Two / 3

Heart Tells The Truth

“Why do you call?” Jongin scratches his nose due to the uncomfortable feeling of receiveng a call from Do Kyungsoo, “I just want to make sure that you’ll join the summer camp.” Kyungsoo says, “I won’t go, you can tell the teacher I have a very bad fever.” Jongin shrugs but he can hear Kyungsoo’s annoyance groan. “You gotta come!” Kyungsoo induces, “why should I? Summer camp is not more than just the most childish thing I’d ever gone to in my entire high school life.” Jongin flicks his tongue, mocking. “But...” Kyungsoo tries but Jongin quickly cuts him, “why do you care anyway. It’s not like they will cancel if I don’t join them.”

Kyungsoo goes silent and that worries Jongin a little.

“Yo, are you still there, i’m gonna hang up.”

“You are right Jongin.”

“I am sorry, what?”

“Why do I care about you anyway.”



Kyungsoo hangs up.



“He called?” Chanyeol asks, they are in Jongin’s room because Chanyeol came out of nowhere bringing a pan of apple pie and said that it’s from his mom for Jongin’s and Jongin’s mom said Jongin’s upstair and that’s shortly how both of them unite in Jongin’s bedroom.

Jongin nods as response to Chanyeol’s question, “what did he say? Why did he bother to?” Chanyeol asks again starting to get more curious and he can feel that something must have gone really amusing.

Jongin shrugs and sighs before he answers, “I don’t know either, he just suddenly called me and coaxed me to join the summer camp...” Chanyeol cuts Jongin, “wait a second, did you just say that you won’t come to the summer freaking camp?” Jongin blinks in confusion and nods.

“Oh my actual God, Kim ing Jongin you don’t want to join the summer camp?! Are you out of your mind? This is gonna be the most awesome event in our entire high school life for the sake of your poor soul!” Chanyeol says in one exclamation breath.


“Park Chanyeol, why don’t you just get the hell out of here. You’re not here to discuss about me not going to the camp.”

“I’m here to send the apple pie my mom wants your mom to taste. But this is not less important than my mother’s apple pie!”


“You are helpless, just get the out right now.”

Kyungsoo pulls his suitcase out from the car’s trunk then he closes the door.

“Mom, I’m going now.” Kyungsoo smiles and kisses his mother on the cheek, “take care, kyungie!” his mother says before she drives back to home.

Kyungsoo exhales deeply, looking at the numerous of students in the school’s field waiting for the bus that will take them to the Gyeongpodae beach, their destination. Kyungsoo pulls his suitcase as his eyes keeps watching left and right for his classmates.

“Kyungsoo!” someone calls out his name and he knows who that might be and he exclaims a name, “Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo runs to Baekhyun. “Where’s your classmates?” Baekhyun asks finding his best friend looks like a lost puppy, Kyungsoo pouts at the question, “I don’t know, haven’t found them, yet.” he tip-toes, trying to find his classmate. Baekhyun chuckles and squeezes his shoulders “didn’t you come with Jongin? Where is he?” Baekhyuns asks again and Kyungsoo’s pout goes even more frowny, “I don’t know why should I care?”

Baekhyun sighs, giving a small smile he calls out Chanyeol’s name which confuses Kyungsoo why. “Chanyeol, I need you to help Kyungsoo to search for his classmates. I want to help but even if I do that won’t help much since kyungsoo and mine height don’t have really difference, but since you are pratically a walking coconut tree I know you can help. You will help, won’t you?” Baekhyun asks, hand squeezing Chanyeol’s upper arm. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow, noticing how Chanyeol doesn’t even see him and just keep looking at Baekhyun and nods at every words Baekhyun says.

“Of course, I’ll help.”

“Thank you Chan.”



“So you are Kyungsoo.”

