
Out Of My Mind. | Nyongtory.

Over the years, Seungri was taught a lot about being in a business. There were always high demands. You do it for the music and the love for the music but you also do things for the money. You don't believe everything people say to you on cameras. You don't trust many people in an industry because they're hungrier than you are when it comes to awards. Lastly, you do just about anything to win the hearts of your fans. Luckily, for Seungri it was easy to win his fans' hearts. He didn't have to have an image that would change much from his own personality. He soon found out that his fans liked his cocky remarks and his lame jokes. He liked trying and often liked going on stage to act like an idiot, because it was easy for him to even act that. Most importantly, he knew what the fans would want. 

Some fans loved knowing that he tried speaking in different languages for them, even if he didn't sound very professional. Some fans liked hearing his over reactions. Other fans liked him because of his appearance. Most fans liked it when he would look straight at them or whatever hidden camera they would have. Other fans liked him being the maknae. Other fans.. They liked seeing him with his other members. It was easy. A breeze.

 All he really had to say was something sweet toward a member then immediately take it back. It happened often. G-dragon was his usual target, simply because he was easiest to get along to. G-dragon was known for his act of coldness. He treated many coldly, spoke arrogantly through his raps. This is why it was worth doing fanservice. Simply because Seungri could break that wall and cross that line. In a matter of seconds on stage, G-dragon would break and out would come Kwon Jiyong. Seungri would see a part of G-dragon hissing and then Jiyong that couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous the idea was.

"Seungri-ya, stop doing things like that." Jiyong would tell Seungri after performances, hitting the younger on the arm. Seungri would smile wide, too tired to care. In the end, it was Seungri always underneath Jiyong's skin. 

"Seungri-ya, you're really starting to push limits." Youngbae told Seungri when he entered the YG building five minutes late. Seungri looked over at Youngbae who had been chatting up a receptionist on some gifts that Bigbang had been receiving from the fans. Seungri squinted, wondering if any of the gifts were still around but he shrugged over at Youngbae.

"Five minutes, hyung." He chuckled, walking over to him swiftly. Youngbae was probably the hardest on Seungri. Seungri didn't mind. He had gotten used to Youngbae being on top of Seungri's whereabouts. When he was in Japan, he would get texts and calls from Youngbae. In a way, Seungri saw it as an affection. He knew that Youngbae cared. He knew somewhere deep down, Youngbae was just watching out for him and trying to making him grow. 

"Tch, Five minutes are going to turn into five hours." Youngbae said, reaching to wrap an arm around Seungri, trying not to headlock him. 

"You worry too much." Seungri said, wincing to show a faked pain. 

"You're lucky Jiyong isn't even here yet." Youngbae grumbled, loosening up the grip.

"Then why am I getting punished?" Seungri chuckled as Youngbae released him. 

"I'm taking it out on you." Youngbae remarked, smiling widely at this. Seungri side eyed his elder and walked alongside him as they headed toward a recording studio. Youngbae started laughing now, unable to handle how bad of a hyung he was being to the maknae, but he was also trying not to stress out over the fact that Bigbang was supposed to be somewhat done with their next album. Seungri had noticed how long they had been pushing the deadline but he didn't blame anyone, they were all doing solo promotions. It didn't matter. As long as they knew they had to eventually pull themselves back together.

"I watched the new music video, hyung. It was great." Seungri said now, trying to get his hyung to lighten up.

"You think?" Youngbae chuckled, opening up the door to where they were going to do the recordings.

"I liked the part where.." Seungri started, but then his mind went to the empty recording studio. 

"It's just us three recording today?" He asked now, laughing at the thought of all of them being late.

"Yeah, surprisingly. Daesung did his recording and promotions are being done for TOP.." Youngbae explained to Seungri. Seungri nodded, taking a seat to where GD usually sat. He lifted his feet onto a desk and smirked.

"Pabo, I bet he'll come in any second now." Youngbae scolded, immediately slapping down Seungri's feet. Seungri chuckled and stood up from the seat. Youngbae sat up on the table and watched Seungri plop himself down on the couch. They stayed in silence for a while and Seungri started getting uncomfortable.

"He'll be here, kid." Youngbae smiled, reaching for a couple of papers, wondering if GD would actually show up. Seungri snickered, making Youngbae chuckle. Had they just been stood up? Youngbae walked over to sit next to Seungri, patting his leg while he sat down.
"Heard about your girl." He muttered.

"Ah, yeah.." Seungri murmered, crossing his arms.

"You don't have to give me the details, Ri. But.. just know that we're here for you." Youngbae started, not exactly knowing what to say to the younger. 

"It's just.. hard, I guess. She was really-"

Seungri looked up as the door swung open, GD coming in with a couple of his friends. They were part of Nu'thang. A group of friends GD and TOP had been part of. They knew Youngbae well. Seungri, though, didn't exactly know them well enough to call them friends. 

