
Ride or Die

My eyes widened at the words I had heard. Omma?! Son?! I looked at the woman a bit closer... she was the same woman from the pictures in the hallway; the picture on Mr. Kim's desk. Wasn't she supposed to be dead though?! I looked around and saw the other boys in just as much of a surprised expression. I looked at Ryan and he looked a bit surprised at the news himself.


"A-Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Suho stuttered asking the question that was on most of our mind. She laughed shaking her head.


"Suho my son, does it look like I am dead?" At this moment she didn't look like any intimidating boss of a high profile gang. She looked like a sincere mother concerned for her son. Suho shook his head no. Smiling, the lady stood up ordering one of the guards to untie her son. As that was done, she took a look at the scene around us returning to her intimidating status. Now I know where Suho got his stand of presence.


"Untie these boys as well, but keep them under watch" She pointed at the 5 boys. She suddenly turned to me with a gleam in her eye as if she had something else planned for me. "You." She took heavy steps towards me making her heels clack against the pavement, echoing the way my heart was beating right now. Would she recognize me from that night at the river? The night at the club? Or recognize me at all?


"You”, she repeated again as she finally stood in front of me throwing what seemed like daggers in my eye. Mrs. Kim looked down at the slit in my dress then clucked her tongue, bending down and inspecting the bloody leg I had. "You really should dress for the occasion my dear." She trailed he hands to where the slit in my dress started then started to tear it across; my eyes widened, a silent gasp escaping my lips as my maxi dress suddenly turned into an above the knee dress.


Instead of throwing the fabric away like trash, I watched her cut the fabric into segments. Afterwards, she started to clean my cut with the pieces of fabric soon creating a bandage with the leftover fabric she had left. After creating a little knot to secure the wound, she stood up giving me a smile. Motherly instincts were still there, but her presence as the Boss of the Unknown was stronger.


"Omma" Suho now stood there in the midst of the headlights looking at Mrs. Kim. She turned around with that motherly smile on her face, ready to answer any question he had for her. "Why did you fake your death?" He took a step towards her wanting answers. "Why didn't you give us a sign that you were still alive?"


Mrs. Kim stood there a bit in silence as if she was trying to formulate an answer in her head. Either that or she was enjoying the little suspense she was creating in the air. "Suho, you must understand something." She walked up to him placing a hand on his shoulder. "I did it to protect you. Your brother. Your father. Our family."


Suho's eyes widened as if he was realizing something for the first time. My brain finally clicked as well as she took the words right out of my mind.


"It was the final initiation stage of joining the Unknown. Once a part of the Unknown I had to keep my word and not tell a soul of my secret identity. If you or your father found out about me being in such a gang, then you would not be standing where you are at this moment." Mrs. Kim rubbed Suho's arm in a comforting, mother like way. "You have no idea how much I wanted to come back to you all. The physical and mental pain I had to endure; not being able to watch you and Shin grow into the wonderful boys you are today." She placed her hand on his cheek. "Not being able to hold my own son in my arms to tell him that I love him. Not being able to kiss your father to tell him that I love him or even say goodbye."


"Did Appa know about this life?" Suho asked referring to the racing throne she was known fo. Mrs. Kim shook her head no pulling out a smile.


"You know how your father is..." As if remembering a memory, she sighed. "None the less, I'm proud of what you and Shin have become. Sure your father doesn't say this much, but I'm sure that he loves you and cares about you."


Suho hung his head nodding his head, earning a kiss on the forehead from his mother. Then realizing where he still was, Suho looked around at the situation then back at his mom. "Then what is all this for then? Why the big commotion dealing with my friends?"


Mrs. Kim shrugged. "I thought it would be nice to have some eye witnesses to seize this mother-son bonding moment." Suho looked at her with stunned eyes, but she just threw her head back with a deep hearty laugh. "Ahhhh, you should have seen your face my dear."


“This is no time for fun and games, all right?" Suho tensed up pulling away from his mother's touch. "Tell me what it is that you want."


Mrs. Kim's sudden happiness turned into a serious look. "I want you Suho." She took a step forward taking her son's hand in hers. "I want you to join the Unknown."


A gasp escaped my lips as well as from everyone else in the room. Even Ryan stood there expecting something else from her. Suho stood there in silence as she continued on.


"I have watched you in your success in the business with your father. I have watched you in your success in races" She put a smile of pride on her face. "I want you to take over my position as Head of the Unknown when my time is done."


