A Gentleman Never Tells

A Gentleman Never Tells

They hadn't been to the dorms in a while. They had been so busy...concerts took up most of his time, dance and vocal practice, all the usual business, with the added visits to the coffee shop to help out his parents. All this to say it had been a while they had been all together and disposed to a night of drinking and games. Of course, one thing lead to another, and they ended up halfway drunk playing truth or dare. Cliché, yes, but they didn't have enough sober brain cells to comtemplate on their poor choice of game. It was either that, or watching Finding Nemo.

And of course Yesung and his luck ended up with Heechul asking the bloody question. Choosing truth with Heechul was suicidal, but picking dare was simply Armageddon.

"I’ll go easy on you; tell us your deepest, darkest, most guarded secret" he said with a smirk. Because that was going easy on him.

"Can I lie?" He responded immediately, hoping that everyone would be too smashed to remember.

"Of course not. And just for the record, I...we will all know if you lie. You’re a terrible liar Yesung. Go on now, tell us," he responded flitting his hand in the air.

He sighed deeply, pondering for a brief moment about his life and, his deepest, darkest, most guarded secret. Was it the time he peed his pants on stage but covered it up by running into the water jets, or that one time he cried watching The Lion King for the fiftieth time? Maybe it was that he wrote poetry about his significant other, or that the only thing he drew was the love of his life?

Well..there was also that thing...It wasn’t really a secret, it was more that nobody knew. Almost nobody knew, except the one involved in this. In his alcohol muddled brain, Yesung decided to go with the lesser evil.


"I’m married."



He woke with the worst hangover he had experienced in years. He was in his bed, wondering how he got there, before he realized he wasn’t alone. He scrambled to the opposite side and saw it was Heechul, sitting on the side of his bed.

"So, I’m going to get straight to the point. To whom?"

Yesung looked around for a few seconds wondering who Heechul was talking to but most importantly, what was he talking about. After those few seconds elapsed, he realised he hadn’t reached any conclusion.

"Come again?"

Heechul moved his face closer but wrinkled his nose in disgust. His needed a shower. "Yesterday, the big announcement you told us all...don’t you remember? Were you really that smashed?"

Yesung shrugged then nodded uncertainly. "I guess so?"

Heechul dismissed him quickly, "you told us that you were married."





He had managed to keep the secret for a few years now, they had been married for a few years. It wasn’t much of a secret, it was more that it was so farfetched that no one had any clue it was actually happening. Had someone asked, they would’ve answered truthfully.

"So I spilled my guts," he chuckled. "If you had asked, I would’ve told you. It just never came up, don’t be mad. It was a small omission on my part."

"A small omission?!" Heechul hissed.

"Not so loud, my head," Yesung mumbled, hoping that Heechul would not explode. "We decided that we’d keep it a...a white lie. You ask; we tell you, you don’t; we don’t."

Heechul took a deep breath, having mercy on Yesung while he was hungover. "Who is it?"

Yesung braced himself for the storm fully aware of what his answer would unleash. "That however, is none of your business."

Heechul took it as a challenge of course, "you know I will find out."

"You can try all you want, but just a day ago you weren’t even aware of it. I am better at keeping things quiet than you think."

Yesung pulled the blankets over his head and decided he’d catch some well deserved sleep. Facing Heechul at this ungodly hour was an achievement.


Heechul stormed out and called a general meeting in the kitchen. The members gathered, mostly groggy and hungover.

"Hyung couldn’t this have waited? I have a head splitting headache." Donghae whined resting his head on the table.

"No," he deadpanned, slamming his hand on the table making everyone wince and hold their heads. "As some of you remember, Yesung made a big announcement. Now I have interrogated him but he refuses to tell us. It is your duty to  find out. Do you all understand?"

They mumbled in agreement. Or rather, they agreed to make Heechul shut up so they could all go back to nursing their hangover and sleeping.

"Kyuhyun I would like you to go and interrogate him first."

Kyuhyun lifted his head and stared hazily at Heechul.

"What you have an objection?"


"Then speak your mind."

Kyuhyun groaned holding his hand, "look, it’s his business. I have more pressing preoccupations than his hidden love life."

Heechul raised an eyebrow; "and pray tell what are those preoccupations?"

