"Definitely not." Jongin manages to say, resting his chin on his palm as he thinks of anything both of them can discuss about.


To start in the most common way, Jongin begins asking Luhan about his age, his occupation, his little, sharp-tongued brother. 


They have general conversation then, Luhan informing Jongin he is a 23-years-old college student majoring in Korean Language and Literature, and that he usually looks after his younger brother because of their parent's busy schedule with work.


"My dad, Baekhyun's mother and Kyungsoo's parents are all lawyers, and their job takes most of their free time, so the kids often stay with me."

"Don't you have to attend classes?" Jongin asks, impressed "Also, isn't Baekhyun your brother?" 

"I don't really have to attend class to get good grades, luckily." Luhan smiles shyly "And yes, Baekhyunie's mother is not also mine, but we share my dad. I still consider him a full brother, though."


Jongin nods, eyeing the way Luhan's face brightens as he seems to remember something on the matter, so he waits until the other takes another drink from his bubble tea before speaking again.


"It's a very nice story, actually." Luhan smiles widely "My dad and me were having a vacation in Bali, seven years ago, when he met Baekhyun' mother. I think they fell in love like… love at first sight?"


Jongin thinks he may know what Luhan is talking about well, but he ignores the feeling.


"Well, they got really attached to the other but since we are Chinese, they had to separate as soon as the vacation ended. It didn't last long eventually, as my dad decided we had to move to Korea so they could be together, so we did. Months later they married and then Baekhyun arrived and… that's how my new life here started."


Lost in Luhan's shining eyes, Jongin takes a little too much to register the fact that the story is really as nice as Luhan claimed it to be and, more importantly, that Luhan is not Korean. 


"Your Korean is amazing." he says thoughtlessly as soon as he realizes that, despite the name 'Luhan' having absolutely nothing Korean in it, he could have never told Luhan was not a native speaker. 

"Oh, thank you." Luhan blushes at that "Living with a Korean woman and having a close relationship with Kyungsoo's family really helped my dad and me. Although Kyungsoo speaks a better Korean than me at only five but.. that kid is from another planet."


Jongin would agree to the statement only because of Kyungsoo's really big eyes. "Kyungsoo is the one who wants to marry you, isn't he."

"Yes," Luhan beams, smiling adoringly at the mentioned fact "He is the sweetest boy ever." 


Jongin has never really had a chance to notice he was that sweet, as from what he has seen during that first week of Sehun's kindergarten, Kyungsoo looked more like a little, sharp-tongued, wide-eyes freaky genius and admittedly cute owl than anything else but then again, Jongin was not really into children as Luhan seemed to be.


"Anyway," Luhan says then, moving his hand in a rotating motion "I suppose I've told you enough about myself. What about you?"


Jongin shrugs, not really having a lot to say about himself. He is the classic boy next door, as his parents and teachers and few friends have always described him to be, and there is nothing exciting in being such.


"I am nineteen," he begins "I graduated from the School of performing Arts and casted in a troupe, I don't think you ever heard of it, with few other friends. Uhm, well, there's nothing much to say, actually."

"Are you kidding?" Luhan exclaims, big brown eyes fixed on the shy boy in front of him, captured "This is so cool. A troupe, at nineteen? You must be some kind of genius." 


Admittedly, Jongin knows his cast in SMTown has come as something unexpected and mind-blowing for a boy of his age, and he also knows how valuable and important the trust the company has put into him soon after his graduation is, but this is not something he would never say to Luhan. 


"I guess," he only says, passing a hand through his thick hair "Thank you." 


Luhan smiles brightly, mesmerized, at Jongin's shy yet breathtaking figure. 


Having broke the ice by now, they manage to start a conversation feeling less uneasy and nervous than before, despite their shyness being always there.


When Jongin and Sehun get home, later, Jongin is still far away from getting over the fact that Luhan's younger brother has come out of school with a drawing of a wedding cake for Luhan and him, but he overall feels so happy about his.. 'date' with the beautiful, older boy that he even takes Sehun to bubble tea in the afternoon, on his own, much to his younger brother and his mother's shock.


The two also stare at him with frowned eyebrow as he sighs, after dinner, while looking attentively at something on his phone - precisely, the photo of Luhan he has taken earlier that day while saving his number - .


"Why can't you two just leave him alone?" Jongin's father scolds from the couch, looking from his oblivious son to wife and younger son with judging eyes.

Sehun snorts at that, getting on his little feet to go sit besides the man, steal the remote control from under his and change channel to watch his cartoons. 

"I don't even know what you're talking about." the four-years-old nightmare says "I'm just a kid."







Jongin and Sehun's mother has never really respected the normal stereotypes of a mother. 


Having had Jongin at a very young age and still being very young for a successful woman with a nineteen-years-old son, she has always taken interest in his older son's life in unusual, most of the times embarrassing to a very deep level, ways.