Suho stood there in silence unable to respond to his mother. Mrs. Kim smiled placing a hand on his cheek while one hand of hers was still in his. "The Unknown is growing my son. It needs someone who can lead with dignity and power and pride. As the next successor in line for your father's business, and you joining the Unknown...think of everything that you can have. Everything you can accomplish with both titles in your name." Now she put both of her hands on her son's cheeks. "Join me Suho. Join the Unknown."


As Suho stood there in silence, I saw his head creep up from his stance suddenly making eye contact with me. The eye contact caused a little pause in my heart as his face registered to look a bit worried in someway. I looked away from him not wanting to feel the pain my heart was still going through even after he had said those harsh words about me getting hurt.


"What if I don't join you?" The sudden reply Suho told his mom caused me to look up at the scene. A mistake that was because his eyes were still trained on me, and to my guess, he had said his previous statement while looking at me causing Mrs. Kim to follow her son's gaze landing on me.


"Oh" she simply said looking between the two of us. "I sense something here..." She pointed between the two of us.


Suho left his gaze from mine looking back at his mother. "She has nothing to do with the decision I have chosen."


"Oh is that so?" She questioned him this time smiling as if she had already won her victory. "Well, then my dear...tell me your answer then."


Suho took a deep breathe looking at his friends, then to me, and then back to his mother. "Tell me first what happens if I don't join you."


Mrs. Kim's smile disappeared from her face, replacing it with a tight-lipped look. She turned her heel all of a sudden starting to walk towards me with those sharp, intimidating eyes. Once in front of me, she took my wrist in her grip then twisted it behind my back forcing me to move forward. As I got closer to Suho, his serious facial expression remained unchanged; from the look in his eyes though, it seemed like there was hope that he still cared enough about me not to see me get hurt.


"She's just your type isn't she Suho?" Mrs. Kim said as she gripped my face in her hands forcing me to look at Suho. He took a glance at me then shook his head.


"She's taken, and not by me" he stated in a monotone, neutral matter. Mrs. Kim's eyes widened a bit as she turned my face to her. She then turned to Ryan.


"You told me that Suho would fall for her Ryan. Why is my son telling me that she is with someone else other then him??" My heart skipped a beat as I waited for the answer he was going to state. I didn't dare try to look at Suho, because that familiar feeling of his stare was starting to creep up my spine. "Have you failed me Ryan?"


"No ma'am. She is with someone, but your son does have feelings for her" Ryan replied putting his arms behind his back to show that he stood guard of his answer.


"Wait, me fall for her?" Suho's voice broke the conversation between Ryan and the Boss. She turned my body back to face Suho who now looked deeply confused as well as the other boys.


"Oh dear. Oh me. Oh my..." His mother smiled as she let go of her death grip on me placing her arm around my shoulders pulling me close to whisper into my ear. "Did you not tell him about us dear?" She pointed a finger between her and myself. "About us?"


I swallowed hard keeping my head down. "No ma'am I haven't."


"Rian..." Suho said looking at me with wide eyes. I suddenly felt a pull and I was face to face with the eyes I did not want to meet most. The way he was looking at me was different then any way he had looked at me before. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but if anything I could see disappointment. "You were apart of this the whole time?" He held my face in his hands sending me mix signals I couldn't handle right now as tears started rolling down my cheeks. "You knew?"


"In her defense she knew it part of the way, but not all the way" Ryan defended me seeing that I was unable to speak. I tried to look over at him to try and get him not to say anymore, but Suho jerked my head back into his view.


"Is that true Rian?" God, he needed to stop saying my name. My own name stained with secrets and guilt. All I could do was nod to keep it simple and done. I didn't feel like I needed to defend myself because in a way I deserved this: telling lies, keeping secrets, cheating...what right did I deserve to defend myself for?


"And this is where the director would yell CUT!!!" Mrs. Kim said as she used her hand to slice the connection between Suho and I. She turned to me. "No need to cry anymore sweetie. Your acting role is over from here on out, yes? Good job." She pushed me a bit causing me to stumble and almost fall, but luckily Ryan came in time to catch me. He helped me up to a standing position, but he allowed me to cry on his chest. I didn't dare look back at Suho. I didn't dare look back at the other boys expression either. I truly just wanted all this to end, and if I could, go back home with Ryan here and now.


"So what will it be, my son?" Mrs. Kim asked in the midst of all the tension and silence. I closed my eyes gripping onto Ryan's arm as all of us waited for his reply. "Will you join the Unknown?"


