Chapter 46

Chasing Dreams

"Cut!" Joe shouted and within seconds everyone disbanded from the scene.  Rolling up the script, Joe jogged towards Raymond, who was walking back to his chair under a tree.  "Listen Ray can you put a little more emotion into the scene?"

"Are you suggesting that my acting is not good enough?" Raymond bit out defensively.

Joe saw the developing scowl on Raymond's face and quickly tried to ease it away, "No… no.  That's not what I meant.  What I mean is that the girl of your dreams just said yes to your marriage proposal and you should be exhilarated, and happy beyond words.  Yet, I'm not getting that from you."

Flinging himself down onto the chair Raymond asked sarcastically, "How should I react?  Should I jump up and down?  Or maybe I should run in circles.  Does that meet your standard of being exhilarated and happy?"

Joe pressed his lips together to prevent himself from making a snappy comeback.  Raymond has been acting strange for the last couple of days and strange in a foul way.  He knows that Raymond can be tough and even snooty at times but he never ever let that get in the way of his acting.  Now it has and Joe wondered what caused it.  Not that he really cared for he has his own problems to deal with.  Ignoring Raymond's barb, Joe said blandly, "Let's try again in five minutes," and walked away.

Jazz who had been hovering behind Raymond came around hesitantly.  He too have noticed Raymond's dark moods in the last couple of days but didn't dare to say anything.  "Uh Raymond, do you want me to get you some water?"

Raymond looked up and gave Jazz a frosty look.  In a leveled tone, he asked, "Did I ask for it?"

Seeing the flare of annoyance on Raymond's face, Jazz quickly responded, "No."  He was about to return to his spot behind Raymond's chair when Raymond suddenly grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry," Raymond muttered and ignored the look of surprise on Jazz's face.  "I know I've been acting like a jerk lately and I'm sorry for taking it out on you."

"It's okay," Jazz said and he meant it.  Raymond may be difficult at times but deep down Jazz knows that Raymond thinks extremely highly of their friendship.  It was this knowledge that kept him supporting Raymond through these years.  Something must be troubling him immensely for him to act out this way.  Being Raymond's assistant as well as loyal friend, Jazz didn't like seeing him this way.  Kneeling down beside him, Jazz asked, "Do you want me to ask Joe to do the other scenes first?"

Raymond cast a glance over where Joe was waiting impatiently for the break to be over.  Shaking his head he said dimly, "No.  I can do it."

Detecting the sadness in Raymond's voice, Jazz suddenly clasped Raymond's arm.  Leaning in he said in a low voice, "Ray, if you ever need some body to talk to, I'm here.  I may not be able to help solve anything but I'm a good listener."

Raymond had never been one to share his inner feelings with anyone.  He was a man.  Men simply don't go about letting out their feelings.  Nevertheless, he was grateful for Jazz's everlasting concern, support and loyalty.  No matter how often he mistreated him, Jazz never took it to heart.  Instead, he remained by his side overlooking all of Raymond's faults and Raymond had more faults than anyone they knew.  He was indeed a true friend to have and Raymond found himself for the first time wanting to confide his feelings to him.  "I…" he started but didn't know how to proceed.

Jazz didn't pressure him.  He merely waited for Raymond to continue, if he wanted to.

"It's Charmaine," Raymond uttered that single word.

"Charmaine?" Jazz was confused.  "What about her?"

Looking squarely at Jazz, Raymond said, "I love her."

"You what?" Jazz sputtered in shock.  He then stuck a finger in each ear and twisted as if to clear away some invisible blockage.  "I'm sorry.  Can you repeat what you just said?  I don't think I heard correctly the first time."

Raymond bit back a small smile and repeated in a firm voice, "I'm in love with Charmaine."

Jazz could not believe what he was hearing.  Raymond was in love with Charmaine?  How did that come about?  When did they get together?

Seeing the puzzlement on Jazz's face, Raymond said, "I'll tell you everything after I finish my scenes.  The reason why is because I want your help in getting her back."


Charmaine stalked into Wayne's office and stuck a piece of paper in front of his face.  "I just got this," she stated in a quiet voice and waited for him to take it.  She watched his smile disappear as he scanned the one page document.  "What can we do now?"

Wayne gestured for her to take a seat.  When she did, he leaned back in his chair and said matter of factly, "Didn't we expect this outcome?"