Kyuhyun sighed, "well for one not emptying the content of my stomach on the table."


"So hyung what are you doing?"

Yesung was watching TV, when Eunhyuk and Donghae joined his unexpectedly, jumping on the couch on each side of him. Wearing large grins, combined with the evil glint in their eyes, Yesung knew exactly what they were after.

"No," he replied simply.

"No?" They repeated in unison.

Yesung turned his attention back to the television.

"Would a bribe work?"

Yesung chuckled. As if those two monkey brains could get it out of him with a bribe. He had kept the secret for years. Literally. Did they really think he’d just spill his guts for a bribe?

"Hyung, am I not your favourite? Why can’t you tell me?" Donghae continued, giving him his best doe eyes.

"Yah, I’m his favourite," Eunhyuk snapped.

"No me!"



And during their argument they didn’t even notice Yesung’s phone ringing, followed by his departure to take the call.

"You just saved me from those two goofs. How are you darling?"

There was a small chuckle at the other end of the line. "So you told everyone."

"You know how the nights at the dorms get."

"If we were going to tell, I would have preferred that you do it soberly."

Yesung sighed, slightly irritated. He had never really meant to say it, much less like that. He hated that they all took it as a game. He was married, in love, the secrecy of it all did not mean it was much less real.

"I’m not angry...just a bit disappointed."

Yesung glanced around, making sure his two dongsaengs were still arguing on the couch, blissfully unaware of it all. "They deserved to know. I too would’ve preferred something a bit more sober but I spilled my guts. I’m sorry."

A few seconds passed and neither of them said anything. "You’re alone right?"

"Yeah, for the moment. The two idjits are still arguing over who’s my favourite dongsaeng. Little do they know it’s neither of them."

The atmosphere of his call significantly lightened. "Oh come on, you know you love them."

Yesung smiled fondly, "I do. I cherish them very much, but they’re not you. You are everything they are not; sweet, innocent, adorable, but I married you. Go figure."

The other individual laughed lightly, "of course you married me, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Go back to those idiots before they cause trouble. Don’t forget our date tonight."

Yesung did as he was told, taking his seat back on the couch between Donghae and Eunhyuk.

"Who was that?" Donghae asked innocently.

Yesung smirked briefly, "just my favourite dongsaeng."

"But I wasn’t on the phone," Eunhyuk said.

"Neither was I…" added Donghae.


Needless to say they had failed their interrogation. Yesung had a few seconds of silence before their bickering started again.


It was Siwon’s turn next. Surprisingly enough. He jumped Yesung in the hallway leading to his room, smouldering him in a hug and then dragging him to his room looking at him excitedly.


Yesung looked back strangely.

"The marriage, how was it? Did she wear a white dress? The church must have been beautifully decorated...unless you made it a small thing, something discrete right?"

Yesung felt his jaw drop...Siwon wanted to know the story of his wedding, not who his significant other was…? What did he expect? Some girlish talk about weddings, dresses and the colour of the bloody napkins?


How unexpectedly expected.


"We...got married legally, not at a church. It was only us, my brother and sister-in-law as the witnesses. Really quiet."

Siwon’s face fell, "you mean you didn’t get married at a church…?" He said sadly, a kicked puppy looked forming on his face. It made Yesung feel really bad even though he couldn’t really go back and fix it.

"I’m sorry? We couldn’t exactly do that...we wanted it quick and quiet and the church was out of the question."

Siwon faced turned to seriousness. "Why hide it from us though? Don’t you...you know, value us? Don’t you think it’s an important thing to say to your brothers?"

Yesung patted his shoulder sadly, "the decision was for the best."

Siwon bit his lip, nodding understandingly, "are we going to meet her?"

Yesung smirked...if only they knew.

That same evening, it was Sungmin who joined him on his bed. That was slightly unexpected. Sungmin wasn’t the type to blindly follow Heechul’s order. He had overheard the conversation that had taken place in the kitchen and of course figured he would use Yesung’s beloved dongsaengs to get at him.

"Hey hyung," Sungmin said as he sat on his bed.

"Well I can honestly say I’m surprised to see you. I expected Kangin, Shindong, even Heechul trying again but you?"

Sungmin snorted. "So you know...about Heechul trying to make us his henchmen and get the truth out of you. I’m here for that...well not exactly."

