
Ride or Die

Next Morning; Rian’s Bedroom

I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight coming from the opened windows. I felt a breeze run through my room, realizing that the balcony was left open from our attempt to sneak back inside the house.I turned over in my blankets looking up to face the ceiling thinking over what had happened last night. It all felt like a dream...from the club, the conversation with Kris, the joy ride with Suho. This couldn't have possibly been reality...


I heard a loud sort of snore come from the other side of my bed. I widened my eyes as I lifted the covers of my bed realizing that not only was I still in my clothes from last night, but Suho was in his pants from last night.


That's right, just his pants.


"YOU--" I turned my body pushing him off the bed with my feet. I heard his body hit the cold floor ruining the rhythm of his snoring. A pair of toned arms appeared on the bed followed by a face I did not want to see so early in the morning.


"Good morning" he said in a drowsy half awake state. He attempted to lift himself up again onto the bed but I used my foot to push his pretty little face down.


"GET OUT DAMN IT!" I pushed his face down further. He must have been "lazy" to walk to his room last night, using it as an excuse to fall asleep in mine. "IT'S TOO EARLY FOR THIS !" Especially if I was going to have to be nice to him later on for the company barbecue.


Before I could victoriously push his face to the ground, he had lifted my foot off his face then began to tickle it. I tried to kick it away but my laughter and tickle senses were now activated leaving me merciless.


"Ohhhh, we have a tickle spot now, huh?" Suho said standing up still tickling my feet. "Are you maybe ticklish...here??" He took one hand tickling my sides. I laughed even harder to a point where my stomach was starting to hurt.


"Suho please!!" I exclaimed trying to take his hands off of my body. "STOP IT NOW!" He just stood there smiling now taking his full tickling forces to both sides of my body. Though I was laughing uncontrollably, I was getting pissed off. He needed to get off of me or else he was going to end up with a bruised eye to that party.


"I'LL SAVE YOU PRINCESS LEIA!" Suho and I looked over at the door watching Shin come in without second thought or question. I watched as Shin tried to playfully hit Suho with the light saber in his hand, but soon enough Suho turned his hands to Shin tickling him.


"Got you now Skywalker!!" He said in his best Darth Vader voice. Shin squealed in delight as I watched Suho lift him up playing around with him. 


"I will save you Luke!" I stood up running over to where Suho was trying to grab Shin from his arm. But he dodged my attack quickly using his free hand to wrap it around my waist now tickling me once more.


"Now I have trapped you both!!" Suho said adding an evil laugh. He continued doing until there was a knock at the door and Nene had entered in. We looked at her with wide eyes as did the same to the scene she was seeing as well. It must have been a sight to see considering it contained a shirtless Suho, a lightsaber and caped Shin, and a bedhead-club attired Rian.


"Uhm, the master would like to see the both of you in his office." Nene bowed then quickly turned around looking at Shin. "Come with me little master. I will get you ready for breakfast today." Shin followed Nene. closing the door as soon as they left. As soon as the door shut, I looked over at Suho who was standing there with that same cold look in his eyes from last night. It was as if he was worried about what his father had to say to us....


"Its nothing to be worried about, just whatever happens, follow my lead." Suho looked at me with a smile masking that worried look he had on before. "I'll see you downstairs in 5 then." Suho left my room quickly leaving me alone. If its nothing to be worried about why did he give such a look? Maybe I was misinterpreting it... Maybe he was just annoyed that he had to talk to his father so early in the morning. Kind of like how kids don't like getting reprimanded from their parents. 


I walked into my closet planning to change into a more presentable outfit. I settled for tan khakis holding it up with a brown belt, tucking in a dark navy blue button down, and pairing it with a pair of flats. I could not go downstairs looking like a messed up drag queen. As I was walking out of my room I tied my hair up into a bun, closing the door behind me. When looking up Suho was also getting out of his room buckling his belt. We both looked at each other and gasped pointing at each other.


We were a girl/guy version of each others outfits.


"I'm not changing!" I said putting my hands up in defense.


"Neither am I!" Suho said running to the stairs.


"Suho! No we can't just--" But it was too late, he was already on the first floor turning the corner on his way to his father's office. I sighed turning around to go into my room to change when I realized that it would make me late.


"Whatever its whatever" I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes making my way downstairs as well. I turned the corner making my way to a now somewhat familiar hallway of pictures that led to Mr. Kim's office. I took a look at the last picture  of the family and took a close look at the picture once more.


"Shin may have her face, but Suho definitely has her eyes" I said out loud to myself.


