

Luhan is looking for his friends.

He is standing, alone, in front of the Converse store and he is going insane. He grabs his phone and dials Chanyeol's number again as fast as he can, because hope is the last thing you lose and Luhan is about to lose his mind if he doesn't find them.

And Damn! Chanyeol is not picking up.

He tries to remember their last conversation, but the only thing he recall is Joonmyun telling him they are at the Starbucks, drinking a frappucino because it is too hot for the usual vanilla latte, duh, but then again, that was a good half and ago ago. Now, he is completely lost in the middle of the mall and alone. Don't forget alone.

Luhan curses his luck, the bus going slow and the lack of money to took a cab.

He sits and frowns for a bit, grabs his head, mess his hair and tries to think where the hell his friends could be and why the hell they are not answering their phones.

Yah, if they are heading to the concert without me I swear I'm gonna tear them apart.

He walks a little to comfort himself.

Nah, Chanyeol may think about it but Joonmyun would never let him do it, he thinks and calms himself.

He tries calling Chanyeol, he tries calling Joonmyun, but neither of them pick up. He gets frustrated and kicks a trash can dropping all the garbage on the floor, apparently his bad lucky is still stick to him because in that moment, he turns around and sees the clean lady watching him with fury in the eyes, the throbbing vein under her eyes matching her "im-gonna-kill-you" face. He could've knelt down and beg for forgiveness, but when he is trying to excuse himself, the sight of something orange, freezes him.

It is a boy, a really small boy with round face and really lovely eyes. His hair is orange, bright orange and Luhan feels like fainting when he sees the boy smiling because his cheeks look even bigger and he feels the urge to bite those squishy puffy cheeks. He is still looking at the boy when suddenly, the boy looks around and his eyes meet Luhan's and smiles.

Luhan will describe this moment in the future, like the biggest moment in his life, like some scene of a love movie, when the boy sees the girl and the girl sees the boy and they stare at each other in slow motion and there is a white aura around her and she is glowing and the world seems to stop around you and everything disappear and it is just you and her-him and your eyes grow bigger and your heart stops and suddenly you forget how to breath because everything that matter it's just she- Him!

The boy breaks the spell when looks away and keeps walking who knows where. Luhan watches him disappears into the crowd, he rubs his eyes and the world returns to it's normal speed. He doesn't hear the meaning comments of the clean-lady about him.

He blinks once, twice and he is still standing in the middle of the mall and still alone. He realizes he is sweating and he looks for the bathroom to wash his face. In the middle of his way out, he suffers a second heart attack. He is looking at his phone when he bumps into someone, he raises his face and there he is, the boy, the one with the orange hair and puffy cheeks standing right in front of him. Luhan's mind goes blank and his mouth feels suddenly dry and he is unable to speak a word. In his head, Hallellujah songs are playing, angels are dancing and God himself is giving him a hand-shake because he is so ing lucky to find him again and they must be destined together and yeah, why not? If the boy wants, they can have a dog and not a cat -as Luhan'd wish- but what the hell, they will be happy together raising a dog -not a cat- in a lovely house outside of town-

And he must look like an idiot because the boy in front of him is now raising an eyebrow and looking at him with confused eyes. He asks politely -again- if he could move so he could go to the bathroom. Luhan shakes his head and he realizes he is interrupting the boy, mentally slapping himself, so he nods and moves. The boy gives him a curious look before leaving. Luhan follows him with his eyes before reminding himself that he is being creepy, he slaps his head again creepy Luhan, creepy, really creepy. The boy turns around to look at him better and he laughs when he looks at him recumbent on the wall, slapping his own forehead but Luhan is too busy mumbling his failure and he misses this.

♦ ♣ ♠

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Luhan shouts as soon as Chanyeol picks his 13th call.

He hears giggles, he hears noise and he hears Joonmyun's voice raising up.

"The hell, Chanyeol, let me talk to him"
"Back off, Gnome!"
"Don't call me Gnome!"
"Why not? Yifan calls you Gnome"
"It's different!"
"Ahh yeah yeah, I forget he is your boyfriend and I'm just you ing best friend."
"I'm not gonna listen to that, GIVE ME THE PHONE."

There is some noise, Luhan can identify struggle, some punches, heavy breaths, Joonmyun's cries, Chanyeol's groans, and then... nothing.

They killed each other.

He is processing the sudden death of his two best-friends, when his phone is ringing again, but this time is Joonmyun.

