
A Secret to keep

Back to the night before.

Luhan huffed, body rolled around his black king sized bed in futile attempt to ease his boredom. He only stopped when he finally got dizzy by his own act. The room is too quiet for the fact there was two persons in the room. Only sound of pages being flipped could be heard.

Luhan sighed, purposely made the sound loud, but the brunette who was reading a book against the foot of the bed didn't even bother to spare a glance. Luhan whined silently (because manly man shouldn't whine)

He totally didn't expect this situation when he managed to invite (by force) his lover to his house. They didn't a lot of quality time together for this pass week. And he terribly misses his lover, despite the fact they meet everyday, but there is always a difference when they are surrounded by other people and when they are alone behind the closed door spending time together. All his lover a.k.a Kim Minseok did ever since he stepped his foot into the room is glued to the book perched on top of his lap.

Yes Kim Minseok is the love of his life, the star for his moon, or any other cheesy names to indicate the other is the owner of his heart. Short, Minseok is his boyfriend, a secret one (but official in his heart). They've been dating for 1 year, 4 months and 5 days for now, and his loves for the other just continue to grow bigger each day. Each passing day gotten harder to hold his urge to announce the world that Minseok is his, and he is Minseok's.

Rolled once, he stopped right beside the brunette head. Head facing the side view of his beloved, opted to just stare at the face to ease his boredom. After all he never got tired looking at those feeline eyes, full white cheeks and small lips, in fact he really loves every single detail in that face. Although he is a little disheartened that those full cheeks isn't as full at how it used to be.

Small hand swatted away his hand when it went to poke the soft white surface. Feeling naughty, he closed in, taking the white flesh between his teeth, biting it gently.

"Luhan. Stop it." Hand pushed his head away. Luhan pouted when the other didn't even spare a glance while doing it. Eyes keep glued to the lines of words on the book. Luhan doesn't want to sound jealous over not living object, but what so interesting about those books anyway, he dozed off after few pages when he read one of Minseok books.

Challenged to have the other attention, he closed in again. Wet tongue made a trail of wet patch along the cheek down to the jaw line, down to the neck. He did a little dance of victory in his head, smirking against the skin when he felt the other flinched a little by his little nip. Well, what can he say, he knows the other special spot too well.

He can heard a heavy sigh produced by the other, before the other scooted away. Away from his reach. His little smirk died down when he look up and found the other was glaring at him.

"I told you not to distrub me, I have a an important test tomorrow." A short sentence, but the tone is enough to stop Luhan from scooting closer again. He noticed Minseok was in bad mood in these past few days, so he didn't want to trigger the other's anger.

Luhan flipped his body around, face facing the ceiling, limbs trashes around in silent tantrum. 'Stupid Minseok, then what the use of him agreeing to come here.' he cursed in his head. 

"You are no fun." He mumbled

He can heard the other hum as a agreement to his statement. Luhan couldn't help but to pout. "You didn't  even accompany me to my piano practice anymore and you know I hate playing alone. Good thing Kyungsoo is there to accompany me."

Luhan keep on rambling, oblivious at the frown that deepen on the other face as he keep on having his monologue. "Oh!. You should have listened to Kyungsoo's singing. He has a really nice voice. Don't even know why he is so shy about it.."

"I'll just go home." The brunette suddenly stood up, brushing his pants as he did so, books already neatly stacked in his bag, Luhan didn't even know when he did that.

The blonde didn't even get to say anything before the brunette figure disappear as the door closed. He couldn't help but to pout harder.


Something start to feel weird when Luhan came to pick Minseok up to the school like usual, then informed that Minseok already went to school earlier. 

He frowned when he looked for the later as he arrived at school and received a cold shoulder.

He didn't even know what is wrong.

At the intermission from first class to second class, Luhan had grabbed the other, pulled him to a quiet corner.

"Baby is there something wrong?" He had asked in a whisper after looking around to see if there was no one there.

"No." Come a short reply from the shorter man.

"Why you didn't wait for me this morning?." His hand raised to caress the other cheek. But a wrist had stopped him from doing so.

"I woke up early and too bored doing nothing at home. I need to go now, the class will start soon."

The brunette left.

