
Picasso's Disciple

A tall blond man roamed around the hallways, examining his surroundings while ignoring the oncoming staff members. His sharp chin and thick eyebrows defined his face accompanied by perfectly formed lips. A yellow pencil stuck out of his hair leaning against the top of his ear and his eyes glided over everything they saw.


This was Kris. Kris was searching for the perfect place, the perfect place to get the feeling, the feeling to draw.


After a while he sat down by an enormous window across from the table overloaded with all kinds of snacks. The sun shined its warm rays on him and lightened up his fair skin causing people to look away when they laid their eyes on him. He lightly tapped with the gum of his pencil against his lower lip and sat there, while looking outside, with his empty sketchbook on his lap.


He didn’t feel it, he didn’t feel anything. Maybe it was an after-effect of what happened last night. A small sigh escaped his lips and made its way to the yet unknown world by the thought of yesterday.


In order to find his potential disciple, Kris had asked the EXO-M members to draw a portrait of themselves. Ignoring the cries of dismay, he had called Suho to ask the same of the EXO-K members.


Kris massaged his temples with his fingertips. He shouldn’t have done that, he should have known better. He knew the members well enough to know that the plan was doomed to fail. He should have suspected something when Kai had sent his work within two minutes. Two minutes were too short to create a masterpiece, even for an art genius like him.


I guess I was too excited, the blond one thought by himself. Wait, no, he was sure about it: he was too excited. Why else did he even bother to look at it? He should have known it: it was Kai who sent it in.




Kris sat on the couch.


This plan is amazing, I will find the perfect disciple in no time. This proves that I don’t only possess the looks, the talents, but the brains too.


He looked around him and saw Tao and Lay working hard on their drawings. Oh, what did he love the sight of s doing exactly as he told them to. Xiumin had withdrawn himself in the kitchen. He said that it was the best place for him to get his inspiration. And, of course, Kris accepted this. He was not only an amazing leader because of his acts, but because of his tolerance too. He was a born leader.


Feeling a bit bored after a while (ten seconds were long enough for him), he decided to check on the other members. He walked to the nearest room , which was the room of Chen, and knocked.


“Chen, how is it going?”


“Good, good.”


“Can I s---.” Kris opened the door, but before he could even look into the room, Chen slammed the door while screaming or laughing (Kris could never hear the difference between the two),


“Oh my god, don’t come inside! It’s a surprise! Oh my god, don’t even think of opening the door! Oh my god, just wait! Gimme a few minutes! Or hours! Or days!”




“Oh my god, months would be good too! Hohoho, it will be perfect! What are you doing? Are you still standing there?”


“Uh… “


“Just go away! Oh my god, why are you even standing there! Oh my god, I can’t work with here!”




“Oh my god, so much stress! Oh my god, I will get bald in no time!”


“Uh… I will j---”


“Oh my god, what will I do when I get bald! My head doesn’t look good with no hair!”


“....just go…” Kris took steps back and returned back to the couch. Enough for now, he would just check on the other members later… much later…


He sat down on the couch again and checked his phone. Kai had sent him a picture!


Wow, he is quick! It hasn’t even been five minutes!


Kris excitedly downloaded the picture. This was going to be good, he had a good feeling of it! The main dancer always lived up to the expectations: he was known for never making a mistake and everything he did, was just perfect.


Why didn’t I think of Kai as my pupil! He is just perfect for it! Come on, he is just almost as amazing as I am.


Kris opened the file with a big smile on his face, but that smile immediately disappeared as he saw the picture: the younger one had sent him a selca of himself in the bathroom, pouting in the mirror with the text: Hyung, am I kawaii? on the bottom. The picture had made Kris cried in the deepest corner of his heart. This was not what he had expected. This was not the reality he wanted.


After the first was sent, the other ‘drawings’ started to come in, even though he had already lost his hope. Xiumin had crawled out of the kitchen to the table and before running off with buns in his mouth like an enormous hamster, he had put a steamed bun with a face drawn on it, on the table in front of Kris.


Where did I got myself into, Kris thought by himself as another sigh left his lips.


Then Tao came to him asking, “Gege, do we have any blue crayons here?  I have colour in the seawater of this beach! It must be perfect to take lonely strolls on it! Where else does the romantic kung fu panda have to walk on?  Gege, do you know where the crayons are? Lay had already taken the pencils. Gege? Gege? Gege?”


