Fallen Angel

Picasso's Disciple

And the universe had heard his prayers. It had already made him suffer enough (for now) by putting him together with a bunch of idiots. Maybe it was time to help him, yes, the universe was being nice for once and yes, it decided to help our Picasso, Kris. Releasing its inner powers causing a bright light coming from the core, lightening everything up, the universe changed the fate of a certain person, the person who would save Kris from the end of his line of the Krismazing artists.


Driven by an unknown force, Kris stood up: the voice in his head which he had heard before, told him to start walking again. His trustworthy feeling was back! Of course, he obeyed it: his feeling was never wrong and would never be wrong.


Something is going to happen. I know it. It’s written in the stars, even though I can’t see them right now, but I just know it, he happily thought by himself.


Following his previous steps, Kris took his pencil from behind his ear and started to draw, slowly filling in the empty pages of his sketchbook with straight lines and egg-shaped circles (okay, you could call them ovals, but Kris liked circles more. They were perfect).


I can feel it. One more line here and.. wow, this looks amazing. I never fail to amaze myself with my excellent skills. I have to show this terrific piece of perfection to the members. They will admire me even more than they are already doing.


He thought at the surprised expressions of EXO when he would show them this creation and they would probably be thinking: how is it possible for a mere human being to create something incredible and perfect like this? Is our leader a god? He should be one, there is no other explanation possible. And he would just laugh and be flattered by their endless praises and they would live happily ever after.


Kris laughed. Too bad for them that none of them was fit to be his pupil to whom he could pass on the amazing techniques he had in his tender hands. Especially Chen. He would never get to see, not even a glimpse, of the wonderful Krismazing skills.


Drawing another line, he walked past the main stairs which was located across the toilets. Suddenly he heard a mysterious noise and felt something heavy getting launched at his head. Before he could transform into a dragon and fly away in order to avoid who or what knew what would come, he fell on the hard floor, letting his sketchbook and pencil roll over the filthy ground, with a young man on top of him.


“What the hell!” came out of Kris’ mouth. Looking like a real Angry Bird, Kris tried to move, but the man was too heavy to lift or move. He was pinned to floor by a unknown guy who weighed around 90,23 kilograms with a length of 176,002 centimetres (with insoles) and a muscles percentage of 92,3%. Yes, Kris had a special ability: he could extract information out of people with a single touch and they were accurate most of the time, especially when it was about s.


Kris started to panic:


Oh no, what do I do now? Oh my, that guy doesn’t look like he is breathing: I don’t feel his chest moving or his heart beating! Oh my, I am going to die. I am going to die underneath an unknown guy. I never thought that this would happen, okay, maybe I did, but in another way.


Kris tried to move again, but the lifeless person kept lying on him showing no sign of life. The universe which was watching the amusing sight of a struggling Kris (yes, our universe enjoyed malicious delight) reminded itself that it would help Kris. That would actually help it to win the humans’ love and maybe they would start a whole new religion for him. It sent him a breeze which was carrying all kinds of useful information to the pretty head of our Picasso.


The lamp covered in dust, the center of Kris’ head, lighted up for the first time in years and gave him an idea: he could scream for help. Yes, he could, he was in a building with a lot of people in it, someone would surely hear him! Not noticing the small crowd which had gathered around him and was casting him weird glances, he cried for help:


“Someone, help me! Help! Please help me! And while you are on it, please search for my masterpiece too! It has to be saved. otherwise the human culture would go wasted! Someone, help me! Help!”


With the last words, he dropped his head on the floor. It was tiring to yell with an arm on your face which was strangely smelling like cheetos.


Wondering whether he was acting like an idiot for the show or not, some kind-hearted people walked to him and tried to pull the man off him.


Oh yes, they are helping me… but they are way too slow. While they are taking their time, someone can steal my beloved creation! And those thieves can sell it without using my name.


No, he couldn’t let that happen. No, he spent so much time on it. No, he had to call for more help. He cleared his throat, tilted his head once more and yelled with all his might,”Someone please help! Help these weak people! Help! Help to get this dead body off me! I beg you, help!”


By hearing the words ‘dead body’ people hysterically screamed and ran away with the speed of light, leaving the helpless Kris behind in the empty hallway. When the universe saw that, it couldn’t help, but  laugh its off. This guy is really amusing, I must not lose him, the universe thought as it pushed lightly against the lifeless body waking it up.


I feel the body moving! Oh my, he isn’t dead!


“Please get off me! I have to save my creation!” Kris yelled to the man on top of him whose fingers were moving and poking in Kris' eyes what Kris didn't like that much.


Slowly the body came back to life and after a while he was rubbing his eyes like he had been sleeping for a long time.


“Oh, what happened? Hmmmm… oh well, this feels pretty comfortable, but I remember that I was walking. How did I end up here on the floor. Oh wait, there is someone here. Ey, can I ask why you are lying underneath me?”, a sweet voice said coming from the mouth of the smiling man.


“You mean: why am I lying on you!” Kris corrected him.


“Oh yeah, you could see it in that way too,” the man said calmly and faced Kris, still smiling. “So, do we know each other? We are being a bit too touchy for strangers, don’t you think?”


Kris’ right eye began to twitch by hearing those words. What was the problem of this guy? He was obviously the one who fell on top of him. And besides, he didn’t seem to have any intention to get off him! I know I am very comfortable, but every normal person wou--  Then a sudden pain pierced through his right eye: an enormous finger was attacking him.


