The Long-awaited First Day

뱀초럼, 토끼초럼 (Snake-like, Rabbit-like)
“Mikyung! Mikyung-ah!! Get up and have breakfast!”
I groaned as I hear my mom scream at me from outside. I'm still so sleepyyyyyy. I covered my head with my blanket in hopes of not hearing her and get a little more sleep.
Guess what. It didn't work.
“PARK MIKYUNG!!! If you don't get up right now you'll be late for your first day of high school!”
...late for your first day of high school.
First day of high school. High school. HIGH SCHOOL?!?!?
“Oh crap I almost forgot!” I immediately jump out of my bed. 
My mom suddenly barges into my room. “Park Mikyung— Oh you're up. What are you grinning so widely about?”
“Nothing, mom. Just a bit excited,” I told her and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Nope, I was really excited.
Honestly, I have never been excited to go to school. My years in elementary and middle school weren't that great. Actually, they were horrible. For a certain reason, those years were the very dark times of my life where I've had zero friends... and zero lovers. 
But today is different. I finally have a chance to start over in my new high school! Starting today, I'm going to have so much fun and start to fulfill my dream high school life. 
I looked at the gates of my new high school and cheered quietly. “Fighting!”
I finally entered. Need to find 1-3's classroom. 
I kept noticing things while I was looking for my classroom. The corridors are nice. The classrooms are nice. Everything's nice! Waaaahh I'm so happy I got accepted into this school!
1-3. I stopped at the door. You can do it Mikyung. I went in and immediately found a good seat on the second row in the middle. I quickly took a seat and put down my bag and take a look around.
Everyone is chatting happily. Check!
There are many friendly looking people. Check!
Friendly looking girl to my left. Check! I better say hi later.
Cute boy to my right. Check!
Wait. Cute boy. Oh my god. CUTE BOY ALERT.
This must be my chance for a first love. My chance to make many friends. Finally!!!
Someone suddenly tapped my shoulder got me out of my happy trance. It's the friendly looking girl on my left.
“Hi,” she said and smiled. “I'm Eunji. Kim Eunji. Looks like we'll be seatmates.”
The girl I didn't notice was beside Eunji also introduced herself. “I'm Gayoon. What's your name?”
“My name's Park Mikyung,” I said and smiled the friendliest smile I could manage. “Have you two been friends for a long time?”
“No, we actually just met here earlier,” Gayoon said. 
“Oh okay. Nice to meet you, Eunji-ssi, Gayoon-ssi,” I said. “I hope we can be good friends!”
“Everyone is nice and approachable. You're really nice too! You'll get along with everyone in no time!” Eunji exclaimed.
I smiled at the thought, “I'm really looking forward to that!”
Then we started chatting happily about random things. This is so great. Really, really, really great! I'm already making friends and class hasn't even started!
After a while, cute boy passed by and went back to his seat. I didn't even notice him leaving because I was talking with Eunji and Gayoon. His eyes met mine as soon as he sat down.
“Hi,” he said. Eeeeep.
C'mon Mikyung can't you say something other than hello?!!?! Think think think.
I was about to bang my head on the desk because I couldn't think of anything to say to him. 
Then he started to strike up a conversation with me. This is great. This is so great. Have I mentioned the word “great”???
We were talking for already 5 minutes and then the bell rang.
“Aww class is gonna start,” he said. “I was having so much fun that I didn't notice the time.”
I laughed.
“Hey,” he said, “Let's exchange numbers so we can talk even after school.”
Omg omg omg. I just made the acquaintance of a cute boy and now he's asking for my number.
I smiled and before I looked too weird from smiling at him, I turned around to get my phone from my bag. 
“Wait a bit,” I said, still smiling widely.
I was about to turn around to tell cute boy my number when suddenly...
My smile immediately disappeared. No no no no no nooo!!
That voice. No. It can't be. He's enrolled in a prestigious private high school. I saw the registration papers. I made sure.
I hesitantly turned around only to see a huge briefcase filled with money on top of cute boy's desk.
“I bought this seat. This is my seat now. Get lost.”
Cute boy met his cold, intimidating eyes. And in a split second, cute boy was gone. 
So was every ray of hope I was holding on to. 
Goodbye, high school life. It was fun while it lasted.
He tilted his head and slyly smiled at me.
I was totally dumbfounded. The reason for my friendless and loveless years in school is here.
“What a coincidence. Looks like we're seatmates again, Mitokki.” 





A/N: How was the first chapter? I need your comments to improve my writing!! Reactions to the story will also be greatly appreciated. Comments make me update faster, btw! Thanks for reading! :) -그 여자♡ 



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huehuehue #1
Chapter 2: update soon author-nim! ^-^
Chapter 1: Hahahah I can totally imagine the scenes and the girl. Good first chap, geu-yeoja-san! :))
hanyeojaa #3
Chapter 1: great start. update soon ^^
huehuehue #4
update soon c: