His black and white Air Jordan step out from the yellow taxi he takes from the airport. With a tired sigh, Chanyeol takes his luggage from the taxi and pay for it. This is the last time he will do a long distance like this. Chanyeol absolutely hates jetlag. And to think that he only have one day break to recover and going back to work seems make the jetlag got worse and worse.

He breathes out the air of Manhattan. It’s not as fresh as Seoul but he could cope with it. He kind of misses such an environment like this. With the noisy voices of people going back and forth to their destination, the sound of car honking in every block. This makes a small smile comes on his face.

With his black shades perches on top of his nose, Chanyeol bring his luggage to his apartment locates on the fifth floor. Some people who acknowledge him greets him and though he having a jetlag, Chanyeol permit himself to replies and have some nice chit chat with them. Finally after talking with the old couple of Anderson who’s in the middle of taking care their Golden Retriever, Chanyeol open the door to his apartment.

The first thing that approaches his sense of vision is the red dot on his mailbox. Chanyeol put his black briefcase and pressing the voice mailbox before shuffle his feet towards his kitchen. The long hours he spends in the plane and the airport has made his stomach churn in hunger. Not that he couldn’t take any breakfast in the airport, it’s just Chanyeol is the type of a person who prefer a homemade food than a fast food type. There’s also a reason of healthiness but it comes on the second factor.

            “Yeol-ah, it’s me. Are you already arriving at home? If yes, then please call me. I have something important to say to you.” The light medium voice of Luhan, his personal assistant booming throughout his apartment. Chanyeol takes a frozen meat pizza and put it on the microwave and listening clearly to what Luhan says through his mailbox.

What Luhan wants to say to him that he have to leave a message? Luhan has his contacts on the speed dial and he’s not a person who minds the international bill so much, he thinks. While waiting for his heated pizza, he takes his luggage and brings it to his room.

Now this is what he hates the most from travelling. It’s unpacking your luggage.

Guess his comfortable sleeping time have to be cancelled for a while. Chanyeol in the middle of putting his dirty clothes into the laundry basket when he hears his Blackberry Z10 ringing loudly. The latest single from Bruno Mars (something about making love like a gorilla and Bruno have a body full with ) signaling there’s a call for him.

Chanyeol doesn’t recognize the unknown number but he decide to accept it. He answers the call and feels his jetlag got worse when he hear a very familiar voice.

            “Hello Chanyeol. This is me, Kris Wu Yifan.” Damn, he curses inside. Why Kris contacts him? And from where he got his cell phone number? As drunk as he is that night, Chanyeol clearly remember that he didn’t give any number to Kris. Be it his personal number or office number.

            “Yeah I remember you. So what’s up?” Awkward. This is the most awkward phone call he ever has in life. Chanyeol pacing back and forth on his room while thinking about what this sudden phone call mean.

There’s a shuffle at the other line before Kris speaks again, “Ehm.... I kind of was looking for you after the wedding party. But it seems I couldn’t find you so I ask for your number to Kyungsoo.”

Chanyeol take a sit on the edge of his bed. So, Kyungsoo is the person who gives his number to Kris. When he said that he totally support Chanyeol, he never thought that his brother will do this far. So back to his current condition where he has Kris at the other line, Chanyeol doesn’t know what he has to say. In which words he should replies him? He’s afraid that he would offend the latter due to his frustration.


            “So, I’m in New York right now. And I want to ask your time for dinner?”

His mouth is open wide in surprise. Really? Like really really? After he left him with some random women then he has the guts to ask him for a dinner? Chanyeol really wants to scream in disbelieve.

Nope, Chanyeol won’t fall on the same hole again. He sure that what happened between them is only an infatuation. Nothing special and because of that, he doesn’t have to meet with Kris again for the second time. Chanyeol takes a deep breath, He wish that this is the end.

            “I’m sorry Kris but I’m afraid that I can’t. I’m really busy.” For a while, he doesn’t hear anything from Kris. It’s only silence and Chanyeol afraid of what will comes next.

A nervous laugh comes from Kris much longer than he expects, “That’s alright. So I guess that’s all. Have a nice day, Chanyeol-ssi.” Click. Kris ends the call and leaving Chanyeol in confusion. Suddenly he wants to talk to Kyungsoo but he remembers that the latter is having his honeymoon and he doesn’t feel too good if he interrupts with his problem. With a big shrug of shoulders, Chanyeol get up from his bed and resume his previous activities.