"They say that I also have her sense of adventure." I shuddered a bit realizing that I wasn't alone. I turned to see Suho leaning against the wall. He walked beside me looking at the picture.


"Do you miss her?" I blurted out without thought. I took a look at him and he was nodding.


"Everyday." He looked at me giving me a smile. "Come on Rian. I didn't wait out here to enter alone. I thought we needed to enter together since we are both...fashionably late."


He knocked on the door opening it without a second thought. He motioned his head towards the inside at me and I followed him as we stepped inside the office together. His father was sitting at his usual place behind the desk signing papers. Mr. Kim must have noticed our presence pausing in his work without even looking up.


"Suho. Ariana." We bowed to him. "Its nice to see that you to are getting along well, yes?"


As much as I wanted to shake my head no, I followed Suho's lead in nodding my head yes. Mr. Kim nodded.


"Yes, and I overheard that Suho will be escorting you to the company barbecue tonight, yes?"


"Uhm, yes sir." I looked over at Suho who looked like he was now nodding in victory. I kept myself from rolling my eyes.


"I thought that she would like to gain some connections for future references." He looked over at me and winked hinting also a second reason why he wanted me as his date. Don't roll your eyes Rian. Don't roll them.


"Ah, yes I see...Nothing more I hope" Mr. Kim said giving a sly smile similar to what Suho usually gave to me. Then again, by nothing more does he mean...


"Sir, if you suggest that we might have a--uh--relationship with each other, we have NOTHING of that sort." I looked over at Suho who I saw didn't take any offense to it but just nodded, agreeing with me. "Just a nice friendship. That's all."


Mr. Kim nodded."Good. I won't question what I see of your outfit coordination now." He darted his eyes between the both of our outfits.


"Great minds think a like, right--ARIANA?" Suho asked emphasizing my name. Ugh, follow his lead.


"Yes, yes they do" I said putting on a fake sweet smile. We both turned to Mr. Kim who seemed please with our responses.


"All right, Ariana you are dismissed for breakfast. Suho, I have a few business matters to discuss with you so do you mind staying a bit?"


Suho nodded. I bowed to Mr. Kim and just in case, Suho as well. I could see Suho holding in a little laugh as he watched me bow to him. I finally rolled my eyes as soon as my back was turned to the both of them heading for the door. As soon as I was out in the hallway I took a deep breathe in and out letting all my nerves let loose. I looked to my left looking at the family picture once more, repeating in my head what Suho had said about his mom.


"Sense of adventure, huh?" I asked myself staring at his mom in the picture. Was it possible that he got his racing skills from his mom? Nah, I mean such a put together lady like her racing? That would be a sight to see.


Rian's Bedroom; Mid-Afternoon

According to Nene, Mr. Kim had given me the weekend off from my Nanny duties. At first I was actually quite excited when I found out the news, thinking I could take this time to get ahead on readings or studies. But, instead my mind kept me wandering on something else...actually more of someone else: Kris.


I realized I had been rereading the same paragraph of my textbook about 5 times finally giving up. I shut it with a frustrated groan taking my phone in my hand unlocking it. Kris' contact popped up on the screen and I walked to lay on my bed thinking what I should do: Text? Call? Both? More importantly, why was I contacting him in the first place? I mean, he even said so himself that he couldn't be with me so what if already erased me out of his life already? I tried to make up a good excuse to call him, but just as I was playing around with my phone it suddenly face planted on my face. I lifted it off my face and I gasped realizing that my finger slipped calling Kris. Before I could hang up, a familiar voice answered.


"Rian?" The other line answered with a groggy morning voice on the other side. I looked at the time: 1pm, was he a late sleeper?


"Kris! Are you still sleeping?! I'm sorry I'll just--"


"No, no, no its cool. I needed to get up anyways, so thanks for the wake up call." I heard a rustling of what seemed like bed sheets which made me wonder: what did Kris wear to sleep? I shook the erted thought out of my head focusing on the reason I had contacted him.


"Look, Kris...I'm sorry about last night" I began trying to formulate the correct words in my brain as I spoke. "I shouldn't have acted like a stubborn baby and I'll respect your choice of wanting to stay away from me. If you truly don't want to be friends then I under--"


"Rian,  there is no need to apologize to me. If anything I should be apologizing to you. I was a total unsupportive jerk to you last night, and you didn't deserve to be treated like the way I treated you. Plus, Suho told me the deal that he made with you last night."


I sat up a bit straighter. "Wait, what? Suho told you? When?"


"Last night after the race. He found me in the crowd and told me the deal."


"Oh, okay well that's...good." I couldn't think of anything else to say considering that my mind was on the thought that the bastard royal had already planned to take me under his wing.


