Subunits part 1 - Hyuna pov

The reality

Hyuna POV (part 1)


That was the first thing, that I felt, after I opened my eyes. Pain and a disability to tell where I was and what happened before. My vision was blurry. It took me some time to realize who was standing beside me.

"I fainted...", I thought as Gayoon helped me out. I looked at the watch on the wall. Almost 4AM. I haven´t sleep for over 40 hours now. But nobody got time for that.

"Let´s take a break.", I said laying on the floor. Gayoon just nodded and drank her water.
Since our company wanted to push the other members to the spotlight a bit more,we´re
going to form a new unit called "2minute" ("such an original idea..."). Which means no vacation for me this time.

Look, I love my job. I get to do what I love and get paid probably a lot more that I actually deserve for this, but the non-stop promotions really worn me out. My weight dropped from 48kg to 42kg and my hair was falling out for the last 3 months.
Also having a killer schedule didn´t really help.

But the worst feeling was the loneliness.

To be quite honest, the relationship and teamwork in our team was not even that of company employees. Yes, we ate, practiced and slept together, but none of those things we´re fulled with joy and happiness as in the last car commercial we filmed. We weren´t friends - we were rivals. Rivals for attention, money and the amount of reconization we got on streets. Who looked prettier? Who was the most popular?Who...

Suddently I heard a loud voice behind me.

"Stand up. Let´s get it right at least 5 times straight and go to sleep", Gayoon looked at me with a strange expression on her face. I didn´t realize she went to the toilet again. Or I just didn´t want to.
 I slowly got up, carefully to not faint again. As I walked to the stereo I heard a quiet whisper.


" Just don´t pretend to faint...again"



I know it´so short >.< but I hope you´ll enjoy it. There´s going to be a part to to this chapter in Gayoons POV so stay tuned^^


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