Something is definitely weird.

And Luhan know nothing about what it is. Did he say something wrong last night?

Luhan could feel frustration crawling in him, eating from inside. Why Minseok is always like this?. He never said anything when something is wrong and straightly gave a cold shoulder to him. If there something Luhan doesn't like about Minseok, it's probably this side of him.

He feel frustration build up even more because there was no single chance for him to talk with Minseok again for the rest of the day. Because 
1. Minseok has been avoiding him like plague. 2. Saerin choose that day to cling to him.

And he couldn't actually talk with Minseok about that matter when they are with their friends.

So the rest of the day just went by blur to him.


He was always good in any sports, basketball included, but today he kept on missed passes directed to him. Much to his teammates irritation. It wasn't even a surprise for him when his name called to be substituted out.

He grabbed a towel before sat down on the bench. Used that towel to wipe away the sweat that roll on all over his body.

He glanced at the other court. Looking at the man who is one of the reason he wasn't concentrate when play. The blonde was running here and there, dribbling and scoring basket after basket. He looks so cool and charming. It's a no wonder that his name echoed thorough the room. Minseok was once envied the blonde, how can someone being as effortlessly perfect as him. When they were friends, he couldn't help but awed by everything about Luhan. The blonde was blessed with good look, rich, talented, and smart, (Minseok was smarter, but that's because he continuously study, while Luhan doesn't even need to study as much). He was just like the prince charming form book.

The whistle to indicate the second quarter is had finished blowed. All the players stop and ran a little to the bench. From the corner of his eyes he could see a girl approaching Luhan, drink in hand. The girl looked happy, while other girls moaned in jealously. But their jealously is probably nothing in comparison to his heart that clench painfully whenever he sees Luhan with his girlfriend. He just turned away from the scene, focusing on his own sweat like it's something interesting, just to distract himself. Although there are times when he couldn't help but to stole some glance.

Their PE class finally over after 2 hours. In a record time, he reached one of the bathroom stall to wash away all the sweat and smell from his skin. Another reason why he moves so fast, is to avoid Luhan, whose he believes will look after him.

He sighed in relief when he saw no Luhan when he stepped out from the bathroom stall, already finished his quick shower. But to his dismay the other showed up when he is arranging his taking his things from the locker, hand pushed the locker door close, while the other hand hold his. 

"We need to talk." The blonde had said in whisper.

He know Luhan won't let him go even if he refused, and he doesn't want to cause a scene when the others are still there, so he just stand still.

They waited, luhan had let his hand go to pretend arrange things on his locker when he assured that Minseok wouldn't leave while he just stood beside in in silence until the crowds slowly dispersed, one by one left the room some bids a goodbye to Luhan and no long after only the two of them remain.

After made sure that no one was there again, Luhan turned. Eyes looked straight at his eyes, but Minseok turned his head away quickly. Fingers hold his chin lightly, turned his head back.

"Baby, please tell me what is wrong? Did I do something wrong?" The other eyes is pleading him.

"Nothing is wrong." Minseok pushed the hand away, words clearly contradicted his behavior.

"Minseok just please tell me what is wrong?. I'll do anything." Luhan had attempted to reach up to touch him again, but Minseok had backed away, body close to the locker.

"Stop." Luhan was taken aback by Minseok refusal to his touches.

"Baby seriously what is wrong?."


In his frustration due to Minseok refusal to answer, Luhan had hit the locker beside Minseok, caused a loud bang sound. "Stop saying nothing is wrong when it's obviously isn't!" Luhan hissed.

"Okay if you want to know what is wrong. The thing that is wrong here is us."

"What?" Luhan had looked up, to look straight at Minseok eyes, and now Minseok didn't even avoid it. "I'm tired of us."

"W-what?" The eyes that shown frustration now looked lost. Taken a back by the sudden confession. The blonde felt as if wind just knocked out of him 

"Do you want to break up?"

"Yes" some part of Minseok heart died by his own words. But he already gave a thought about it for some days. And he already resolved that this probably the best solution for both of them.

"Why? You don't love me anymore?"

"Yes I do love you. I just can't continue this anymore."

