2. The Reality

OPPA (sequel : Will he accept me ?)

Sulli Pov

"Sulli see you again ! I'm definitely waiting for you ! "

That shout  sounds echoed in my ears ... like the sound of melodious music. Echo percolating in my pore.

I looked at him, the man who is disturbing my sleep for a month.

He waved, there is a puddle of tears in his eyes.

God, is he crying?

Cry for our farewell?

God ... please make him to understand the language of my eyes.

Make him feel how my heart.

God ... give me the chance to talk just once.

Just to say my feelings to him.

I'm trying to talk, but I've  only heard sounds ludicrous.

Without being able to hold it, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I haven't regretted my silence.

Really, I'm not crying over my shortcomings.

I cried because I could not have said it.

Say a sentence.

"Choi Minho saranghae…


I looked up at the sky through the glass window of the library. I still imagine our meeting last Saturday night.

My meeting with Choi Minho on Saturday night, feeling of my longing to him be more thick. The last I saw him, he was standing in front of the cafe, an upright, staring straight ahead. His eyes teary seeing the departure of me.

That night was very beautiful to me. His  eyes shone never left me, I felt his presence so close. He also sang a romantic song which until now still I have remembered his last poem. Before this, no man who ever sang a song that he created specifically for me.

Is it wrong with me if I feels that I am having a special place in his heart?

Does he feel the love that  I'm feeling, too?

That song made me forget about the shortcomings that I had. I felt myself special. .. exceptional. My happiness and joy welled up, I soar up into the sky.

Yes, I'm now on the clouds ... but I'm scared. I'm afraid of falling and pain !!


Krystal suddenly entered and her  face was pale .I looked at her  in wonder.


She didn't answer, she sits in front of me. The newspapers she's held ,was fallen  at the table , while she covered her face and cried .

“I'm sorry, Sulli ....! I'm sorry, this is all my fault ...! " she said

I don't understand why she like that? Why did she apologize to me? Whether the departure of our  last night known my parents so she will be punished again as usual ?

I tried to calm her down, I hugged her .... but my eyes suddenly were dashed on the news in the newspaper that is written with capital letters.

Oh My God!! How can it be??

The writing is so clear ... my God, how is this?

What if the father and mother know?

What if Minho read it ?

God ... How about this ?

What to do???


"Hyun Woo, find out who is Choi Minho ! I want the report this afternoon on my office !! "

I heard my father's voice boomed. I imagine his face definitely looks creepy.  I know  my dad is mad.

What will he be done to Choi Minho?

He was innocent at all ...God, how is this???

I panic, confused, sad, upset, frustrated ... all of a sudden the tears moisten my cheeks. 

" Krystaaaal ... ...!!! "

My father's voice now sounds more loudly. I felt her tremble in my arms ,Krystal.

We cried together.

Trully ... I'm regret, I have made many people suffer because of my doing,



Minho's Pov.

Sulli ... what a beautiful name ! Her name as pretty as her.

Unfortunately, last night I did not get asked a lot because she was sick.

I do not think, despite being sick she took her time to come to the cafe to fulfill her promise to me.

Ugh! I have to wait for next week to meet again with her.

 Ah ... why yesterday did not ask where her home address, or where the school so that we not only meet in a cafe that's it.

Emh ... maybe I noticed that two things  have to be ask next week ... and even  if she comes then.

My chest rustle .... I bet she will come. I have that belief, as also my faith a month ago over her promise.

Drrt .... drrt ...

Suddenly the sound of my cell phone to vibrate. I saw Taemin's name appears on the screen.

"Yeoboseyo ... taemin, mwondeyo?"

"Where are you hyung?"

"I am currently in my room."

"I'll be right there."

Unusual Taemin to call me early in the morning. This made me curious.

I immediately got up from my bed, then shower.

Usually I also never lazy  like this morning. But somehow it feels like I'm lazy to leave my bed, and just want to close my eyes to imagine the face of Suli.

When out of the bathroom, Taemin is already waiting for me.

Sitting on a bed that is still a mess. His face looks fresh, especially his hair still looks wet. Maybe he just finished a bath like me.

"What is it, Taemin? It's not like you,  you never called me in the morning? "

He did not answer but handed me a local newspaper  .

"The first page .... you get news headlines, hyung!" he replied with a strange voice.

I was pleasantly surprised.

I'm not the artist, not a politician, not a nobody. Why should be the headlines in the newspaper?

Without thinking I grabbed the newspaper and open it.



 Choi Sulli on Saturday night , was caught visiting " Yo Yo Cafe " , a small café in the  area of Cheonggyecheon . It's an unusual thing for a daughter of Choi Siwon . From a reliable source of JK is known that she came specifically to see one personnel of the band Shinee  who often perform at the cafe . Dressed in casual clothes like most people , Sulli was sitting accompanied by a young man who later sang a special song ........



I'm no longer able to read the next sentence of the news. My eyes are blurry because of the tears that just suddenly appear.

My heart melted ... taste between believing and not.

My knees tremble, I sat on the floor ... my legs could not hold my weight anymore .

Taemin , who had been to see me , come right to me .

"Minho hyung, gwencana?"

"She is the daughter of  Korea's largest employers, Choi Siwon. ...." I said more to myself.

Really, I do not think that the earthy Suli was the daughter of a millionaire is famous in Korea. No wonder her appearance caught the attention of the press.

"Hyung, this news has been gave to know who she really is, right ? You told me once that you do not care who she is, you will love her and fight for it. "

I had no answer, my mind spinning my heart ed ...