Not very far from Chanyeol apartment, in one of high class apartment in Upper East Side, Kris Wu standing motionless on his balcony. Even though the sun shine brightly and some people doesn’t want to stand too long under it, Kris seems doesn’t give a care. Who care with sunburn when your crush just rejects you right away? Chanyeol doesn’t even ask him a chance to thinking about it. He just declines it immediately.

            “Ge, are you doing sunbathing in our balcony?” The voice of his roommate slashes cousin, Huang Zi Tao booming on his ears and waking him up from his trance. He takes a glance at Chanyeol number on his Smartphone and put it on his jeans pocket. Maybe he will ask him again tomorrow. For Kris sure that glinting eyes and the chemistry between them is mutual. If not why does Chanyeol even need his guidance that night? Based on what life had taught him, Chanyeol shown a sign of interest of him.

Tao gives him a cold beer and sit beside him, “So what he says? He accepts it?”

Kris shrugs nonchalantly, he couldn’t understand why Chanyeol reject him at the first place, “Maybe it’s just another one sided love.”

Tao watches how his oldest cousin shoulders slumps and small pout forms on his lips, “Why don’t you try again? Based from what I hear from your story, he seems interested in you.”

            “He rejects me Tao. Does that mean he’s interest?”

            “What if he only tests you? You know, he wants to show you he’s not that easy.” Kris thinks deeply about what Tao had just said. Well, if you see it from Chanyeol point of view, that’s quite true. Kyungsoo said that Chanyeol is quite introvert and it’s not that easy to get along with him if he feels not comfortable enough. That’s one of the reasons why Chanyeol not mingle a lot with the guests at the party. Kris nods to his imaginary thought.

If he wants to get along with Park Chanyeol then he need to make the latter comfortable with him. And perhaps invite him through the phone had make Chanyeol uncomfortable. So why don’t he just goes to his office and ask him directly?

A silly smile appears on Kris lips, the thought of meeting again with the curious big puppy eyes and the deep bass voice makes his heart tingling in happiness.

            “Thanks Tao. Sometimes I feel so grateful you are my roommate.” Tao reply him with a light snicker but Kris chooses to ignore it. He’s too absorbs in his imagination of him and Chanyeol on their own little world.



As a human being, it’s unavoidable for us to make mistakes sometimes. We make it so we can learn from it; so we can evaluate ourselves, are we a fighter or just a loser? Could we get back again and accept what we’ve been doing wrong or just planted our face on the ground and let the world laugh at us?

Well the same hard question that I’ve been narrated before has also playing inside Luhan brain, maybe for about an hour now. Sometimes he bravely choose the first, he knows he’s an adult and it’s an adult job to accept whatever he’s did but then the image of Chanyeol angry and frustrated face appear inside his mind and he cowardly choose the second question. He could pretend everything’s normal when Chanyeol went back to Seoul and under controlled.

            “I wish I never take any vacation.” Chanyeol voice appears behind his back and follows by the sound of the brown door get lock. Luhan gulp his saliva and probably the last gut he has. Either he confess or not, “Hey Luhan hyung.” Chanyeol walk in hurry and put his suitcase on top of his glasses table. Luhan try to examine any kind of cheerfulness from Chanyeol but it fails. Judging from his frown and a clear sign of distress from his face, Luhan could guess that going back to Seoul this time is not making any benefit for Chanyeol. The thought that the younger has his bad day after he’s taking the break from his hectic daily life doesn’t make Luhan good. Instead, he keeps pondering over any easy and good way to tell Chanyeol the truth.

            “So, what’s taking you to my office in the morning? On daily basis, you already on your way to Starbucks for your coffee.” Luhan fidgets on his seat. How should he explain about what he’s been doing to Chanyeol? He 100% sure if the young editor knows what his hands did, Chanyeol will go in rage and doesn’t want to talk to him anymore. Worse, he could kill him. Sure he’s exaggerating but Chanyeol, despite his happy nature self, is really capable of doing those kinds of things.

            “Well… I….uh…. got into a small argument with Heechul last week and then…… out of anger, I hack through his personal email….. And I kind of delete all his important email.” He fiddles with his fingers, there’s no sound coming from the latter across him.

Chanyeol, on the other side, slowly connects the entire dot on his head and unconsciously grab the edge of his seat, “Hyung, do you also… happen to… delete my email?”          

