
the boy in the red hood

05: Confrontation



Baekhyun thinks it weird how Jaehyo seemed to be very alert and cautious around Chanyeol. Ever since the day he introduced the Student Council members to Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, the vice-president had been acting strange. Zico even had to be at Jaehyo's side at all times to, as eloquently worded by the blonde president, 'keep the little head in control'. Still, Baekhyun still sometimes caught Jaehyo staring--more like glaring-- at Chanyeol with wide eyes, while Chanyeol would just stare off into the horizon.

Baekhyun still couldn't get a grasp on how weird his daily life had become after the 'fresh meat', as Lu Han so fondly calls the transferees, arrived, but after spending weeks going through these weird changes, he got used to it already. His little circle of friends that had once only included him and Lu Han (sometimes Zico and Yukwon, the SC public relations officer), started to expand, and by the middle of the semester, Kyungsoo had started to shed his timid shell and slowly released his inner 'beast' (usually unleashed on Jongin and Sehun, the usual troublemakers) while Baekhyun would just ask Chanyeol to calm down and 'let the storm rage on'. Lu Han would just laugh as he stuffed his face with food from Sehun's plate.

But no matter how many changes happened around them, Chanyeol, for some odd reason, still remained his innocent and clueless self. It amazed Baekhyun how the littlest things could set Chanyeol into a wild episode of excitement and restlessness. It also amazed Baekhyun how the littlest things that Chanyeol did made the butterflies in his stomach kick up a storm, and how he'd involuntarily let out a fond smile (which Lu Han always notices). But really (and Baekhyun probably wouldn't admit it soon), Chanyeol just simply amazed Baekhyun in the weirdest ways.

"You've got a thing for him, haven't you?" Lu Han had once asked while they were cleaning up the library one late Thursday night.

Baekhyun had frowned, stopping his movement as he stared at Lu Han. "Who?"

"Oh, I don't know. That major-less giant kid who's so clueless about life. You know, that kid who walked in on you while you were showering and you both just started screaming like you were in a Korean version of Psycho."

Baekhyun had answered with a book on Lu Han's face, but nothing else. He couldn't even begin to deny to Lu Han's words because really, it had been a while since someone made him smile for no reason. Seeing Lu Han smile at him after an exam was one thing, but seeing Chanyeol smile lovingly at him every time they make eye contact was another. Baekhyun wouldn't admit it yet, but Chanyeol was special.



"So, hey. You know, I texted you something a few weeks ago and you still haven't answered. I just remembered."

Baekhyun took a huge bite from his sandwich as he peeked at Lu Han through his peripheral vision. They were sitting on the bleachers in their school's football field, and their friends (Chanyeol, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Zico and Jongdae, the newest addition) were playing a very violent and ruthless version of dodge ball. Baekhyun winced as he heard Jongdae screech profanities at Zico and Sehun.

"What? What text?" Lu Han hummed to himself, swinging his legs around and taking Baekhyun's drink into his hands, sipping from it.

"You know what I'm talking about. I saw my message in your saved folder earlier, you dip, stop stalling." Baekhyun popped the last chunk of his sandwich into his mouth, turning his head to fully face Lu Han.

"Ah....wait. You touched my phone?" Lu Han whipped his head around towards Baekhyun, a surprised and slightly scandalized look on his face.

"How else would I have seen the message? Lu, your brain cells are slowly diminishing each day, what the hell." Baekhyun deadpanned, and Lu Han clicked his tongue.

"You unlocked my phone?"

"It's Sehun's birthday."

"No, it's not. Stop making things up." Lu Han's cheeks flushed slightly, and Baekhyun took note of it so he could torment the older about it at some other time. For now, he had other things to focus on.

"Then answer me. I'm just...really curious and freaked out by their behaviour." Baekhyun whined, and Lu Han sighed, looking at the field again and chuckling when Kyungsoo literally dropped drown and rolled around on the field, tripping Jongin and Chanyeol.

"So, this is about Chanyeol and Jaehyo, right?" Lu Han confirmed, and Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"No, it's about Zico and the lady at the cafeteria."

"Wait, really?"

"Could you get any stupider?"

"That's no way to talk to your hyung."

"Then focus for a moment, will you, Lu?" Baekhyun snapped, and Lu Han fought back the urge to snort at him. The older male turned to face him and gestured with his hands for Baekhyun to continue.

"Go ahead, I'm listening. I'm going to try and tune out Jongdae's cackling from the field."

