

A/N: Sorry for the late (?) update. I had a couple of ideas in my brain, but it was harder to write them down than I thought. I apologize if the quality isn't too good; this POV might be the hardest out of all the ones I've written so far. Thank you for the new subscriptions and the comments! Anyway, I also apologize for the wait and any inconsistencies, and I hope that you enjoy reading! Feedback is much appreciated, as always.


Hyukjae lets out a tired groan as he collapses on his bed. Much as he enjoys the continued popularity of Super Junior and the increasing opportunities to perform for fans all over the world, no five-star hotels can replace the comfort of one’s own home. Or in his case, dormitory room.  Curling into the sheets, he closes his eyes.

When the warmth of a body slips in next to him and sneaks two arms around his waist from behind, he smiles drowsily, but doesn’t bother to check who the new occupant of the bed is. At the dorms, this is nothing new. “Good timing,” he murmurs, “I was feeling a little chilly.”

“Your feet are cold as marble,” a voice whispers in his ear. Hyukjae shushes him, not opening his eyes. He doesn’t want to talk. He wants to sleep. He s with his left hand blindly, and his palm lands on a set of lips. He pats them lightly in warning, then withdraws his hand and adjusts his position. The other member must have understood what he meant, because the room becomes blessedly silent and the two of them go back to sleep.

The sound of Donghae’s yelling wakes him up the second time.

“Hyukjae, let’s have breakfast! Ryeowook said he would make pan—“ Donghae doesn’t continue, so he attempts to sit up and blearily opens his eyes. His best friend is glaring at him accusingly. So this is going to be another of those days, is it? He hasn’t even done anything but Donghae is in a bad mood already.

Slumping back onto the bed, he snuggles against the warmth next to him and ignores Donghae’s presence in favour of more sleep. “What are you doing here?” Donghae demands. His voice progressively rises as he speaks. “That’s my place! Go back to your own bed!” Without warning he jumps on the bed and starts pulling at Hyukjae, although there’s no real force behind it. His grip on Hyukjae’s wrist is painfully tight, a sign of his growing distress.

“What time is it?” The other voice is hoarse, but it’s familiar. It’s a voice that never fails to make fun of him, but it’s also one that has continually impressed him, time after time. A jolt of recognition goes through Hyukjae.  

Donghae replies through gritted teeth. “Time for you to go back to your room, Kyuhyun.” He suddenly feels disoriented. What time did Kyuhyun enter his room, anyway? While Kyuhyun likes to invade his room and hug him without warning, this is the first time the younger man has slept over. It’s a surprise, but not necessarily an unwelcome one. It’s a sign that Kyuhyun trusts him enough to relax (and allow Hyukjae to catch all his snoring and drooling on camera as payback), right? So it can’t be a bad thing.

Hyukjae wants to explain his line of thinking to Donghae, but his brain can’t seem to formulate the words properly, so he decides to put it off for later. Twisting his body around to face Donghae, he motions for his best friend to lie down next to him, and once he does, Hyukjae gives him a reassuring smile before he falls asleep again.

The third and final time Hyukjae wakes up that day, it’s to a chorus of giggles. Trying to locate the source of the laughter, he spots Sungmin and Ryeowook, and behind them, a smirking Heechul. He’s still struggling to sit up in bed when a pillow is snatched underneath his head and flies past him. As he watches, it hits a laughing Ryeowook right in the face.

“CHO KYUHYUN!!!” Kyuhyun has guts, for sure. Hyukjae doesn’t think there’s anything scarier than making Ryeowook mad. He instinctively cowers and hides his face in the crook of Donghae’s neck while Kyuhyun laughs and fends off Ryeowook’s attacks.

It’s much later in the day when Hyukjae remembers to ask Donghae if he knows why the three members were laughing so hard at them. Donghae’s frowning eyebrows speak volumes about his displeasure, and he tells Hyukjae to open his Twitter account. His best friend takes a seat next to him on the mattress, scowling at nothing in particular while Hyukjae scans the latest posts.