"Yeah, so, uhm I'll see you--and Suho around I guess?" I heard Kris chuckle.


"Wait, before you hang up--"




I took a deep breath. "Uhm, actually...I heard you guys are having your school festival next week right?"


"Yeah, are you planning to go?"


"Of course! Oh, am I not allowed to go?"


"No, no, you can go! It's just that, SIA kids usually don't go to our festivals..."


"You know I'm not one of them right? So I can be an exception!" Which will hopefully always stay true... "I'll just pop by with Shin right after school."


"And Suho, huh?"


I rolled my eyes. "I guess..." Did he really have to mention him?


"Knock, knock! May I come in??" A voice exclaimed knocking on my door. I looked over and the overly high-pitched voice was no other than Suho. He didn't even wait for a reply barging in with boxes in his hand.


"Ohhhhh anyways, bye mom!" I lied through my teeth watching as Suho took in account that I was talking on the phone.


"What? Mom?" Kris asked on the other line.


"Yeah, yeah mom! Yes there son SUHO is right here..." I hinted at Kris. Suho shrugged placing the boxes on the end of my bed sitting beside it. "Okay, okay, love you mom! Bye! Bye! Bye!" I hung up quickly before Kris could say anything, reminding myself to text him an apology regarding that whole conversation.


"What do you want Suho?" I asked crossing my hands over my chest criss crossing my legs. I saw him scoot over, patting the spot beside him on the bed. Rolling my eyes I crawled over to he spot he had pointed out for me to sit on.


"I want you to wear this for the barbecue." He handed me the boxes he had carried in. "That way we can look like a cute fashion-y couple like this morning!"


I turned to him fake laughing then stopped midlaughter. "You are such a girl." But, regardless of such, I'm glad he took the effort to put together our ensemble in a way. I opened the biggest box and took out the dress Suho had picked out for me.


"No, no, no I can't" I said standing up and shoving the dress into Suho's hands. He gave me a questioning look.


"Why not?"


"Because" I said shaking my head. "This is too much! I mean I have some--"


Suho grabbed my wrists pulling me closer to him; to a point where my body was entrapped in his legs and his face was close to my breathing chest.


"Rian, do you really want to fight with me about this?" He stood up still dangerously close to me. He spun me around to face the mirror holding the dress in front of my body. "You will look great in it." His voice was a seductive whisper in my ear that gave me chills; the hair on the back of my neck standing up straight. Was he seducing me?!


"Besides, you know what will make it look even better?" He asked. His chin was close to crook of my neck to lay on, and his arms were dangerously close to embracing my whole waist. I didn't know whether to embrace myself for a tickle fest or melt in his arms because his flirtatious acts were taking effect on me.


"Wh-what?" I asked brokenly trying to avoid eye contact with him in the mirror. Suho noticed my actions resulting to jerking my chin to face him. He leaned in missing my lips by an inch and darting for my ear whispering,


"Me right beside you."


I let out a mad laugh taking the dress from his hand then pushed him away from me. "YOU ARE JUST--HA!" I exclaimed now pushing him towards the door of my bedroom.


"Making you ually frustrated?" Suho finished turning the tables by quickly taking the hands that were pushing him and enclasping it in his. He pulled me forward making me face plant right into his back between his shoulder blades. Which were actually REALLY defined from the shirt he was wearing....


"Suho let go of me!" I struggled to pull myself off of his back but it was no use. His arms and fingers were intertwined with his somehow, as if we were in a knot.


"Consider this your punishment for lying to me." Suho somehow twirled around as if it was some kind of a salsa dance move; I was now facing him with my upper body now touching his with my hands behind my back.


"Lying?! About what?!" I seriously could not take all this twisting arms, fighting chests for breathe, and footsie games with him at this moment. My adolescent mind was dragging my thoughts into a lusty state, and I was struggling to keep my cool.


He leaned his forehead onto mine. I could smell a scent mint on his breathe as he was breathing. "I know you were talking to Kris."


"Psssht, so what? Now your screening my calls too?" Keep your distance Rian. Keep your distance. Don't give into his charms.


Suho leaned in closer and closer to me with every step I tried to take back. "Or the fact that your voice can be heard from outside this door." He pulled his face away from mine and mimicked my voice. "'Uhm, actually...I heard you guys are having your school festival next week right?'"


I gasped in embarrassment using that last ounce of strength I had to lift my foot and push him in the stomach. He stumbled back a bit surprised at my action. "How much did you hear of the conversation?!"


