Chapter 14

SHINeeing Shanghai


The blood boiled in my veins. I was so jealous I wanted to back there and strangle Jonghyun. But I didn’t. I was walking around aimlessly the hotel not knowing what to do with all the anger and jealousy harassing my body. The gym, I’ll go to the hotel gym and get rid of some adrenaline.


I punched the sack. Many times. Hard. I pretended it was Jonghyun. I tried to pretend that it was ~~~~, but then I couldn’t hit it. I cursed out loud, making other people who were working out turn around and look at me.

“What are you staring at!?” I snapped at them and kicked the sack as hard as I could. Damn it!



I got of the sofa and Jonghyun and ran to the door. The corridor was completely empty and things felt too quiet. I looked back at Jonghyun. He looked guilty. I heard him mumble to himself as he sat up and ruffled his hair in frustration. I went to sit beside him.

“What’s the matter Jonghyun?” I asked. He looked at me.

”I’m sorry ~~~~-ah. It wasn’t on purpose, I’ll make it up to you.” He stood up.

”Make what up to me?” I stood up to and followed him to the door. He turned around and flashed me blinding white smile.

“You’ll see. I have a plan,” he said and then walked out of our room. I heard a sigh behind me.

“Isn’t he just so gorgeous?” Minji cooed. I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t say that so Key hears you or you’ll get in trouble.”


I sat back down on the sofa and hid my face in my hands. The feeling in my chest was something new. Like something was pressing from the inside to get out. Minji came to sit down beside me.

“~~~~, what’s the matter?” she asked and my back. I shook my head still with my face hidden.

“I don’t know, I just feel so stupid.”

“Why?” Minji sounded confused. “Did something happen?” I glanced up at her. Hadn’t she noticed anything?

“Minho oppa just caught me lying on top of Jonghyun. It was just an accident, still I feel, I don’t know… just stupid.”

“You’re not stupid ~~~~-ah, just a little slow,” Minji said. I looked at her. Slow?

“What do you mean I’m slow?”

“How can you not know? You’re so in love with him.” Minji smiled widely at me. My eyes grew big in surprise. I’m in love? ”I bet everyone here knows about it, except you, and maybe Minho, he’s a bit slow too…”
”I’m… in love…?”

“Yes, it’s so obvious that I want to hit you sometimes. I’ve never understood how people can’t know when they’re in love with someone, it’s like they want their life to be a fanfic or something…” Minji looked at you with a pleading look. “Please, don’t be stupid and just tell him. I can guarantee that he’ll gladly accept your heart.”

“Minji, I… I don’t know if I’m following. You mean that I’m… in love,” I said. She rolled her eyes and stood up.

“Seriously, I’m going to prove it to you. Come with me.” She reached me her hand and pulled me to my feet. She dragged me towards the bathroom and placed me in front of the sink. We stood silent for a while.

“What exactly is it that I’m supposed to do?” I asked and stared into the mirror hanging above the sink. Minji smirked.

“I want you to tell me about Minho,” she said. When I didn’t say anything she poked my side. “Go ahead.” I bit my lip and thought about a good way to phrase myself. I took a deep breath and began.


“He’s my friend. A very good friend. He’s on of the kindest people I know. He helped me to the hospital when I hit my head. He took such good care of me when I stayed here at the hotel while the school was out, even though he was sick himself. He… he…” I stuttered.

“That’s enough,” Minji interrupted me. “Now stop dreaming and take a look at yourself.” I did as she commanded me and met eyes with a girl who had on the goofiest smile that ever had been visible in this world and she looked like she had smoked something unhealthy.

“See? No one who just talks about a friend looks so stupid.” Minji smiled and patted your back. “Now all you have to do is confess…”





I went to my room, got my training clothes and then headed straight for the gym. Minho always went there when he was angry, or frustrated, or grumpy, or happy… anyway, I just knew he was at the gym. I got changed and then went looking for him inside. I heard thuds from someone hitting something angrily and walked towards the sound and soon found Minho hitting a sack dangling from the ceiling.