Once again, the corner of Kris’ heart got filled with tears.


“Tao, listen up, don’t call yourself a romantic kung fu panda!”




“No, listen, don’t even call yourself like that!”


“But.. .in the show…”


“That was in a show! It’s embarrassing.”


“But… they…”


“No they, it’s embarrassing! Oh, wait, don’t…. no, don’t cry. Stop those tears now!”


“I can’t, I have no control over my tears!”


“Yes, you have control!”


“I don’t!”


“You HAVE control! Use it!”


“No! I am going to tell Suho-eomma about it!”


“Listen, Suho is not your mum okay! He is ju---  What are you doing? No, no, no, put that phone down! No, , don’t call Suho! , stop, okay, I will get you anything you like. Just put that phone down!”


“Can it be expensive?”


“Hell no, I don’t have money fo--- Oh no, okay, okay, I will buy anything you like! Just put down the phone!”


“Yay!” and with that Tao skipped happily away leaving a defeated Kris with a concentrated Lay ,who didn’t seem to know what was going on, in the living room.


Kris heard his wallet crying.


You’re not the only one who is crying, friend. Tao didn’t even finish his drawing. How am I going to find the chosen one now?


Then his phone rang: the caller was Suho. Panicking, Kris stared at it: Tao wouldn’t have called him right? He had already promised to buy him stuff. Or was Suho indeed the mother of Tao and did his mother instinct got alarmed? Wait, her mother instinct.. wait, was he in the same group as a girl? Suho was a girl? Wait, that would explain his motherly feelings for the members. Oh wait, her motherly feelings. Did the other members know of it? They probably wouldn’t. No, otherwise someone would have told him. Or were they all in a complot against him? Th--


Kris’ thoughts got interrupted when Lay threw the ringing phone at Kris’ face.


“Just take the call! I can’t concentrate with your stupid ringtone!”


Kris gulped: an angry Lay was worse than a female Suho. After Lay had thrown the phone, he turned around and got all calm again. Sliding his finger to the right, Kris put the phone against his ear, took a deep breath and said, “Suho, I know what you are.”


“What? What are you talking about?”


“I know it, just. I want to let you know that I accept it.”


“Uhh…. what kind of drugs have you taken? Wait, is this even Kris?”


“Suho, yes it is me, Kris! You can tell me everything!”, Kris yelled. I can’t believe that he, wait, she trusted the other members, but not me. I thought we were friends. Or did she hide her feelings, because she loves me? Oh my, that would explain so much.


“.... okay. Well, I called to say that Kyungsoo can’t make his drawing!”


“What? Why?”  This was more important. I will confront Suho with it later.


“Well, he is hiding and crying under his bedsheets now. Yep, still crying.”


“What happened!”


“Well, he drew a self portrait as you asked, but when he was almost finished, he… uhh… Well,  Kyungsoo took a look at it and got so scared of his own drawing that he threw the paper away and ran to his bed.”




“I am not kidding, Kai is taking some pictures of him now. I will ask him to send you them later! By the way, how are the drawings so far?”


‘Don’t even ask…” So far, Kris wanted to slam his head against the wall, run into doors and roll off the SM building.


“Haha, okay then. I wanted to make one too, but you already know how my drawing skills are. I’m going, Kyungsoo is throwing stuff at Kai. I am afraid that he will start throwing my stuff too. Bye bye!” and with that, Suho hung up.


Kris sighed and plopped on the sofa: the others could only be better, they had to be better. Otherwise, there wasn’t any hope for EXO.


This was a bad idea. I could better ask some toddlers to draw something and even they would do it better than they have done now. Wait, we still have the others: Chen and Lay are seriously working. Even though I don’t know what the others are doing, it can only be good right? I haven’t heard anything from them and that means that they are doing their best on it right? Yes, I will find him. Yes and then I can teach him everything and get admired. Yes, this will work. Yes, everything will be alright! Except for the fate of my wallet… Fate takes and gives, sorry.


Kris sat upright and looked confidently to Lay. There were still chances. He texted the remaining EXO-K members to ask what their progress was. Then he slipped his phone into his pocket and walked to Chen’s room again. There he knocked on the door as the previous time and asked to the closed door, “Chen, are you done?”


On the other side, Chen unlocked the door and opened it for him. With a warm smile on his face he welcomed Kris and invited him inside. This was finally looking good for our Picasso…. well at least that is what he thought.