Yesung tilted his head in confusion. What had he come for then?

"I talked to Ryeowook this afternoon and we agreed to this. You lied to us, you omitted the truth, whatever you want to call it, you still hid a really important thing from us and that kind of hurts. But we will wait until you are ready to tell us who it is."

Yesung felt his temper rising. They had really no idea what was going on. They didn’t realise it was for the best? He and his partner were doing it for them, for secrecy, for the careers of all of them. Scandals hit hard, and something big like that would not go over easy once out.

"You really don’t understand anything do you?"

It was really starting to piss him off, all these people prying when he was doing his best to do them a favour. He was in love, he was married, there was no helping it from that side. But keeping it a secret was the only way to reduce the damage.

"You think I enjoy lying to you all? You’re my brothers, I value you all, but it was for the best. Imagine what would have happened if you all knew? I’ve been married for three years, how many times do you think it would have slipped and caused a massive irreversible scandal, possibly killing everyone's future? We really wanted to tell you, but it was too much of a risk."

The door creaked open to reveal Kyuhyun with a mixture of shock and annoyance. "Sungmin why’d you have all worked up? I had work to do!"

Sungmin sighed and glared at both of them. "I’ll take my leave," he huffed glaring at Kyuhyun, "I thought you refused to obey to Heechul’s orders."

"Who said I’m obeying them?" Kyuhyun replied with a mischievous yet mysterious smile. "Yesung and I have a date," he said, winking at the older man on the bed, "vocal practice. Manager hyung is waiting in the car."

Sungmin flicked Kyuhyun’s forehead on the way out. He shut the door behind him and raised an eyebrow at Yesung. "What has gotten you so worked up?"

Yesung sniffed haughtily, "the usual."

Kyuhyun shrugged, "I’m not the one who spilled the beans. Just be glad it was Sungmin and his inspirational speech, and not Heechul."

They both chuckled lightly, Yesung calming down and Kyuhyun simply amused. "We do have vocal practice though. Let’s go."


His time with Kyuhyun was great. Kyuhyun never asked stupid questions. He clearly wasn’t in with Heechul’s plan to reveal his marriage, which was wonderful. For a few hours, he had forgotten of the mess he was in back at the dorms. Kyuhyun was a sensible friend. They didn’t appear to be too close, but behind closed doors, they were a lot closer than they looked like. Sure he was dubbed evil by his bandmates, an affectionate term for his snark and wit used against them, but it was in times like these they could all learn from his consideration. And behind closed doors, he was a whole other person.

"Just what were you thinking?" He asked when they were in the car.

Yesung knew exactly what he was talking about, and there was no need for the manager to know. He shrugged. There was nothing to answer to that. He messed up. What was there to say about it.

"I know I was drunk...but maybe deep down I wanted them to know. It’s a heavy secret to bear, I guess I just wanted them to know."

Kyuhyun sighed."You know, I understand," he said, looking at him right in the eyes and winked mischievously, "I’ve got a secret of my own."

Unfortunately, Yesung’s peaceful oasis had to end, and it did as soon as he stepped in his room. Heechul was sitting on his bed, waiting his arms crossed, with a purely infuriating smile.

"So, did the maknae crack you open yet?"

Yesung clenched his fists. "No he hasn’t because he’s a good friend who understands my hardships," he snapped.

"He understand your hardships? You have a secret, I want to know, I will know. You have two choices from now on; you either tell me this instant, or we keep at this until you tell me."

Yesung was literally two seconds away from punching Heechul square in the face when Kyuhyun popped his head in the door.

"Woah, about to blow a fuse there Yesungie?"

The tension immediately dissipated, both men being distracted by Kyuhyun’s sudden appearance. It didn’t go unnoticed. Heechul had heard him crash Sungmin’s and Yesung’s conversation earlier. Heechul was a smart man, and those so called random little details did not go unnoticed. Why was Kyuhyun of all the people involved in Yesung’s dirty little secret? He however chose not to say anything...not yet anyway. This knowledge of Kyuhyun involvement could be useful later. Blackmail was always useful. From now on he’d keep a closer look on Kyuhyun, especially with Yesung around. Those two were definitely up to something fishy.

"I’ll take my leave. Thank you for this lovely chat," Heechul declared looking at Yesung with a mocking contenance.

