Emergency Contact

I'll Walk

"Hello?" Jonghyun usually wouldn't have answered, especially when he is dancing with his new bride, but something about the number told him to answer.

"Are you Kim Jonghyun?" 

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I am from the Southern Seoul Hospital, and I am calling you because you are the emergency contact for a Lee Jinki, correct?"

"Second yes. Choi Minho should be first. Why?" Jonghyun was beginning to worry, and Kibum saw it almost immediately.

"That's the thing Sir. Choi Minho and Lee Jinki both got into a car accident. Both are unconscious. We need you down here as soon as you can." 

"They got....Is it that bad?" Jonghyun's voice got caught in his throat.

"Minho needs surgery, but since his emergency contact isn't coherent at the moment, we need you. Please sir."

"Do whatever you need. I'll be there as soon as I can." The woman on the other line said okay, and hung up the phone. Jonghyun grabbed Kibum's wrist, knowing the other was worried and probably going to be pissed they had to miss their wedding night, but Jinki and Minho needed him.

"Where are we going?" Kibum asked as Jonghyun pushed him into the car.

"The hospital."


"Jinki and Minho got into a car accident." He then turned the car on and drove, not looking over at his "wife" the whole way there.

Kibum stormed into the hospital with such fury. He was concerned, and angry. He had learned to love Jinki like a brother over the 5 years he had Jonghyun dated, and him and Minho were really close. He slammed his fist on the reception desk top, demanding what room Jinki was in, and the condition of Minho.

"Sir, I can't give you that information." The lady behind the counter stated softly.

"But you can tell me." Jonghyun stepped beside Kibum, his eyes red, but not crying like the other man was. "I'm the emergency contact for Lee Jinki." The lady scanned her records before looking up.

"Room 2-202a. Take the elevator to floor 2, down two and it should be on the right. The doctor should be in there now." Jonghyun gave his thanks, before almost running (half dragged by Kibum) to the elevator. Once in the room, his eyes fell on the bloody mess that was his best friend. 

The doctor looked up at him, and gave a grim expression. "You must be Jonghyun correct?"

Jonghyun nodded, slowly moving towards the bed. Jinki was laying there, as if he was just asleep, but the oxygen mask, blood, bandages and the tubes sticking from him said something different. "Jinki.." Kibum let the name slide through his lips, his voice so full of sorrow.

"Will he be okay doctor, and what of Minho?" Jonghyun looked up from his best friend.

"Jinki should be okay, the only problem was his eyes were open and he was looking at the point of impact. He got glass all in his eyes. We got all of it out.. but his eyes are badly damaged. If he wakes up, his vision might be highly damaged.. even gone completely." Jonghyun reached to grasp the man's hand, and a sob escaped his throat. "As for Minho, he took on the full force of the impact. He is still in surgery at the moment. His left lung collapsed, many bones were broken, and he suffered severe damage to his spine. In the neck and lower back regions. There is about a 25 percent chance he'll survive the surgeries ahead of him, but it's even lower on the chance he actually wakes up."

Kibum couldn't hold his tears in anymore, and Jonghyun turned and allowed the man to collapse into his embrace. "Please.. do what you can to save them." The doctor nodded before leaving out the door.

"They wi..will be okay, right Ba..babe?"

"I sure hope so." Jonghyun whispered into his lovers hair, silently allowing his tears to fall. 


2 weeks later.

Jonghyun stared at the man in the bed, at the doctor who was taking off the oxygen mask, and praying to god that Jinki could breath on his own. He let out a breath when Jinki's chest rose and fell in the normal rhythm.

"This is a good sign Sir." The nurse gave him a smile, but it did nothing to reassure him.

"How are his eyes doctor?" Jonghyun asked, silently tapping his fingers on the back of his phone, waiting for Kibum's text.

"The irritation around them as gone down significantly, but I won't know until tomorrow when we take the bandages off." Jonghyun gave a nod, and sighed when he heard the doctor leave.

He stood up and took the 2 steps to his best friends bed, softly taking his hand into his own. "What happened that night Jinki? Why didn't Minho see the car coming?" He asked quietly, knowing he wouldn't get a response from the man.