"Luhan, sorry, we are still at the mall. Come to the pet store. We are waiting for Chanyeol's cousin so we can FINALLY go to the concert. So hurry up and come."

Luhan doesn't miss the emphazise in FINALLY. He wants to ask for Chanyeol's current state but Joonmyun hangs up without saying another word. He walks to the pet store in complete silence. When he meets them, he doesn't know if he should cry because he finally found them or take respectful silence because Joonmyun looks really pissed-off and Chanyeol looks like he'd just been hit by a car. He goes for the last one.

Soon, he regrets not muttering a word, because Chanyeol is not talking to Joonmyun, Joonmyun is not talking to Chanyeol and he finds himself in the middle of two guys that seems that are not going to talk to each other ever again. He gulps.

"So, Chanyeol, your cousin... in he close?" Chanyeol looks at him and nods "Yeah, he is buying orange-juice, he is already in his way to meet- " Chanyeol doesn't finish his sentence, because he is cut off by a scream that rips the air.

The three boys turn towards the noise and while two of them get up to greet, one of them freezes in his spot.

There he is, again, the boy with the orange hair and the puffy cheeks and the power to freeze Luhan's body.

"Minseok-hyung ~" Chanyeol and Joonmyun voices are join with laugh and both of them look very happy once the boy has finally arrived.

"Yah ~ sorry guys, it took me a while to come, you didn't wait for me for so long, did you?" Minseok smiles at both of them and his gummy smile send shivers to Luhan's spine.

"No, we were waiting for Luhan too" Luhan doesn't know who is talking to who, he just knows that the boy, the orange boy, Minseok, is now looking at him and he recognizes him because Minseok is smiling again and shaking his hand with joy.

"So, Luhan?"
"Nice name..."

Luhan can't believe his luck.

♦ ♣ ♠

They go the concert, of course, but this is the last of Luhan's thoughts.

In the last half and hour, he manages to keep a conversation with Minseok and learns more about him.

Kim Minseok, cousin of Chanyeol, twenty two years old (which totally puzzled him because he looks so young with those cheeks, and then again Luhan has to remind himself to not bite his lips because he looks creepy), Visual Arts Major, perfect record and perfect body -DAMN IT LUHAN!- he plays soccer like a pro and even when Chanyeol is his cousin, Joonmyun is his best friend.
Also, Minseok lives not too far from his own house and Luhan can't hide his excitement when Minseok accepts playing soccer with him, someday. He can't hide his excitement either, when Minseok asks him to accompany him to get some beers because Who goes to a concert and doesn't get beers?

Luhan agrees.

He doesn't see the rest of the night coming, with the first beers already drank and the joy of the concert, the future it's unknown.
It's too soon for them to know that at the end of the night, the excitement of the concert and the beers effect will blurry Luhan's mind and he will kiss Minseok softly in the middle of "If you're lost and alone, or you're sinking like a stone. Carry on" And Minseok will smile against his lips.

Luhan does not know that the last circumstances will lead to a series of events that will define his relationship with Minseok.

Like the end of the concert, Minseok will grab his arm, pull him closer and wrap his arms around Luhan's neck and he will kiss him, deeply. Luhan will grab his waist and pulls him even closer. And it will be during "Tonight, we are young, so let’s set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun ~" 

Did he mention it is a F.U.N concert?

Luhan doesn't know, yet, that Minseok will give him his phone number and their first date will be a disaster but they are going to laugh about it and their night will end up with Luhan grabbing Minseok's hand and walking him home.

Luhan doesn't know that Minseok will become the most important person in his life and that he, Luhan, will be the pilar of Minseok.

Luhan doesn't know he will be spending the rest of the year with Minseok at his side, watching movies, eating lunch together or going out with Chanyeol and Joonmyun.

Luhan doesn't know these yet.

He doesn't need to know it, because "Carry On" is starting and Luhan is feeling the urge to kiss those lips but he doesn't feel confident enough but Minseok is smiling and Luhan thinks that maybe, maybe, after this beer.




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Chapter 1: xiu is chanyeol's cousin XD oh my, the height though.. guess it wasnt passed on on xiu

write more xiuhan please :3
Chapter 1: ifueytoaieyrce loved it!!!
Chapter 1: That wa so cute and I enjoyed it so much! Please write more XiuHan. :3
Chapter 1: xiuhan + fun. = life complete <3
Chapter 1: awwww, that was cutee!!! XD
please write more xiuhan fict! ehe.