"Why?. Why all of sudden?. Minseok tell me what I did wrong that you feel this way. I'll do anything, just don't leave me." Luhan voice is frantic. His hand made it way around Minseok's body, holding it tightly. Face buried on the shorter male's neck, as if he is afraid that if he didn't do so, the other will really go away.

"Is it Saerin?." Luhan had pulled to look at Minseok's face, but the grip over his body remain strong. "Please Minseok, I already told you, I'll left her for you, even if my dad throw me out off of my house, I'll do it for you. So please, just please, don't leave me." The blonde begged.

His heart drop at how fragile Luhan looked now. His eyes looked so lost, sad and desperate. The resolution he had made over the days seems to disappear to thin air. He could his heart start to weaken when his arm had unconsciously warped back around the taller's body, resting his chin on the other's shoulder.

"No Luhan. You shouldn't throw away your family and future for someone unworthy like me." He whispered, voice soft.

"No Minseok. You don't understand how you worth for me. You are last strand of my sanity. I love you so damn much, you have no idea of how much. So please just don't." His voice trembled in desperation.

The sincerity and the love he could feel from every words had him said "Okay.". 

Minseok tighten his hold, as if to ensure Luhan that he meant what he just said, hand combing the blonde locks gently. He could feel the other body relaxed in his embrace.  It's almost funny how a single word of agreement from someone like Minseok could affect someone like Luhan this much. 

Luhan pulled away again to look straight at Minseok's eyes "Promise?"


Relief shone in those pair of doe eyes. Before Minseok knew it hands cupped his face a pair of familiar lips latched onto his in gentle slow kiss, like the blonde is trying to show how much love and relieved he is with the kiss. They parted their lips, but remained close, forehead rested again each other.

"You got me scared." Luhan whispered against his lips. The brunette planted few pecks against those plum lips along with mutters of apologies in reply.

"Seriously though, what made you suddenly think like this?"

"I.. I.." Minseok darted his eyes downwards "I can take the secrecy and all. But it's just so tiring to be alert all day, chased by the fear of being found out. I don't care all the backlash I'll get, but I can't stand the thought of people talking bad about you and the possibility what your parents will do to you if they find out."

"And?." The blonde hand caressed his head gently, coaxing him to talk more. Like he knows that it isn't just that.

Minseok pouted "And I probably had a mistress woes, or whatever connotation of it is for male. I mean I need to see you and Saerin holding hands and kissing in the hallway. And I don't even have the right to feel jealous over it, because she is your actual girlfriend."

Murmur of apologies being whispered to his ear. He could feel the hold around his body tighten even more if it's possible.  It's a little bit too tight, but he somehow like the feel of it. 

"And actually i'm just under a lot of stress lately, my grade just keep dropping. And you know that my grades is the only thing I can hold for my future."

"And.. And.. You keep talking about Kyungsoo for these past days. And.. God, I sounded like petty girlfriend. I'm sorry." Minseok buried his face on Luhan's sturdy chest. Feeling ashamed. But at the same time, it feels good to let out everything. His heart feels lighter.

The chest he leaned on vibrated a little when the owner chuckled. "I know it sounds wrong, but I'm happy that you are jealous." Affection heavily laced on his words that Minseok couldn't even feel single irritation that the other is having joy over his dilemma. He pulled out of the hug and playfully land a punch on the other stomach.

Luhan just laughed. Pulled him back into his embrace. "I almost afraid that you don't love me as much, because you are so indifferent when I'm with Saerin. I'm glad that I'm wrong." Minseok could feel the smile, even though he couldn't see the other face because it's buried against his neck. "I'm sorry though because I couldn't do anything to stop hurting you by it. I promise, one day, even though I can't promise when, I'll proudly hold you hand in front of everyone." 

"I know." This time it's Minseok who cupped the blonde small face with his hand. Offering a smile after he planted a peck against the other's lips. Stomach fluttering with delight as he imagined if one day that promise can be realized. Although he know it's almost impossible, not because Luhan won't do everything to make it happen, but because he himself won't let it to happen. Because he know the consequence won't be pretty. He won't think about it for now though, because he want to enjoy what he has right now, he had enough drama inside his own head just minutes ago.