            “I… I don’t know it’s from you, really! I realize when Heechul ask me about your email the next day.”

Luhan throw pleading eyes to Chanyeol but it’s too late. The taller has fuming smoke from his ears and his eyes gone red, “You should know how Heechul is, you bastard!”

            “Chanye… Yeol… Please, I’m sorry!” Before Chanyeol could grab his neck, Luhan take a sprint to the door and unlock it forcefully. He ignores the loud voice of Chanyeol screaming out his name and run to his office at the floor above.



After reassuring his shoelace knot tightly, Chanyeol step up to the treadmill in front of him put his Pocari Sweat on the drink holder and start choosing the speed he want. He chooses the slow step first and with one push at the button, he starts walking slowly on the treadmill. With his IPod touch playing his playlist, Chanyeol look ahead and try to concentrate in the event happened today.

First, he got Luhan confess to him that out of anger, he has accidentally delete Heechul personal email including his presentation email; that’s why Heechul never send him any confirmation email when he’s in Seoul. There, the mysteries solves thanks to Luhan. Second, he got a temperamental and hot headed Kim Heechul on his back, literally, asking for his promise of presentation file. And worse, he doesn’t want to hear any lame excuse of Luhan and his story. And third, he has to make his presentation document right from the start.

Chanyeol laugh ironically inside his head, commonly after taking a break, people will energized and ready to start a new but him. Instead of feeling alive, Chanyeol feel he want to bury himself in the mountain of blanket until no one could find him. How can fate playing around with him like this? Have he done something bad at his past life? Is it because he didn’t take seriously about Kyungsoo and Jongin?

            “Excuse me, but I need your help for a second.” Too drown on his thought; Chanyeol doesn’t hear the whispering sound beside him. It’s not until the said person poke him a few times then Chanyeol wake up from his wandering mind.

            “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. What do you need?”

The person, a man on his twenty, he presume, is standing unsurely on top of the treadmill. Judging from his expression, Chanyeol guess it’s his first time to come to the gym.

The stranger fidgets on his place, “I…. I……. I fall in love with you, oh dear Park Chanyeol.” He kneels down in front of a stunning Chanyeol, “Please accept my feeling, Chanyeol-ah. I’ve long for your love and your beautiful self!” Like a lightning struck, Chanyeol could only stand frozen while the stranger has kneels down in front of him. And is that a diamond ring he see the man holding on his hands?

            “I’m sorry but I….. I don’t know you and I think it’s unacceptable if we don’t know each other.” Chanyeol sure it’s one of his nightmare. He’s just need to back away slowly from this unknown man that dare to confess his undying love for him, going back to his apartment and have a nice sleep. Following the order from his brain, Chanyeol see an opportunity behind him, -an open space- and slowly step back.

            “It doesn’t matter, my Yeol.” A desperate kind of tone comes out from the stranger and Chanyeol flinch hard from the supposed to be sweet nickname “Time is a friend of love. Slowly you can learn to love me. And we can be happily ever after.” Okay, Chanyeol concludes that this man is lunatic. Crazy for a simple word. And he, already going half crazy with his life, truly doesn’t need another crazy adittion.

            “Errr..... Mr....”

            “Kim Jongdae but you can call me Chen for nickname.” Chanyeol shiver instantly when Jongdae cheek showing a prominent blush and he flirtingly winks at him.

Chanyeol heave a sigh, he need to show his toughness and manliness, “Kim Jongdae-ssi, I really appreciate your love for me but I have a few... much errand to do so yeah.... goodbye!” He immediately sprint towards the front door and doesn’t dare to turn his head to see if Chen or Jongdae or whatever the name he has chases him or not. His first important right now is his life safety.


The incident at the gym still haunting him for the rest of the day but not that much. After trying so hard to convince himself that’s only a nightmare, Chanyeol then continue his day like usual. He’s going back to the office, working, playing hide and seek game with Heechul, surround himself with portfolio and work things and also trying so hard to forgive Luhan. Even though what Luhan did is nothing but stupid action but he’s apologize for it and dare to face the risk of his anger. Well, years of friendship are more important than every argument, he guesses.

So, as one of his final apologizing act, Luhan selflessly gives him his free buffet voucher in Xing, one of Chinese restaurant a blocks away from their office. Along with a promise that he would never take any bait from Kim Heechul.  Ever again.