Suho put a finger to his mouth then sealed his lips. "Just know this..." Suho began as he started to walk towards my door. Turning around last minute at the door way, he grabbed the door knob. "You can count me on the fun next week as well." Giving me  a wink he softly shut the door leaving his presence without even having to be in the room.


The nerve of that Royal Bastard...

Kim Corp. Building

If the car ride to the party wasn't nerve wracking enough, the elevator ride up to the rooftop was another story. I just stared at my reflection in the elevator making sure I looked presentable in the dress Suho had made me wear. I looked over to the calm and stable Suho who had been oddly businesslike and silent throughout the whole ride here. He didn't even compliment on my outfit or tried to flirt with me...just nothing. Was he mad at me again? Maybe he silently hated on how I looked? Did I put on too much makeup? Am I overdressed? Did we not match properly like he wanted too? I looked at what he was wearing and he looked fine and dapper as he usually does in a suit.


Out of nowhere, the elevator came to an abrupt halt and when focusing my senses back into reality, I saw Suho had pulled the emergency stop button. Before I could say anything to him he started,


"Rian, I know you’re nervous. Just follow my lead and you can stick beside me for as long as you need to." He turned to me putting a hand in the pocket of his pants. "Relax. You aren't going out there alone. Now, breathe."


I wasn't going to waste time arguing with him; I did as I was told taking deep breathes in through my nose and out through my mouth repeatedly. Suho took something out of his pocket: a can of mints. Taking a few out he popped a few into his mouth. He handed me the can and I did the same, except taking double the amount he did. As soon as it hit my tongue I made a face and cringed at the overload of minty ness that had started to dissolve. Suho wasted no time to point and laugh.


"Yah, why are you so nervous anyways?" He took his hands out of his pocket putting it on my shoulders, not as a flirty move, but probably to stabilize my nerves. "If your worried about how you look, you look perfect with me by your side!"


"What if I embarrass myself? I mean, I don't belong in these types of crowds!" I pointed out my outfit. "They are going to see the real me right through this outfit!"


"Who said you had to be someone else?" He asked now sliding his hands up and down my arm to warm up my cold nervous body. Suho smiled at me looking straight into my eyes. "Just be yourself . Being yourself will be enough to win them over." He took my shoulders and pulled me close into what I thought was supposed to be a comforting hug until he whispered in my ear.


"Just how you won my heart." He pulled away pretending to stab his heart and stagger back to hit the wall. He slowly fell to the ground closing his eyes and instead of rolling my eyes: I laughed letting out the nerves I had. I saw Suho open one eye smiling at my reaction then pushed the emergency stop button resuming the elevator ride up.


"You are really something aren't you?" I asked shaking my head smiling. He shrugged fixing his suit then letting his arm out for me to hold onto; I rolled my eyes inserting my arm into his.


"Well, I wasn't raised this way to becoming nothing." He grinned with pride then the heart stopping bell signaling we were at our destination went off. The elevator door opened revealing the rooftop party in full swing; there were tables and servers set out in a placed manner. The decorations were spot on with lit paper lanterns and fake oak trees; it looked like a high-class backyard barbecue. We both stepped out onto the fake grass placed for the "backyard effect" when all eyes turned to the both of us. As we passed by various people, people bowed in honor of the heir to the Kim Corp passing by. I bowed to them as quickly as I could show respect as well, but Suho did no such thing knowing his place at this party; his businessman mode was on.


"Father" Suho greeted Master Kim bowing to him; I followed in suit letting Suho stand up before me.


"Ariana" he turned to me.  "You look lovely as always I see."


"Thank you sir" I said taking a mini bow in front of him. 


"Suho, why don't you introduce her to the others?" Suho agreed with Master Kim taking me one by one to personally meet and greet each CEO plus every important person attending the party: which was apparently everyone. It felt like an hour before we sat down at our assigned table, which consisted of all of Suho's friends whom I haven't seen since the race last night...


"Well, well, well if it isn't the lady of the night" D.O smiled lifting his wine glass to me. I rolled my eyes and took mine clinking it with his.


"Let's not go there please,” I said after taking a sip of my wine.


"Actually we WILL go there" Kai said leaning forward with a smirk on his face. I knew this was going to come from them one way or another, so I might as well accept get over it now then at school monday.


"Okay fine then" I said setting my wine on the table and crossing my hands over my chest. "One question per person."


"How did you get in?" Chanyeol began.


"I have connections" I replied not saying a certain name in particular.


"What other connections do you have other then us?" Kai joked as D.O gave him a fist pound.


"If that joke was meant to be a question, then you just lost your chance to ask me a proper question Kai." I smirked at myself as the other boy’s ooe'd seeing how Kai got burned.