That's why, now that Jongin is acting so strange, something new for the perfect boy he has always been, the woman decides she should take drastic measures.

For instance, calling Jongin's best friend to make up a unmasking plan.


"He has something going on, Taeminie. I know."

"He is strange during practice, too, but he said nothing to me." Taemin answers from the other line, knowing something big is about to happen because, whenever Jongin's mother decides to intervene in his son's private life, it always ends up being a lot of fun for him "What do you want to do?"


She answers with no hesitation. "Ask him to go somewhere you both really want to go, one of these mornings. Somewhere he would never refuse to go."

Taemin takes a few seconds to ponder on the offer. "Even the Amusement Park?"

"Even the Amusement Park. I'll pay for everything. You just have to ask him."


The boy smirks. "Are you sure you know what you're doing, ajumma?"

"Don't make me lose my temper, Taemin-ah." the woman only answers, annoyed "Do as I've told you. I'll wait for your call."

"Okay, okay." Taemin gives up, grinning widely.


He anticipates a free entry at the Amusement Park with his best friend already.


He composes Jongin's number thoughtlessly and throws himself on his bed, greeting his friend happily as soon as he picks up.


"Hey Jonginie, guess what? Your mother will pay us an entire day at the Amusement Park!"

Jongin takes a moment to register the news. "She, what?"

"I met her at the supermarket this morning and asked her, since there's the special rock-week this week, and she said yes! Amazing, isn't it?"

"Why didn't you ask me about this?"

"Oh come on, you would never refuse to go to the Amusement Park. For free!" 

Jongin pauses. "True." he acknowledges "But in fact, I am refusing now."


"Wait, what?"


Jongin smirks. "I can't come."

"You-what? Why!"


Taemin has lost all of his colors already.


"I have something to do. Sorry, Taemin-ah, some other time."

"Wait, wh-"


Jongin hangs up just like that, leaving Taemin with his mouth gaped open and his heart breaking at the dream of the rook-week at the Amusement Park exploding in a bubble. They have both wished to go for months, and then Kim Jongin decides he has to act as a freak. 


He hurries to call Jongin's mother back, failing with words as soon as she picks up her phone.


"He said no, didn't he?"

Taemin groans. "What the hell has gotten into him, ajumma?"

"He's being strange since he first took Sehun to kindergarten. And don't call me that."


"He probably met someone, then."


The woman pales at Taemin's suggestion, stopping her hand from filling the mixer with apples for Sehun's snack.


"He would have told me." 


Sehun rolls his eyes and takes the fruit from his mother's hand, filling the mixer impatiently himself. He watches as his mother hangs up, pouting, a pondering expression on her face as she sends his little son a confused look he answers back with a flat one.


"What's happening to your brother, Sehunie? You sure you know nothing?"

"What should I know." Sehun answers, flipping his hair while thawing a piece of banana in his little mouth "I'm just a kid."






Taemin is still fuming with anger at Jongin's unjustified refusal at his irresistible offer about the Amusement Park. So, on a free Saturday afternoon, he shows up at his best friend's place resolute to discover whatever he has been hiding from him.


"Taemin-ah, what are you doing here?" Jongin asks, almost panicked, as he sees the apparently disinterested expression on his friend's face.

"Can't I pay a visit to my best friend, now?"


Jongin rolls his eyes, moving to the side so the other can enter.


When Taemin reaches the dining room, he immediately notices two heads he was not expecting to see, and greets everyone with a weary tone.


"Are they friends of yours, Sehun-ah?" 

"Yes," Sehun nods, flipping his hair, while Baekhyun and Kyungsoo lift their big eyes up to the stranger "That's obvious, isn't it."

Taemin snorts. "Right. Hi kids, I'm Jongin's best friend, Taemin."


"Hi." Baekhyun and Kyungsoo answer in unison, losing interest in the situation immediately after and going back playing with their lego. 


Taemin snorts again, reminding himself that's exactly the reason why he doesn't really like kids. Also, kids are cuter than him, and that's unacceptable.


"So, won't you offer me something?" he asks Jongin, who is busy watching the kids playing like he would like to join anytime "Jongin?"

Jongin sighs, rolling his eyes and heading to the kitchen. "Why are you here to annoy me, Taemin-ah."


He quickly serves both of them some pineapple juice, before pouring some in three other glasses for the kids in the other room, and hurries to serve it before giving his annoying friend all the attention.


"Hasn't Luhan-hyung told you?" Kyungsoo asks in a very displeased, annoyed tone as soon as he smells the liquid "I am allergic to pineapple. If I drink this, my lips will get swollen and my inner cheeks will hurt and bleed."


After an entire minute of resigned silence, in which only Baekhyun and Sehun's little amused laughs can be heard, Jongin sighs. "Right. Is apple juice okay then?"

"Who's Luhan?" Taemin asks himself meanwhile, low-voiced.

"A green tea would go, thank you."


Jongin rolls his eyes at that, going back to the kitchen followed by a very amused Taemin.


