The Aftermath

And Then ,There Was You






(After the competition)

Somehow I made it back stage . With a golden trophy in one hand , which seemed to weigh tons right now and a enormous check in the other hand.

There was a mob of people around me. Mom and Sora were holding on to either of my arms, as they hugged me and mom planted several kisses on my cheek .

"Baby , I am so proud of you!" Mom said as she pulled me in for the hundredth hug.

"Oppa ! Well done !" Sora said afterwards squeezing my arm to show her excitement.

Leeteuk, Kangin, Sungmin, Shindong and Heechul kept giving me high fives and patting my shoulders  and playfully punching my arms .

"Dude ! What the hell ? You won ! You won man ! " Heechul said , messing around with my hair .

" You owned everyone on that stage bro !" Kangin said , giving me another punch on the arm.

I felt a pull from all directions as everyone patted my shoulders or punched my arms and congratulated me . My upper body felt so sore now but I kept smiling and nodding and saying "Thank you"  .

The truth is that I  was still in disbelief  right now . From everything that has happened today , I just couldn't grasp onto  reality at the moment .

I looked around and noticed Henry reaching out to me.

"Congrats Hyukjae ! You were great out there ! " He said shaking my hand firmly . The kid's smile was so warm and cheerful that my own smile automatically grew ten times bigger just by looking at him.

"Thanks Henry ." I took his hand and responded with the same firm shake.

I looked around again , trying to make out faces in the messy crowd of people .

Suddenly I felt someone grab my left arm tightly from the back and pulled me in.

I turned around quickly from  the shock to find Sungmin looking right into my eyes .

A concerned ,a very concerned look was implanted on his face . He kept looking at me intensely, trying to study my face .

"Hyukjae , let's get out of here ! Come with me! " Sungmin pulled onto my arm again and I dragged behind him through the obnoxious crowd .



Soon we were in a dressing room . No one else was here . Sungmin pushed me down, making me sit on  the couch as he opened up a water bottle and handed it to me .

I was confused and startled my his sudden behaviour . I took the water bottle from him and started drinking it . He crossed his arms and stood in front of me , with that bothered expression on  his face once more .

All of a sudden the door opened and Mom and Sora  came rushing in.

"Hyukjae ! Dear, how are you feeling ?" Mom quickly made her way over to me and sat down and started feeling my forehead with her palms.

"Oppa , do you have a fever ?" Sora questioned with an anxious voice.

"No no , I am fine ." I replied trying to brush of their concern.

" Come on baby , let's get you home !" Mom stood up as she pulled me up as well.

"Mrs. Lee , I think Hyukjae should go to the hospital first." Sungmin announced , stepping forward , with his arms still crossed.

" Yeah , that's a better idea. This is the first time something like this has happened and I am very worried about you dear ! " Mom said , nodding and agreeing to Sungmin's advice.

"No, I don't need to go to the hospital. I am fine now , really !" I stood up and objected.

The last place I wanted to be right now was the damn hospital. I was tired and just wanted to go home and lay on my bed . That's all I wanted right now.

"Don't be silly dear ! If your dad finds out that you were in this condition and did not  go to see the doctor , he will be really upset ! " Mom protested .

"Mom, really I am fine now. I just want to go home ." I argued back cause I really didn't want to go.

"Eh ! Hyukjae ! Do you even realize what happened to you today on that stage ? How can you even try to say that you are ok ? Come on , I will drive you there ." Sungmin irrupted suddenly , sounding annoyed from my objection.

"Sungmin , I ------" I tried to say but was cut off by him.

"Hyukjae , stop acting childish ! Look how troubled your mom and Sora are right now ! You need to see the doctor ! "

I wanted to protest further but the  reality was , that they were  right. This was not normal of me , suddenly feeling like I did up there . I even surprised myself today . I don't know what happened to me . I felt afraid . Losing control over my body like that , it was just not ordinary.

I looked at the three of them , they all were looking right back at me . Looking worried as heck . I couldn't argue with them anymore cause after all they were just looking out for me.

"Ok mom, instead of going to the hospital , can you call over that family nurse ? I am tired and just want to go home." I said , attempting to negotiate with them.

" The nurse? Yeah , but honey it would be better if you ------" Mom continued but I intruded half way.

"Please , mom . I am really tired right now ." I said , releasing a deep sigh.

Mom examined my face and I could tell she saw the exhaustion that was embedded in my face and body.

" Ok dear , let's go then." Mom said holding onto my arm .

"Hyukjae, don't drive ! " Sungmin said  still sounding fretful .

"Don't worry , I will drive Oppa's car back home !" Sora replied reaching out for the keys.

Not bothering to debate any further due to fatigue that conquered my body I handed her the car keys .

"Mrs. Lee , would you like me to come over , is there anything you need me to do ? " Sungmin asked.