"But, then seriously who got you in?" Baekhyun asked. All eyes were on me.


"Kris invited me" I answered truthfully finally saying the name that had an effect like saying "He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named". "He said that he had gained last minute VIP passes to the club & invited me."


"Last minute VIP passes my " D.O said downing his wine glass quickly like a shot. "Rian, you don't even know do you?"


"Know what?" I asked looking at all of them at the table. All of the boys pretended to avoid my attention except for Sehun who bluntly answered,


"Kris practically owns that club. Of course he can get VIP passes whenever he wants too."


I looked at Suho for reassurance. Suho looked at me nodding his head as he poured me some more wine.


"I can't believe Kris didn't tell you. Tsk tsk tsk" Kai said wagging his finger.


"This is why I wanted to keep you away from him" Suho input his commentary drinking his wine as the food was starting to be served. "Every bit and piece of info you know about him only brings you to another question."


The other guys nodded in agreement as the conversation about Kris slowly faded away as something of a past topic. As the other boys and Suho talked about other stuff, I sat there eating deep in thought: was it true? Kris really was the owner of that club? Was he lying that he said Suho was still over control of him? How could that be when Kris had his own empire to run?


"Hey Rian, what do you think about our extracurricular hobby, huh?" Chanyeol asked suddenly out of the blue. He was punched in the arm by the boys sitting around him.


"Yah Chanyeol don't talk about that out loud in the open!" D.O said smacking the back of his head.


"I have to admit, I was surprised at first" I answered anyway cutting my steak. "I mean, seeing you go from High School student to Underground Racers; I'm impressed."


"Maybe you should try it sometime then" Kai said taking a bite of his chicken. He pointed to himself with the bone. "I'll give you private lessons if you know what I mean." He winked at me and I laughed, but all the other boys rolled there eyes as Suho reached over and hit him on the arm.


"Don't even think about dragging Rian further into that world then she's already got herself in" Suho said going back to cutting his own steak. I looked at Suho with a questioning look; there he goes again with trying to protect me from "that world". What? A world of racing and cars and money? It could have been worse...


"Speaking of that world...Guess who decided to crash the bash." Sehun jutted his chin towards the elevator and all of our eyes turned to the group of boys there.


"Baekhyun stay here with Rian" Suho said standing up from his seat. "The rest of you...let's go."


"Wait, Suho..." I said grabbing his arm to keep him from leaving. He looked down at me and I realized that he was wearing his "Leader" mask on. "Who are they?"


"No one you need to worry about beautiful." He smiled at me putting the "flirty Suho" mask on for a minute giving me a kiss on the forehead before leaving me. I rubbed my forehead groaning and turning back to finish my plate clean.


"Rian, its okay" Baekhyun said watching me stuff my face with the slice of ice cream cake that was served in front of us. "You don't have to worry--"


"I'm not worried!" I exclaimed taking what was supposed to be Suho's plate of the ice cream cake, enjoying its deliciousness. "I'm just mad at Suho that's all."


"Mad at Suho for what?" Baekhyun asked as he handed his own ice cream cake to me. I smiled then pushed it away feeling guilty for taking his.


"I hate how he always leaves me hanging like that when it comes to important information!" I felt my stomach start to hurt, downing the whole glass of water. "I mean, I know of your "other world" already! What more is there to hide?"


"Its more complicated then you think" Baekhyun said taking a pitcher of water in the middle of the table and pouring it in my glass.


"Then explain it to me, please??" I gave him my best pout, but he was shaking his head. He stood up then offered me his hand.


"Why don't we just dance?" He showed off his pearly whites that I couldn't refuse, and then took his hand leading me to the dance floor. There was some slow, jazzy music playing and we were just swaying from side to side adding a twirl here and there once in a while. Baekhyun was a distractor keeping me on my toes with new dance moves not even allowing me to ask anymore questions about "their world". Then as soon as the tempo was picking up, I saw Baekhyun stop and reach into the inside of his jacket taking his phone out of what seemed to be a secret pocket. I watched as his face expression lifted a bit as he read a text message he had received. As soon as he was done he quickly put his phone away in his pocket again then took my hand in his pulling me away from the dance floor.


"What's wrong?" I asked as we quickly went for the elevator.


"I just got a text from Suho saying to bring him something from his office. So, naturally I can't leave you here alone." We stepped into the elevator and Baekhyun pressed a random tile that turned out to be an actual button. "Besides, there are too many rich single men in that party eyeing you and I know Suho wouldn't be too happy to see you go home with any of them."