"Nice kids, eh?"

"Yeah, nice as you." Jongin groans, starting making little nightmare Kyungsoo his green tea. 

"What a brat." Taemin comments, acidly "First you refuse to go to the Amusement Park with me for no apparent reasons, then this."


Jongin stops his movements, eyeing his friend wearily. "You came for this, didn't you?"

"You mean, to investigate? Yes."


Jongin rolls his eyes again, wondering why the most annoying people always had to annoy him out of billion people in the world.


"So," Taemin begins, ignoring the killer look on Jongin's unconvincing face "May I know what was so important for you to break my heart?"

Jongin ignores him, focusing on his tea, the idea of opening up about his crush on Luhan with his stupid best friend touching him the slightest.

"Your mom says you are acting strange since you took Sehun to kindergarten." 

"Wait." Jongin says, lifting annoyed eyes up immediately "She called you? Oh, wait. Amusement Park, free entry. Oh God, you two are the worst ever."


Taemin bursts out laughing at Jongin's slow realization, enjoying the way his best friend starts shaking his head, defeated.


"So, did you meet someone?" he retries.

"No." Jongin answers, flat, checking the water temperature for Kyungsoo's tea with a finger.

"You fell in love with one of the teachers and you're ashamed to confess."

"What the hell? No."

"Then what?"

"Taemin, stop." jongin pleads, sending his eyes up to the sky.

The boy stops for merely a second. "You got kidnapped by aliens."


"You met a girl."

"I met no damn girl." Jongin sighs, starting getting a headache at all the unwanted insistence.


Taemin ponders for a moment, touching his chin. 


"Then, a boy?"


Despite the fact that Jongin acts tough and annoyed most of the times around Taemin, he is still his best friend and as such, he can read any minimal reaction of Jongin's entire boy perfectly. For instance, the way Jongin's ears slightly squirms whenever the boy is caught in something he desperately tries to hide.


Taemin smiles widely, pumping a fist on his other open palm. "Bingo!" 


Jongin groans, ignoring him at his best and hurrying to take Kyungsoo his tea. 


As soon as he goes back to the kitchen, his eyes get thin and annoyed at the sight of Taemin's -eating grin.


"You are such a bad friend. Why didn't you tell me?"

Jongin is a good guy, probably too much, because instead of sending his best friend to hell, he just curses in his mind and goes preparing himself something to eat.


Five minutes of Taemin attempts to take some other information out from his mouth later, the door ringing interrupts the annoying process and Jongin hurries to open it, being okay with anything could make him run away from Taemin's jaws.


As soon as he opens to his guest, though, his face falls miserably on the ground.


"Hello, Jongin-ah." Luhan greats with his pretty, bright smile from outside, waving cutely at a startled Jongin.

Jongin smiles back, although desperate, letting the boy enter just as Taemin reaches them from the kitchen.

"Luhan-hyung, aren't you a little early?" Jongin asks, panicked, feeling Taemin's presence from behind.


"Oh yes, actually, since you told me you were alone, I thought of coming over a little earlier to keep you company." Luhan informs brightly, suddenly placing a red box in Jongin's hands "I made cookies. I hope they came out nice. As for what I tasted, they did."


Jongin blushes severely, trying hard to save his face as he hears Taemin's footsteps getting closer to them.


"Thank you so much." he says in a little voice, and Luhan smiles happily before noticing Taemin past Jongin's shoulders and waving.



Taemin' smirk only widens as Jongin turns around, sending him a killer glare at the obvious sparks in his eyes.


A pretty boy, really pretty, somehow related to Sehun's kindergarten's friends, so also related to Sehun's kindergarten in the first place, Jongin's embarrassed expression and red cheeks. Taemin is not good with numbers only when it comes to Math.


"Hi," Taemin greets happily then, bouncing over the other two "I'm Taemin, Jongin's best friend."

"Luhan." Luhan introduces himself, smiling politely to the boy.


"He came uninvited." Jongin hurries to explain, stupidly, probably noticing Luhan's disappointment spreading all over his face. Or maybe it was him being disappointed? 


Luhan blinks for a few seconds, nodding at the strange news, while Taemin's grin only gets wider.

Jongin would like to bury himself deeply.


Now, if Taemin was a good friend, he would just understand the situation and leave Jongin and Luhan alone, considering he has already discovered Jongin's secret perfectly. 

That said, Jongin really doubts Taemin is a good friend.


Taking advantage of a moment in which Sehun's friends notice the new arrival and everyone, Sehun included, run over to jump in Luhan's arms cheerfully, Taemin takes Jongin's arm to push him aside for a moment.


"You really own me," he whispers, making Jongin groan "You are the worst friend ever while I, on the contrary, am the best, so I am leaving you two alone."

"Do you expect me to thank you?" Jongin says through gritted teeth.

"At least."