“And you are Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol sighs at how pointless their conversation starts, “i’ve heard about you.” He says and makes Kyungsoo raise his eyebrow in surprise and curiousity, “oh yeah? You must have heard good since I don’t really have reputation.” Kyungsoo lets out a chill chuckle. “I heard from Jongin, Kim Jongin.” Chanyeol says, and right at the moment Kyungsoo’s heart beats faster. He forgets that this Park Chanyeol is Kim Jongin’s close friend, they are partner in crime people have said. But he can’t help but feel curious about what Jongin said to Chanyeol about him.

“What did he say?”

“I’m surprised you’re curious, but you don’t have to worry because he talks good about you.”


“He’s not coming, is he?” Kyungsoo asks, he hates himself for failing to heard a little more careless than he actually is but Chanyeol doesn’t seem like he notice that though, he just shrugs his shoulders and mumbles “I don’t know.”

Kyungsoo sighs, he should stop worrying Jongin like really. He’s not Jongin’s anyone and Jongin’s not his anyone either, plus he already has Junmyeon which make the idea of caring Jongin right now feels even wronger.


“Isn’t that your class?” Chanyeol points to a group, Kyungsoo’s eyes follow where Chanyeol’s finger points to. He’s not sure if it really is his class, but there is Kim Jongin standing right there. As carefree as usual but maybe a little less carefree because he eventually comes.

Jongin also spots the two’s presence, but Kyungsoo seems like his gaze only fall upon him.

“Oy, ggamjong!” Chanyeol yells and waves at Jongin, he pulls Kyungsoo by the wrist a little bit running toward the group. Jongin doesn’t reply his greeting.


“What are you doing?” Jongin raises an eyebrow, looking at Chanyeol unamusedly. Chanyeol scratches his head, “what am I doing? I’m just trying to help your little friend to search for his group.” Chanyeol says, Kyungsoo gasps inaudible at Chanyeol’s words ‘your little friend’.

Jongin sighs and he hooks his arm around Kyungsoo neck, lightly pushing Kyungsoo closer to him. “Now, my little friend has found his group. Shoo! Go back to your poor clan.” Jongin flies a playful kick to Chanyeol, Chanyeol kicks back before he leaves.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo feels like he’s boiling in Jongin’s casual embrace. His face is as red as never. Once Chanyeol leaves, he knows that he shouldn’t stay still with Jongin like this in his embrace. People will look them wrong.

Kyungsoo forcefully breaks free from Jongin, though his face’s still red. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Kyungsoo barks, head low trying to hide his burning face. Jongin’s shocked for a moment, “why?” he manages to ask.

“Why are you here?”

“I don’t see that’s a problem.”


Kyungsoo clenches his fist, he’s so furious, exasperated by the way Jongin always act careless yet he still can’t hate him.

“You are right, you are never a problem and I am a careful stupid.” Kyungsoo mutters angrily he turns away from Jongin and to his other classmates leaving Jongin alone.


Jongin doesn’t understand, he will never can understand the man named Do Kyungsoo. He concludes.

“Minseok, aren’t you going to sit with me?!” Kyungsoo asks, exceptionally frantic when he sees his partner sits with someone else, “I’m sorry Kyungsoo, i’ve promised Jongdae I’ll sit with him today.” Minseok presses his palms together, asking forgiveness. Kyungsoo sighs and turns his head to the only empty seat left, it’s beside Jongin and he is the last person he wants to sit with at the time.

“Why don’t you sit with Jongin?” Minseok suggests, and Kyungsoo mentally chokes Minseok until he suffocate and screams ‘I KNOW THAT IT’S EMPTY YOU INSENSITIVE MORON, BUT I DON’T WANT TO SIT WITH HIIM!’ but he just screams it mentally. Kyungsoo is not the type of person who will disturb everyone’s comfort just to fullfil his own, so he just sighs and walks to Jongin’s seat and sits beside him without even take one glance at him.



“Are you seriously going to ignore me for three whole hours of this journey ― it can even take four if there’s gonna be a traffic ― but seriously?” Jongin asks to Kyungsoo who still doesn’t want to look at him, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and takes out his earphone from his bag and is about to pluck it to his ears but Jongin prevents him to.

Kyungsoo flicks his tongue in annoyance and he shots a glare to Jongin and tries to pluck the earphone again but Jongin pulls the earphone from Kyungsoo’s hand and saves it sloppily to his back pocket.

“What the are you doing?” Kyungsoo has lost his temper, Jongin smiles in spite of the cuss words “you finally talk.”

Kyungsoo sighs and closes his eyes, trying to calm down.

“Why won’t you talk to me?”

“Why do you want to talk to me?”


Jongin pipes down, he presses his lips together, “I just want to make sure you’re not mad at me.” Kyungsoo lets out a frustrated chuckle, “I am not mad, I just feel stupid for asking whether you’ll come or not.”

Jongin bites his lips then replies, “Don’t feel stupid. I like you caring me.”


Kyungsoo’s heart stops for one millisecond before it beats faster than it usually does, he can’t say anything, neither Jongin can.

Kyungsoo shifts his position before he coughs and feels like he should do something.

Kyungsoo hits Jongin’s head and gains a groan from the taller.

“Aish, who said I care?! I didn’t, I don’t and I won’t! You stupid brat!”

“Yah! Why did you hit me?! I didn’t say anything wrong!”


“So, you’re not mad anymore?” Jongin manages tyo ask, Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow “I never have.”

Jongin very much aware that Kyungsoo’s lying, but he decides to forget that because the next fifteen minutes, he has Kyungsoo’s head resting on his shoulder sleepily, obliviously.

“Kyungsoo, wakes up. We’re already here.” Kyungsoo can feel a light shaking on his shoulders, he opens his eyes and meets a face of familiar Kim Jongin, but he flinches. “What? Do I scare you?” Jongin confusedly asks, Kyungsoo quickly shakes his head “no... no... let’s go.”

Kyungsoo and Jongin are the last ones who get off from the bus and for Kyungsoo’s surprise, Junmyeon has already stood in front of their class’ bus. Junmyeon has a bitter smile on his face when he sees Kyungsoo and Jongin get off together, Jongin’s not sure if Kyungsoo notice but Jongin doesn’t like the way Junmyeon looks at him.

“J-Junmyeon, you’re waiting for me?” Kyungsoo asks, walking to his boyfriend’s side, “of course, I’m your boyfriend.” Jongin sighs hearing Junmyeon emphasizing the word ‘boyfriend’.

“Kyungsoo, I’ll just wait in the group, alright?” Jongin points to their group and Kyungsoo nods but Junmyeon chimmes “you don’t really have to wait. Kyungsoo’s with me.” as he softly pulls Kyungsoo closer to him. Jongin shrugs “whatever” then he walks to the group.


“What were you doing?” Kyungsoo asks, eyes wide, “what? Was I wrong to remind him that I am your boyfriend?” Junmyeon asks, raising his voice in impatience. “Junmyeon, it’s not like that. Jongin’s my close friend, and you were being uncool by talking to him like that.” Kyungsoo says, followed by a sigh from his mouth, “you two are so close, I can’t help but talk to him like that. I’m sorry okay, it disturbs me the way you two always seem to stick together.” Junmyeon stops when he feels a warm hand on his cheek which none other than Kyungsoo’s, Junmyeon looks at Kyungsoo’s eyes, and Kyungsoo looks back to his.

Kyungsoo leans closer and Junmyeon knows well where’s this going to head, and he also leans closer to help Kyungsoo to erase the gap between their faces. Their lips touch together, softly and tenderly, there’s no intention of going further because for Junmyeon at the moment that’s more than enough.

Kyungsoo pulls away, he bites his lips and smiles sweetly.

Junmyeon feels more confident after the kiss, he grabs Kyungsoo’s hand and squeezes it with his. “Let’s go now.”

