
the boy in the red hood

07: Avowal



Baekhyun was crazy. Or, that's what he thinks he is. Months of having Chanyeol follow him around everywhere made him feel like he suddenly got a pet dog (which, technically speaking, was correct, but Baekhyun really hated thinking that way because he most definitely didn't have a crush on his supposed pet). Lu Han wasn't making things any better—the mocking googly eyes he makes whenever he sees Baekhyun and Chanyeol together always made Baekhyun blush to his roots, and he'd instinctively hide his face on Chanyeol's arm, which he would then later regret because it only made Lu Han's teasing gibes worse. Chanyeol, on the other hand, would always stay quiet, that same old content smile on his face. If anything, Baekhyun thinks he actually enjoys those moments.

"Baekhyun? We're going to be late. Are you done?"

Chanyeol peeked into his room, and Baekhyun hastily put on his hoodie, grabbing his bag from underneath his desk. He smiled at Chanyeol, nodding his head before they headed out for school.

Outside, Chanyeol didn't care whether there were other people watching them. He would boldly take Baekhyun's hand into his, lacing their fingers together and unknowingly causing a shock akin to an electric current go running up Baekhyun's whole system. Baekhyun liked it, to be honest, but he just wasn't used to it.

On campus, Baekhyun had an even harder time keeping the colour of his normal face, and also keeping his sanity level on 'sane'. Chanyeol would go to all measures to make sure that Baekhyun was safe from harm—balls flying from random sports fields, running students who weren't looking where they were going—Chanyeol would use his own body as a shield, and as much as Baekhyun loved the thought, he also didn't like it because Chanyeol himself was getting harmed (one time, he had to take the tall clueless guy to the clinic from a bleeding eyebrow after using his head as a shield for an incoming Frisbee disk).

As soon as they were in front of school, Baekhyun halted to a stop, pulling Chanyeol back and causing him to look at him curiously. Baekhyun still felt nervous under Chanyeol's gaze that seemed to see through him, into his soul. He cleared his throat, pulling his hand free and placing them on his hips (he instantly missed Chanyeol's warmth, though).

"Chanyeol, listen." He started, and Chanyeol turned to look at him fully.


"I, uh...I don't want you protecting me like you're my guard dog, okay?"

"Why not? Don't humans like security and safety above anything else?"

"Well, yes, we do, but...y-you're getting harmed, too."

"It's okay. I heal quickly—

"Not the point, Chanyeol."

"Then what is?"

"Just—just don't do it anymore, okay?"

"Why not?"

Baekhyun groaned, rubbing his face in frustration. Chanyeol leaned closer, their noses almost bumping against each other. Baekhyun's cheeks turned light pink, and he frowned slightly. "J-just don't do it anymore...okay?"

"Okay...but why not?" Chanyeol pressed on, his eyes staring straight into Baekhyun's.

"B-because...because...I don't want you getting hurt, okay? It makes me sad..." Baekhyun whispered, his breath making white puffs of smoke in the air between them.

Chanyeol suddenly smiled at him, and Baekhyun thought that his heart would burst out of his chest. Chanyeol cupped his face gently, and Baekhyun could only blink in surprise before the taller male pressed their lips together. It was really short, but Baekhyun felt like his brain died.

"Okay. I'm still going to protect you, though, not like a guard dog but...hm, I wonder...what am I to you?" He asked, his thumbs brushing Baekhyun's cheeks.


"You're his boyfriend!!"

They both turned their heads to the side to where the random outburst came from. A few feet away from them, Sehun and Lu Han were grinning from ear to ear, a camera in Sehun's hands. Baekhyun flushed to his roots, sputtering nonsensical syllables and words, pointing accusingly at the newcomers.

"Boyfriend? Like, a male friend? Taeyeon-noona only told me basic things, so I'm not familiar with this boyfriend thing—

"Chanyeol, it's not just a male friend. A boyfriend—or girlfriend, it depends—is someone that a person loves and is always together with. Like you and Baekhyun! You're always together, and oh my lord, you kiss, too. You're totally his boyfriend." Lu Han explained, and Baekhyun finally pulled out of Chanyeol's grasp, bending down and hurling a poorly made snowball at his friend.