Baekhyun curled his lips in mock doubt but knew full well that Lu Han was listening. "It was really weird. You should've seen them when they met each other. It's like...Jaehyo-hyung was totally shocked to see Chanyeol with us." Baekhyun recalled, and Lu Han nodded his head.

"Well...really, this isn't for me to tell, Baek. You should ask Jaehyo, or Chanyeol."

"But you've known Jaehyo-hyung the longest, Lu! And you're friends with Chanyeol! You should know! Plus, Chanyeol's behaviour is really weird, it's kind of distracting at times." Baekhyun whined, and the older of the two leaned closer to him before flicking him on the nose.

"Now, now, I know I'm older, but I don't have the answers to your love problems, Byun." Lu Han teased, and it was Baekhyun's turn to blush. He swatted away Lu Han's hand and turned back to the field, his face scrunched up in annoyed embarrassment.

For now, he knew that asking Lu Han was no use. The Chinese was adamant on evading the question. Baekhyun supposed that he'd just really have to approach Jaehyo or Chanyeol.



Luckily for Baekhyun, he didn't really have to find Jaehyo on his own. A few days after his talk with Lu Han, the pretty flower boy of a vice-president had come looking for him on his own. He looked agitated and restless, which should've alarmed Baekhyun but he didn't have time to react as the older male just grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him away as he was in the middle of walking to his next class (leaving Kyungsoo and Sehun staring at them with wide eyes).

"Jaehyo-hyung, wait, I have class! I can't skip that or I'll flunk-- yah, hyung!" Baekhyun whined, trying to pry off Jaehyo's strong grip on his wrist, but the older wouldn't relent. Baekhyun wriggled his arm again, stomping his foot like a five-year old. "Hyung!"

Jaehyo didn't listen as they breezed past through the throng of students all hurrying to their next classes. Baekhyun wanted to join them, too, really, but Jaehyo just kept on pulling him forward. They only stopped when they arrived at the covered court of their campus. Beyond the bleachers lay the vast woods in all of its quiet and evergreen glory. Baekhyun looked around at first before glaring at Jaehyo.

"Yah, Ahn Jaehyo! What the hell?!" Baekhyun literally did not need any other words to describe his confusion at that moment. Jaehyo just whirled around on his spot and glared at Baekhyun in a slightly accusatory manner. Baekhyun stepped back cautiously. "W-what?"

"We need to talk, Byun Baekhyun."

"T-talk? About what? Oh my God. Is this about me being late to the transferees' tour thing? I am so sorry, ! Did Lu Han rat me ou--

"I...wasn't really aware of that, but we'll talk about that some other time. For now, we need to talk about more important things."

Baekhyun rubbed the back of his neck nervously, already reprimanding himself for ratting himself out. Before he could think of any other thing to say, the name that flew out of Jaehyo's lips caught him off-guard. He could only furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"Park Chanyeol."

"...excuse me?" Baekhyun tilted his head, and Jaehyo ran his hand through his hair in an act of frustration.

"We need to talk about Park Chanyeol. And what he is."

Baekhyun heard imaginary alarm bells in his mind at the older male's words. He straightened his posture and cocked an eyebrow at Jaehyo. Jaehyo just remained stoic, eyes boring into Baekhyun's.  However, before Baekhyun could react properly, he was once again cut off by somebody else. He was really getting annoyed at the fact that nobody ever let him finish what he was saying.

"If this is about me, then shouldn't I be included in the conversation, too?"

Baekhyun didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Chanyeol was so close to him, their bodies pressing flush against each other. One of Chanyeol's hands even found its way on Baekhyun's hip, keeping him close and somehow making Baekhyun feel safe. Safe from what, Baekhyun's not sure.

"There you are, Jaehyo! Aish, this idiot! Stop running off by yourself!"

From behind Chanyeol came Zico, Yukwon and Lu Han looking like they had just run a 100-kilometre Lu Han's case, he looked like just got chased by a serial killer, what with his dishevelled hair and inside-out jacket. Zico stopped right in front of Jaehyo, hands on his own knees as he tried to catch his breath. Yukwon clapped a hand on Jaehyo's shoulder, leaning on him for support. Lu Han decided to just stay near Baekhyun.

"Uhm...why is everyone suddenly here?" Baekhyun was a little surprised that nobody cut him off. Lu Han flicked his fringe to the side and cocked his head towards Zico.