They both roll their eyes as they separate, then Taemin hurries to greet everyone goodbye and gets pushed to the door by a very annoyed Jongin.


"Oh, by the way." the boy says before leaving, smirking widely "He's very, very, very pretty."


Jongin makes to slap him on the back, hissing something at his amused face, then closes the door quickly.


With a sighs he composes himself, walking over the dining room where Luhan stands and watches impressed the kids' constructions with lego.


Luhan has already been so nice in thinking of coming to keep him company and making cookies for them all, Jongin thinks, so now it's his turn to do the impossible not to mess things up.


Hopefully, the kids wouldn't make it even harder for him.


"Hey, would you like something to drink?" Jongin asks then, posing a hesitant hand on Luhan's waist. 

The boy turns his head to the side slightly, meeting Jongin's shy smile, and nods. 


Jongin takes a moment to appreciate how perfect the moment is, how beautiful Luhan is as he unconsciously leans closer to his body after his little touch. 


"Ehw, no flirting in front of my eyes, please." Kyungsoo exclaims, disturbed, hiding his face behind Baekhyun's back "Have some respect from my little heart."


Jongin sends his eyes up to the sky because, obviously, the kids would have always made it harder for him.


Luhan beams at the little boy, hurrying to pull him into a big hug and ruffling his hair affettionately "You will always be my favorite, Kyungie."

Kyungsoo throws his tongue out for Jongin to see, just as Baekhyun rolls his cute eyes and starts pulling his friend away from his hyung's arms to make him fall on the floor again.


"Enough, enough." he says, sending Luhan a scolding look. Jongin swears he could see Baekhyun mouthing a 'can't you see he's jealous?' to his brother, but he honestly doesn't want to believe it.


Luhan smiles his most embarrassed smile, then laughs softly at the way Sehun is keeping on playing, annoyed at all the useless fuss. 


He sends Jongin a shy look before both of them hurry to leave for the kitchen. 


"Leave some cookies for us." is the only comment Sehun makes eventually.

"Don't kiss." Kyungsoo follows suit.

"No, kiss!" Baekhyun remarks, hitting Kyungsoo's head "Kyungsoo-yah!"


Jongin thinks that, if he slightly wishes to at least try to have a decent meeting with Luhan, ever, they should be alone.


No, probably Luhan should be alone.


Jongin feels miserable.




Luhan gifts him with a sweet, shy smile, his face screaming an obvious 'let's ignore them' that Jongin should seriously consider as the only option to save his day.

He nods, getting in the kitchen with the other and unpacking the red box containing cookies.


Jongin notices they are really cute looking, chocolate flavored and bunny shaped, decorated with colorful stars and hearts in sugar. 


"So pretty." he compliments, taking one to his mouth.

Luhan smiles. "Thanks. Hopefully, they will also be tasty."

Jongin smiles widely, happy to inform Luhan the cookies are really tasty, and making the boy cheerfully dance around him.  


"Did you use the recipe I gave you?" Jongin asks as they both start eating. He really likes baking in his free time, reason why he has used baking class as the main excuse to make his mother pass over his decision to take Sehun to school everyday. Obviously, at this turn of events, knowing she has even called Taemin to make up one of her embarrassing strange plans, the excuse did not work. 


"Actually, no." Luhan informs "I used a lighter one Kyungsoo's mother gave me, for the kids. Your cookies had too much butter, Jongin-ah."


Jongin looks at the boy attentively, slightly blushing at his own total uncaring and unhealthy way of baking for his little brother which, obviously, was something Luhan would never think about.


"You are.. really caring." 


Luhan stops from placing some cookies on a tray Jongin has lent him to serve the children, embarrassed flush spread all over his pretty face, and Jongin chews a bit to cover his own. 

He would say anything nice to Luhan, anything that crosses his minds, because Luhan deserves it, but the results would be him getting all shy and fail anyway.


"Thank you." Luhan smiles in a way Jongin finds really pretty, the sight making the younger boy sighs dreamily as the other leaves for the dining room. 


They spend minutes and minutes chatting a little about their day, their plans for the following week, while enjoying a hot tea then.

Jongin observes Luhan, fully captured, as he speaks in that unique, animated and cheerful way of his, pretty eyes sparkling and lips constantly pouting as he marks every word. He consider the idea, other that the one of pulling the other boy down for a kiss, but that's another story, of inviting Luhan to watch some of his rehearsal with the troupe, renouncing to that at the image of Taemin's wide grin if anything like that would ever going to happen. 

He doesn't really want to be deeply embarrassed in front of his seniors, in all honestly.


Luhan then tells him he is having an exam the following Wednesday, and apparently it slightly scares him because he pouts childishly, making Jongin's eyes fall on those little, pink, soft-looking lips of his in a matter of seconds. Jongin considers the idea of kissing Luhan again, for real this time, as this something related to Chinese History brings Luhan to let his head fall on Jongin's shoulder for support.