The door was shut and Yesung slammed his fist against the wall. "I was about to punch him."

"Clearly," Kyuhyun answered.

"I’m getting really tired of this. Heechul needs to learn to respect boundaries."

Kyuhyun smiled sadly, "he definitely does," he said patting Yesung’s head. "The guys are watching a movie in the living room. You can join if you want to."

Yesung nodded, "give me a minute. I don’t want to strangle anyone."


It had been three days. Three full days where Heechul had followed his hunch by eavesdropping on every conversation Yesung and Kyuhyun had. Nothing. A big fat lump of nothing. Everything was normal, Kyuhyun was just the royal pain in the he was with everyone, there was nothing abnormal with their interactions. It was just too normal. There had to be something! Heechul’s hunches were never wrong!

Kyuhyun knew something about Yesung’s marriage affair. He had to. Why else would he always conveniently pop up whenever Yesung was about to say something, or get angry. Of course it didn’t seem odd, he always covered up with a schedule excuse. Then he would calm him down, saying nothing odd, nothing a friend, that doesn’t care about blackmail, would do. There had to be a flaw somewhere, a small detail that would reveal his intentions, and incidentally reveal that bloody name.

He sent his best hope on the job.

Well, not really his best hope. Heechul was Heechul’s best hope. Of course it was. Who else was clever, smart, witty, and absolutely merciless when it came to blackmail and all those other fun things to do with your friends? Sadly for him, no one seemed too interested after three days other than Heechul himself. That’s why he observed from afar.

"Yesungie hyung!" Kangin said very warmly taking a seat beside Yesung who was watching Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk play some game.

"Kangin-ah," Yesung said warmly. He moved over to make some space for his dongsaeng to sit. "How are you doing?"

"Great! I...I have a date tomorrow night."

"That’s wonderful!"

Kangin was going along with his plan, and it seemed like Yesung wasn’t catching on. He actually disliked the fact that he was lying and using Yesung but Heechul had promised him a hot date so...well he went along with it. He honestly doubted it would just be announced to him, that Yesung was accidentally tell him.

"I haven’t been on a date in a while so I’m kinda nervous," he confessed, anxiously rubbing the back of his head.

Yesung took both of his hands and looked at him with great interest. "You’ll do just fine. Just remember, be a gentleman and offer your coat if it’s cold."

That...that wasn’t a random thing to say, Heechul observed. Did this mean his wife had fragile health? Why would he mention cold and coats otherwise?

"Pay for her meal," Eunhyuk piped in. He wasn’t in on the plan, but his interjection was good. It sparked something in Yesung.

"Not necessarily. You know, some people are prideful and don’t like to have everything paid for them. Kangin-ah, offer but remember to back off if she doesn’t want to," he said confidently.

That was from experience, Heechul was certain of it. He must’ve gotten scolded or glared at for doing that. He also mentioned pride. Now that was a bit clearer...well, he actually had an idea of the sort of person. Prideful, stubborn, fragile health...he’d have to make a few calls, but he could figure it out.

"I don’t know where to take her," Kangin confessed.

Yesung frowned deeply, scaring Heechul for a brief second, thinking he had figure it out. "In times like these your celebrity status is a real pain in the . I’d suggest going out of the city for a walk but not everyone likes nature."

Now that was clearly a date gone wrong for him. Someone that disliked nature? Maybe it was the health thing or maybe not.

"Well, take her to a small coffee shop, small but cozy. There are a few places where it’s safe, you know the list. Take her for a walk on the Han River trail, that’s a really nice place. Have a picnic," he ranted on enthusiastically. "You know, Kangin-ah, if this girl really likes you, she’ll appreciate your efforts. There is no such thing as the perfect date, as long as you put your heart into it, and you have fun, everything will be fine."

So, messy dates, revolving around food. It seemed like Yesung and this mystery person had a history of dates gone wrong. Who the hell was this person?!


Now had Heechul been looking at the right person, the answer would have been evident.


