
I Love You

Your POV


For the past few days Seungri and I became more distant. He felt like a stranger to me. I do not know what to do. I mean I know it is my fault for not telling him but he got to understand my situation too right? We did not talk to each other nor did we see each other regularly. I just got the feeling he is trying to avoid me. Sometimes he did not even come home at all. I guess that is even better because every time I saw his face, I just get agitated and I felt like I wanted to get angry at him. They was one day which I clearly remember exactly what happen I was totally fed up with Seungri and I tried to have a conversation with him but he just keeping quiet and refuse to speak to me. I went out of control and I throw tantrums at him breaking stuff as I go along. The living room was in a mess when I finally used up my energy. Seungri was just calm and collected. He held me up and bring me to my bedroom to rest after that he cleaned up all the mess I made.

Daesung came over one day when he found out I was having a fever. He came over bringing my favourite abalone porridge and a hot steaming citrus tea. I was lying weakly on my bed while he patiently fed me. I felt a little better and gradually my appetite came back.


“Some more?” Daesung asked if I want a second helping of the porridge.

“Maybe later.. I’m full..” I rub my tummy.

“Ok!... be right back...” He left to the kitchen.

He came back in the room with a small tray of medicine and a glass of warm water. He sat beside me and gave me the medicine. I sigh heavily.

“What’s wrong?”

“Ani... I’m tired of eating medicine...”

“Huh? What medicine? This is like the first I gave you... I think...” He looks at me puzzled.

“Oh! I mean... I don’t like taking medicine...” I quickly grab the fever medicine and ate it.


He lie down beside me and hug me close to him while my hair gently. I looked up at him feeling bless that he was next to me when I felt vulnerable and the warmth of his body is comforting to me.


“Yeobo... have Seungri start talking to you already?” he knew I have some misunderstanding with Seungri because whenever I felt fed-up I will called him to complain and whine at him. Telling him Seungri is egoist and selfish. I shake my head in response to his question.


“The thing is yeobo, why did both of you argue about? I mean... I’m not trying to be busybody but... it just.. I’m curious...” Daesung explained.


“Well Oppa... It’s just some family issues..” Daesung look down at me and nodded trying to understand. I knew he would not ask me any further.


“You want me to talk to Seungri?”

“I guess yes... maybe...but I don’t want you to waste your time..” I told him.

“He seems very moody these days whenever I saw him... It’s ok.. who knew he might confide in me... hmmm... and now for you missy... sleep and rest... and dream of me..” he pinch my nose playfully.


“but... make sure you still here when I woke up.. don’t leave.. please?” I beg him and grab him tight.


“Arraso... I promise I will be here when you woke up...”he kisses my forehead and starts humming my favourite song ‘Baby don’t cry’ and I slowly start to doze off.


Daesung POV


I thank God that my love have gotten better, it was worrisome for me to work thinking about her being sick and no one at home looking after her. Looking at her so pale and her body was hot from the fever really hurts me. I do not want her to be sick ever, if I have a choice I rather be the one to fall sick for her. My mind was still thinking about her while I walk into the cafeteria. My stomach has started to growl and so I made my mind to eat an early lunch.


The cafeteria seems a little empty and then I spot Seungri sitting alone at the far end of the room. I grab my food tray and queue for the food and then I walk towards him.


“Yah~ Seugri ah... you ok?”

“Ahh hyung... Ya, I’m ok..” He keep poking and playing with his food, his face was so gloomy as he took a small bite of his food.

“Seungri ah... I’m not trying to be busybody but can’t you just forgive her?”

“it’s not about forgiving hyung... It’s just complicated...”He sigh.

“You are her only family.. even if she is in a wrong.. you as an oppa.. you know maybe you should advice her an still talk to her..”

“Did she tell you why we argue hyung?”

“No.. She didn’t and I don’t intend to force her to tell me if she doesn’t want to..”

“I think It’s better for you not to know hyung.. and staying away from her might be good too for you.. you will get hurt in the end...” Seungri said that and got up from his seat leaving me feeling confused over what he said.

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pikachu79 #1
Chapter 9: Oh dear I read all at one go and camehere to realize there is no ending... TTTTTT
xtavista #2
Chapter 1: good start..update soon