Stop It

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I heard the terrible sound of my alarm clock, waking me up with a loud groan. Why did alarm clocks have to have such a ear-deafening sound? Surely, one day, the alarm clock will be the reason to why a person can no longer hear.   I groggily got out of bed, not wanting to be late for the horrid building called school. I dreaded going to school; it was my worst nightmare. Like I said, no one likes me, because for some odd reason, I am a freak. I hated that word: freak. I don't know why, but that word always got to me. It was always that word that caused me to shed tears no matter who I was in front of.    Perhaps, it was because of my elementary school days. I've heard your childhood was suppose to be the best time of your life; that you'd always miss it no matter what. But with me, that was not the case. I hated my childhood. It brought back terrible memories that only made me want to cry. I remember every day as a day full with hot tears and swollen eyes. Freak is what they'd always call me, those hurtful classmates of mine.   Not wanting to collect tears, I pushed my thoughts on my childhood away. I trudged over to the bathroom and did my usual morning routine in there. After looking neat and posh, I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs.   Looking around, I saw neither mother nor father. Sighing quietly to myself, I toasted some bread and coated it with butter. Once I took on the age of fourteen, mother and father was never home anymore. And when they were home, they said the could only stay for a couple of days. Afterwards, they'd have to go back to America. It wasn't that my parents didn't love me... Well, to be honest, I'm not too sure. When they were home, they completely ignored me.   Okay, so maybe truly no one does like me. But... That's okay, because I finally made a friend.   Kim Jongin.   Just thinking about the boy made my heart melt. My frown turned upside down, showing my smile. He was the only person who could make me smile right now. Though he was only a stranger, I was already completely head over heels for the tan boy. His kindness just hit my weak spot. Perhaps, it was because no one has been nice to me, perhaps, that was why I felt so happy when I think of him.   Though strangely, it's been a week since I've seen the handsome stranger. He said he was enrolling in the school I attend, but when? When was he going to walk through the school doors and greet me happily? Hopefully, soon, because I'm beginning to think he lied to me...   But I was proven wrong when I walked into class this morning.   I was just sitting in my seat, doing the math work my class was assigned, when, a boy- a tall boy, with tan skin walked int0 the classroom, a nervous smile across his face.   "Sorry to be late, I just didn't know where the classroom was."   My heart stopped beating when I looked up and met eyes with him. His smile was no longer a nervous one, but one full of kindness. He waved at me afterwards.   The girls began to squeel and the guys began to praise Kai. It seemed like everyone was head over heels for him.   Does that mean he will ignore me later on?   "Ah, it's okay. Hi, I'm Mr. Park. And you must be our new student, Kim Jongin. Please, introduce yourself to the class."   With his confident smile and husky voice, Jongin spoke,   "Annyeonghaesayo, Kim Jongin ibnida. But you can all call me Kai."   Kai bowed. Girls all around me started to squeel happily, gushing over Jongin. And to be honest, I grew jealous. All these girls were much prettier than me... Will Jongin notice them instead of me?   "Please take a seat next to... Ah, Navita. Please raise your hand."   "It's okay, seongsaengnim. I've already met her."   And that was when Jongin smiled to the fullest. My heart skipped beats and my stomach was full of butterflies. For a moment, I couldn't breathe and just stared at him. I just blankly stared at Kai, but then I realized, he was no longer standing in that spot, and I was now staring at the wall. I heard the chair beside me creek and I immediately turned. There, Jongin slid the chair out a little so he could get in.   "Aish! Why does he have to sit next to her?!"   "Awh, I wanted to sit next to him! Jaeho, you jerk! Why do you have to sit next to me, huh?!"   I heard some quiet whispers around me and frowned. I took a deep breath and turned to speak a word to Jongin. Smiling brightly, I waved.   "Hi, Kai."   "Hey, Vi. I'm glad I'm sitti
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HelloKittyx3 #1
i just
i loved every single bit of this story ;-;

i was gonna put like a heart bt NOOOO
omg so beautiful and i love the name as well
this was a beautiful story :')
Kimchi32 #7
Chapter 4: It's a lovely s-storyyy ~~ *cries like a dying whale*
And may I know who is the girl in the picture? She's pretty :))
Chapter 1: This is such a nice story ;; ♡