His little trap with Kangin had revealed itself be quite successful. It had given him an idea of Yesung’s wife. Now to make a few calls to figure it out. That worked out well. He had called practically everyone he knew. He even had gotten scolded by Leeteuk for tormenting Yesung. Apparently being in the army still gave him the right to yell at him like he was some dumb rookie. He had found nothing. Nothing. Still a big fat lump of nothing. Hell, he had even hacked Yesung’s phone, looked through all his contacts and conversations (that was a bit unethical) and still had nothing. Either Yesung had lied or he and his wife were much more capable at keeping secrets. Not a single strange conversation, not a strange contact. Sure he had a few phone numbers from girls, but they all had. It would’ve been weirder had he not had those celebrities. It was infuriating. Why couldn’t he figure it out? Yesung wasn’t even a skilled liar for the love of everything unholy!

With decided steps, he pushed the door open, expecting Yesung alone but once again was stumped. Kyuhyun was watching him, clearly amused, from the bed with lyric sheets in his hands and Yesung was sprawled on the floor, repetitively banging his head on the floor. Heechul had obviously interrupted something.

"Stupid song- Heechul hyung!"

Kyuhyun sniggered from the bed.

"You broke him," Heechul said.

"He broke himself," he said, and Heechul somehow felt it was an inside joke, or jab at Yesung that only the two of them understood. "What is your quest?"

Heechul took a second to snap out of it. That was definitely strange...what? "Uh...Yesungie~could you give me a hint?"

Yesung slowly lifted his head off the ground and stared blankly at Heechul.

"You know, a hint hint?"

"Heechul hyung I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about."

Heechul sighed, not quite sure if he was playing dumb or actually was clueless. "Your wife!"


Heechul snapped, "are you playing dumb or did you lie to us?!"

A wave of realisation washed over Yesung face, "what? you’re still obsessed over that? It was a week ago hyung," he said. Kyuhyun cackled again.

"I’m still curious. Actually, I’m beginning to think you lied. You don’t act like a married guy at all. I’ve seen you flirt with bloody Yoona for the love of everything unholy. You don’t talk to your wife, you never go out to see her, you never call or text, you do absolutely nothing! If this is an elaborate prank I swear I will end you."

Kyuhyun sniggered again, "can I get your lines hyung?"

Yesung swatted the air in search for a body part belonging to Kyuhyun he could hit. "Shut up," he hissed, which only caused some more sniggering. "No I did not lie hyung, you’re just particularly unobservant."

Heechul glared, "I called every single person on my contact list, I asked every single person that knew you, I watched you, I bloody spied on you. Nothing checked out. Nothing, not even your texts."

Kyuhyun sat on the bed looking mildly impressed, while Yesung giggled. "It’s because you’re not looking in the right places."

The right places? Was his wife hidden in the closet or something?

"Can you tell me?"

"Tell you what exactly?"


"Who are you married to?"

Yesung smiled mysteriously, "now you’re asking the right questions."



They were in the van, Yesung and Kyuhyun riding in the same van by accident or whatever they called it at this point. Heechul was quietly fuming in his seat, and most of the members were texting, or sleeping. It was only dance practice, but they took whatever time they had to sleep. It was a hard life.

Which is exactly why it didn't make sense for Yesung to be married. The hoax theory was really starting to make sense now. Why would he willingly drag someone into this lifestyle? It was thoughtless and stupid. When did he have time to see her...well if it was a her. It sounded odd to Heechul, but Yesung had never actually mentioned a her. Did he have to do another search through all his contacts, the male ones this time?

It seemed like the answer was obvious, that it was right in front of him. And it pissed him off. He was a master at this, extracting every single dirty little secret out of everyone. Why couldn’t he succeed? Yesung was easy to see through, why was this secret so well guarded?

Well the first answer was Kyuhyun. Every time Heechul wanted to corner him, ask him about it, Kyuhyun was there, with that infuriating smirk. As if he knew...as if he wanted that secret forgotten...as if he was somehow involved…

Wait a second...Yesung never directly admitted he had a wife...he only said he was married. What if…? No no no no, it was Yesung...he’d never be in a relationship with Kyuhyun, them being married was just out of the question. Kyuhyun was too...prideful, stubborn, evil...there was no way Yesung would do that to himself.

He snorted loudly, making the rest of the members riding in the same van look at him quizzically.

"Are you okay Heechul hyung?" Donghae asked sweetly.

"Yeah, for a second I imagine Yesung was married to Kyuhyun...crazy talks right?"