"Yes, but…" Charmaine started but stopped.

"But you had high hopes it would be different because Ron Ng had been accused before, am I right?"

"Yes!" Charmaine responded aggressively.  "What will it take to put this creep behind bars?"

Wayne leaned forward to rest his arms on the desk.  With wisdom showing years of experience in this area, he said simply, "Patience."

Charmaine knew he was right but she's hasn't gotten a good night's sleep ever since the incident.  The only way she could sleep peacefully again is when Ron Ng is punished for his crimes.  "What about the mask you found on the street?  Any way to trace it back to him?"

"They did.  Ron Ng's DNA is all over the mask but that doesn't mean anything.  All it means is that the mask is his.  We need more evidence, concrete evidence."

Frustrated that Ron Ng was again getting away with what he did, Charmaine bit out, "He tried to kill me.  Although he wore a mask but Raymond and I both recognized his voice!"

"I know," Wayne agreed softly and reasoned, "But recognizing his voice is not circumstantial evidence.  There is no way the police are going to press charges against someone like Ron Ng based on such a flimsy accusation.  You're a lawyer yourself.  You know how things work."

Charmaine didn't say a word.  Her face said it all.  She was angry, flustered and frightened that Ron Ng was still a free man and capable of hurting more women if he wasn't stopped soon.

Reading her thoughts, Wayne walked over to her side.  "Don't give up hope.  I believe there's justice in this world."


Kevin walked into the spa and asked one of the clerks for Myolie's whereabouts.  The shy young girl pointed towards a room down the hall and with a smile of gratitude, Kevin headed that way.  He saw her then.  Myolie was sitting on a lounge chair, staring unseeingly at the floor.  "Hello beautiful," he greeted cheerfully and bent to give her a kiss.

Myolie quickly averted her face and Kevin's kiss fell in mid air.

Surprised by her behavior, Kevin asked, "Are you not feeling well?"

"I-I'm not," Myolie stuttered and scrambled out of her chair to distance herself from him.

Kevin was again surprised by her odd behavior.  "Is something wrong?"

Myolie refuse to meet his eyes.  With her head bent, she murmured, "No.  Nothing is wrong."  She dashed towards the door and mumbled, "I have something to do."

Kevin caught her before she made her escape.  With hands on her shoulders, he turned her gently around to face him.  Searching her face, he saw the paleness of it and also shame.  "What's wrong?" he asked tenderly.  When Myolie still refuse to look up at him, he tipped her chin up with his fingers and stared into her eyes.  "Tell me and we'll work it out together."

Myolie saw the open love on Kevin's face.  Shaking her head she let the tears fall until her face was wet from it.  "K-Kevin," she whispered and fell into his arms where she clung tightly onto him.  "I've been ." 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Was watching Charmaine’s latest drama and decided to come re-read the story (:
HottestVIPSone #2
Gonna start reading this now!
Heyy Simcon :) Just to let you know, I really enjoyed this story. I would comment on Winglin but for some odd reason, I'm not able to access it from my PC >< Which I'm glad that you have put it on this site :) I'll continue to support your future fanfics as well, keep up the good work! :D
jeanne90 #4
I really enjoy follow this story, thanks for the update.
Yaaay, an update! :D And I'm glad Raymond has made up his mind x) Charmaine too!
Awww, honestly Wayne seems like a sweet guy. I wonder if Charmaine will give him a chance :P
Yaaay, an update! :) But awww, Raymond and Charm.. siiigh :( As for Ron, OMG! I hope he gets his kicked by Kenneth before sent off to prison for ever.
mewmew #8
Hi Simcon, it's been awhile since I came here. Although I'm not the craziest charray fan as I once was, I still enjoy reading your stories. The way you write a story, regardless of the pairing, it is still as alluring. I hope you don't stop writing ;) 加油!<br />
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Well, at least Raymond is making progress with Charmaine, but it's an interesting relationship, as he is a celebrity and all. Is he really going to give up his career for her like he once said before. Looking forward to see his progress on with Charmaine :D<br />
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Awwwwwww... Raymond :) hahaha<br />
and omg, Ron is just.. -_- I hope he stays in prison for the rest of his life.<br />
I was so glad to see an update :D
I absolutely love it so far. Poor Myo :( And I hope Ray does A LOTTTT in order to get Charmaine back, 'cause he hurt her in the worst way possible :/