Our So Oh Lovely Second Meet

Good Job, kids!!!

 Even before he sets his  foot in that place, uneasy feeling has enveloped him since one kilometer from that  spot. Several pairs of little eyes keep watching  him from inside the classrooms  he was passing by. They are chuckling  and then scattering  here and there . Enough to make shivers go down at Sunggyu’s spine.

He keeps his pace steady, showing that he is not scared. They are just little creatures. Little. Little mean no harm. They are too hyper, running, screaming, giggling, chuckling, jumping  carelessly, wriggling  and whatever stupid thing they could do.  


He dodges several times before  they are accidentally –or not- bumping into him, tries not to have contact with their curious eyes when he walks at the corridor.

So far it's seems all safe and under control . He was safe, no hurt, his body still intact  at the moment  he reaches  that classroom he would teach for almost a month ahead .

" They are cute , right? " His father asks with a happy smile as he himself watches those kids. The principal who also his father,  gladly showing him around before the class started at this morning.

Several kids that supposed to be his student -since his father already showed him where is his class-   are gathering in the middle of the class (he does not  know why they are must gather in the middle class, and doing nothing except staring at the ceiling), turns their attention  to their principal and him  who was standing in the doorstep. They are very sweet –at that moment- and give the two newcomers an  adorable smiles . For normal people, they might get toothache because of  the sweetness, but for him, all he gets is goosebumps.

" Yeah , it is looks like they are not harmful in general ? "

" Sunggyu - ah , since when a child becomes so  dangerous , huh ? You are so ridiculous "


Sunggyu then takes another look toward those kids and they are waving happily at him from inside.


“Let’s meet other staffs here. They can help you for such a thing. Class not yet started. Come on!”

There is still time before morning classes began . His father takes  him around. His father knows  if Sunggyu was very tense at the moment, also he knows the “dislike thing” about the kids. A little air out of the building will certainly help this new teacher .

They leave the classroom . He could imagine that his soon to be his students  make their way to the door, because he could heard those little steps come at their way. Right, when he is looking  back, here they are in the door frame, stacks one another and happily waving at him. This is must be a good sign but his little heart told him in a different way.



" Thanks God, I thought we were late again "

Some noises come from their back and turn to take a look who is coming at their direction.

"  Good. On time I think " principal says, smiling at the two newcomers. He nudges his son to greet them. Sunggyu turns his head  lazily, almost choking on air in the next moment. All he was  witness  is the young man with a little kid who is none other than a child who has lost yesterday . His expression changed to sour and deadpan in instant.

The guy is staring  back at him, of course he is. Better than greeting them, Sunggyu takes his time to observe that guy with his nasty glare, tries to find something to mock him maybe.


Compared from his appearance  yesterday that he looked  like a philanderer , now it  looks more presentable, a  young man with a gray shirt , arms raised up to the elbow , combined with a pair of slick black slacks . Pretty classy . 95  points for him –clap,clap,clap- but Sunggyu still hold a grudge for yesterday , so the range is  95 out of 10,000 points .


The young man was just  surprised to find Sunggyu there . Regardless of his fade ripped  jeans at the knee , which made ​​him looked like a criminal yesterday , his beautiful face just makes him looks prettier.   ( Blame his little brother who keeps mentioning about this man who accompanied him in the park yesterday ) . He looks like a Princess but because the incident yesterday , in his eyes , he was a beautiful Princess who had just come down from a cart.

Both give each other death stares but still refrain themselves from mocking  or clawing at each other face .

His father who  did not realize the heavy air between them , just walking  over to the little boy and bent down  to caress  his hair . That  little boy immediately moves , from his brother’s hand  into his father’s and clinging at his hand . Seeing that, Sunggyu  can’t help but feels  a little jealous, his father treats that child like  his own son . He glares at the poor kid  but the little one stares back  with those  innocent  big eyes, smiles at him.

" Sungjongie , you're lucky for having a good big brother . This is must be  difficult to drive him here when you have to go to work, right? " His father is now turning from Sungjong kid  to his brother .

" Tskk , a good brother ... " Sunggyu scorns, low enough that his father couldn’t cath it.

What happened yesterday still made a bad impression on his brain . But what he said clear enough for that Sungjong’s brother's ear  . Just because he has waited for it since he sets his eyes on Sunggyu.

" It is nothing, Mr. Kim. Of course  I will do anything for my Jongie . I didn’t trust anyone to drop him at school since I heard many kidnappers have been roaming  anywhere lately ”   His eyes are straight right towards Sunggyu  and Sunggyu  looks equally out of it.


Sunggyu sure the “kidnappers” thing is referring to him. He knows which way the man was talking about .

"Oh yeah, sure. If someone  was abandoning his own brother , it would be easier for those  kidnappers to kidnap them " Sunggyu says sarcastically .

His father, who did not know anything just nods,  agree  on what  both they have said . Realizing both  of them  do not know each other , there is no harm if they know each other .


" Woohyun – ssi  , he is  Sunggyu- ssi . He is new  volunteers  here. And  a coincidence, he is going to teach in the Sungjong’s  classroom "

Once again with a big smile and a sense of pride , he was introduced to a man named Woohyun . Woohyun is observing him  from head to toe and then back to the head . Sunggyu just gives him  a weird look.


“Yaiy, new teacher” Sungjong exclaims  happily and that small action earned ruffles on his hair by the principal.

" My brother would have survived if he works here ? "

" What did you say ? " Sunggyu snaps  as he brings his clenches  up.

" Okay , time for class to begin " The principal glances at his watch as the bell rang, not paying attention at  what they are doing .