Jongin gulps at his closeness, wondering if his complete lack of resoluteness is avoiding him from finally having his moment with Luhan because, since the very first time, it had always been Luhan making the first step after all. He thinks of kissing him, again and again, until he closes his eyes and starts taking a hand to caress Luhan's cheek.


"Lulu-hyung." Kyungsoo's flat, yet noisy voice makes them both jump, the kid entering the kitchen with a lovingly smile plastered on his chubby face "Cookies were absolutely delicious, but I would have used less backing soda."


Jongin wonders why, why, every time he thinks of doing whatever with Luhan, from speaking to him to well, kissing, Kyungsoo wildly appears. 


The kid with the big crush on Luhan clearly has some kind of radar, there is no other explanation. In a moment Jongin's imagination flies to a remote future in which Luhan and him would be somewhere romantic, alone, possibly going to, well.. go further simple cuddling. Kyungsoo would appear even there, God knows how, ruining his plans once again.


"Oh God." he says, aloud, as soon as he realizes his thoughts. He slaps his burning cheeks, bringing Luhan to look at him strangely, and throws his face in his palms.

The older frowns before turning his full attention to Kyungsoo, taking the kid on his lap and eyeing him sweetly. "Less backing soda you say?"

Kyungsoo nods firmly, taking the desperate Jongin to look at him defeatedly. 

"Why, do you bake, Kyungsoo?" 

"Sure I do." Kyungsoo exclaims, proud and happy as Luhan pinches his cheek. 

"My baby Soo is a chef, right?" he says "You should try some of his ham omelette. They taste like heaven."


Jongin raises an eyebrow, even more defeated than before. 




"Kyungsoo-ya!" Baekhyun suddenly calls from the other room "Sehun-ah has just destroyed your tower!"

"That's not true, Baekhyun-hyung did!"


Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, placing a little kiss on Luhan's cheek before sending a challenging look to Jongin and leaving for the dining room again.


Jongin shakes his head hopelessly, thinking his day could not get any worse. 


His mother's excited voice coming absolutely unexpected from the alley obviously proves him wrong.


"I'm back!" 


Jongin panics because one, his mother never comes earlier from her Yoga Class at the gym and two, if she has now it's only because she has had a phone call with Taemin.


"Mom," he says, defeated, as soon as she enters the kitchen "What are you doing here?" 

The woman takes a moment to spot Luhan's blinking figure on a chair before grinning widely, greeting his son with loving pats on his cheek.

"Lesson finished earlier." she poorly lies, smiley eyes fixed on Luhan "Hi, I'm Jongin's mother. You can call me Jihye-noona."


"Oh, I'm Luhan." Luhan says, immediately standing up to greet the woman properly "Nice to meet you, noona."

"Such a handsome boy." Jihye admires, making Jongin weary already "You are Baekhyun's brother, aren't you?"


Luhan nods, smiling his pretty smile to the already adoring woman.


She obviously knows, Jongin knows, and the fact makes him already think of some really painful ways to kill Lee Taemin.


Jihye leaves for a few, going to greet Sehun, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, and Luhan quickly sends an admired look to Jongin.


"Your mother is so beautiful. No wonder her sons are both so handsome."

Jongin takes a little to much to understand Luhan was actually complimenting him. When he blushes, his mom is back already.


"Thank you for letting Baekhyun come over, Luhan. Sehun is a very quiet boy, you know."

"Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were really happy to come." Luhan informs smiley "They adore Sehunie."

"This is something I'm really happy about."


Jihye smiles widely, sending a quick look to a pleading Jongin and then joining Luhan back on a chair around the table.


"I'm also very happy you and Jongin seems to get along well."

"Mom." Jongin calls, panicked again now.

"He would take Sehun to school everyday only to see y-"



The woman stops, oblivious to the deep red already spread on Luhan's face.



Jongin face-palms. "Would you like some cookies?"


Jihye accepts, enjoying the embarrassment on the two boys' faces maybe a little too much. 


She keeps on saying absurd things to Luhan, making Jongin want to move to a city in the south with Sehun once again, until the boy can't stand it anymore and gets up from his position abruptly, passing a hand through his hair. 

The unnatural color on Luhan's cheeks doesn't help.


"I'll take Luhan and the kids home now, it's getting late." 

Jihye pouts, caressing one of Luhan's shoulder gently while the boy looks down embarrassedly.

"Can I ask you something before you leave, Luhan?"

The boy, despite everything, nods politely. 


"Would you mind taking Jongin out one of these night?" Jongin pales at that "He never goes out, as a mother, it saddens me." 


Luhan narrows his eyebrows and smiles this time, amused by the way Jongin slaps his forehead loudly. 


"What about tonight?" he says then, immediately enjoying the 360° degrees change in Jongin's attitude "Are you free tonight, Jongin-ah?"

"Sure he is." Jihye beams, clapping happily. 


Joning stares at Luhan for a few seconds, blushing severely as the older boy stands up and comes closer to him while his mother quickly leaves to let Baekhyun and Kyungsoo pack their things.