"Zico suddenly went into a panic when he saw that Jaehyo was nowhere to be seen."

"Possessive much?" Baekhyun teased, but nobody laughed. He promptly quieted down upon noticing that the matter at hand was no laughing matter.

"Yah, Ahn Jaehyo! We told you that we we're going to wait! We're supposed to wait!" Yukwon hissed in half-anger, half-exasperation. Jaehyo didn't budge.

"I can't! Not when we don't know what's up with him." Jaehyo snapped at Yukwon, and the latter sighed, looking at Zico for help.

"I really don't know what to do with you..."

"Guys. Baekhyun's here." Lu Han cut in, and the student council members looked at the said boy as if on cue.

Baekhyun blinked in response, and he felt Chanyeol pulling him closer ever so slightly. They were so close that he could feel Chanyeol's breath fanning against the side of his face, his breath warm and making Baekhyun's skin feel tingly. Chanyeol's fingers were pressing against Baekhyun's hip, causing him to feel a little light-headed.

"What do you want to know?" Chanyeol asked, and this was probably the first time that Baekhyun has ever heard him sound so sure. Baekhyun wanted to turn his head and look up at him, but considering the distance-- or lack, thereof-- between them, he didn't move.

"'re not human." Jaehyo said before anybody could even stop him, and it sounded more like a declaration rather than a question.

Baekhyun was the first one to break the silence that fell around them. Looking back and forth between his friends, his eyebrows forever knotted into confusion, he could only hold on to Chanyeol's arm around him for support.

"Chanyeol...he's not human?"


A/N: A really short update to tell you all that I'm still breathing! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this one for such a long while. I really don't like writing when I don't have the inspiration, so I hope you understand. :)

Also, I am really sorry to say that I won't be updating for another two months (again). I'll be going to Japan for the summer, and since our plan is to have fun and go around Japan while catching up with our relatives there, I really don't think I'd be able to sit down for hours just to write updates. So this is kinda like a chapter telling you that I'm alive, but that I'll be dying again and disappearing from the face of the Earth for another two months. Sorry! ^^;

P.S. To those who have absolutely no idea who Block B is you're hurting my achy breaky heart, here's a short intro course on those dorks!

  • Woo Jiho (Zico). As I introduced him in the story, he's the SC president, but of course, stay tuned to this fic to learn about who he really is. /winkwink


  • Ahn Jaehyo. SC Vice. Also, surprisingly more hot-headed and impatient compared to Zico despite what their appearances may say. He's also hiding something, and I know y'all are already suspecting him of something. Heehee.


  • Kim Yukwon. SC Public Relations officer. I'll just say from here on out that all the SC members are hiding something. /wiggles eyebrows/ also, he's my bias in block b UGH I HATE HIM SO MUCH


  • Lee Taeil, Lee Minhyuk (B-Bomb), Pyo Jihoon (P.O.), Park Kyung (I haven't mentioned them much in the story yet soooo for now, blank profiles lol)
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hinagiku27 #1
Chapter 7: just found it, and I'm want to say: it's cool dude^^ I love plot and characters here.
it's really make me curious. and there also bap yayy, I miss them.
Chanyeol is so fluffy I'm gonna die. I wish things go smoth for baekyeol. I'm a little bit scare with the angst tag. Luhan knows if yeol might have a bad ending (please don't kill those little guy>~<).
Hope you will update soon author nim. Fighiting!!
deermybunny #2
Chapter 7: Woaahhh!! I'm curious tho!! Who are BAP in this story?? Why did they want Baekyeol to join their club??
And did Hunhan already a couple too?! >_<
Waiting for next update!! ^^
EXO_planet12 #3
Chapter 7: waaahhh that was so Good chapter...
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: OMG THAT SCENE WITH BAEK AND YEOL <333 so adorable, I swear!!!

I'm really liking this story! :D Keep up the awesome work! Looking forward to the next chapter c:
deermybunny #5

Yeeaaahhh!!! Finally Baek know about Chanyeol!! LOL
But,, I dont think Luhan is forest sprite.. He like Sehun, right?! Please write about them toooo!! >_<

Chanyeol is like a baby!! Baek is getting flushtered by him.. Lol.. you have to teach him Baek!! >_< ♥♥
AptonKey #6
Chapter 6: Arghasdfghjkl kisses
Chapter 6: yeasssss this is updated I'm happy!!! and hello BAP!!

Chanyeol kissed Baek omfg ahslsnaagakak