"Please, if anything I wouldn't even go home with Suho." Just because we had this deal going on did not mean that I was necessarily his "girlfriend". I was just a stand in girl, arm candy to make HIM look good according to Suho.


Baekhyun laughed. "Well, you would be the first." The elevator stopped at a floor that just read the letter "S". When the elevator opened we stepped into a small hallway before we got to a pair of double oak doors. He opened the door to what I guess was Suho's office.


"What? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I watched Baekhyun take out a keychain with different keys from Suho's desk. He inserted the USB attached on the key chain inside the computer, taking a seat behind the desk.


"Well, you know how Suho is one of the most desirable bachelor's in Korea. So naturally, he could get whatever girl he wanted and if he needed let's say, a lady of the night, no girl would hesitate to say no." He typed in something on the keyboard and started clicking the mouse every once in a while.


"Except me" I answered my own question sitting on top of the desk trying to peer at what Baekhyun was working on. He looked at me with a smile then "x" out of the window, now done with his work and printing what needed to be printed. He stood up heading for the printer to take out the freshly printed stack of work he had done. Taking a manila folder from the stack beside the printer, he placed the papers inside, folding the metal wings to seal it.


"While I run these to Suho, you stay in here and stay out of trouble, all right?" Baekhyun said walking towards the door. He paused when taking the doorknob in his hand, turning around to face me again. "Rian, I know what you are thinking."


"What am I thinking?" I asked adding a laugh. "I was just looking out the window." I pointed to the skyline view.


"That after I leave, you'll wait a few minutes until the coast is clear to follow me." Baekhyun took out the keychain with keys on it. "Sorry Rian, but this is for our own good."


"Don't tell me you are locking me in here! By myself!" I said standing up to run over to the door. Baekhyun quickly closed it on me and before I could take that millisecond of an unlocked knob, he had already locked it from the outside. I banged the door. "HEY BACON YOU CAN'T SERIOUSLY LOCK ME IN HERE ALL ALONE!"


"I'm sorry Rian! I owe you one!" Baekhyun said returning a soft knock to show his reply. I pressed my ear against the door hearing his footsteps enter the elevator, then a ding signaling that the elevator was on the move. I turned my back onto the door sliding down to the ground; I took off my heels carefully holding them in my hands.


"I never thought I would see the day that I would see YOU on my feet Mr. Christian Louboutin." I caressed the infamous red soles of the shoes letting my fingers run across the shiny black leather. "I hope this won't be the last time either." I don't know how long I was sitting there staring at the shoe, but I know it was long enough for me to take a maybe 20-minute power nap with the occasional daydreaming about Kris. Kris as the owner of the nightclub...why couldn't he just tell me straight up? I started to devise a plan in my head on how I could ask him. All of a sudden I heard a faint ding coming from outside the door with footsteps coming close to the door. A loud bang erupted the door causing me to shriek in fear; I stood up putting the shoes back on my feet.


"RIAN! RIAN ARE YOU IN THERE?!" A familiar voice cried out from the other side. I ran up to the door banging back at it.


"KRIS?!" I questioned trying to wiggle the doorknob. "KRIS ITS ME!"


I heard another voice on the other side of the door, not when that I had heard before. I felt the doorknob wiggling in my hand and letting go of it, the door opened. I looked at the boy who held the same set of keys Baekhyun was holding earlier then at Kris.


"Come with us Rian" he said taking my hand in his pulling me out the door. I looked over at the other guy with us and he gave me a small bow & I did the same, but quickly since Kris was pulling me quickly to the end of the hallway to a door. He opened it revealing a set of stairs.


"What are you even doing here?" I asked as we began making our way down the stairs in a hurried fashion. Kris didn't stop to take a breath, and replied saying


"Saving the princess from her tower." Kris looked at me and gave me a wink melting my heart into bits and pieces. I heard a chuckle coming from the boy behind me.


"No seriously though, how did you even know where I was?" I asked starting to breathe heavily from all these flights of stairs we were climbing down.


"Baekhyun called us."


"And in good timing too cause Kim Sung Kyu looked like he was about to blow his top off" the other boy said.


"Lay." Kris gave guy a menacing "shut the up look" with his eyes that even my broken heart was now placed back into place with his frozen stare. I turned to Lay trying to put on my best innocent face on asking,


"Pardon me for asking but, who is this guy you are talking about?"


Lay looked up at me giving me a cute, blank puppy faced stare."Oh, he's the leader of the gang Infinite." I shook my head pretending to understand the importance of this piece of information: Infinite? Gang? Don't tell me it is another racing gang...



"LAY DAMN IT" Kris said looking over at him as he turned the corner stopping at a door. "Don't talk to her about the situation or else."


