Silently Understand You

Ever Forever (Editing)




Every second I wait for you


Myungsoo threw his sight out of the window, followed with a long sigh. He didn't know what to do, yet he was still thinking on how to make it happened. She had been like that since she woke up from her long slumber. He thought after she had woken up, everything would be fine, but he was wrong.

Everything went upside down.

Songhye peeled out the apple which she was holding with a long sharp knife. The smile didn't even leave from her face even in a second, making her looked absolutely stunning and beautiful. At once, she would look up to gaze at Myungsoo's back and wonder what he was thinking.

Even though they always been together since she gained concious, she really didn't know him. Who's he? Where did he come from? Who's him to her before? Many questions kept popped out until sometimes she would get headache and fainted. The doctor already told her to not to think too much because it could affect her health, but she decided not to listen to the advice. 

For her, she thought that she needed to know about that guy. The guy named Kim Myungsoo — according to what he had told her before. Why? Because she felt like he's someone important in her life.

Songhye had finished peeling the apple's skin and she stretched her hand to tug Myungsoo's shirt from behind. Realizing there was someone seemed calling him silently, he turned to his back and found the beaming Songhye.

"Do you want some?"

Myungsoo curved his lips upward. "Yes, why not?"

He moved closer to her and beside on her bed. Then, he observed her cutting the apple into several pieces. 

"Do you remember that we used to do like this every Saturday's evening?"

Songhye stopped cutting awhile before continued doing it back. Actually, she didn't remember that, as she wanted to take care of his feeling, she nodded slowly. 

”A little bit, I guess." She added.

Myungsoo gazed intently at her and felt a 'pang' in his heart. Uso! (Lie!) He knew that she was lying because whenever she wanted to hide her lie, she would bit her bottom lip and she just did.

Myungsoo put his hand on Songhye's back of palm, making her stopped her movement. She blinked her eyes and realized that Myungsoo looked at her deeply into her eyes. 

"Wwwhy?" She stuttered as Myungsoo kept staring at her without a word escaped from his mouth. Her heart began to race and thump hard.

After a long silent, Myungsoo finally twitched his lips to beam. "Nani mo nai. (It's nothing.) I just miss to look at you like that."

Songhye sighed in relief and quickly slapped Myungsoo's hand. "Aish! You're making my heart gone wild, you know. I thought I've done something wrong."

Suddenly, the man nodded his head. "Yes, you've made something wrong."

"What is it? Tell me, please~" Songhye began to panic, resulting Myungsoo to take her right hand and place in front of his chest. 

"You stole my heart, and it's a crime, you know?" He grinned and his eyes started to twinkle. "Songhye-ah..." He paused as he leaned closer toward her.

"Aieru...(I love you...)" And he placed a soft kiss on Songhye's cheek.




Where could you might be?


Myungsoo purposely brought her to that amusement park, the place where he met her for the first time. How he could reminisce that memory clearly without any gray, unlike her. How he could remember how bright her smile on that day, unlike her.

It was the perfect place to start in order to make her memorize again her past, but he was wrong again. Sighing long, he then rubbed his hand and raked his hair with fingers while feeling too worried.

No, it was beyond than worried.

He was looking for her for about 15 minutes, but he couldn't see her everywhere he go. As he looked around, hoping he could find her, he still couldn't spot her presence.

He scanned the crowd, searching for a girl wearing beige blouse and knee-length brown skirt, but unfortunately, there was nobody dressed like that. He ran back to the place where he asked her to wait for him, but still, she wasn't there.

The ice-creams already melt on his hand, making him throwing them away and wiped his hands to get those sticky liquid. Then, he continued to search for her again.

And finally, he found her, standing in front of the big clock tower and looking up to observe the old clock admiringly. Feeling relieved, he quicky walked closer toward her before he realized that she was holding something which they used to symbolize their love.

A love padlock.

His eyes began to widen and with curious, he tapped Songhye's shoulder from her back.

"I thought you're lost. What are you doing here, love?"

Songhye blinked her eyes innocently and suddenly she saw Myungsoo's eyes brow furrowed. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry to let you feel worried." She put her hand on Myungsoo's hand. "If you're angry with me, just let it go. Don't hold it..."

A 'pang' came again into his heart. She began to be like before, the old Songhye who didn't like him to hold his anger. His anger finally disappeared and replaced with a twinge in his heart.

She comes back slowly... He whispered silently and raised his hand to reached her fallen hair in front of her forehead and curled it behind her ear.

"Nah~ It's okay. I don't angry anymore..." He smiled a bit and stared at the padlock on Songhye's right hand. "Where do you get it?"

"This?" Songhye showed the padlock. "Ah~ There's a woman giving it to me. Seems like she knows me because when she saw me just now, she quickly called me over and talked alot about something I don't really understand. Then, she gave this to me..."

Myungsoo tilted his head. A woman? That seller aunt? Oh my, she still remembers us! "What did she talk about?"

"She told about there's a guy who ran in drenched clothes into her shop and asked for a key of love last five years ago on Valentine's day. That key already sold out, but because of that guy looked extremely determined to get one, that aunt finally gave a padlock and asked him to return in back once he had succeeded to get his love. And after two years, he returned it back and brought her love to meet him..."

Myungsoo beamed again. How he knew the story well because...

"The weird thing is..." Songhye paused. "She said that the guy's love is me. Are you that guy who she mentioned about?"

A silence slowly embraced them as Myungsoo didn't reply to her question. With gently, he took her hand, held it tight and asked her to follow him by his eyes. Songhye was puzzled, yet she chose to not asking as she trusted him. 

After a long walk, Myungsoo stopped and urged her to stand in front of him. And in seconds, her eyes grew wider. 

A magnificent water fountain was in front of them. The day already changed to night, and the light began to beautify the water fountain. With amazed, she slowly looked up to meet Myungsoo's eyes.

"And after he brought her to meet that aunt, he blind-folded her eyes and led her here before kneeling down..." Myungsoo began to kneel down. "And made a most greatest proposal in this world." He stopped talking awhile and held her hand before kissing her knuckles. "Then, he said, 'will you marry me?'"

In seconds, her tears began to roll down on her cheeks. She didn't care if she didn't remember any single thing about him. She didn't care if she didn't memorize her sweet past with him. But, she cared and knew that he's someone special for her. 

And she started to fall in love with him for twice.



Author's note: 

Please please please comment. I never feel this desperate to get comments. I feel somehow stressed with my life, assignment, daily quiz and stuffs. Maybe your comment about this story can cheer me up. And, ah~ This would be two-shots. Not one shot anymore :)



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Chapter 2: This is loovvee! I looove itt author nim!❤️ It's amazing~
yunnnara #2
Chapter 1: I wanna cry while reading this. Its such a touching story. Keep up the good work :-D
Chapter 1: I am moved ~
Not only because he is still supporting her while she is in this state but also because of the fact that he loved her for 5 years ~
I want her to gain her memories back, so she can remember her memories with him...
MyungsooMyDestiny #4
Chapter 1: Aw I wish Songhye would remember Myungsoo immediately. Update soon. :) MyungHye Shiper here ^^
この ストリー が なんか 面白い みたい *-*
MyungsooMyDestiny #6
Oh my gosh! MYUNGHYE is back! Yay! :D update soon ^^
日本語 の version が いすか。