Kyungsoo pulls his luggage to his arranged room, it’s already filled with his roomates’ lugagges. The teachers have arranged each room to have fifteen students in them. Kyungsoo immediately throws the favorite pororo blanket that he brought from home to the bed he wants to sleep on later tonight.


“Pororo?” a voice says in confused tone, Kyungsoo turns his head to where the voice’s coming. “Yes, I’m sorry I like him.” Kyungsoo replies a little sarcastic, because he has received a lot of comments about him liking the character pororo.

The thinner man chuckles and apologies, his eyes trails on Kyungsoo’s blanket, finding initial K.S at the corner. “K.S? Are you... Kyungsoo?” he asks with a tone that Kyungsoo can’t define whether it’s nervous or uncertain but he nods his head yes.

“So... You are Junmyeon’s boyfriend. I’m Yixing, Junmyeon’s chairmate, he talks a lot about you.” Yixing offers his hand and Kyungsoo greets it politely he even lowering his head a little. Kyungsoo has also heard a lot about this Yixing from Junmyeon’s class, he is once rumoured to have a relationship with Junmyeon but it was just a hoax, Kyungsoo’s heart was broken but after Junmyeon clarified (yes, Junmyeon is really a prince of the school) about the rumour, it felt like his heart started beating again. He had never met Yixing before, this man’s beautiful, Kyungsoo thinks.

“I’m sorry, do we have hard feelings here? Because... I know I was rumoured with Junmyeon and...” Kyungsoo cuts him with a smile, “we don’t, I’m sorry I stared. It’s nice to meet you.” And Yixing returns the smile, “it’s nice to meet you too. You are as nice as Junmyeon always says you are.”

 Kyungsoo doesn’t know what to reply but a thanks.

“Didn’t the teachers say we should study?” Kyungsoo asks Yixing, who he’s currently close with, and Yixing just laughs as he slightly points to a rather further beach where the teachers are having fun “look there, do they seem like the people who told us to study?” Kyungsoo snorts at the teachers.

It’s already the third days and they haven’t studied, yet.


In the othe hand, Jongin and Chanyeol are strolling down to the beach like everyone else when suddenly Jongin receives a pat on the shoulder which makes him turn around to see who does. Jongin raises his eyebrows, a way to show that you’re surprised calmly, finding it’s Junmyeon.

“Can I help you?” Jongin asks, not a courtesy, not a kindness, it is more like asking if Junmyeon want to give him more than just a glare like yesterday.

Junmyeon awkwardly chuckles, “sorry for yesterday, I was really unmanly.”

Jongin folds his arms, waiting fo more because he’s sure there’s going to be,

“I was just... stupidly jealous over you and Kyungsoo’s closeness... I should have realized sooner that of course you two are close since you have known each other since middle school, I mean, you two are close friends so it’ll be impossible to have a romantic feelings toward each other, won’t it? More over, Kyungsoo already have me so...”

Jongin clenches his fist, ready to punch Junmyeon’s on the face for saying things like that bastard-ly, but he doesn’t get himself when Junmyeon reaches out his hand and apologies for one last time and he admits his apology. Now he wants to punch himself for that.


It seems like the weather is under Jongin’s mood control, the sky has turned darker, from color blue to grey.

“Have you seen Kyungsoo?” Junmyeon asks, Jongin immediately catches a petite figure playing in the sea with a person Jongin have seeen before at school, Jongin points at Kyungsoo’s direction with his chin.

It happens so fast, the person next to Kyungsoo screams help. Jongin and Junmyeon immediately turn their head and widen their eyes equally, and both step at the same time running to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo has apparently gone to the deeper side, not to mention his small height and got a cramp so he was drowned.


Kyungsoo tries to reach the surface, but his feet are paralyzed, he can’t do anything except trying and scream a muffled help because he swallows so much water. He can feel someone drag him but he was tired, he can’t do anything else and in that instance, he passes out.