A heavy sigh was heard escaping Suho's lips. "Omma..." A few steps were taken and when I snuck a peek at the scene, Suho had taken his mother's hands in his. "I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not joining the Unknown."


Mrs. Kim's eyes widened, her face turning into panic. "Why is that my son?!" She laid a hand on her chest. "Was it something I did wrong?!"


"You lied to me about your death. You left when your family needed you most." He let go of her hands, letting them drop at her sides again. "If you truly wanted to protect us, then you didn't have to fake your death and lie to us. We could have figured something out all together instead of leaving us. On top of that, you were alive all this time and not even one single hint of your existence??" Mrs. Kim stood there still in surprise of what her own son was saying to her. Her surprised look soon faded though as her breathing started to pace faster and louder, a wild look now coming upon her eyes. She soon grabbed Suho by the collar of his tux now nose to nose with him.


"You have no idea how much I had to go through to get to the position I am in right now" she growled. "You have no idea how much power I have over South Korea. You can have all of this power and you are turning it down for what?!" A finger suddenly pointed at me. "It's for her isn't it?!"


"No Omma its not--" Suho began, but Mrs. Kim let go of her son then started to charge towards me. She no longer looked like the motherly figure from before; neither did she look like the intimidating, powerful leader of the Unknown. If anything she looked like a mad woman going out for her pray, which in this case was me. Ryan saw her coming and immediately pulled me behind him using himself as a shield.


"You said you wouldn't hurt her,” Ryan stated as she came ever bit closer causing him to take a few steps back.


"Oh I am not going to hurt her" Mrs. Kim smiled adding a scarier effect on her face. "Why would you think I would hurt the one thing holding my son back from joining his mother?! Hmmmm?!"


"OMMA STOP THIS" Suho said running up to his mother to try and hold her back. She turned around pulling herself out of his grip, her hands now shaking as she threw a punch at Ryan's face. I gasped as the force caused him to lose a bit of his balance, looking a bit shocked and surprised at the impact. I didn't have time to react though because soon enough I found myself in someone else's grip, a certain shaky hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming loudly.


"If you won't join me maybe SHE can" She turned around showing me, her victim, to everyone in the room. "SHE has done her mission UNLIKE THE REST OF YOU BASTARDS" She pointed at every single person in the room slowly walking towards the car with me in tow.


"Let her go Omma..." Suho said with his hands out.


"SHE HAS LIED TO YOU. SHE HAS HELD SECRETS FROM YOU. SHE HAS DONE EVERYTHING I DID AND YOU ARE SAVING HER?!?!" Mrs. Kim screamed making my eardrums go deaf. Her voice suddenly turned into an evil shaky laugh. "She is just like me, isn't she Suho? And like me...she will be initiated into the Unknown just as I did...." My eyes widened, as did everyone else's in the room. Everyone knew of how the legendary Queen of Street Racing died:


She had driven herself off the bridge and into the river when faking her death.


"OMMA NO--" was the last words I heard from Suho as she quickly threw me inside the car then getting into the driver's seat, she took out a gun from under the seat pointing it at me.


"You move away from this seat and I won't hesitate to shoot." I didn't take any chances of trying to escape as the car suddenly went into reverse backing out to the entrance of the tunnel. I looked ahead watching as Ryan, Suho, and all the other boys panicked watching us leave. Even some of the guards themselves were standing there in shock realizing what had just happened. As soon as the car was at the end of the tunnel, she turned the gear to Drive and started on her way. Driving with one hand on the steering wheel, the other still pointing the gun at my head


I sat there in silence praying to god that her hand wouldn't slip and pull the trigger. A sudden jerk came of the car causing a curse word escaping the lips of the driver. I looked at the rearview mirror, and there were already a few familiar cars on our tail.


"My my my this will be fun" Mrs. Kim grinned to herself putting the gun on my lap then giving the car a wild turn onto oncoming traffic. I held my screams and frights inside myself as the sudden adrenaline rush I usually got in these chases were coming on. My racer side couldn't help but admire how well Mrs. Kim was handling her racing; they definitely didn't call her the Queen of Street Racing for nothing. Then there was the human Rian on the inside, screaming and wanting to vomit all over the car. 