His phone began to vibrate, and he answered it quickly. "Kibum?"

"Yes. How's Jinki doing?"

"The oxygen mask is off, and he can breath on his own and the swelling around his eyes as gone down, but still no movement."

"That's good through right? It means there's improvement."

"I suppose. Minho is just the same though. He can barely breath on his own, and with his weak heart, the doctors are paying close attention to what they give him for pain and such.

"It will be okay Jonghyun, and in 3 days I will be back from my fashion show and I'll be there to go through this with you."

"I love you Kibummie."

"Me too.. Me too." Then the call was over, and Jonghyun was once again left in the almost silent world, with the steady beeping of Jinki's heart monitor. 

He finally gathered his things and left, knowing he had to be at work in 30 minutes. He hated leaving, wanting to be there for his friend if he did wake up, but he also knew he couldn't take being there all the time and not seeing the smile his best friend always had on his face.


(A month later)

Jonghyun was sleeping, his head resting on the edge of Jinki's bed, when the hand he had been grasping suddenly moved. He looked up, and indeed, he saw the older man trying to wake up.

"Hey.. Hey slow down Jinki." Jinki said something incoherent, turned toward the familiar voice. "Don't try to open your eyes Hyung.. Let me get the doctor first." Jinki groaned, as Jonghyun ran to the hallway. As soon as he saw Jinki's doctor he grabbed the man by his arm and pulled him in.

"I want you to know, that even if he can't see right off, that doesn't mean he lost his sight completely." The doctor said, making Jonghyun nod.

Jonghyun stood by the doorway, nervously watching the doctor and nurse work on Jinki. They hadn't wanted him to open his eyes, because well, if he did lose his sight, they didn't want him to panic. That was the last thing they needed. 

"Jinki, if you hear me, raise your right hand." Jonghyun watched as Jinki slowly rose it. He breathed a sigh of relief.  "You are in the hospital. You have damaged your eyes, and therefore they are covered. I am going to remove the bandage okay?" Jinki groaned as the Nurse turned off the lights. 

As the doctor pulled off the bandage, Jinki slowly opened his eyes, trying to adjust to being open after so long. He tried to speak, but all that came out were incoherent sounds. The nurse slowly began to turn on the light, little by little, giving Jinki more than enough time to adjust. All was well, until Jinki couldn't see anything. He began to panic, thrashing against the bed, threatening to pull out the iv that was stuck in his arm.  

"Restrain him! He's panicking. He can't see!" The nurse flipped the lights off, and returned to the bed.

As they tried to restrain Jinki, Jonghyun pressed himself against the wall, sliding down and bring his knees to his chest. His worst fear had come true. Jinki couldn't see. He had lost his sight.


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Cactuzoz #1
Chapter 18: Such a journey of two young souls who are loving each other. This is so beautiful. I cried with jinki and my feels resonated with both of them. Such a gorgeous story. Tqsm for sharing this with us.
Chapter 18: Annnd fin. That was such a sad and lovely story. It's still sad how the main couple ended up but they ending was happy nonetheless.
Chapter 15: Son tan dulces ambos se merven toda la felicidad del mundo
٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥
Chapter 9: Hay no si no hubiera esta Minki allí algo peor le hubiera pasado a Jinki (。ŏ_ŏ)
Chapter 4: Mi bebés tienen que ser fuertes para soportar todo lo que venga: U。・ェ・。Uノ
Chapter 3: MinHo aun no despierta que tan podra estar ? (><。)
Chapter 2: No puede ser Jinki esta ciego ( ノД`)( ノД`)( ノД`)( ノД`)( ノД`)
oconje #8
Chapter 18: Amazing and what a tearjerker!!! Look forward to reading the rest of your revised version!
Chapter 18: Wow, this was stunningly beautiful... I'm wordless.
taemin92 #10
Chapter 19: Adoption! Better still adopt a child with disabilities or something, not necessarily the same one's they have got. IF the child, was say, blind, it would be an interesting way to explore how Blind Jinki 'sees' the world.