Chen pulled out a chair and gestured Kris to sit. As an obedient child, Kris sat down with anticipation. He was feeling good about this: Chen was finally serious for once. He had finally paused his troll mode for a while to seriously work on this project. These moments were the moments when he truly loved s.


‘What do you got?’ Kris asked Chen excitedly. Chen just smiled and carefully took out a piece of paper.


‘Dragons and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?’ the younger one said as if he was saying it to an audience. He looked around with a finger on his lips trying to shush the non-existing crowd.


‘Thank you. We are all gathered here to see a memorable moment, a moment for which we all have been waiting. It’s finally time, the revelation of a masterpiece by Kim Jongdae, moi.’ Chen said with an extravagantly voice and bowed afterwards. ‘Open your eyes and be amazed!’ he said as he threw the piece of paper to Kris before running away.


Kris blinked a few times as the creator of the so-called masterpiece disappeared. He picked up the piece of art and looked at it. On the paper was a picture of a llama with the head of Kris attached to it on which Chen had drew a moustache and made his face look like a bird of Angry Birds.


That. freakin. guy.


Kris furiously tore the paper in pieces and stepped outside the room while looking around viciously. Someone was going to die and that was Chen. Flames were burning on the places where he had put his feet and a scaled tail crept out of the back of his pants. Fire spitting, Kris called out for Chen, but this one was smart enough to run out of the dorm, leaving the other EXO-M members with the raging leader.



A note was left behind:


Good luck guys! I love you! And me <3

- Chen



Kris had burned the piece of paper with his breath and started to destroy Chen’s room. However, this one outsmarted our leader again and had hidden his most precious stuff somewhere else.


When Kris had thrown everything that was light enough to throw, out of the window, he went back to the living room. There he flung himself on the couch and lay down, burying his face in the cushions. His energy had reached its minimum and the only thing Kris wanted to do was sleeping. Yes, sleeping. Then he wouldn’t have to deal with these idiots anymore.


Oh well, let’s check what the other idiots have sent. I have been disappointed this much, it can’t be worse.


He his back and took his phone out of his pocket seeing three new texts of Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun.



What mission?
What thing?
Did we had to do something?
Did Suho say something?
- Chanyeol

Do you mean a real drawing?

I thought it was another lame joke of Suho.

Or is this still a joke?

Please tell me!

I love you!

You know that!

I love you, hyung!

Please tell me now!

- Baekhyun


Yeah, my dog ate the paper.

- Sehun


No words could describe what Kris was feeling now. Somewhere he was happy that he was right about the members, on the other hand, he was sad that he was right.


What did I even think? Kris thought as he sighed again. He would just keep his amazing art skills to himself. There was no one suited for this. No, he would just be the last one of the Krismazing artists.


‘Kris, I am done!’


Kris looked up. Oh yeah, he still had Lay! Lay who was working all this time! Lay who was doing his best on this! Lay, his saviour.


A little fire of hope got lighten up as he saw the confident look in Lay’s eyes. However, as quick it came, it disappeared again, when he flipped over the paper: Lay had drawn an unicorn. A freaking unicorn, a freaking horse with a horn, a freaking horse ting rainbows with a horn.


The rest of the night Kris had cried there where no one could hear him, in his heart. He had lost faith in EXO, in humanity. Sitting in a corner, he drew circles on the floor with an invisible stick. He kept doing that for hours until Luhan came home holding Chen in his left hand and popcorn in the other. He had gone out to the cinema with some of his older friends and met Chen there. Before Luhan could even finish his story, Kris had flown towards Chen and choked the younger one with all his might.


‘What’s wrong with Kris?’ Luhan asked Lay as he walked away from the murder scene.


‘I have no idea. How was the movie?’ Lay answered.








Kris lowered his head. He wasn’t allowed to kill Chen, the managers had pulled him away. They said that they still needed him as one of the main vocals, even though, Kris had offered himself to replace him.


Please, help me. Send me an angel to rescue me. Give me the perfect pupil.










So yeah, the first chapter.

This was more an introduction than a real chapter of the real story... xD

Hope you enjoyed it... don't judge me. It's late now and I can't think clearly XD




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Chapter 2: update soon! odg i'm loving this ;_;
dontwantanaccount #2
this story is hilarious hahahaha