" Class .. class .. " Sungjong shouts cheerfully and makes small jumps on his way toward Sunggyu.  He is too enthusiastic  because this pretty hyung will be his teacher.  He is even put this Sunggyu-nim as his favorite teacher, although he is not yet teaching them.

Woohyun holds  his  brother back before he gets closer to Sunggyu. Away from Sunggyu as if Sunggyu is a dangerous creature.  But Sungjong carving out from Woohyun’s grab. His eyes shift towards Sunggyu  with sadness over his visage,  while sunggyu  is trying desperately to avoid eyes contant with him. Sungjong sticks his hands out to him . For a few seconds , the child's hand hangs in the air . Sunggyu pretends  not to see it , busy watching the small particles in the air . Then the Sungjong kid shiftes his big sad eyes at the principal and as a cue, he got the hidden message.

" Sunggyu - nim , Sungjongie seems  want you to take him to class "

His father doesn’t want to make  Sungjong sad , he guides Sunggyu’s  hands to grab Sungjong 's one. Sungjong smiles  with satisfaction when he managed to hold hand with Sunggyu . In other hand, Woohyun cant  believe what he saw. He feels neglected . As a good brother (like he thought) , why his own brother neglected him for  someone who looks like a Hamster .


Woohyun just realized two front teeth of this Sunggyu kid was resemble  with hamters  teeth  when he was forced to smile at  Sungjong .

" Woohyun - ah , let Sunggyu take him to his class " The principal has founded, those three look ridiculous with that position, Woohyun and Sunggyu are  holding Sungjong’s hand and Sungjong is hanging  in the middle with awkward pose. All in this principal’s head is lol-ing thing but he doesn’t show it. Where is his pride anyway if he does.

Woohyun was hesitated , but Sungjong already  clinging at  Sunggyu’s hand and another his hand still on Woohyun’s,  and finally he let it go .

" Do not ever think for hurting my brother " Soon, the voice belongs to none other than Woohyun  slowly reach his ears. Low enough not to be heard by the Principal .

Flashes of light is emanating from the corner of their eyes . Sunggyu snorts in disgust with Woohyun’s ridiculous threat. How could he threaten him like that . He and Sungjong walk slowly to class, oh yeah because Sungjong has short legs.. Sunggyu is busy adjusting Sungjong’s  pace with small steps . He feels like walking like a stinky snail .


Sunggyu wants to let go their oh-so-sweet tangled hand but since his father's and Woohyun  are  right behind them , he on;y could pray that Sungjong can walk quickly. And another thing that annoying him so  much is when Sungjong swungs their tangled hand back and forth like a happy brothers. It's only makes him also jerked in front and back, just in case he doesn’t want to hurt that boy. His ears are red when he hears Woohyun was chuckling behind him, he is sure that he is watching him from behind.

His  father had not found anywhere when they turn at the corridor  where the class is . There is only Woohyun . Sunggyu just rolls his eyes, trying to ignore his  obvious existence.


They are still walking slowly like an age that could make sunggyu grows white long beard.


Another intrusion could be heard from behind, from Woohyun direction exactly.




But Sunggyu tries to be ignorant.


“Are you do that on purpose?” he asks and Sunggyu not sure he was talking with.


“Yah, I am talking to you, the smallest eyes” and with that Sungjong and Sunggyu turn to face him. Sungjong doesn’t care because he doesn't understand what that two was talking about.He was busy occupied with butterfly that sit on his nose, make him giggling.


“Doing what? accompany  Your brother to his class?” Sunggyu still remember how hurt –or not – when Sungjong had choosed him over his own brother. Althought he doesn’t like it but still, he was happy to win over Woohyun. Sunggyu has many reasons for defend his self for it.


There is a new thing that makes Woohyun feels disgusting about Sunggyu. After a few minutes ago he walked behind Sunggyu which only bring him much of tormenting ,  get distracted at how Sunggyu’s   swung to and fro with the tenderness , the rhythm of his  steps were slow only make that thing more difficult to him . But if he tells Sunggyu like that, he would get ert name after that.




Sunggyu only gives him a weird look then continue to walk because he still has doing his job as snail, walking beside Sungjong that took much time to reach the class.

Woohyun breath in realieve. Unconsciously, again his eyes crawl at Sunggyu’s curves. All seriousness on his face, thinking hard  about what kind of demon Sunggyu is . This hamster looks so annoying but on the other hand is very tempt .

Finally they are reached the class.


" Remember what I have told you "

Once again , he treats him. He kisses  his little brother on the forehead. Woohyun still gives a nasty look at Sunggyu -still have the kidnapper thing on his head-  but Sunggyu just deadpan as always.  


" Can you just get lost now? "

Sunggyu are fed up just by looking at Woohyun . He wants  to scratch his face , heewww , if only he has claws .

Woohyun slowly walks backward but still facing Sunggyu.  He puts two fingers , index and middle finger  in front of his eyes and then makes them pointing  at  Sunggyu , a sign that he will be watching every movement of him . Sunggyu just rolls his  eyes, he let go Sungjong's hand and walking inside, following by happy Sungjong.



Thank you you for spending your time reading this story. I know this chapter not good enough because it is still in the begining of story, also i am not a pro writer

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woobygyu #1
Chapter 2: I want moore , waiting for update ^^
Chapter 2: hello?....I'm confused about the mention in this cap...of me...
Chapter 1: This is so cute!
Chapter 1: i wanna hugging that little boy >.<
Chapter 1: is Woohyun the older brother? i think Sunggyu is the pretty stranger because I kind of see him as someone who doesn't like kids.