            “Even when he going out with Choi Siwon?” Chanyeol see a dark cloud forming on Luhan face along with an exasperated sigh. Inside Chanyeol laugh in victory. Half of the Manhattan probably knows that Luhan has a long time crush on Choi Siwon, one of TIME’s most eligible bachelors of this year and their CEO. Sadly, the object of Luhan affection seems oblivious about it and keeps thinking that Luhan is one of his lovable junior.

            “Really, Yeol, really?” Chanyeol couldn’t contain his giggles and he finally burst into laughter.

            “Well, sorry for that. But I really want to ask you that question since day one.” Luhan throws random paper on his desk with a shy smile on his face, “Honestly Lu, I already forgive you. It’s hard to work with Heechul, everyone knows that and I’m glad you speak the truth to me.”

            “So, we’re good?”




            “......And hyung, you should really try Beijing sometimes. It’s awesome and the Forbidden City is huge. Like huge but wide and spacey.” Chanyeol listen patiently to Kyungsoo rambling. After much discussion between the married couple, Kyungsoo decide that he should take a break from his busy teaching schedule and follow Jongin to his summer dance course in Beijing. So, from snowy Vancouver, Kyungsoo has to repack his suitcase and change his winter jacket to t-shirts and shorts.

Chanyeol could imagine Kyungsoo wide eyes getting wider when he tries to summarize his honeymoon through a simple phone line. How he wish he could go and experience the same things. Unconsciously, a deep sigh coming from his mouth.

            “Such a sigh shouldn’t coming from a beautiful face like you.” Chanyeol jump a bit. Beside him, there’s a man. He’s not tall like Chanyeol, more like average. From his appearance, Chanyeol could guess that this man is Korean, just like himself. As a sign of politeness, Chanyeol throw a small nod and smile to the man.

Chanyeol watches as people start going towards the cashier of Xing restaurant and trading their free voucher. There’s one on his hands also but when he looking at the bunch of foods, Chanyeol starts questioning whether he could eat all of the delicious foods or not.

There’s a shuffle of feet beside him and a small cough, “I see you here for the voucher.” That’s the same man again. It seems he haven’t move from his spot beside Chanyeol earlier.

            “Yeah. My friend kind of gives it to me as a gift. Well, I thought I could make it to eat everything in here. But it seems I can’t.” The stranger only chuckles when he sees Chanyeol flustered expression.

            “I’m Joonmyeon but you can call me Suho.” He offers a handshake and Chanyeol happily accept it. The thought of meeting and make a new acquaintances excites Chanyeol. Besides, Chanyeol could see that Suho is not an ordinary person. Judging from his polite action and his styled fashion.

            “I’m Park Chanyeol.”

            “I already know. Can I call you Chanyeol? Because I guess we’re the same age.”

Woahhh!!!! Hold up hold up. Chanyeol taken aback by what Suho just saying. Where does he know his name? And also his age?  Chanyeol wants to openly cringe at the thought but when he see Suho still giving him his sincere smile, Chanyeol decide to let it pass. Maybe Suho is one of the ex-client or friend of a friend who happens to told him about someone called Park Chanyeol.

            “Maybe you want to take a sit before waiting to order?” Chanyeol wants to say he prefers to stand and wait but damn those smile Suho show him continuously. It seems so sincere and Chanyeol won’t have any heart to reject his offer. Blame him and his gullible heart. So, Suho choose a seat near the corner of the restaurant beside the window (he reasoned so he could see random people walking; it’s kind of shooting).

Chanyeol almost this closes to make himself comfortable on his seat; there’s a soft cushion on it when he jumps out of supriseness. Suho has held his left hand, tightly while he opens a large portfolio.

            “Suho-ssi, anything’s wrong?” There’s a fear creeping inside his heart but he mans up and acts normally. But something on Suho’s face seems distant. Suddenly gone the polite smile and sincere gaze he put earlier. Suho now look at him with a smolder gaze and a small smirk on the corner of his lips.

            “Chanyeol-ah, I’ve been waiting for this day since I was born. You’re my soul mate. No doubt, I could feel that.” Now Chanyeol really freak out. He struggle to take off his hand from Suho but no avail. The man has a grip like an iron.

            “Excuse me but what’s wrong with you, Suho-ssi?”