The van exploded into giggles, Kyuhyun and Yesung joining in, but not after sharing an amused look, which didn’t go unnoticed by Heechul. It was a joke, it could never happen for real.

"Yesungie hyung, you never told us who it was." Shindong added.

Yesung chuckled, "I enjoy watching Heechul suffer a little bit."

Heechul glared, "should I add to the list of things your wife is?"

Yesung laughed heartily, "I don’t think you want to know about my life."

Heechul looked alarmed at the possibility. "What life? You’re constantly with us!"

He laughed again, "you are so blind. Stop focusing on me, the answer lies somewhere else."

"You’re pissing me off," Heechul hissed.

"You’re amusing me."

Yesung took a sideways glance at Kyuhyun who wore his trademark half smile. He was amused at Yesung tormenting Heechul, but he felt that what Yesung was gambling with during his sadistic little trick of his was a lot. He nudged his subtlety, and Yesung understood immediately.

"I think at this point you should just back off. My partner and I clearly do not want to tell you. Is it too hard for you to respect my decision and wishes?"

They had talked about it, and decided that it was better off unsaid, pretending none of this had ever happened. Yesung wasn't overly fond of the idea, but his significant other had reasoned with him. The less people knew, the better off they were, the most chances his secret would remain a secret to the general population.

"That's not acceptable. We're all brothers here, we don't have any secrets. I mean, Siwon admitted he liked wearing hot pink lady , I don't think you can get anything darker or dirtier," he said. The entire car erupted into giggles.

"Suit yourself," was Yesung's final answer.


They, Yesung and his partner, were really secretive. Too much, and it really put Heechul off. How could he and his...wife-husband-person could have some time together. Unless that person had inside access. As in, it was someone from the group, or from their company, someone that visited often enough to not be noted as strange...

Who was he kidding they never had free time, no one did. It had to be someone from their group. And there he went off again with the Kyuhyun theory. It was impossible, right? Yesung wouldn't settle for someone like Kyuhyun. They were polar opposites and he was evil.

But then again, how could the pop ups and the nudges and the silent eye conversations they had. They couldn't be that close and just friends. Now was a question of proving it.

They were back at the dorms, neither Yesung nor Kyuhyun were anywhere in sight. That was odd. He tried their bedrooms but they weren't there either. Had they went out or something? He decided to try the living room, taking determined steps but immediately stopped and hid behind the wall as soon as overheard them talking.

"-have mercy? Are you kidding me? He prying into business that is not his. Yesung, it's been three years, most of them have stopped thinking about it. Telling them now won't make a difference," Kyuhyun snapped.

They were having a little domestic.

"So you're suggesting I keep my mouth shut."

"Of course," Kyuhyun replied.

Heechul heard a long sigh. "Are you ashamed of my decision?"

Kyuhyun snorted, "right, because I did any better."

"Well," Yesung said coyly, "I'd say you did quite good. Finding someone that tolerated the infuriating brat you are is quite an arduous task."

There was a small silence, "I could say the same for you. Your wife has to tolerate your philtrum ," Kyuhyun retorted.

Heechul's widened. He didn't wish to know that. Even for him that was too much information.

"As if you're any better-"

"Watch out there, our lives are not public domain. Even though you kinda broadcasted yours."

Heechul peaked around the corner briefly, to see Yesung sitting beside Kyuhyun, like totally normal, unmarried people. He quickly went back to his spot around the corner.

"You know what? The hell with it all. You were right, tell them. They a right to know. Hell, I'd be wishing to strangle you if I wasn't so already involved in this situation," Kyuhyun admitted.

Wait what? Wasn't he...oh hell. Every time he had a theory, they just went and messed it all up. What did he mean he was involved, wasn't he married to him?

"Are you sure? You really think it's a good idea to tell them?"

There was a brief silence where he could sworn he felt Kyuhyun smirk. "I've got a better idea."

That was bad...Kyuhyun having a better idea was never something to look forward to. Would it end up with a corpse in his bedroom, or his hair dyed a funny colour? Hell, he even released a bunch of toads in his bedroom once...to be fair he had really pissed off Kyuhyun that time. So what would he expect this time? He had been particularly persistent and annoying to Yesung. Kyuhyun always surprised him. It was a likeable trait of his mostly evil and snarky personality.