“Wow, I have never seen that before! Could you do that again? Wow, it was so cool!” the finger kept coming and attacked the defenseless eye with no mercy. Kris’ arms came to rescue, but it was an useless act: the weight of the adversary was too strong and it was almost impossible for his arms to help. Kris ran out of ideas, he was truly trapped: he couldn’t move and he even couldn’t see a thing because of the poking finger.


No, I can’t lose like this. I have to win… for humanity… that drawing is their last chance… He turned his face to the left and looked at it. It was lying in the floor, not making any movements. Kris could see it clearly from his place even with the finger in his eye. It was calling for him, he could hear it. It was yearning for his touch, his grip: it wanted him to hold it and never let go. I can’t give up, I have to…


Before he could even come up with an idea, the attack stopped. The enemy rolled off him and picked the drawing up. “Wow! What is this?”


Kris got up immediately and snatched his sketchbook out of the dangerous fingers of doom. How did this guy even dare to touch it after what he had done? Was he out of his mind?


“Oh, it is yours?”


“Yes, it is. Now please step aside, I have to visit the healing unicorn for my eye, you merciless bastard,” Kris said while hugging his sketchbook tightly. He couldn’t rage here or release his powers, there would be innocent victims. All he could do now was not giving that guy another chance to touch his sketchbook with his filthy fingers. “Now, please step aside.”


“.... but why did you call me a heartless bastard! I haven’t done anything!”


“Nothing? Nothing? Look at my eye, does it looks fine! No! It’s red, it hurts and I can’t see a thing anymore!”


“... I thought that was your normal eye colour…”


“No one’s eye is supposed to be red!”


“Oh… sorry…” the guy said while smiling.


“It doesn’t look like you are sorry at all!”


“What, I mean it!”


“You’re smiling. No one smiles while apologizing sincerely! Ah, just forget it, I am out of here! I’ve got a doctor’s appointment.” Kris lifted his chin and quickly walked trying to find his way back to the waiting room where all members were. What in the world was that guy thinking. He clearly had no respect for me. He must be an uncultivated pig without knowing anything of art, he thought by himself. He turned around and saw the guy just standing there with a smile on his face. Look at that sheepily smile, you can’t see his eyes anymore. He is def--


“Are you okay!” the guy yelled and ran to Kris. “You hit the wall pretty hard! Wow, you even made a hole in it!”


Kris lied on the floor while holding his drawing tightly. His head was hurting, but he had no intention of letting his drawing go. “S-s-s-shut up,” he said.


The man squatted next to him still smiling. “Are you okay?”


“Do I look okay to you! And please go away. Everything is going wrong since I have met you! Aaaah, my head!”


“No not really, but I have to take you to the doctor. You will miss your appointment in this way!” The man helped Kris to get up with a lot of difficulty. Our Picasso was still holding his sketchbook. Together they walked to the waiting room.








Once they arrived there, Suho immediately flew up from the couch and ran to the injured Kris with a worried Tao behind him.


“Appa! What happened!”


“Don’t call me like that, I have enou-- Ah, it hurts.”


“Kris, what happened!” Getting flustered by Suho’s hand on his forehead, Kris avoided Suho’s eyes and looked at the man who was helping him. “Y-y-you, explain!”


Before he could even open his mouth, Chanyeol ran to them screaming,”Oh my, you are Jongup! Hello, hello, hi, I am Chanyeol! That’s Chan with Y-”


“You’re being loud,” Sehun said while pushing Chanyeol aside who fell on the ground and happily rolled over the floor till he hit the wall.


“You guys know this guy?” Kris asked with dilated eyes.


“Yeah, he is a member of B.A.P,” Sehun said while shaking Jongup’s hand. “Thank you for bringing our idiotic leader back,” he continued. “Please forgive him for not knowing you, he doesn’t go out a lot. He rather live in his dirty cave making cave drawings on paper. I hope you didn’t pass his idiocy to you. I will get Lay-hyung to do a check on you, just to be sure.” And then he walked away unharmed even though Kris was shooting lasers at him with his left eye.


“Thank you for helping Kris and bringing him back safely to us,” Suho said and bowed to Jongup who returned a bow back with a smile.


“He didn’t help at all! He was the cause o-- “ Suddenly two hands were put on his head causing a heavier pain.


“Sehun, Kris has still got all his idiotic brain cells in him! I don’t think he has passed on any of them!” Lay said. “Kris-ge, please stand up, it is hard for me to count your brain cells if you are sitting on the floor like that. And please stop making sounds like you are giving birth to a baby.”


“You frea-- “


“Jongup! Are you hungry? We have a lot of snacks here,” Suho interrupted Kris and led Jongup to Xiumin’s backpack while Tao was following them.


Why is that guy getting all the attention? Pfffft, he isn’t even injured or something. This is unfair, I am the victim here. Hmpf, they won’t get to see the artwork of the century. Those idiots. They will miss the highlight of their little lifes. But first, I got to deal with this headache.




“Yes, Kris-hyung?”


“Instead of killing me, could you heal me?”


“I am not killing you!”


“Then pull out that stick out of my ear and heal my head!”






So this is the second chapter! Sorry for lack of updates: I am having exams now OTL
This story will probably not befinished before the deadline, but this is too much fun to stop the story xD
Well, I hope you liked this chapter! 


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Chapter 2: update soon! odg i'm loving this ;_;
dontwantanaccount #2
this story is hilarious hahahaha