"Or else what?" I defended Lay as Kris opened the door continuing to pull me now through a bunch of office cubicles.


"Wait, did you hear that??" Kris whispered putting a finger to his lips and ignoring my question. He quickly dodged inside a cubicle pulling me behind him and Lay going into the opposite side. He leaned forward a bit taking another look at his suspicions. I leaned forward against Kris' back leading me to the conclusion he also had just as toned of a back then Suho. Realizing what I was thinking, I shook my head driving my lusty thoughts away.


"I haven't got the signal from them" Lay whispered putting his phone back into the pocket of his jacket. "I think its time for us to move to plan B."


Kris nodded then looked at me. "Rian, get on my back." He lowered himself down to the ground and I just stood there looking at him in confusion. I saw Lay take out 2 guns from under his shirt handing one to Kris. 


"Why?" I questioned taking my heels off of my feet and holding them in my hand. Of course I would take the piggyback ride, though these heels killed in looks, they killed on the archs of my feet. If we were to take a run, he could do it for me. 


"Because" Kris he explained as I positioned my body in a piggy back mode. "We're going to find a way out and judging by those shoes... I would guess you need the lift." He stood up quickly adjusting to his balance then nodded at Lay who walked on forward towards the elevators, gun in defense mode. The elevator doors opened revealing two guys whom you could tell right off the bat, they didn't belong here. One of them gave me a smile saying,


"Ahhh, found her! Quick, contact the boss!" The guy with the reddish hair quickly tried to jump on Kris, but Lay quickly lifted his foot to block the way taking this chance to kick him in the face. As Kris began to run away from the commotion I clutched on tightly to his neck wrapping my legs tighter around his waist to keep my grip. He turned the corner towards the staircase once again with Lay catching up behind us.


"Plan C, RUN!" Kris put me down onto the cold ground then took my hand once more and we were off running down the stairs again like mad men. I heard the door open behind us with the same voices now following us not too far behind.


"WE'RE HERE SOMEWHERE ON THE 10TH FLOOR!" The other guy shouted into what seemed like a walkie-talkie in his hand. Kris turned the corner once more opening another door and ushering us inside the hallway once more. As Lay was the last one to enter, the two guys tried to get in last minute as well until Kris pulled the door shut. Since there was no lock on the door, he was pulling the door with all his might to keep it from letting the other two guys enter.


"Lay, take Rian to the car and drive back to the shop!" Kris exclaimed as he held on to the doorknob, getting his gun ready. Lay nodded motioning me to follow him but I refused getting an idea. I took one shoe in each hand then charged for the door Kris was trying to keep closed. Before Kris could say anything though I pushed the door open catching the other two guys off guard, making it easy for me to kick them both in the sack and when bending over, shoving the shoe in there mouth so forcefully that they fell backwards now rolling down the stairs.


"RIAN!" Kris said as he ran over to the railing watching the two boys rolling down the stairs without any sign of slowing down. "What the--"


"Talk later, run now!" I said now pulling his hand back inside the building. I was pretty surprised I did that myself, but I do have to admit that I was crying in the inside for letting go of such beautiful shoes. By the time we got to the elevator, Lay pressed the button that would bring us down to the garage. The ride down consisted of a silent tension as I felt the two of them staring at me as if I was some mutant creature.


"By the way, I'm Rian" I said turning to Lay and bowing, giving myself the proper introduction, trying to break the ice.


"Oh! Yes, I am Lay!" He said bowing as well; It was Kris turn to give a chuckle now. Before we could get any further in introductions, the elevator stopped at the designated floor and opened up to reveal the garage. There was a black BMW parked at an awkward location and with a push of a button from Lay, the car engine started.


"Ohhh fancy" I said as I followed them inside the car taking the back seat all to myself. Lay went behind the drivers seat as Kris took the passenger seat.


"THERE THEY ARE!" An unfamiliar voice shouted. I turned around and saw a boy, probably from that Infinite gang, pointing at us from the inside of his white Mercedes. There were two other cars that followed in suit as Lay was driving like a mad man to get us out of this garage. I looked back half expecting to see Suho with the boys in red cars, but they were no where in sight making me worry about them: had they become hostages??


Before I could think anymore I began to feel a bit dizzy since the exiting of the garage was contained a lot of spirals down a tunnel. I laid across the whole length of the seat closing my eyes and putting an arm over my forehead to keep myself from getting anymore dizzier. God, what did I do to deserve this kind of adventure in my life? Before I could even start on the thought of loosing my shoes to saliva, I heard an accelerated speed then a crash from the front. I quickly say up looking behind me seeing that Lay had driven straight through those lanes that required a ticket to get out or else you would have run right through the pole sticking out to stop you. The other lanes had the same effect done to them with the other cars still on our tail.