"I'm really glad to hear what you actually feeling. You shouldn't hold anything that bother you alone." Another peck, this time initiated by the blonde one.

"I'm glad to say everything out too."

"Took you long enough though, you never said anything before."

"Yeah almost two years." Minseok chuckled at his own.

"And just to set it straight, I feel nothing to Kyungsoo aside from cute new little brother."

"I know."

"He is really cute though."

"I know."

"He kinda remind me of you before."


"What will you do if I actually really fall for him?" The blonde tone is playful. Clearly forgot that they just in the brink of break up just now.

"I'll break up with you after punch you into pulp."

"Aw so scary"

"Shut up and kiss me."

And Luhan was quick to abide the order. The kiss had started gentle but escalated fast into a heated kiss. Lips molding together perfectly in passionate rhythm.

"I love you." The blonde had whispered against his lips. Hand warped around his waist, pulling his body even closer. While his hand was around the other's neck, fingers buried into the blonde locks, letting the other lead the kiss. He was too drowned in the passionate kiss that he didn't even feel anything when his back collided against the locker, create a thud sound.

He was finally snapped out from the trance he a voice and luhan's lips detached from his. He saw Jongin was staring at them. 


Embarrassment fill his every sense, he could bet that he is beat red now from being caught making out. He totally couldn't believe how Jongin had manage to caught them make out twice.

"Oh Jongin. When you are back to here?." The only blonde inside the room asked, chuckling nervously.

"What are you guys doing?" Jongin didn't answer the question, instead asking another question back.

"Uhm uhm.. Stretching?.. Haha.." Another awkward laugh. Minseok just want to bat Luhan's head from behind. Such a dumb answer.

"Yeah.. With your tongue down Minseok hyung's throat." Jonging remarked. Smirk decorated his face. Minseok faked a cough at the words, while Luhan just smiled sheepishly.

"You guys really should keep your hand off of each other, what if it's others who caught you guys?." Jongin reprimanded.

"Yes daddy." Luhan answered.

"Well it wasn't only me who caught you guys faces though." He threw a quick glance to another figure in the room who was still rooted on his spot.

Minseok think he almost got mini heart attack right then and there. His mind immediately went panic when he saw those owl eyes are staring at him with unreadable expression. He hadn't know Kyungsoo for too long to know his stance against gay people. So he didn't know how the other will react.

"I.. I.. We.." Luhan seems to be as lost as him at how to explain. They both didn't manage to form a single word until the end. Until a quick bow and rushed apology from the new boy for interrupting, before the new boy disappear from their sight.

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Chapter 4: the story looks promising every chapter. update soon.
Chapter 4: Update soon please.. Could you made luhan more possessive and protective to xiumin..
nacia90-16 #3
Chapter 4: since I didn't read the previous story I can't compare this to previous one but I like this story so far :) can't wait for the next chapter :) I wanna see more of Kyungsoo reaction for what he saw ^_^
Chapter 4: Hahaha..Minseokie jealous of Kyungsoo..^^
Well, you should always know that you are the only one for Luhan..^^
hamsterxiu #5
Chapter 4: i love how minseok got jealous make their relationship almost broke but after explain everything.. they're soo lovey dovey ♡♡
lol kyungsoo absoloutely never expect them hahaha poor you, kyungie
Chapter 4: Aw my xiuhan . Finally ♡♡♡♡
I think they both will hurt alot ; ( hope it solves fast
Chapter 4: I am not sad anymore for scrapping the old plot :) Its so beautiful you just made my day. This is the best!!
Chapter 4: Lulu please keep your promise. Don't hurt Seok. And Minseok getting jealous is kind if cute. Oh and Saerin is killing me. Damn it girl, Lulu doesn't like you. Your only the girl his dad wants him to marry. Although I would feel really bad for you when he breaks up with you. Please let Luhan and Minseok be happy.
Chapter 4: so minseokie is jealous aww so cute. lol being caught twice by jongin and kyungsoo run away tsk tsk xiuhan you scared the kid. hopefully luhan will keep his promise soon. i dont want minseok to be saaaaad
Catalina390 #10
Chapter 4: hahaha explain something to kyungsoo Xiuhan~