@kimheenim Woke up today to something unusual. What do you think of Super Junior’s latest couple, HaeEunKyu? I bet the fans didn’t expect this…kkk More importantly, it’s amazing they all fit in one bed.

Posted below the text is a photo of Kyuhyun, Donghae and himself cuddled up in bed. Looking at their sleeping faces, Hyukjae now knows why Heechul-hyung, Sungmin and Ryeowook couldn’t contain their laughter. He ends up smiling at Donghae.

“It’s not as if we haven’t posted silly things on Twitter before,” he slings an arm playfully over Donghae’s shoulder. “And don’t worry, you still look handsome even when you’re sleeping.”

Donghae cracks a tiny smile at the compliment. “You too, Hyukjae.” He traces a finger over Hyukjae’s lips. “You were puckering your lips like crazy in your sleep again.” He leans in closer. His breath tickles Hyukjae’s ear. “It made me wonder if I should kiss them to make them go back to normal.” Donghae grins at him mischievously. “Can I try next time?”

Hyukjae snorts. “You better not complain that I have bad breath or if I bite you, though?”

“Deal.” Donghae sticks out his pinky for Hyukjae. His dark eyes are shining with a feverish kind of excitement. “So can we try it now?” Hyukjae studies him warily, but agrees anyway. He’s never been able to refuse Donghae when he wears that puppy-like expression.  Not even when it involves something as potentially awkward as the two of them kissing, apparently.

They each place their hand on the other’s cheek at the same time, and they both flash quick smiles at the synchronicity. Neither of them closes his eyes when their lips meet, and Hyukjae meets Donghae’s steady, honest gaze head on. Donghae’s lips curiously taste like strawberries, and his lips are slightly dry. His hand shifts from Hyukjae’s cheek to the back of his neck, and their kiss deepens.

By the time Donghae pulls away, Hyukjae is panting. He watches Donghae his lips like he has just enjoyed a particularly good meal and feels the blood rush to his cheeks. The man has no clue how his actions appear, really. In some ways he’s worse than Hyukjae, who makes certain gestures because he is aware of what kind of effects they induce in the viewer.

“I thought you’d taste like tacos, not strawberries,” he says teasingly. At the mention of tacos, Donghae starts laughing hysterically, and the strange tension from earlier disappears. He smiles in relief.

When his laughing fit has subsided, Donghae stares at him intently. “Your lips…” He runs a thumb over Hyukjae’s bottom lip.

“What about them?”

Donghae makes a face. “I think I just made them more swollen.” The two of them crack up all over again. Hyukjae knows it’s not even remotely funny, what the two of them are talking about, but they keep laughing anyway.

Hyukjae thinks this good vibe will last until their departure for the London Super Show, but he wakes up the next day with a sinking feeling.

Long legs tangling with his and wiry arms wrapped securely around his waist…

Kyuhyun is sleeping in his bed again.

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thesilverelf #1
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh. Please please please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< !~~~~~~~~~
DBSJKyuHyukSu #2
Chapter 7: Hyukjae and Kyuhyun like to
badmouth and poke fun at each
other a lot, but it’s clear that the
taunts and teasing are just outlets
for affection. That’s the kind of
person Kyuhyun is... *press LIKE button thousand times*
leevalentine #3
Chapter 7: i want a kyuhyuk ending!! aishhh!!! >.<
Chapter 7: kyu so jealous~
foodpig #5
Chapter 7: yay you updated your story \o/ i really hope it ends with hyuk choosing both of them cause both kyu and hae will be devastated if they are not chosen :(
Chapter 7: I want kyuhyuk ending.......○~○
analee592 #7
Chapter 7: Aaaw...kyuhyuuun...why r u so adorable when u're upset? Ahahaaha...eunhae seems inseparable these days..poor kyu..ㅜ.ㅜ
hyonalee14 #8
Chapter 7: I hope the ending will be kyuhyuk^^
heyitstheduff #9
Chapter 7: Hmmmm~ a jealous kyu is not a good one~
leevalentine #10
Chapter 7: omg kyuhyuk is sweet!! i want kyuhyuk!