Chapter Seven


Uee walks out of the nightclub, she was a little dizzy after drinking a lot of alcohol. She got into a cab and went home..... She saw TOP standing in front of her house


Uee "oh oppa..."

TOP "YAH KIM UEE! What are you doing? You make me worried"

Uee "Mianee oppa..."

TOP "Let's get in"


TOP helped uee walk into her house.. UEE sitting on the couch. TOP sitting next to her, he looked at the uee's face. Uee just silent.


TOP "Tell me what happened"

Uee "Oppa... after I graduated..."

TOP "Whae?"

Uee "You're going back to america right?.. Can I go with you?"

TOP "W... what? Aish you're drunk"

Uee "I'm not drunk! I'm serious"

TOP "We talk about it later. You should sleep now"

Uee "You're going to sleep with me, right?"

TOP "Of course, but if you want me to go...."

Uee "No!!"


They went to uee's room.. and They sleep together.





Uee awakened from her sleep. She looked around, but she didn't see TOP. Uee walked out of her room, her stomach felt uncomfortable and a little dizzy. She saw TOP was cooking something... She smiled as she looked at TOP. She hugged TOP from the back..


TOP "Oh, you startled me"

Uee "Oppa, I'm definitely dreaming"

TOP "Why?"

Uee "The world's most handsome man was cooking in my kitchen"

TOP "Hahaha. Sit down I make your breakfast"


Uee sitting at the dinner table, she ate TOP's soup.


TOP "Uee, oppa must go"

Uee "Oh so soon? Well, be careful on the road"


TOP kissed her forehead and walked away. A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door. Uee ran and opened the door. Her father stood in the doorway, Uee look very suprised.


Uee "Oh appa..."

Uee's dad "I want to talk something to you"

Uee "Okay... Would you like to drink?"

Uee's dad "No. I just wanted to briefly talk to you"

Uee "Oh well.."

Uee's dad "The man who had just come out from your house..."

Uee "Ne appa"

Uee's dad "You slept with him? Is he your boyfriend?"

Uee "No, he's not my boyfriend, we were like brother and sister"

Uee's dad "Good, I want you to stay away from him"

Uee "What? For what reason?"

Uee's dad "Nana love him, she doesn't want to see you near him"

Uee "No! He's my brother i dont want to stay away from him."

Uee's dad "Don't argue! Just follow my words"

Uee "Dad..."

Uee's dad "Don't call me dad again, do you want to know? I never wanted you, you were born from my affair. I'm not divorced with your mom because, we're NOT married. And after you graduate you should get out from here. I want sell this house"

Uee "But still you're my dad..."


His father walked straight away from the house. Her legs felt weak, she couldn't stand. She sat on the floor, crying..... Now she doesn't know what to do.

After a few hours, she stopped crying. She decided not to think about what her father said... Uee decided to go out of the house. she took her savings she had kept over the years. She went looking for a new place to live and start a new life. She drove her car, around 8 pm she got a new place to live. She decided to move tomorrow morning...

Uee see TOP standing in front of her door.


TOP "Uee-ah"

Uee "Oppa"

TOP "Where have you been? Why not pick up my calls?"

Uee "Oh I forgot to bring my phone"

TOP "You're so clumsy"

Uee "Oppa, can you go home?"

TOP "What's wrong with you? Why is it suddenly send me home?" 

Uee "...I just want to be alone"

TOP "Ok, dont forget to lock the door. Goodnight"


TOP walked to his car.. Uee chase and immediately hugged him.


TOP "Are you okay?"

Uee "I'm fine. I just wanted to hug you for a while" 


Uee entered her house, she was getting ready to move tomorrow morning.





Jung Ah, Jooyeon and others gathered in the cafeteria.... they had lunch together.


Jaejoong "Where's uee?"

Jung ah "I don't know, she doesn't come today"

Chansung "Did you call her?"

Jooyeon "She turned off her phone"

Jung ah "I hope she's okay"





Uee went to her father's house. He wanted to give grandma's house keys and her car keys... Nana opened the door, she saw Uee stand with a cold expression.


Nana "What are you doing here"

Uee "Where's your father"

Nana "He is still working, you'd better get out of here"

Uee "Give this to your father, I will not deal again with your family"

Nana "Really? Good and stay away from TOP oppa. He's mine"


Uee not listen nana who was talking, she immediately walked out of the house.