She dodged the oncoming traffic so quickly, yet so smoothly. Her foot moved between the break and gas pedal as if they were dancing. I watched as the sudden madness in her eyes started to fade, replaced with the authority figure that she was apparently known to be. Looking at the rearview mirror then back to what was ahead of her, she pressed on the breaks as if her life depended on it. I looked ahead and saw that we were on the bridge now; the bridge that Suho had shown me that one night commemorating his mother's "death".


"Out of the car NOW" Mrs. Kim ordered me as she pointed the gun at me. I slowly got out of the car and she followed along still holding the gun in my direction. She went to the back of the trunk pulling out some ropes, which she used to tie my hands and feet together. Using the scarf she was wearing, she tied it around my eyes causing my vision to go black. I heard a screech of tires against the concrete and voices shouting my name.


"RIAN!!" Was that Kris voice I heard?? "YOU LET GO OF HER THIS INSTANT!!"


"Oh, and who are these boys now?" Mrs. Kim ask. "More of her fellow knight in shining armors hmmm??" I felt her breathing in my ear. "I see that you are very much loved here Rian."


"KRIS STOP! SHE HAS A GUN!" I heard Suho's voice. I could only imagine the looks they were giving each other.


"Yes, oh very observant! It is indeed a gun” I heard clapping from Mrs. Kim as she started to walk backwards. I felt the tip of the gun poke the side of my head. "Would you like me to demonstrate how it works?"




I felt Suho's mom take a few step backwards causing a wave of shouts and gasps from the audience who was watching. I had no idea what was going on, and I REALLY hated that. I felt myself take a few more steps back and then I shrieked as I felt my foot slip off the edge. Mrs. Kim held me in her grip. "Someone is eager to get initiated, hmmm?" She whispered into my ear. My senses went into a stand still; from what I was guessing I was close to the edge of the bridge. If I were to get initiated like Mrs. Kim did, I would fall into the river and eventually..."Drown." 


"TAKE ONE STEP CLOSER. I DARE YOU." She shouted as I felt her lean me back a bit causing me to shriek. Not only that, but it was cold as hell tonight and I was still in my, now short length, prom dress. Not only was I cold on the inside from the weather, but the situation that I might die drowning in the river was getting to me as well.




"ITS BECAUSE OF HER THAT MY OWN SON WON'T JOIN ME." She shook me a bit, feeling my foot slip here and there off the edge. I leaned forward trying to regain my balance, but she held me back keeping me from doing so.




"I WON'T ACCEPT THAT AS AN ANSWER. NO!" She shouted, her breathing getting heavier and heavier. "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I WENT THROUGH FOR THIS."


"FOR WHAT?! FOR WHAT?!" Suho's voice was getting louder as if he was getting closer. "WHAT GOOD IS THE UNKNOWN FOR YOU ANYWAYS?! LOOK WHAT YOU ARE DOING. LOOK."


I felt her grip loosen around me. For a second I thought she was giving up, but then I heard the words she spoke next. "I am doing you a favor my son." Then her grip REALLY loosened cause I felt myself falling back so quickly that I forgot to scream.


"RIAN!!!!!" I heard multiple voices shout my name. It felt like fI was falling forever. Falling, falling...if anything I felt that this was more of my way down to hell then anything else. I let the feeling take over me, waiting for the flashback of my life before my end. This would be my end right? I couldn't get any lower then what I have done before. This was it...


This would be the end.

Revised & Edited

June 1, 2015

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It's Jan. 22, 2020 & I have rediscovered my AFF account...reading through all my old stories. 🥺 Thank you to all who have supported this story! Hopefully, I'll get into writing more!! 💜


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Chapter 33: I know I'm too late to discover this wonderful story. I loved it . Every chapter. Unique concept. Thank you author for giving a wonderful ride.
suheejun #3
Chapter 33: Wowww...your story jinja daebak.. kipidap authornim!!♥
Chapter 31: Well that was unexpected. Suho's mom to be the head and a total ! But I got my wish...Rian and Suho are finally TOGETHER!! Looking forward to the epilogues!!
Chapter 30: The head of the unknown is suho's mom! That was unexpected. This isn't the end of this story right?
Chapter 30: what the heck just happened......
Chapter 30: Also who's Suho's mom. The link doesn't work.
Chapter 30: DUN Dun dun....OMMA is here!! This is too much for me. Rian and Suho or Rian and Kris. My poor weak heart!!
Chapter 27: Ugh. Noooooooooooooooooooo!! Why Ryan whhhhyyyyy!
Chapter 26: ANDWAEEEEEEEE!!!! Suho and Rian....