Jongin opens his eyes only to shuts them close again because of the sudden luminate that goes straight into his eyes. He shifts, body feels unwell and shaken, he feels like he’s still in the ocean, shaken by the wave but he is not and he knows that but he can’t help but to feel groggy.

“You’re awake!” an excited voice welcomes him, despite the grogginess he still manages to look up who is that, Jongin narrows his eyes, he’s afraid that he has mis-seen because the boy in front of him is not familiar at all.

“You don’t know how much I ― well, we ― worried about you. They said you got a severe hit on the head, and they also said it could be head-to-head with that boy from another class who was trying to help Kyungsoo too.” The boy explains.


Jongin squirms under the blanket, I got hit severely on the head, no wonder I have this headache. Jongin sighs once before he sits down on the thin matress and massages his forehead slowly.


“I’m sorry but who are you?” Jongin asks, softly trying not to sound suspicious or something just because the boy mentioned that Junmyeon is a boy from another class like he’s one from Jongin’s, but Jongin really has no idea who that boy is.

The boy loses his smile, it dissapears and replaced by a frown.




“What was that for?!” Jongin groans in pain, he doesn’t know why the hell did this boy spank his head. “I’m gonna hit you again until you remember me, you blockhead! Don’t act stupid!” the boy barks angrily. Jongin just can’t collect the pieces, does gotten hit on the head severely affect his brain? No, if it does, he won’t remember the earlier event, will he?

The boy sighs, “God, you are so frustrating.”


“Are you hungry?” The boy suddenly asks when Jongin is still busy trying to think, Jongin looks at him and with glazed eyes, he nods his eyes strongly.

“Tch, no wonder. Maybe after eating your stupid mind will finally remember me, let’s go!” The boy stands up and reaches out his hand to Jongin, Jongin furrows his eyebrows in confusion looking at the boy’s hand reached out for him, the boy raises an eyebrow and pulls his hand.

“Fine if you don’t need my help.” Then he walks out of the room, followed by a dazed Jongin.

Junmyeon opens his eyes, welcomed by the sight of Kyungsoo’s beautiful face in front of him. Junmyeon wants to smile, but the pain that feels like digging to his head takes over every reflex he has.

“A-are you okay? Did I wake you?” Kyungsoo asks, the worry could be clearly seen from his face, and Junmyeon feels more than happy to see that. Junmyeon shakes his head slowly, “you’re here all along?”

And the second he thinks, his question sounds so stupid even to his own ears. Of course Kyungsoo would be here, he’s his boyfriend, why wouldn’t he?

But Kyungsoo doesn’t seem so comfortable, he scratches the back of his neck “y-yeah.” And Junmyeon assumes that Kyungsoo just being uncomfortable because they just dated for a short period of time, he’s still shy, Junmyeon understand.

Junmyeon smiles and he knows Kyungsoo sees. He’s expecting for a smile in return but...


Junmyeon groans in pain and surprise, why did Kyungsoo hit him?!

“I’m worried sick of you and all you do is just smiling? You are so freaking stupid!” Kyungsoo seems so worn from worry.


He doesn’t know if it just suddenly pops to his mind or Kyungsoo’s hit helps him to, he remembers Jongin. Where is he? Is he okay?

“Kyungsoo but where’s J...” Kyungsoo cuts Junmyeon impolitely, “he’s in the other room, instead of taking care of him I take care of you! Thanks god, Yixing is there to help. You owe me so damn much, you gotta need to pay me before you die. Well, maybe you should pay me now, because now I’m feeling like to kill you!”

Junmyeon silences, he doesn’t know why Kyungsoo seems so annoyed and worried at the same time. He never sees Kyungsoo like that, but deep down Junmyeon knows that it’s a good thing, so he smiles again.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and stands up then folds his arms.

“Let’s go eat, you haven’t eaten dinner. They saved it in the kitchen. Better than seeing you smile stupidly like that.” he goes out of the room, followed by Junmyeon.

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