

Taemin and Jonghyun started to become closer to each other. He noticed that.

The smiles they would give one another, the little touches they would share, the quick peck on the cheeks they would do when they thought no one was looking…

Key noticed them all.

He just tried so hard to pretend that he didn’t.


Pairing & Characters: Key-centric, JongTae, SHINee
Word Count: ~1,400 words, four parts.



Hello! Um, hi? OTL
I've wrote this fic, like, AGES ago in my phone. It's kinda drabble-styled? But I just decided to post it now, because, well, uh, I guess you could say I've been inspired by my best friend. HEHE. Michi, if you're reading this, ILY! :*

So, um, yeah. There might be wrong infos, but oh c'mon, this is a fanfic yo. Don't expect anything great. OTL Thank you for taking your time to check this out! Please do tell me your thoughts. <3


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Chapter 4: I think Minho was the one who observed Key's behavior!!!
Chapter 4: Option would be Minho.

Loved everything!
neon_fighter #3
Now do tell me why you would end like? I got tears eyes reading this, my feels, really good story. But who?! Who was it!?
Chapter 4: OMG key ;A;
Chapter 4: That ending! I'm SO frustrated because it is such a great cliffhanger but I honestly have no idea who it could be! I feel so bad for Key :( If you wrote a sequel I'd be the happiest girl in the world~
Chapter 4: Both of them is possible? But I think Minho? XD cause MINKEY!! And he's a silent observer like it was described

Please tell me if I think right *super curious*
Chapter 4: OMG that was amazing! Oh gosh! Er. I think it's Minho! I don't know why but I really think it's him! Well I actually have a good reason. It could be Minho because he could've had like a secret crush on Taemminnie but kept it to himself sitting on the sidelines (like Key) just watching. Lol. I don't know, but my gut's telling me that it's him. So anyway! Great little short story, and I hope that you'll find the motivation to do a possible sequel! Annyeong author-nimmie! ^.^ <333333
Mian-Haeyo #8
this was absolutely fantastic! by the end, i wanted to wail in angst along with key and the mystery man. i really love this! <3
xhigoodbye #9
Poor Key. I really like JongTae though. Can't wait for the next chapter :)