After a week, Uee is finally coming to school. She sat and staring at the window. as usual, she's just quiet. Jung ah and Jooyeon not dare talk to her... her cold expression, makes people didn't want to close to her.

Uee is sitting alone in the cafeteria, the people around her looking towards Uee. No one dared to sit near Uee... Even her close friends choose to stay away.


KHJ "What's wrong with that girl, creepy"

Jaejoong "Why don't you eat with her?"

Jooyeon "Instead of eating, I'm afraid to approach her"


Hyunjoong did not listen to his friend who was talking... He walked towards Uee who was sitting alone.


KHJ "What are you doing these days?"


Uee look towards HyunJoong and did not answer the question.


KHJ "Stop using that creepy face. Didn't you see? People here afraid of you"


Uee leaves HyunJoong.... She doesn't want to deal with him anymore.






Uee saw TOP standing in the parking lot, she knew that TOP was waiting for her. TOP saw uee, and he immediately ran to Uee. Uee just looked down and did not look at TOP.


TOP "Uee! What happened? I come to your house, and the house was empty. Why you suddenly like this?"

Uee "I'm sorry, but I just want to be alone."

TOP "You must be kidding.... look at me!"


Uee did not dare look at him.


TOP "Come with me, we talked about this in other places"

Uee "Oppa... please leave me alone, i beg"

TOP "Uee-ah.... are you serious? You're kidding, right?"

Uee "I'm serious. Don't look for me again."


Nana look at the top and uee, she walked directly toward them. She directly holding TOP's hand....


Nana "OPPA! You're waiting for me?"

TOP "Don't touch me!"

Uee "I should go home"

TOP "Wait. I will take you home"

Uee "No. Nana can you take him away?"

Nana "How dare you- But.... oppa let's go"


She went home and TOP did not follow her.




One month passed, Uee just being alone and not talking with her friends. The weather was very bad. The wind was blowing very strong with heavy rains... Uee sitting in the cafeteria, waiting for the rain to stop. After waiting for a few hours, The rain still had not stop. Hyunjoong who are still in school, he saw uee sitting alone in the cafetaria. Hyunjoong sit next to her... He staring at uee's face. The atmosphere becomes a bit awkward....


KHJ "Hmm"

KHJ "You didn't come home? I heard you moved house?"


Uee was silent as usual.


KHJ "You should not be like this... You make your bestfriends sad"


Uee turned and saw Hyun Joong with a gloomy face.


KHJ "You're not supposed to bury it all yourself. You can tell to your friends. Jung ah and Jooyeon very sad to see you like this"

Uee "Really?"

KHJ "But I'm more sad than them. My heart hurts every time you ignore me"

Uee "I don't care about you. But I felt guilty on Jung ah and Jooyeon"

KHJ "Yah, you're so mean to me! I'm serious"

Uee "Mianhe. I just-"

KHJ "Do you have problem with your father?"

Uee "Ha? No. I don't have father so..."

KHJ "Tell me all about you... you made me curious."

Uee "Hm.. Well the rain has stopped, I want to go home. Goodbye"

KHJ "Yah wait wait! I will bring you home"

Uee "No"

KHJ "Please"



After an hour, they arrived at an apartment. Hyunjoong smiling as he discovered where's Uee live.


Uee "Thank you, don't tell anyone where I live"

KHJ "Can you give me a drink or something? I'll keep it a secret"

Uee "Argh you- okay come with me"

KHJ "Haha hm.. Shall we order food?"

Uee "It's up to you"


Hyunjoong looked around, the room is very small but it's comfortable. Uee pour a cup of orange juice...


Uee "I only had orange juice"

KHJ "Thank you.. so you live in here?"

Uee "Yup"

KHJ "What happened?"


Uee just silent... she was a little hesitant, should she tell to HyunJoong? 


Uee "I'm just keeping my distance"

KHJ "From whom?"

Uee "TOP oppa, this is very hard for me. He's like my real brother..."

KHJ "Who told you for keeping your distance? Nana?"

Uee "No. I just want to do it"

KHJ "Don't lie..."

Uee "Ah should we order food?"

KHJ "YAA! Don't change the subject"

Uee "I'm hungry"


Uee put her sad face but she looks cute.. Hyunjoong can't bear to see her cute face.