"Stop planting weird ideas in his head, you crazy Chinese psycho!" Baekhyun whined, stomping his foot as Lu Han quickly hid behind Sehun, grabbing the camera quickly so that it was safe from future snowballs.

"Hey, it's true! Chanyeol, you should ask Baekhyun first if he wants you as his boyfriend. It's not polite and socially acceptable to just go around telling everyone that you're somebody's boyfriend if you haven't asked them yet!" Lu Han added before pulling Sehun into campus grounds, leaving a red-as-an-apple Baekhyun and smiling Chanyeol behind.

"That crazy little , I'm going to kick his —

"Do you want me to be your boyfriend? Will you be mine?" Chanyeol suddenly asked, catching Baekhyun off guard, the snowball in his hand dropping lamely on the ground.

"Wh-what?" Baekhyun stammered, the only thing in his mind was how Chanyeol looked absolutely breathtaking against the snowy backdrop.

"Lu Han said that a boyfriend is someone who loves you, and—

"Wait, Chanyeol, I don't think you know what you're talking about..." Baekhyun interjected, afraid that Chanyeol was having misconceptions about the idea of love.

"I love you. I mean...I think that's how I feel because I don't want to see you hurt."

"Friends feel that way for each other. I feel that way for Lu Han and the others." Baekhyun tried again.

He didn't want Chanyeol to make a mistake, because frankly, he liked the tall guy, too. He was feeling a different kind of affection for him, and if Chanyeol was just misunderstanding love, Baekhyun didn't think he'd be alright if later on, Chanyeol would break up with him to say that he, in fact, didn't feel love for him.

"I love your smiles. I'd much rather see you smile and laugh once than see random smiles from strangers."


"I love being with you. I love your warmth, your scent, your feel—I love you, Baekhyun, because you're you. I can't...I can't imagine feeling this way for other people..." Chanyeol suddenly looked very troubled, looking down at his feet for a few moments as if contemplating something before looking back up at him, a light frown marring his features. "I don't think I can live without you. Is that okay?"

"Chanyeol, you don't—you don't really mean tha—

"I changed for you. I turned into a human...for you, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun didn't have a reply to that. His hands dropped limply to his sides, and he was partially aware of the school bell ringing in the background. For once, he didn't care if he was going to be late. He didn't care if late students who were running to school stared at them. He didn't care anymore. The sad and hopeless look on Chanyeol's face broke him. For once, Baekhyun made the first move. He strode forward, alerting Chanyeol. Chanyeol's eyes widened slightly as he watched Baekhyun walk closer. The smaller male stopped right in front of him, leaving no space between them.

"Alright, already, you big puppy." Baekhyun mumbled, reaching up and grabbing Chanyeol's coat collar, pressing their lips together.

Chanyeol was surprised, to say the least. His hands fell on Baekhyun's hips as the smaller of the two gently deepened the kiss. Chanyeol felt his face grow warm. It was a different kind of kiss, and he only saw it in movies. He wasn't used to it, but he didn't hate it, either. Baekhyun finally pulled away, his cheeks as red as Chanyeol's.

"Don't you dare tell me in the future that you misunderstood love and that you don't really love me. I will end you, Park Chanyeol." Baekhyun threatened, but the corners of his lips were tugging upwards into a smile.

"I...I won't do that, Baekhyun." He smiled, leaning closer for another kiss. Baekhyun pulled back.

"We still have school. Y-you...you can kiss me later, okay...?" Baekhyun whispered, turning away and clearing his throat, as if trying to gain what was left of his composure.

"Okay. Hey, Baekhyun?"

"Yeah?" Baekhyun took his hand, lacing their fingers tightly and pulling him into campus grounds, their arms swinging gently.

"I don't know how to do this...boyfriend thing...teach me?"

Baekhyun suddenly laughed, looking at Chanyeol curiously. "I'm not familiar with this boyfriend thing either. You got us into this, didn't you?"

"It's Lu Han's fault, though...he told me about it...which reminds me, aren't he and Sehunnie always together? Doesn't that make them boyfriends?"

"Good point, but enough about them. About this boyfriend thing, let's learn together, okay?" Baekhyun smiled at him, and for the first time, Baekhyun didn't feel crazy at all—he felt crazy for Chanyeol, as cheesy as that may sound.