“Minho, wasn’t expecting to see you here,” I said (total lie) and stood next to him. He ignored me. He was really angry. Another proof he’s in love with ~~~~. I smirked. “Did you want something? You just came into ~~~~’s and Minji’s room disturbing my and ~~~~-ah’s date…”

“Date?” Minho stopped hitting the sack and turned to stare at me. I smiled at him.

“Yeah, well, not really. It’s just, I’ve been starting to realize how amazing ~~~~ is. I just wanted to get to know her. And as you could see it was going pretty well. I think I might have a shot, don’t you?” I watched Minho as his eyes, if possible, grew even darker. I have to play my part smoothly, or I would get beat up... I gulped, but kept my cool. This was totally going to work.

“I don’t think you’re her type,” he hissed. I raised my eyebrows. No, obviously she liked tall guys…

“Really? I haven’t noticed any difficulties, but what’s her type then?” I asked curiously. Minho glared at me.

“It’s… she… I just have a feeling, okay!?” he blurted. He hit the sack hard and one of the seams seemed to be about to burst.

“You’re just guessing, I’ll give it a try. She’s too good to let go,” I shrugged. Good Jonghyun, great insinuation, couldn’t he take a hint? “I think we’re very compatible, don’t you?”

“I don’t think you take this serious enough. You’re just going to toy with her and then dump her heartbroken, like you always do. She’s too good for you.”

“I won’t play around this time. I will claim her and keep her for the rest of my days…” I ignored his, quiet mean comment, and… was I threatening him? It might not have been a very smart move, but it seemed like it woke something in Minho. The thought of never being able to be with ~~~~ seemed to scare him. Maybe that’s what he needed to gather some guts and confess, or at least ask her out. “It was nice talking to you. Now I’m going to see if I can make some progress with ~~~~-ah.” I waved a short goodbye and casually sauntered away from there. I could feel Minho’s gaze burning a hole in my neck, but I didn’t turn around. When I got out in the locker room I pumped my fist in the air and praised myself. I was going to succeed with my evil plan…

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pollbaby #1
Chapter 22: So amazing! I love the way you write author-nim! <3
Chapter 22: Great story
hahahaha awww Onew, smh
poor minnie is to young to know anything.
XD luring Taemin out with candy. hahahahahah I just love it more more more...srry I forgot to comment.
ino right, aren't we cute.. :D
The sun really got me..I eat pancakes im going to have to eat them like that now. hahahahaha
yes Minho that was very sweet of you.
they ditched me....
well since they did tell the teacher that i still had a cuncussion, then i guess staying here wouldn't be all that bad. *smiles*
I'm glad you caught on to that, because I still don't think I caught on. lol
I LOVE IT, HURRY AND UPDATE NOW...I HAVEN'T READ THIS IN A YEAR AND WHEN I CAME BACK TO READ, ITS ON THE SAME DATE AS LAST YEAR. I LOOKED AT MY LAST COMMENT. I miss spamming your story. hahahahahahaha It's just too good, plz update soon, and srry it took so long to read it, I haven't been on in a while. V^-^
this was a nice chapter. I was squealing and screaming. lol
Jjong, don't attack Taemin to much, aww Onew, don't worry we all love you and your next to Minho XD
omg Minho has his arms around me. I love it I love it. Great plan although you took up all of my mattress. I feel safe and protected, i can really go to sleep. What will happen tomorrow?????
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo close T^T
so darn close. I cant believe my darn phone ranged. I thought that was the perfect moment, and with the sun setting. screams....waaaa how could this happen..........darn phone..grrrr
~le sigh~
let's get back to the sleepover.. I total forgot about that for a sec two. lol
ok onward..and ino jjong oppa. *smiles*
hahaha this was too funny, yet it was soo close that it scared me. Onew thinking and seeing the wrong thing. Jonghyun would never do anything like that to hurt me. I was O.O the whole time. Poor Jjong, he got punched for like no reason. This is beginning to become to much. Let me just take a while to get myself to gether, I need to think. hahahah Taemin burst up in the kitchen with "Where's the salad" lol awww he's sooo cure I pinch his cheeks. Minho and Onew fighting for the chair to sit next to me. lol wow
Onew go eat your chicken stew, lol its waiting for you.
Confess confess !!! Already !