KHJ "Ah well, I'll call. What did you want? Jajangmyun?"

Uee "Fried chicken"


Uee went to her room and changed her clothes..


*Talking on the phone*

KHJ "Do you have soju? Or beer?"

KHJ "Ah then I order soju&beer too"


Uee heard what hyunjong saying... she immediately walked towards HyunJoong.


Uee "Are you crazy? We go to school tomorrow"

KHJ "You're not easy to drunk"

Uee "I know. But I'm worried about you, how do you drive your car"

KHJ "Eii we think that later"

Uee "Aish.. you-"

KHJ "Oh. Whats with your outfit? Are you trying to seduce me?"


Uee saw her outfit and did not think she was wearing a y outfit.


Uee "Your brain is really dirty. I just wear a t-shirt and shorts"

KHJ "I've changed and i'm not like i used to be"

Uee "Oh really? I don't believe it"

KHJ "Whatever. You dont have a long pants huh? You like to showing your legs?"

Uee "Whoa this is the first time I feel tired to speak up.. its my legs so i wear whatever i like"

KHJ "Haha you're so cute"


Uee glanced sharply toward HyunJoong and suddenly the doorbell rang. Hyunjoong immediately opened the door and pay for their order. He eagerly opened their food, Uee also looks very hungry. They eat together...


KHJ "Do you ever drink beer mixed with soju?"  

Uee "No. What was it like?"

KHJ "Its taste good... want to try?"


Hyunjoong mixing beer and soju into the glass.


KHJ "One shot, ok?"


Uee nodded her head.. They drink without taking a breath.

Hyunjoong intends to make Uee drunk, so he could hear about the truth. But his idea failed... Hyunjoong fell asleep on the couch.

Uee looked at his face...


Uee "You're like a child if you sleeping like this" Uee smiled and left HyunJoong asleep.




Uee get up from her bed...


Uee "Ah my stomach.."


She saw HyunJoong still sleeping. It didn't take long, Uee was ready to go to school.


Uee "Ya you pabo-ya. wake up! I want to go to school. You want to be locked inside here?"

KHJ "Hhh I'm still sle-"


Their eyes met.. Hyunjoong realized that his plan failed miserably.


KHJ "Aaaaah Hyunjoong why are you so stupid"

Uee "What's wrong with you? Weird."


*In The Elevator*


Uee "Ough I could still smell soju"

KHJ "Since when you talk too much? When we arrived at school I'll change my uniform"

Uee "Huh if I'm not late I'm not gonna go with you"


They walked into the car. Uee stopped, she saw TOP standing right in front of her.


TOP "Why do you guys get along together?"

Uee "None of your business"

TOP "I'm waiting here since last night.. WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!"


TOP shouting very loud, making people looking at them. Hyunjoong widened after heard TOP shouting


KHJ "Hyung, calm down...."


TOP pulled uee's hand and told her to get into his car, and left HyunJoong.

TOP stopped his car in front of the school gate.. Uee opened the car door and get out, but TOP pulled Uee's hand. Uee was silent and didn't dare to look at TOP's face.


TOP "Look at me! What are you two doing last night?"

Uee "He fell asleep in my apartment"

TOP "And then?" "I let him fall asleep"


TOP looked at her with suspicion..


TOP "You're lying. You think i'm stupid? Both men and women in one room, not doing anything?"

Uee "What? So you think I have with HyunJoong?"











Sorry for lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update:( I dont have time to post next chapter because of my school. now im not high school student anymore ehe:P im writing for next chapter right now~ i'll update fast. thank you for still reading my bad fanfic :))

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thank u for patiently wait for my update>.< love u guys!!


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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 11: I loved the last part. He knows her well.
azrinna #2
Chapter 11: too short..huhuhu... but is okey, as long as you're back and welcome back....
nkyazzie89 #3
Chapter 11: Yay! Thank you for the update!! Keep up the good work.
adiezty #4
Chapter 11: yeaay... thank for the update...
I'm not s KHJ and UEE shipper ( you know why) but i won't abandon this story if you don't authornim.. It's good and that's all that matters ~ fighting!~
besu94 #6
I think no more chapter
adiezty #7
Chapter 10: update please :'(
Maniya #8
Chapter 10: update plzzz
besu94 #9
Can't waite
azrinna #10
author update please.. :(