Baekhyun watched as Lu Han heavily sat down beside him, a teasing grin on the junior's face. Baekhyun glared at him before rolling his eyes, going back to his book. Lu Han started poking him on the ribs with a pen, and Baekhyun swatted him away, threatening to bash his head in with his book.

"What?" Baekhyun asked, and Lu Han shrugged his shoulders cutely, resting his face on his hands and still watching Baekhyun with a knowing look.


"Then leave me alone, geez. I'm trying to read a book here—

"It's upside down, you know." Lu Han cut in, and Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.

"What is?"

"The book that you've been supposedly reading for the past hour or so. I've been watching you."

Baekhyun promptly looked at his book, sputtering gibberish as he found out that Lu Han was telling the truth. He corrected the position just as Lu Han leaned in, the same annoying smirk on his face.

"And last time I checked, Anne Rice doesn't write comedy. You've been smiling and giggling like a schoolgirl for the said past hour or so."

"Okay, what do you want?!" Baekhyun whined, pouting and crossing his arms in defeat.

Lu Han laughed, the teasing smirk gone from his face replaced by a genuinely warm and happy one. He jerked his thumb towards the window, where the soccer field could be seen. Chanyeol, Sehun, Jongin—the usual—were playing their ruthless version of dodgeball. Baekhyun automatically smiled like an idiot when Chanyeol laughed in glee, high-fiving Sehun and Jongin as they scored against Kyungsoo's team.

"Spill." Lu Han said quietly, and Baekhyun didn't waste a minute.

He told Lu Han how the past few weeks had been for him and Chanyeol. Chanyeol was clueless, which wasn't news to both of them, but no matter how clueless he may be, Baekhyun found out that he was still romantic and caring—that love was the same no matter the species. Lu Han was smiling happily all throughout his stories, and Baekhyun felt happy that his bestfriend approved greatly of his first—and hopefully, last—boyfriend.

"He's a good guy, you know." Lu Han suddenly said, looking out the window. There was a certain ring of loneliness to his words, and Baekhyun didn't miss it.

"...what's wrong?"

"...nothing. Just...love each other, okay? Truly, deeply, eternally—whatever floats your boat. Love each other, okay?" Lu Han gave an uneasy smile, and Baekhyun knew that no matter how much he prodded, Lu Han was not going to give in. He nodded, smiling and following his gaze to the field.

"Of course we will. I mean, seriously, we're both from different species technically, but love conquered that. We'll be fine."

Lu Han looked at him, a sad glint in his eyes no matter how much he tried to it. It bothered Baekhyun, but he didn't press into the matter.



It was one lazy Wednesday morning that things started happening.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were hanging out at one of the tables in the courtyard, their homework scattered across the table. Despite the cold weather, Baekhyun liked staying outside, and so did Chanyeol. Chanyeol had one arm draped around Baekhyun's small frame, while Baekhyun had his legs propped up on Chanyeol's lap. He snuggled closer for warmth, pen in hand as he explained an algebraic formula to his boyfriend.

"Do you get it now?" Baekhyun asked, and Chanyeol scrunched his nose in disdain.

"Why do we have to find all those x's? It's not my business."

Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh. He patted Chanyeol on the chest before smiling at him. "Trust me, I asked myself that question during the whole duration of my first year. Come sophomore year and these x's won't be your business anymore, don't worry."

Chanyeol grimaced, but pointed at one question. "I still don't get this one."

Before Baekhyun could explain further, a shadow fell on their papers. They both looked up, and an unfamiliar group of three boys were standing before them. One of them was holding flyers, and Baekhyun watched them curiously. Chanyeol's hand on his shoulder suddenly gripped him tighter, pulling him closer. He could feel Chanyeol's muscles grow tense.

"Afternoon, guys." The one in the middle spoke, and his voice had a raspy quality. He had small, narrow eyes and a sharp nose. He had a pretty pair of lips that had these natural upturned corners. He looked friendly enough.

"Hey?" Baekhyun still wasn't sure why they were approached, but he was starting to feel wary because he could sense that Chanyeol was feeling protective again.

"We were just wondering if you'd like to join our organization, the Lycans. I'm Himchan, by the way. Kim Himchan. I'm the VP. Our President is a little busy at the moment." He placed a flyer on top of Baekhyun's hand.