"Only if you really want to, of course." Luhan says, blinking a little at the petrified expression on Jongin's face.

The younger boy fails at his words, biting his lips childishly. "Of course I want to. My mother, though.. sorry about her. She is-"

"Adorable." Luhan finishes, opening up into a sweet smile "Just like you."


Jongin blushes like he is a freaking fifteen-years-old girl.


"And she's also beautiful," Luhan adds "Just like you." 


Jongin decides he actually is a fifteen-years-old girl, because his heart is beating way too fast now.






Jongin also decides if anything is going to happen between Luhan and him during their date-not-date, this time, it has to happen because of him. 


He can't get over the fact that, despite his age and his successful career as a dancer, he had to have his mother arranging a date with his biggest crush ever. Actually, his very first and hopefully last one.


"You will thank me, eventually." his mother had said earlier, as soon as he tried to denounce her embarrassing actions to his father, and the thought that she could somehow be right is unbearable.


If Luhan hadn't looked so happy accepting, saying those sweet words and making him lose his mind, he wouldn't be sure his mother had survived the day. 


But Luhan was really happy, and he also looks extremely happy despite his shy smile even now that he greets Jongin in front of the bus stop, flipping his honey hair to the side to free his sparkling eyes.


Jongin already feels in heaven, and Luhan hasn't even touched him yet. 


"Ready?" Luhan asks, hesitant, and Jongin takes a little too long to answers as he tries to get over how beautiful Luhan looks in this ridiculously oversized jacket.

Luckily for him, Luhan only smiles at that, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and starting walking with him down the streets in Myeongdong.


Jongin lets Luhan chose where to go, pleasantly surprised as the older opts for an Italian Restaurant.


"I really want to eat some good Carbonara."


Jongin's childish mind already runs fast, anticipating his salary somewhen around April to book flight and a romantic Hotel in Rome and spend a nice vacation there with Luhan.

He then quickly slaps himself mentally, feeling way too hopelessly for his own liking. 


Luhan clearly disagrees, eyeing him in a mixture of loving and amused as he rolls spaghetti and ends up staining his beautiful green H&M t-shirt with sauce.


"I've always wanted to.. be with someone like you."

Jongin hides most of his face behind his napkin as he clears up, still sending the older a curious look at the confession.


"Gentle, sweet, pure."

"Ridiculous, childish, slow." Jongin points out, red in the face.

"Romantic, innocent, beautiful." 


Luhan lets out a little dreamily sigh, taking his own napkin in his hand and moving a little closer to clear some sauce up from Jongn's nose.


As their eyes meet, now, Jongin feels sparkles exploding in his brain.


If he's fallen for Luhan at first sight, he now definitely knows why.


He doesn't need adjectives to know Luhan is the one for him. He just feels it, feels it hard, and for now, it's enough.


He decides the rightest time to let Luhan know how many feels he can make Jongin feel, all of them deep and never-felt-before, it's now. 


Luhan lets out an amused smile as they later get out their Italian Restaurant, Jongin dragging him along from his wrist to somewhere he has no clue about.


"Jongin-ah, where are we running to?" he asks, smiling "I don't want to throw out my dinner."

Jongin only then decelerates, sending the older an apologetic smile.

"Can I know where are you taking me?"


The younger shakes his head firmly. "It's a surprise." 


Luhan accepts Jongin's mysterious attitude, sliding his arm around Jongin's right one to walk besides him with an anticipating smile. Nervous yet resolute and grateful at Luhan's bright presence, Jongin leads him to the theater his troupe always rehearses into. 


He gets the keys to open the many doors of the theater under Luhan's wide, blinking eyes, smoothly letting them enter.


"What is this? Are you sure we can enter?" Luhan asks, cautious and mesmerized at the same time as he looks around. The structure is quite big for being something a nineteen-years-old boy has the key for, and the inner room is exactly like Luhan would have imagined it to be: large and neat, with the big stage occupying at least 1/4 of the room from the wall opposite the there entrances. 


"My teacher has gives us all a copy to enter whenever we want to practice in peace." Jongin reassures, starting leading Luhan down one of the alleys after having turned the stage lights on.


Luhan follows suits, eyes still studying the beautiful place with wonder. 


Jongin lets out a little smile as they get on stage, asking Luhan to take a seat on a chair he gently sets for him.


"There is something I want you to listen." he explains as he meets the older's pretty, blinking expression "Can you be my audience for a moment, Hyung?" 

Luhan blushes, captured by the sudden vivid light in Jongin's eyes. 


He nods, sitting comfortably, and observes as Jongin takes a seat at the piano standing not far away from him. 

Jongin closes his eyes, moving ghost fingers on the keys as he recollects the melody he intends to play, taking a deep breath as he plays the the first note. 


