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"Everyone is always jealous of the perfect person, because everyone wants to be the perfect person. I've just fallen in love with the perfect person instead of envying her."   My heart had officially stopped beating and my tears had somehow came to a stop as well. I looked at Kai with wide eyes as he looked away from me; looking everywhere but at me. It seemed as if he was embarassed by his words and I couldn't help but to smile slightly. The feeling of butterflies came back into my stomach and I couldn't find the words to speak.   I like him too, I really do.   From the moment I saw him, I liked Kai. From the moment he talked to me, I liked Kai. From the moment he smiled, I like Kai. From every interaction we had together, I found myself liking him even more.   Perhaps, I truly was wrong when I said that no one loved me.   Perhaps, I had found my prince charming.   And though Kai wasn't staring at me, I was staring at him. I was staring at him with beaming eyes. And finally, he turned to look at me, and he saw the smile on my face.   And then, his perfect smile came crawling back onto his lips as well.   I wiped my remaining tears and just stared at Kai, as he did the same action towards me. It was silent for a few moments, a nice, peaceful silence we had.    "So now, you know."   Jongin broke the calming silence between us first. I smile deepened as our eyes were still locked.   "Yeah, now I know."   I whispered, but Jongin heard my words. I knew he had heard me because his angelic smile seemed to deepen as well. It was like we were in a pool of happiness, only knowing happy words, happy thoughts, only smiling. It was as if we had transported into a whole new world, one without such saddening thoughts, actions, words.   "From the moment I saw you, my scenery has always been you. You're beautiful, Vi, and don't like anyone think that you're a freak, because you're not. You're perfect, and don't let anyone make you think otherwise."   I felt myself nodding at his words, whether I agreed or not. Though, deep down, I knew he was right, even if my thoughts told me otherwise. I guess I just needed someone to show me the light; someone to show me that I shouldn't think lowly of myself.   Because no one is perfect.   Because everyone is not always right.   Even me.   How did I capture the heart of a handsome boy? I don't know, and I possibly will never. But to be honest, I didn't care, really. He saw my true colors and looked beyond my outside image.   Kim Jongin saw the real me.   And that's all I could ever ask of him, of anyone; love.   Love was a feeling so special to me and everyone else, though, I thought I never would have felt it. But like I said, even I can be wrong sometimes. Because Kai seemed to love me, he seemed to genuinely love me, even though he knew al
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HelloKittyx3 #1
i just
i loved every single bit of this story ;-;

i was gonna put like a heart bt NOOOO
omg so beautiful and i love the name as well
this was a beautiful story :')
Kimchi32 #7
Chapter 4: It's a lovely s-storyyy ~~ *cries like a dying whale*
And may I know who is the girl in the picture? She's pretty :))
Chapter 1: This is such a nice story ;; ♡