            “Chanyeol-ah, I want you to see the fine pieces of man I am. Here here, this is my portfolio. You can have it for yourself. “There’s an eagerness lying underneath the tone of Suho voice. Like he’s been waiting this day to present another himself wrapped in portfolio to Chanyeol. Despite struggling in panic, from the corner of his eyes Chanyeol could see a few poses of Suho. Based on some elegant and high class style he posing of, Chanyeol guess that this weird man in front of him is a model.

Like he could care with that. Feeling that a soft struggle and pleas won’t make him any good, Chanyeol use his power and take away his hand from death grip of Suho. This action seems bring back Suho from his fantasy world.

           “Suho-ssi, first of all we just met minutes earlier and I don’t think it’s a good thing to claim me as your soul mate right away. And second, I am not your soul mate!” Every sadness that Chanyeol could ever know comes crashing down on Suho and it appears clearly on his eyes. Slumped shoulders and disappearing smile from Suho suddenly makes Chanyeol feel guiltier. Yet, Chanyeol means no apologize. This man is weird and one hell of narcissism. Chanyeol has cope up with enough weirdness today to have another add it on his life.

Seeing no reaction from the man across from him, his appetite suddenly gone and Chanyeol feels no desire to eat. Instead, he desire to run away from this place and stay away from Suho.

            “Whatever. I’m out of here!” However, before he could step aside from his seat, Suho has move in front of him and look at him right in the eye. Chanyeol couldn’t read those expression but he feels there are a thousand or even million fireworks on his eyes.

            “Maybe that’s not enough, Yeol-ah.” Chanyeol shivers from the nickname. This man sure also has a problem with etiquette besides being weird, “If you doesn’t feel satisfied with pictures then maybe I could show you the real one!”

Pale white skin. Slight abs. Horrified gasps from all over the customer especially women. The next thing Chanyeol know is Suho or Kim Joonmyeon or whatever the name he has is got beaten up by the customer for going half in front of the public and he silently running away from the scene.





Still shaken up by the commotion back at the restaurant, Chanyeol decide that he want to take a walk before going back home. The clock on his hands showing eight forty five. He still has a few minutes before his bed time.


While walking, Chanyeol’s been thinking about what had happened on his life this past 24 hour. First, he’s got Luhan and his revenge on Heechul that makes a huge impact on his work today. Second, there’s this weird man number one called Chen that comes from nowhere and randomly confessing to him. Well, it’s good if he knew him before but apparently he’s not. Thus make the confession goes oh so creepy on Chanyeol side.

Second, he has this weird man number two named Suho. Apparently a model. A crazy weird model, if he could add. Whose agencies he got casted to? The agencies must be blind for not noticing Suho crazy behavior. Or probably, Suho is the one whose clever to put an innocent act.

Chanyeol sigh; he’s inquiring what’s the reason? What’s wrong with his almost perfect life? Everything seems turn up against him after he’s going back from Seoul. He doesn’t say that the wedding is the main reason. God forbid him to think about that. Instead, Chanyeol thought that this must because his insincere heart. His bitterness about wedding and the prospect of being in love.

How he hates karma so much. It’s painfully annoying and painfully ironic.

            “Hey young man, why so gloomy? Can’t you see that the stars smile for you tonight?” Chanyeol body goes alarmed but it’s gone when he realize there’s a street magician standing in front of him.

The street magician waving some cards in front of him and Chanyeol could say that he’s bit interested with it,

“Say, do you want to play some games with me?” He found himself nodding towards the offer, “Okay then. We’re going to play an easy one. First, you need to choose randomly a card from this pack,” Chanyeol finger ghostly trace the card before he stops right in the middle, “And after that you will put the card behind you and I will try to guess it correctly.”

            “Well, what if it’s wrong? What’s your bet?”

The street magician chuckles before he looks around, “Well, I don’t have anything to bet.  I only have my pride as magician. If I’m wrong then I won’t be playing cards again.”

            “So Mister Street Magician….”

            “Call me Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun.”

            “Okay, Byun Baekhyun-ssi. I will take notice of what you’ve been saying earlier.”

They exchange some giggles before Chanyeol take the card he choose from its pack and hide it behind his back. He tries to keep his poker face so Baekhyun will meet difficulties to guess the card.

“Okay, this kind of hard. Let me concentrate first.” Silent while Baekhyun furrow his eyebrows and Chanyeol standing in front of him. Some passerby asking them and after Chanyeol explain that they’re for some magic performance, people stop by and watching.

