What’s Matter is Now

Ever Forever (Editing)


愛のことば 足りないほどに

There are not enough words to express my love


Myungsoo quickly rushed into the hospital after getting the call. Ignoring the looks from other people, he ran to the counter, making the nurse in charge almost got a heart attack.

"Songhye, Kim Songhye. My wife is Kim Songhye. She just delivered just now. A few minutes ago. So, tell me where is she and my son?" Without a break, he spoke out until the nurse quickly got up and led him to his wife.

Once he arrived at the ward, his worried face changed. There was a boy sleeping beside his wife. With silent, he entered the room after thanking the nurse who brought him there.

He walked toward his new born son slowly and lifted him up to see his face clearly. Without realization, tears dropped from his eyes.

"You finally come to this world, son." He smiled as he cried happily.

After hearing some voice inside the room, Songhye opened her eyes slowly before she found her king of her heart nearby. A smile plastered on her face.

"He absolutely looks like you..."

Myungsoo turned to look at Songhye and suddenly awared that he didn't greet his wife first.

"I'm sorry. I should ask how are you first."

Songhye let a chuckle. "Silly. I was sleeping before, so it's okay."

Myungsoo beamed and gave his son to Songhye to hold. Then, he pushed a button near the bed to raise the bed a bit to let Songhye sat. After that, he came closer to Songhye and sat beside her.

"He's so tiny."

"And handsome." Songhye added.

Myungsoo smiled proudly. "Because I'm his father."

Songhye laughed again. "Yeah, yeah. He doesn't inherit from me anything."

Myungsoo furrowed his brows. "Who says so? He got something from you, sweetheart."


"Your love." And Myungsoo planted a kiss on her forehead.



そうさ二人で 笑えるよ Good Love

We are so perfect together I laugh at our good love


Myungsoo watched Minsoo, his son from far. They boy was busy building a sandcastle with his new friends, Laughing, bickering a bit with his little friends, making his father smiled happily.

Without he realized, his son has grown up a bit. After three year of marriage, after two years Minsoo was born, he was there to watch his little son. And Songhye came to approach.

"What's inside your mind, huh?" She handed a tin of lemon tea.

Myungsoo shrugged. "Our family, I guess."

Songhye then took a seat beside him and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I miss the old you."

Myungsoo raised his brow. "What do you mean? I'm changing?"

Songhye nodded. "Yes, after that accident, you never pat my head until you like you used to do."

Myungsoo's eyes widened. "You mean?" His eyes got bigger when he looked at his wife.

His wife smiled contently. "Yes, I remember all, honey. All. From the first time I saw you jogging at Hankang River until the last kiss before the accident happened. And of course, the face which panicked when I was half conscious after knocked down by a car."

"How? Why? When do you remember?"

Songhye laughed again. "Is that a matter?"

Myungsoo stared at her and patted her head suddenly. "Okay, just let it go and lean your head back on my shoulder."

"Is that all?"

Myungsoo beamed again. "I guess. I don't care if you remember or not. As long as we're being together."

"Yes... Together." And Songhye interlaced her fingers with her husband and leaned back on his shoulder.


People does not need to remember all the memories

What is in the present is the important one

Because, the past has created the present

And the present will create the future.





A/N: Thanks for your patience for me to finish this story! I love you all! Hope you enjoy these two shots! It's a simple and light story~ :) Don't forget to check out my new romance story featuring Myungsoo — 君に届け (From Me to You)





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Chapter 2: This is loovvee! I looove itt author nim!❤️ It's amazing~
yunnnara #2
Chapter 1: I wanna cry while reading this. Its such a touching story. Keep up the good work :-D
Chapter 1: I am moved ~
Not only because he is still supporting her while she is in this state but also because of the fact that he loved her for 5 years ~
I want her to gain her memories back, so she can remember her memories with him...
MyungsooMyDestiny #4
Chapter 1: Aw I wish Songhye would remember Myungsoo immediately. Update soon. :) MyungHye Shiper here ^^
この ストリー が なんか 面白い みたい *-*
MyungsooMyDestiny #6
Oh my gosh! MYUNGHYE is back! Yay! :D update soon ^^
日本語 の version が いすか。