I love you FRIEND




"Friendship is everything for me,and i'll do anything for them"  







My first and ever Malay fanfic~








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Chapter 14: Dah 5 Kali Bace,, And Dah 5 Kali Nangis.. Huhu.. So Saddddd.. T.T
Chapter 7: x sangka jumpa fanfic ni...omoo sediihh sgt T,T
mr_chu #3
Chapter 14: Omg.. sedih sngtt... ToT
Kesian kris.. xc
yixing_jongin99 #4
Chapter 14: Sedih huhuhu T.T
Kris_Oppa #5
Chapter 14: Sedihnyaa T.T
YeRa_09 #6
Chapter 14: Sedihh wuuuuuu T.T
aku selalu nangis bila bace cerita ni. lagi2 part surat kris tu T.T
Kim_sunyoung #8
Sedih lah cerita nie,kesian kris...anyway..sye suke cerita awk...
weloveexoforever #9
Chapter 14: nape kris yg die...sian kris..tpi ap2 pon saye suke sgt citer awk nie..
momoi1231 #10
Chapter 14: why krissss ahhhhhhh T_________T THE END~