Baekhyun then noticed that it was the organization whose symbol had Chanyeol staring during the first day tour. He frowned a little, inspecting the paper before looking up at Himchan. He was still smiling.

"It's ironic, isn't it? You, uh, according to this flyer, you support the wolf preservation movement and yet your organization logo is..." He pointed at the wolf head pierced by a javelin, and Himchan chuckled.

"I know, right? The previous club owners did that. We still can't think of a good logo to replace that, so we're sticking with it for now, ironic as it may be."

"Oh...well, sorry, uhm, Himchan. We're not interested. Thanks for the offer, though."

"It's alright. We'll get back to you again, though. I can feel that you love wolves as much as we do." He winked, and Baekhyun laughed nervously.

Himchan's smile never faltered. He waved goodbye, leaving the flyer in Baekhyun's hand. Chanyeol's hold on him never loosened. He looked up at his boyfriend, and was surprised to see Chanyeol's brows knitted together, a deep, rumbling noise coming from within him. Baekhyun let go of the flyer, cupping Chanyeol's face and gently caressing him.

"Hey, hey, are you okay? You look angry."

"I don't like him."

Baekhyun couldn't argue with him, because honestly, Himchan scared him. The man radiated negativity, and Baekhyun felt that. The way Himchan said that he could feel that Baekhyun loves wolves as much as he does sent a chill up Baekhyun's spine. It was as if Himchan knew, but that was impossible. Only the SC knew of this wolf business. Not even their close friends outside of SC knew it. Himchan wouldn't know about any of it.

"Relax, Chanyeol, it's okay. He's gone. I don't like him, either, but he's gone. Let's go back to algebra, okay?"

Chanyeol released a deep sigh, closing his eyes and breathing deeply before opening them again, looking at Baekhyun. He looked gentle again, the wolfish glint in his eyes gone. Baekhyun smiled, and Chanyeol kissed him.

"Okay, back to algebra, even though I don't like it, too."

Baekhyun laughed, and they resumed their study session, the Lycan flyer forgotten beneath the table.



Jaehyo walked away from the window, his steps hurried as he made a beeline for Zico's desk in their council office. Zico was balancing a pencil between his nose and mouth, and when Jaehyo clapped his hands on the desk, Zico jumped, almost blinding himself with the pencil.

"Hey, I could've been blinded!" Zico complained, and Jaehyo clicked his tongue, waving the issue off.

"Not important."

"My eyesight's not important?!"

"I think Himchan knows. About Chanyeol."

Zico's face contorted into all sorts of disbelieving expressions until he finally groaned in exasperation, slumping back into his seat and burying his face in his hand.




A/N: Oops. Happy new year? Sorry for the really late update omg. If you want to talk, I'm always on twitter!

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hinagiku27 #1
Chapter 7: just found it, and I'm want to say: it's cool dude^^ I love plot and characters here.
it's really make me curious. and there also bap yayy, I miss them.
Chanyeol is so fluffy I'm gonna die. I wish things go smoth for baekyeol. I'm a little bit scare with the angst tag. Luhan knows if yeol might have a bad ending (please don't kill those little guy>~<).
Hope you will update soon author nim. Fighiting!!
deermybunny #2
Chapter 7: Woaahhh!! I'm curious tho!! Who are BAP in this story?? Why did they want Baekyeol to join their club??
And did Hunhan already a couple too?! >_<
Waiting for next update!! ^^
EXO_planet12 #3
Chapter 7: waaahhh that was so Good chapter...
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: OMG THAT SCENE WITH BAEK AND YEOL <333 so adorable, I swear!!!

I'm really liking this story! :D Keep up the awesome work! Looking forward to the next chapter c:
deermybunny #5

Yeeaaahhh!!! Finally Baek know about Chanyeol!! LOL
But,, I dont think Luhan is forest sprite.. He like Sehun, right?! Please write about them toooo!! >_<

Chanyeol is like a baby!! Baek is getting flushtered by him.. Lol.. you have to teach him Baek!! >_< ♥♥
AptonKey #6
Chapter 6: Arghasdfghjkl kisses
Chapter 6: yeasssss this is updated I'm happy!!! and hello BAP!!

Chanyeol kissed Baek omfg ahslsnaagakak