Luhan watches carefully, his heart beating a little too fast, mesmerized at the way the usually shy and uneasy Jongin fits his place behind that piano perfectly, at the way Jongin knows he fits there, and intends to let Luhan know.


Luhan lets himself be dragged by the sweet melody, missing a beat as Jongin starts singing.



is the only word I know that suits her well

When she dances, oh, the stories she can tell

A free bird trying out her wings to fly away

And when I see her move I see her Hell to pay


She dances in my soul and sleep won't come

and it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre Dame


who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone?

I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone


Oh Lucifer

please let me go beyond God's law

and run my finger through her hair



The heart-breaking performance makes Luhan hold his breath for a little too long, lost. Lost in the beauty of Jongin's performance, in the intensity of his massage, in the perfection of what he's just listened to. 


Jongin only then flutters his eyes open again, his mask of confidence and awareness falling into pieces as he eyes Luhan's captured face.

He coughs, standing up to reach the other with a hand massaging his neck and a shy, shy smile adorning his handsome face.


"It's from the Musical 'Notre Dame de Paris'." Jongin says, voice law and trembling, completely different from the one singing behind that piano not even a minute before "My troupe is doing it starting from next year."

Luhan only then smiles a little, standing up and following Jongin until their are both sitting on stage, legs dangling. 


"It was beautiful." he finally menages to say, honest, and Jongin smiles thankfully despite his deep level of embarrassment "Those words were.. wonderful."

"They are from Quasimodo." 

Luhan smiles, two fingers flying to poke Jongin's small nose. "You have to be the most beautiful Quasimodo ever." 


Jongin blushes slightly and turnes around to face the older. "Actually, I got chosen to play Phoebus, but Quasimodo's words are way more.. beautiful, way deeper than Phoebus' ones."


He pokes Luhan as well, shivering as Luhan chuckles and takes this hand to hold it tight in his own.


Jongin feels Luhan closer than ever, bodies attracting to the other without them even noticing. 


Jongin's breath sticks in his throat. "Hopefully, unlike Quasimodo.. I'll be able to get my happy ending."

Luhan lets out a little smile, eyes shutting close slowly.


"You mean…" 


Luhan feels his heart beating crazily in anticipation as Jongin takes a gentle hand to cup one of Luhan's cheek, pulling the older boy into a sweet kiss, slowly. 


Luhan breaths on Jongin's lips, shivering as the younger caresses his own with them, soft and gentle, sweet and chaste.


Smiling, he moves away only slightly to catch Jongin's eyes, finding them mirroring his own joyfully, Jongin's angelic smile making him lose his breath.


Jongin takes both hands to caress Luhan's cheeks.


"I mean, this."


He kisses Luhan again, letting himself taste a bit more of the older boy, stomach bouncing dangerously as Luhan wraps his hands around his neck and loses himself in their new, passionate kiss. 


Both of them would later agree it was the most beautiful happy ending in history.






"'Notre Dame de Paris'." Jongin reads on the paper Sehun has just given, a judging tone in his voice "Seriously?" 


Sehun, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo all nod, some extremely happy with the school's choice for their kindergarten's choice for the Spring Festival school play, some less. The happy ones summarizing in Baekhyun.


"Aren't you kids a little too young for this?"

"Don't be silly, Jonginie." Luhan beats his arm lightly, pouting "I was the one to suggest this. It's so cute they are going to perform Notre Dame contemporarily to your troupe. Obviously, they will perform the Disney version of the story." 

Jongin lets a long, delighted "ah" at this, sending his boyfriend an apologetic look but still eyeing the three kids wearily as Sehun and Kyungsoo seem to want to eat each other up.


"Guys, what's going on?"

Baekhyun sighs at his question. "They are unhappy about their roles for the play, hyung."


Luhan scoffs. "How come? Kyungie, want to tell your hyung what's wrong?" 


The kid pouts deeply at that, crossing his arms. "I got Frollo."

"Then what?"


Kyungsoo looks up at Luhan like it's so absurd he can't understand his pain.


"Frollo is the bad guy!" he whines, wide eyes fixed on the older "Lulu-hyung, I don't want to be the bad guy. You wouldn't like me anymore."


Jongin rolls his eyes at the way Luhan pulls Kyungsoo into a big hug at that, ruffling his hair and reassuring him with sweet words that he will always be his favorite no matter what. 


Some things just never change and, precisely, Kyungsoo's absurd ways of stealing Luhan's attention from him never change. 

It's been six months since Luhan and him have gotten together now and, despite being only six,  Jongin is sure Kyungsoo still plots for world domination every night, stealing Luhan from him being the first mission to complete. 


The kid sticks his tongue out at him during the hug, proving Jongin right, and the older boy rolls his eyes again making Baekhyun bursts out laughing.


"Look at how jealous Jongin-hyung always is." he yells, holding his stomach for the laughter, and Luhan lets Kyungsoo go to send a scolding look to his childishly pouting boyfriend, who shrugs as Baekhyun was not even talking about him.