All of a sudden a ring of a telephone erupted from the speakers, and looking at the screen on the dash it read "Suho" on it. As Lay answered the call, I held by breathe making sure it wasn't a hostage call.


"Is Rian with you?!" The sound of Suho's voice somehow made me breathe a sigh of relief. Whoever knew that hearing the Royal Brats voice would cause me that kind of feeling.


"Yeah, she's here in the car. What formation shall we follow?" Kris took a look behind him at scene in the back window; I looked as well watching as the two cars were still hot on our tails dodging just as much traffic as Lay was. I turned back around and saw that the back window wasn't the only thing Kris was now looking at. I didn't know whether this was the right time to be melting me with your look's Kris....


"Figure 8 around the block, coming to the tip on the third street to the right. Kai, Chanyeol, and Sehun are already in place; Just drive through the intersection."


I looked at the monitor with wide eyes from what I just heard. Did he just say "drive through the intersection"?! As in THE busy intersection where there were cars on all four sides with people waiting to cross the street when the walking man appears?! I shook my head in fear laying across the seats again. If I died, I mine as well die looking prepared.


"RIAN! RIAN ARE YOU THERE?!" I hears Suho's voice calling my name from the speakers. "RIAN?!" I rolled my eyes behind my closed eyes and shouted,


"I'M HERE SUHO! I'M HERE! WHAT DO TOU WANT?!" I asked suddenly sitting up in frustration of Suho ruining my death rest.


"Oh nothing" he said in a calm sort of way. "I just needed to hear your beautiful voice that's all..." He hung up and I could already picture in my head that smirk he would have given me if he had said that in front of me. I rolled my eyes and going back to my death bed when a sudden jerk of the car made me hit my head on the door.


"Can I not Rest In Peace damn it?!" I complained as I sat up rubbing the top of my head. I heard the two of the guys chuckle in the front then Kris saying,


"I guess its not your time yet. Besides, isn't Juliet supposed to die after Romeo does?" Kris turned around to look at me with knowing eyes. I laughed until the car came to a stop making me move forward causing me to be a few inches away from Kris' face. I looked at him with wide eyes as Kris just smiled whispering, "You can't die until I die, Rian." He took his fingers caressing my chin to look deeper into his eyes. "But that day won't be today."


"Kris were coming up at the tip" Lay announced interrupting our moment. I quickly pulled away feeling my cheeks heating up while Kris sort of felt embarrassed himself letting out a nervous laugh, running his hands down the back of his neck. I could slowly feel my temperature rising from our little interaction causing me to calmly fan myself with my hands.


I watched through the front window as Lay drove through the intersection luckily with no collisions or passing cars to dodge. As we passed through coming at the end, I looked behind us and from the opposite sides of the road came two red sports cars that came together in the middle of the intersection. The white cars stopped right before hitting the two, and then I realized that 2 more red cars had been tailing the white ones as well.


"To the car shop?" Lay asked now driving in normal terms. When Kris nodded yes I breathed out a sigh of relief knowing that the chase was over. I put a hand over my heart to calm itself down from the toll it was being put through from the adrenaline rush and that moment with Kris. I looked up and noticed that Kris had been eyeing me through the rearview mirror. I could feel myself starting to blush and he just sat there and smiled.

Edited & Revised 

February 11, 2015

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It's Jan. 22, 2020 & I have rediscovered my AFF account...reading through all my old stories. 🥺 Thank you to all who have supported this story! Hopefully, I'll get into writing more!! 💜


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Chapter 33: I know I'm too late to discover this wonderful story. I loved it . Every chapter. Unique concept. Thank you author for giving a wonderful ride.
suheejun #3
Chapter 33: Wowww...your story jinja daebak.. kipidap authornim!!♥
Chapter 31: Well that was unexpected. Suho's mom to be the head and a total ! But I got my wish...Rian and Suho are finally TOGETHER!! Looking forward to the epilogues!!
Chapter 30: The head of the unknown is suho's mom! That was unexpected. This isn't the end of this story right?
Chapter 30: what the heck just happened......
Chapter 30: Also who's Suho's mom. The link doesn't work.
Chapter 30: DUN Dun dun....OMMA is here!! This is too much for me. Rian and Suho or Rian and Kris. My poor weak heart!!
Chapter 27: Ugh. Noooooooooooooooooooo!! Why Ryan whhhhyyyyy!
Chapter 26: ANDWAEEEEEEEE!!!! Suho and Rian....