Could it be a millionaire's daughter will accept me?

My father was an entrepreneur, but just a small businessman in Incheon. Is not comparable to him.

is it worth it if I loved her? How her parents reaction when know about me?

God, maybe this is why You take my courage to express  my feelings of love to her last night. Because You know Sulli will not accept it, because Sulli will just laugh at me. YOU know I will be let down by my own dream.

But Taemin is probably right, it is a fact that I should have received.

Maybe this is God's plan for me.

How and where this story is going to continue, I had to wait.


The day went very slow.

News about Sulli and me in the newspaper become a conversation in the dorm. Their are many who come and ask but I just say that I do not know anything about the news.

Yes, I did not know anything about Choi Sulli.

Due to lazy to answer a lot of dorm friends questions, because they are look at me by their skeptical eyes, I spent my time in my room.

Until suddenly Onew called me.

"Minho, this is a phone for you!" said Onew handing his cellphone to me.

I do not understand him, yes I do not understand why people call me on his cell phone.

"Who?" I said,

I'm really discouraged since early this morning, since the news was coming.

" Do not know , she said, Sulli's cousin."

I quickly grabbed his cellphone .

" Yeoboseyo , I Choi Minho . You're the girl who always accompany Sulli ? "

" Yeah , on behalf of Sulli I want to apologize about the news in the newspaper this morning ... "

"Why should you speak?  she doesn’t have the guts to say it herself,right ? Where is Sulli, I want to talk to her. "

"I’m sorry, but Sulli ..."

"She does not want to talk to me, isn't it? Her vocal cords doesn't hurt, does it ? She just didn't want to talk to an ordinary youth who are not on the same level with her, right? "

Feeling depressed, angry, and disappointed that I'd kept since morning made me unable to control my own words.

"I just want to clarify that the newspaper said is not true ..."

"Which one? Who says that she is the child of a millionaire, owner of the largest firms, C.E.E in korea? Or saying that she dated a young musicians who want to take advantage of her father's big names? “

"Choi Minho!! Your mouth is very rude! "

I was surprised with the girl's words, her voice shattering my ears. I'm sure she said it with a shout.

"Miss, I'm sorry if you think it's rude. But it's not my words ... it is a sentence in a newspaper I've read this morning. " I replied with a flat.

To me she's a rugged, thus she's younger than me but she said my name out loudly without ….

Suddenly I heard there were sobs.

Somehow my heart suddenly felt like being stabbed by thousands of needles.

Is  the girl   crying?

" Sulli , let me talk ... !" Voice there , "Give me the phone !"

My heart was suddenly pounding , with all of my emotion I called her.

" Sulli ? ? "

I hope she'll talk , but there was no answer. I just heard the sobs .

Ah , what if it was really her vocal cords is sick ? But she could answer my words though only with one word, isn’t  it?

" Sulli .... " I say again , she still did not answer .

I'm sure now that I'm talking with her, my heart said it was. 

Heard her sobs, my heart melted ... the controversy bubbling that feeling in my chest since last, disappearing .

" Sulli , I'm not going to bother with the newspaper story . Please say one sentence to me , to convince me that you'd make me your friend . Although I'm a nobody . "

" .................. " ( Sob )

" I know your vocal cords still sore . But that does not mean you can not say one word to me . Choi Sulli , if you still consider me as a friend please call my name . But if you take me more than a friend , call me oppa ... "

" Choi Minho , you really outrageous ! Sulli will not talk to you all the time . That's because she's mute .... ! “

Tuut ...Tuut ...Tuut ...

I cannot think of any. Blank, all dark.

I looked at Onew’s cellphone. I saw my hand shakes due to restrained emotions.

She has shut down the telephone. Hang up our talk.

She refused to mention my name. She refused to call me oppa.

What is true because she's mute? Choi Sulli is mute ???

Onew looked at me curious, but I leave him alone .

I entered the room , lock myself .

I want to be alone , I want to brood.

I do not want to talk to anyone, because I'm sure no one will ever understand how I feel at this time .




I'm sorry that this chapter is rather chaotic.

I was not going to write it before I finished my job.

But the ideas that emerge can not be stored for long.

And here's one chapter.

hope you like it  :)

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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 4: just love rereading this story authornim
Chapter 4: And i smile for reading this Lovely story over again...Thank u for that :)
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 4: just read the story authornim
wonderful story
maybe another story soon for minsul
thank you
Chapter 4: so tearful
sulli did it. she fought her disable just to showed / proved her love towards choi minho... how beautiful!!

but this is a good story! very berry good ^^ kekeke
thanks for made such a pretty story...
Jyanna #5
Chapter 4: I just finished reading this story,wow!another amazing story from you. I loovvveee all your stories.Thanks author-nim.
Chapter 4: this is such a good story authornim I'm crying here^^
good one :3
Maria09 #7
Chapter 4: omy goddd~~ i an crying... i dont know what to say..
but this story is amazing...
perfect and unperfect!
rich girl and incheon boy story... make me cry..
mrminho #8
Chapter 4: OMG...it's beautiful Story....^^~
How could you do this, authornim ? You make me cry and smile at the same time.
Thanks for giving me a positif feeling for Minho. I really imagine him like it.
azuraes #9
Chapter 4: oh my gosh, true love prevails huhu <3
i love it
satiaminsulmine #10
what a great story !! love the way minho realized his feeling. love this story .