1. Detention

No way out. { J-Hope / Hoseok }


Hoseok stares at his notebook. Expression blank. The numbers and letters don’t make sense to him and he’s losing his motivation. His pen becomes very interesting and he starts rolling it from side to side on his table. ‘Mister Jung, pay attention to your work!’ The teacher’s voice seems even louder because of the silence in the classroom. Hoseok sighs. The staring at his notebook continues. He slowly dozes off.

'MISTER JUNG' He shoots up. A piece of paper sticks to his cheek as he looks up. The furious face of his teacher is covered by a shadow because of the lamp behind him. 'If you decide to sleep during class then why don't you catch up some work after school.' The evil grin on the teachers face sends chills down J-hope's spine. Detention. Great. His head drops down on the table again. Just great.

The bell resounds through the building. Still a couple of hours to go,.. and detention. But first he has as break, He shuffles to the park where he meets his friends. ‘You look terrible.’ Jungkook kicks off the conversation. ‘Wow thank you.’ Hoseok snaps back. ‘Well you don’t look that great, what’s wrong?’ Jin munches on his lunch as he looks up to J-hope who’s still standing. ‘I got detention, and I’m tired.’

He sits against a tree and closes his eyes. He listens to whatever his friend have to say but he doesn’t respond. Why would he? The sounds fade away and he dozes off again. — ‘Excuse me, hello?’ J-hope opens his eyes and squeezes them shut again because of the bright light. ‘Why are you not at class?’ He soon gets used to the light and sees the principal. ‘W-what time is it?’ ‘It’s 3:30 PM.’ In a flash J-hope is running to the classroom.

He opens the door and meets all the staring eyes of his classmates. He’s out of breath and leanng against the door.’Late in class mister Jung. That’ll be detention.’ ‘But I already have to stay an hour longer.’ ‘Make it two.’ The teacher smiles at him. Why is she smiling? Is she happy that I have to stay even longer? That’s just mean. He drops his bag next to his table.

'You could've woken me up you know?' He says to his seatneighbor 'Sorry, we thought you could use the extra sleep.' Suga explains before his focus goes back to his work. Hoseok sighs, two hours of detention and he still has a class to go. He may even have to skip dinner because of this! They can't make me stay here for that long, can they?

Luckily he can focus on his work this time. It’s going great and he’s happy to keep up with the rest. He soons finishes his work and the homework for next time. ‘Miss, I’m done with my homework.’ ‘You can do homework for another subject then.’ She smiles again, what’s up with that weird smile? It’s not a reason to smile, is it? Oh well. 

The bell rings and the students leave the classroom. Hoseok goes to his locker before detention. When he goes to the right classroom he notices how empty the school is. He knew it was late but this is just creepy. He hears his own footsteps and walks in a steady rythm. He hums to the song he’s working on and easily walks to the beat.

Turns out that everyone’s free except for the detentionclass. The students are divided with care so they can’t sit next to each other. Hoseok greets the teacher. He never saw that teacher before. It’s a man in his late fourty’s, round glasses on his big nose, grey hairs inbetween the black and it seems like he hasn’t shaved for a while. He politely greets back but his expression doesn’t change. J-hope is already happy that there is a teacher who politely greets back.

He walks to the seat as the teacher tells him, far in the back, one table away from the window. Infront of him sits a girl he hasn’t seen before. She stares out of the window. ‘I have to print some stencils. Don’t leave your seat and stay quiet.’ He grabs his cup of coffee from the desk and walks out the door.

Hoseok sighs and talks to himself ‘This is such a waste of my time.’ The girl turns around ‘You should be happy, I have to stay for two hours.’ ‘Me too!’ They sigh at the same time, making the girl giggle. ‘Atleast we don’t have to sit here for two hours.’ ‘We don’t?’ ‘No, before you came i asked the teacher and he said that the second hour will be cleaning up in the school.’ ‘Oh that’s better! What’s your name?’ ‘I’m ___, and you?’ ‘My name is Hoseok but my friends call me J-hope?’ She smiles at the nickname ‘So should I call you J-hope?’ ‘Well, if you want to be my friend.’ ‘We’ll see if i want to.’ She smiles and bites her lip.

~ Lion


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Chapter 1: cuuuute! Please continue :)