Five minutes later, Baekhyun then break his concentrate face and look so eagerly to guess, “It’s two spade. Black two spade.”

An disappointed sigh coming from Chanyeol, “Sorry. It’s not.” Chanyeol showing off a card which is eight spade and the audience around them grumble in disappointing tone. Same with Baekhyun.

            “Ach! I should’ve know it.” He takes the card from Chanyeol hand and keeps it on his pocket, “But wait, Chanyeol-ssi. As a gift of beating me up, I will give you one special card.”

His ears perks up by the mentioning of gift and immediately, Chanyeol eyes starts searching eagerly. What kind of gift? What’s the size? It’s probably small because he sees Baekhyun doesn’t bring any bag with him.

Baekhyun reach out his hand to the pocket of his jacket and kneel in front of Chanyeol, “This is my gift for you. This card represent my heart that beatings for you, Park Chanyeol. And I won’t be die in peace if you don’t accept my heart.” Chanyeol eyes are as big as saucer. His brain couldn’t catch up with the things happen in front of his eyes right now.

And what does Baekhyun mean with his gift is a small piece of card. A heart. One single heart. Along with his complete name on top of it.


Baekhyun moves forward on his knees, “Don’t be afraid, my love. For you have meet your soul mate and that is me.” Chanyeol doesn’t even need to listen what Baekhyun will say. When Baekhyun keep moving forward and semi force him to accept his “heart”, Chanyeol already sprinting through the crowds and doesn’t give any care with Baekhyun shouting out his name.



There’s nothing on his mind besides calling Kyungsoo. Be damned if he interrupting their making love session of whatever it is they’ve been doing. Chanyeol just need one person to listen or not he will be gone crazy.


            “Hello hyung.” Kyungsoo answer the phone not long after he dials the number.

Chanyeol doesn’t take times to greet his brother. He frantically explains to Kyungsoo about everything, from Chen to half Suho to Baekhyun and his heart.

            “And worse, I don’t even know this man. How can they said they love me and making me as their soul mate already?!”

Kyungsoo flinch and take the phone away from his ear slightly, Chanyeol voice even though it’s deep and scream manliness, it’s get quite annoying too if talks in panic mode, like there’s a several marching band only with their drum come across Kyungsoo ears at once. He heaves a sigh and wants Chanyeol calm first.

            “Hyung, I can’t help you if you getting so panic like this. First. Take a deep breath and slowly breath from your mouth.” Chanyeol follow Kyungsoo instruction and repeat it several times, “And now let me ask you one question?”


            “At Namsan Tower, at my wedding party, did you or did you not steal the lock in there?”

Silent come across the line of the phone. Kyungsoo with his beating hearts waiting for Chanyeol answers and the latter with his concentration of remembering everything happened few days ago.

There’s something come across Chanyeol mind and he’s hurriedly moves to his living room, “Oh my God! Kyungsoo-yah, there’s a five lock on my ashtray and it’s from the tower!”




a/n : I don't have anything else beside Sorry~~~... I've been on hiatus for about a year and writer's block hit me right on my brain everytime I'm trying to make a few words to this story... so sorry for everyone who's been waiting for this story to continue...... I'll try my best to work hard for my story... thanks for all the reader and subscribers.. Love you~~~~

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Chapter 3: DEAR AUTHORNIM, when will the next update will be? im dying wanting to know what's going to happen next :))).
Chapter 3: I love this story..although it adapted from when in rome story but i love their character here..
akahashi #3
Chapter 3: Hahaha..
Love this..
Thank you.. ^^
Chapter 3: ah!!! I missed it sooooo much
akahashi #5
Chapter 2: My oniki! My hyung! Don't cry!
Kris won't go abandon you..
Please .. right Kris?!!
Kris : I promise till the end of my life.
Chanyeol : ...
akahashi #6
Chapter 1: Laugh out loud at this!
Chapter 2: ohww ...
Dont worry channie im always here to love you ! Keke ......
Seriously i want to kill that girl right now ! Tsk ...

....please update soon ^~^
Chapter 2: asdfghjkl! my poor sweet Yeol got heart broken.. TT.TT
btw... was that woman who Kris hugged, his lover or relative?
xycouple #9
Chapter 2: O.O poor my babyeol.... yesss!!! drama!!!! we need more KrisYeol drama!!!
xycouple #10
praise the Lord.... finally you update this story, my love....