I'm So Sick

Sing To Me

Song: I'm So Sick
Artist: Flyleaf
Lines: "Hear it/I'm screaming it/You tremble at the sound/You sink into my clothes"
Pairing: Baekhyun-Centric

Baekhyun flinched as the voice echoed off of the walls. He was afraid, afraid of the monster trying to fight its ways into his body, trying to take control of his fragile mind. No matter how much he tried to fight it off, it kept coming back, pushing harder and harder until the boy could no longer fight. Until he could feel it taking over, using his body. Him on the outside, but tangible sin on the inside. 

This one was even shorter than the last one >~<
I think that depending on how this series goes, I might do one for kpop songs...or maybe I should do them together??? Like, maybe post a chapter for each every week??? What do you guys think??? I don't know, if you guys want it, I'll do it ^__^

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