Luhan shakes his head, reserving all his attention to the little annoyed Sehun now.


"Sehunie, are you also unhappy about your role?"

Sehun sighs, flipping his hair. "Yes, hyung."

"Why," Jongin asks "Who did you get?"

"The prince."


Luhan and Jongin are clearly confused, and exchange a look at Sehun's words.


Jongin thinks about saying something to Sehun on the matter, but he eventually decides he would rather let Luhan do it.


Hell, he doesn't even know why he is here to be honest, having to go to practice for his troupe's premiere in only a hour, but then remembering it was still a way to spend a few time more with Luhan during his busy schedule, so he defeatedly sighs. 


Meanwhile, Luhan poses a gentle, patient hand on Sehun's little shoulder.


"Sehun, what's wrong with being the prince?" he smiles "It's a great role, isn't it, Baekhyunnie?"

"Yes, I've told him, hyung." Baekhyun nods vividly from his position "I got Clopin, and he wanted to change with me."

"Clopin is a great role, Baekhyunie." Jongin compliments, exchanging a little hi-five with his mini brother-in-law.


"Well, I don't want to be the prince." Sehun protests again, pouting hard "He has to kiss Esmeralda!"


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun face-palm, while Luhan and Jongin exchange a now delighted look.


Jongin feels like laughing because, at least on this aspect, Sehun resembles him when he attended kindergarten a lot. Teacher used to tell him he got the future of a star, but Jongin still hated the idea of having to kiss and act all romantic with his classmates for school plays. Clearly, he always got the role of the prince, so he was forced to.


He flips his hair, chic genes running naturally in his family's veins, and pats Sehun's back proudly.


"We are born to be the princes, little brother. You'll get used to it."

"Really?" Kyungsoo says, rolling his eyes "How did he even got the role? He has the expressive ability of a mummy."

"Do Kyungsoo!" Luhan immediately scolds, making Kyungsoo hold his hands up in surrender. 


Sehun snorts, removing Jongin's from his body and starting to walk back home alone with his trademark fabulous expression plastered on the little face.

Baekhyun quickly follows him, just as Kyungsoo does, the latter also hurrying to apologize to his younger friend.


Jongin sighs loudly as he reaches for Luhan's hand. "These kids will be the death of me."

Luhan gets to his side quickly, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek and smiling brightly.

"You always say so, but I know you wouldn't leave without them."

"That's a bit too much." Jongin snorts, rolling his eyes at the knowing look Luhan sends him "Okay, maybe it's true, but-"

"But, you love them to no end even if you act like a bratty hyung most of the times."

"I do not act as a bratty hyung." the younger protests, pouting and then stealing a kiss from those pretty lips of Luhan "Also, I love you even more."


Luhan smiles happily, taking Jongin's hand to run together to the now distant group of kids hurrying to get home.



"How am I supposed to know how to kiss a girl?" they hear Sehun's annoyed voice as soon as they reach them "I'm just a kid."









Hi everyone *-* Did you like the little story?

I hope you did, and I also hope I did not make too many grammatical mistakes, because I wrote this all only today, full of inspiration, that i though reading and reading and reading it all over again would only make me delate everything XD

I hope for the best!

I love my chibi!SeSooBaek, and I also included some nice TaeKai friendship because of their moment yesterday at the Melon Music Awards which was honestly so beautiful and touching.

Oh, and the Notre Dame song... gosh, I can't even express my love for that musical with words, but I wanted to somehow include it in my stories so, here it is **


That said.. again, I hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading <3


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Chapter 1: This was awesome,., I luv how you describe all of the characters in this fic,., bratty Sehun, cutie Baekhyun, evil Kyungsoo,., the trouble maker duo Taemin and Jongin's mom,., and lovely KaiLu,., Chibi-EXO are cuuuteee,., well,., They're just a kids after all,.,
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 1: You're just a kid sehunnie
Chapter 1: LOLXD Sehun and his " im just a kid" ... XDD
XueXing #4
Chapter 1: I like how sehun was like 'what do you expect from me or like who you do you think i am, i'm just a kid'. Best catchphrase ever 'i'm just a kid' love this story so much..much love to the author <3 ^^,
Chapter 1: So funny! Sehunie is adorable!
Chapter 1: Lovely story! Tho, I feel kinda bad for Taemin. But that's what you get from being a mean best friend :DD
And the ending was just too cute and Sehun... OMG little Sehunie was waaay too adorable <33 짱!!
ilabya15 #7
clairenoona_887 #8
Chapter 1: adorable fict!!
sehunnie so cute when said 'i'm just a kid' kkkk
TaeKai friendship so nice ^^
and KaiHan.. best couple ever
author jjang!! ^^
Chapter 1: Ahaha sehunnie's "I'm just a kid" has got to be my fav line of the story XD I dun normally read Kailu, I always ship hunhan or sekai more, but this is so effing cute. ^^