"Donghae move over, I can't move" Heechul ordered nudging his dongsaeng with his shoulder.

"I don't have space to move," he replied.

"Sit on Eunhyuk's lap or whatever you weirdos do," Heechul snapped, rolling his eyes and shoving him, not too roughly.

"Oh come on, can't we watch a movie without any fighting?" Yesung whined. Surprisingly enough he wasn't accompanied by his watchdog...Kyuhyun.

"Guys, shut up the movie is about to start!" Kangin barked harshly.

Speaking of the devil...Kyuhyun's face popped into the living room from around the corner, looking strangely appalled but not without a shadow of mischief in his eyes. This was never good, Heechul figured. What kind of dirty trick was he going to pull this time?

"You started without me. I'm hurt," he said, putting a hand on his chest and over dramatizing the situation.

"Get your over here before we do," Yesung replied before stuffing his mouth with popcorn.

He winked at Yesung, who almost choked. The rest of the group had continued bickering but not Heechul. Heechul knew. He knew this was the better idea. What kind of stunt would he pull...

In a matter of seconds, before anyone could react, Kyuhyun was straddling Yesung and kissing the life out of him. And Yesung...well he wasn't much better judging by the hands gripping the maknae's hair. The living room had grown completely silent, every single one of them gaping, their jaws literally dropping.

Kyuhyun pulled away, not even fazed before throwing up his hand and displaying a golden ring on his fourth finger. "We're married by the way."




"So how long?"

"Three years?"


"Because we share a passion of bird watching and are in the same knitting club..."

"What Kyuhyun meant to say is that we're in love and we've been in a relationship for a few years before we took that decision."

"Isn't it weird?"

"Once you get past his philtrum , no."

"Kyuhyun our life is not public domain."

"Right, right. Not public domain. Does that mean I can't tell them about how loud you-"



I don't usually write fics involving married characters in the "real world" but this plot just kinda popped up and I just went along with it. Please ignore the inaccuracies, it is not meant to be taken seriously in any way. 

It's been a while...a month. I wasn't aware I took so long. I just have a bunch of semi finish stories that I am not ready to commit to yet, so that will have to do for now. I have exams in less than a month...fun times man. University is just lovely.

FYI to anyone interested, I am highly skilled at getting completely lost in buildings. 

So yes, sorry if this wasn't up to expectation, I'm being lazy and haven't written anything in a while. October has been really busy. 

On a totally unrelated note, has anyone seen Thor 2? I went to see it twice already. I just love that movie.

I shouldn't be up at this hour (the things I do for you guys...) I have class early tomorrow and I have to hike up a ing mountain to get there. Who the hell builds an entire campus on a bloody mountain? What kind of douchenugget thought it was a good idea? Scratch that, what kind of absolute ing walnut thought it'd be a good idea to build an entire city on a bloody mountain? I should stop ranting, this thing, (and the absolutely illogical designs of buildings) get me really worked up. 

Anyhoodledoodlepoodle, let me know what you think, please comment and subscribe, and I hope you enjoyed it^^

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Chapter 1: One of my favorite of Kyusung ff. Light and simple, and yet we can feel the love between the couple. For the steamy stuff, well, it depends on our imagination.
Thank you, author-nim 💙
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 1: This was funny, especially with a persistant Heechul and determined Yesung along with a stoic Kyuhyun....and a perfect ending <3
392 streak #3
Chapter 1: reread it again, because why not~ <3333
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The funniest part was when Heechul actually put the clues together but thought it sounded too absurd.

They already act like a married couple, of course there wasn't anything out of the ordinary!
OneLastDae #5
Chapter 1: I was cackling throughout all of this, I absolutely love it. The ending was perfect, mildly dramatic and petty and uggh, thank you so much for writing!
Chapter 1: I really wish this could happen in real life. Hahahha.
fatimakys #7
Chapter 1: hahahaha i really like this one so i reread it , any way that ending with kyu kissing yeye infront of suu members is idk but it is aarrggh idk i liked it , if i ever wanted to write a fic this will be involved and thanks for writing it
fatimakys #8
Chapter 1: hahaha master Heechul just drank one of his drinks hahahaha i liked him so much tho ^_~
Melodyewonkyu #9
Chapter 1: I'm really enjoy this story.
Heechul must dig everything until satisfy him. good <33