Love and Soul


In the kingdom of Salona, the king and queen has three daughters, all lovely women but the youngest, Ahra, surpasses her sisters greatly. The fame of her conspicuous beauty spread over the earth, and everywhere people travel to gaze upon her with adoration. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, becomes furious as more people start to desert and neglect her, and instead worship Ahra. Aphrodite then commissions her son, Luhan, the god of love to exact revenge for her.


But what if the god of love suddenly falls in love?


And so no doubt he would have done,
if the goddess had not first shown him the woman,
never thinking in her jealous rage what such beauty
might do even to the God of Love himself.
As he looked upon her
it was as if he had shot one of his arrows
into his own heart.


background information The story takes place in the ancient times where people believe in gods ruling the earth. People worship and pray in temples and in altars of each god to express their faith. Most of the gods reside in Mount Olympus where they watch over the creatures living below. Sometimes they decide to intervene with human affairs, and they may even fall in love with a mortal.


author's note This fanfic is inspired by one of my most favorite stories in the Greek/Roman mythology, the tale of Cupid and Psyche. It was told by Apuleius, a Latin writer of the second century A.D. The Roman names of the gods are therefore used. However I am more accustomed in using their Greek names that I used them here. And, there are also a few more changes that I made in the story. This is my first fanfic here. Please feel free to comment and subscribe. :)

greek mythology!AU



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