Fate Heals


"Baby... get up.  We're going to be late."


"Baby, please..."

"Hngh... Wonnie... Five more minutes."

"Baby.. don't make me do this..."  Siwon slid his arms under Kyuhyun's body, lifting him off the bed and earning a yelp from the younger.

"Ah!  Okay!  I'm up!  Put me down!"

"Good."  Siwon placed Kyuhyun on the floor again.  Kyuhyun wobbled a bit, dazed and tired, but he slowly set off to the bathroom to take a shower.  Siwon smiled at his lover's retreating back.  Gosh, what did I do to deserve you?



Kyuhyun and Siwon moved back to Korea together, into a house nearby Seoul Hospital.  Kyuhyun left the States for good, meaning he would join Siwon at Seoul Hospital.  The two shared an office, working together, and occasionally making intense love as well.  Everyone at the hospital knew the two doctors to be inseperable.  No one minded.  The hospital workers found them cute.  For the most part, they worked together, managing office work together, and tending to patients together.  Seoul Hospital quickly became the home of the dynamic duo known to people as Wonkyu.  They were a formidable pair in working, and they both had their own charismatic charm around the hospital.  They quickly became local celebrities.

For the two, meeting their parents was the hard part.  First, Kyuhyun took Siwon to meet the Chos.  Fortunately, they were only met with acceptance and love.  Siwon already felt like a part of the Cho family.  He was greatly relieved to find that Kyuhyun's parents gave him as much love as Kyuhyun did.

The hard part was taking Kyuhyun to meet the Chois.  They were more of a disciplined family, and were known for their strict Christian motives.  Siwon nervously took Kyuhyun to the front door of the Choi residence.  Kyuhyun reassuringly held Siwon's hand tightly, which the older was glad for.  Taking one more deep breath, he opened the door and led Kyuhyun in.

What happened next seemed surreal.  Other than normal greetings, no one said much.  They just went to the table to begin eating.  Siwon was terrified.  He only picked at his food while he glanced at his family.  His sister, Jiwon, glanced at Siwon, a sympathetic glint in her eye.  She knew about Siwon and Kyuhyun, and promised not to tell their parents.  Siwon, however, wasn't sure about what to say to his parents.  His mom only smiled at him.  His father was almost too calm while eating.  He looked to the side and saw Kyuhyun uncomfortably shifting in his seat.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Mr. Choi spoke up.  "So you two are together?"  Everyone at the table froze.  Siwon was in a state of panic.  He knew.

"Father, I-"

"I didn't ask for an explanation."  Siwon didn't know what to do.  Kyuhyun didn't know what to do.  When Siwon looked up at his father, he couldn't read the expression.  His face was blank.  Siwon said the only thing he could think of at the time.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Huh?"  Siwon blinked.  He saw his father's face soften into a smile.  When he looked around, Jiwon and his mom were smiling as well.

"You jump to conclusions very easily, son.  We knew.  For a long time.  Local celebrity doctors.  That's hard to miss.  Obviously we'd know.  But it's fine.  Both of you are welcomed in this house with all of our love.  I've thought for a long time, and I believe it's fate.  God has done something to make you this way, and I won't question it.  Just know that we support you no matter what."  Siwon and Kyuhyun looked at each other, smling.  They laced their hands together, knowing they got through another obstacle in their love.

~End of Flashback~


They returned home from another day of work, and changed into more comfortable clothes.  After dinner, Siwon got a bottle of wine and two glasses.  Together, they walked to the balcony to do their favorite night activity:  drinking wine while looking at the moon.  Quietly, they sipped wine, enjoying the breeze while staring at the sky.



"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For being so stupid...  I wasted so many years I could've been with you.  You had to wait for so long..."

"Wonnie, it's fine.  Waiting was worth it.  Fate reunited us, and fate bound us.  Nothing could be better."  Siwon turned to face Kyuhyun, and Kyuhyun noticed a small box in his hand.  They studied each other's faces, which were dimly lit under the full moon.

"Almost everything is perfect, but not quite.  Kyuhyun.  Will you marry me?"  Siwon opened the box to reveal two rings, with a sapphire-blue diamond centered on each.  Kyuhyun softly gasped.

"It's true fate reunited us after all those years.  It's true fate bound us together.  But now... I want to make up the time I stupidly lost.  I want fate to heal us.  So I ask again.  Kyuhyun...  Will you marry me?"  Kyuhyun let some tears fall, causing Siwon to worry.  Kyuhyun assured him with a smile, before saying the magic word.










For years, my heart has hurt on its own.  I've had to watch him from his shadow.  I had to love him while expecting nothing in return.  I had to watch him love someone else.  I had to leave him behind.  I never recovered from my scarred heart.  And I hurt him too.  We both suffered.


But fate.


Fate reunited us.

Fate bound us.

Fate healed us.



So now, I think I can count on fate to grant me one more wish.



Please, let us never separate again.



And he swore he heard a small voice in the gentle breeze that blew by.







"Fate promises."







A/N:  And I'm done!  So how was it?  Please give some sort of feedback!  I really hope I satisfied you all with my ending ^^ Thank you for the huge support this short little thing's gotten!  I felt good inside while writing this, so I hope you leave feeling the same!  Thank you for reading! ^^ <3

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Chapter 3: Wonkyu love rulz... no matter how long and how far... Aigooo~ thanx for a lovely story... it started of a bit angst but you ended it beautifully... thankyou ^_^
wonkyunnie #2
Chapter 3: This is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. Thank you author-nim for the touching & heart warming story of WonKyu. So happy they finally got together. Hope to see more from you. :)
chemist4kyu #3
Chapter 3: what a beautiful way to end this story..Bravo author-nim!
Chapter 3: One can never escape from fate. Beautiful story ^^
Chapter 3: Woah it's really good...
heartbabykyu #6
Chapter 3: Thank u for writing this

Its simple to the point with enough meat to dress it up

Good job
Chapter 3: Awww they are finally together :')
chemist4kyu #8
Chapter 1: update soon please? hwaiting..
wonkyuinlove #9
I love it,I can´t wait for the next chapter!!
Wah! I love this! I am subbing! <3