"It's ok dear, you have done  enough , thank you . It's getting late now and you should go home and rest as well. " Mom said , offering Sungmin a big smile. Sungmin was one of my  very few friends or probably the only friend that mom and dad felt comfortable about. Needless to say , he wasn't crazy like  the other guys and they liked that.

I felt guilty about how much Sungmin was worried  about me . He cared a lot and I was here acting like a child in front of him. I went over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder .

" Thanks Sungmin. Thanks for being here today ." I said  with a smile.

" You are crazy Hyukjae . And why are you thanking me ? I come to all your competitions, if you haven't already noticed ! Why are you thanking me like this is the first time I have come ?" Sungmin replied furiously shaking off my hand from his shoulder.

"I .... that's not what I meant to say ! I meant that --------" Sungmin cut me off . I was flustered   from his unexpected change of mood . Was he mad at me . I didn't mean to say it like that.  I meant to thank him for caring about me this much.

"I Know , I know ! Don't worry I know what you meant ! I am just messing around with you ! Now go home and rest ." Sungmin said laughing as he placed his hand on my  shoulder now.

I smiled and nodded . Even though we have been friends were since childhood , sometimes I just can't predict Sungmin. He holds a lot of surprises and  I am as well still taken out of the blue by his actions sometimes, even today .

We headed towards the door  and Sungmin once again took me by surprise .

"Hyukjae! I forgot to say ........ Congrats ! You deserved it ."

I turned around to face him again.

"Thanks" I replied and left.


(Later that night)


We  finally arrived home , dad wasn't here yet.

I took a quick shower . Mom called the nurse and made me chicken noodle soup . I ate it and after laid in bed waiting for the nurse to come .

I still kind of felt light headed but not nearly as bad as I felt when I was on stage earlier. My body was aching  and I felt sleepy.

The nurse arrived eventually and mom brought her upstairs to my room.

The nurse did all kinds of technical things, examining my eyes, ears , tongue and feeling my muscles. I really didn't pay much attention and just laid there with my eyes shut, letting her do whatever she was doing.

" His body is  very fatigued right now, his muscles are very tense . He has been over exhausting his body and has not been staying hydrated .  He needs fluid in his body and needs to rest well. Other than that there is no sign of fever or any other symptoms that you need to be concerned about . And it would benefit if he gave dancing a little bit of a rest for a couple a days , his body needs time to recover from the weakness. " I heard the nurse explain to mom.

"Yes, he has been practicing like crazy these past few days for the competition. I don't even know whether he has been even eating properly or resting  at all. I come home at night from work so I can't even properly look after my baby . But don't worry , I will watch  over his diet more closely from now on." Mom said sighing.

"Alright , just give him lots of fluid and tell him to take it easy for a couple of days." The nurse added.

"Ok, thank you so much for coming !" Mom said as she and the nurse  packed up her bag and left the room.

Meanwhile I was deep a sleep already  . With the trophy I had conquered today sitting on my desk.

Today was a bizarre day.




Hi guys !!!!! Thank you to all those that have subscribed to my story ! It really means a lot to me ! smiley This was a short chapter because it is sort of a continuation from the last chapter . I decided to break  it up because the last chapter was getting too long . Anyways , please continue reading the story and enjoy !

And leave a comment or two , I love getting your guys feedback ! heart

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EunhaeStan86 #1
Chapter 17: Kyu is basically a drug dealer but for information xD
Kyattchan #2
Chapter 27: Aww... I love this story so much.. couldn't stop reading it.. it was lovely.. filled with angst but beautiful!
I'm not sure if this is the end (because the story is not marked as complete?) but if it's not.. I hope you'll write more! I definitely want to read more! XD And if that's the end.. well it's okay too.. it's already beautiful that Hae came back to fulfill his promise to Hyukjae! :)
Hyeri04 #3
Chapter 27: this is really an amazing story!! I love it!! thank you for sharing~
Chapter 27: Just finished whole story I am speechless great job than you again for writing this story .
I hope you continue with your writings .
Chapter 22: I don't know if you are still writing on this website but this was whoa this had me nailed to my seat I was in tears lovlovlov this thank you for this heart wrenching story just finish chapter 21 moving on to next chapter now.
haeyth #6
Chapter 27: Is this the end? its a beautiful story. anthing to do with eunhae is always beautiful. tq author nim
tvxqsujushineeexonct #7
Chapter 27: Donghae's back! Finally they can have their happily-ever-after moment. I'm so happy for them, after all that they've been through now both of them will be finally happy.
pinkapple04 #8
Chapter 27: This is what I am waiting for!
Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 27: They are finally together & start a new life :)
Thanks for updating :D
Chapter 27: Yeah Donghae finally went back to Hyukjae it took some time but he did it he finally realized that he loves Hyuk and even confessed to him now he just needs to put the past behind him and they can start a new life together ..God Love this Story ..Lovely Update <333333333