"Seungri?" GD said, making the others quiet down as they came in. 

Seungri smiled slightly, knowing not to make any smart remarks. Right now it wasn't Jiyong he was talking to. It was GD and he was with his friends. It was no time to be any embarrassment.

"You're late," Youngbae said, standing up to greet the others. He immediately started chatting up, leaving Seungri on the couch alone. Seungri sat there silently, which was hard to do.

"Ah, I thought TOP hyung was gonna' be here.." GD said, slightly eying Seungri. 

Seungri pursed his lips, offended that he was being looked down at. 

"Ah.." GD sighed, scratching the back of his head.

Seungri looked up at him, crossing his arms again.

"We were gonna' go out." GD explained to Youngbae, leaning up against a table. He looked over to Seungri for a quick second then turned back to his friends, shrugging.

"Seungri.. can you come in tomorrow, instead?" GD asked, now looking at Seungri directly.

"Yeah, sure." Seungri muttered, standing up while Youngbae spoke to one of the others and laughed loudly. GD watched Seungri, not exactly knowing what to tell the maknae.

"Sorry kid, the big kids are playing today." One of them said while Seungri was walking out. 

"Ah, don't say that. He's not that much younger.." Someone said, muffled through the door that Seungri had already closed. It didn't matter who had defended him for a bit. Seungri was already offended.

It was eleven at night when Seungri heard his phone ringing from the bedside. The sound was ringing through his ears, annoying him. He had already been in bed when the phone rang. He decided that he was going to get some sort of sleep. Dark circles weren't his favorite thing in the world. His dark circles were the only thing he would be self conscious about.

Seungri rolled over in bed, grabbing the phone and answering the call.
"Hmm?" He muffled.

"Seungri?" He heard the voice say.


"Open the door, maknae." Jiyong said through the phone. Seungri sighed, hanging up the phone before rolling out of bed. He grabbed a pair of sweat pants and placed them over his shoulder. He wanted to change into them but realized that there was a loud knocking from his door. He sighed. Impatient. He dragged his feet, forgeting to change into his sweat pants, simply staying in his boxers.

The knocking grew louder as he came closer to the door. When he opened it, Jiyong stopped and stared at the younger, relieved that he had answered the door. 

"Put pants on, idiot." Jiyong muttered, pushing Seungri to the side so he could walk in. Seungri sighed.

"Yeah, sure, come in." Seungri muttered, closing the door and grabbing his pants to put them on.

"I brought you food," Jiyong explained, as if that were the answers to all of Seungri's questions.

"Thanks..?" Seungri answered, rubbing his neck as he followed Jiyong over to his couch. 

"Listen.." Jiyong started, plopping himself down on the couch, handing over the bag with a take out box inside. Seungri took it and sat down on the other end of the couch, opening up the bag. Jiyong watched him, making sure Seungri was listening instead of being hypnotized by the food. Seungri opened the take out box, smiling at the Chinese food. He grabbed a dumpling and popped it in his mouth, looking up at Jiyong realizing he had been silent for too long.

"About earlier," Jiyong continued, "I'm sorry."

Seungri blinked a couple times, still dazed from being woken up. He smiled and looked back at the food.

"I'm pretty sure you repaid that debt." Seungri chuckled, taking a mouthful of noodles into his mouth. 

"Seungri-ya, be serious.. It offended you, right?" Jiyong said, scooting closer to Seungri. He had felt bad for Seungri. Deep inside he did, even if he hadn't said anything to make him feel better before.

Seungri chewed, thinking it through then swallowed, "Well.. yeah, but.. There was a line then."

"A line?"

"Yeah.. You were with your friends. If I were with.. Jonghoon or Hara.. I don't think I'd want you harrasing me like you usually do. It's.. embarrassing almost." Seungri explained, taking another mouthful of noodles into his mouth.

Jiyong nodded slowly, but snickered, "I embarrass you?" 

"That's not what I said."
"But you implied it."

"Hyung," Seungri sighed, chewing up another dumpling.

"Maknae." Jiyong mocked, smiling as he scooted closer to Seungri before pressing his forehead against Seungri's shoulder. He frowned now, while Seungri couldn't see him. Jiyong didn't like knowing that Seungri knew Jiyong like a book. To Seungri it was like common sense how Jiyong acted and how he should be treated to different occasions. To Jiyong it was seungri knowing too much. Jiyong wished there was somehow a way to distance himself from Seungri. Yes, Seungri was the one under Jiyong's skin. Yes, Seungri was the one to push on to this friendship. Yes, GD would push him away and keep him at a distance. But in the end, it was Jiyong who always came back. It was Jiyong who always walked back over to Seungri, wanting more attention from him. 

"Tired?" Seungri asked, poking at his food.

"A bit.." Jiyong muttered, positioning himself to rest his head against Seungri's shoulder. Seungri smiled, patting Jiyong's leg.

"You're making too much of a little thing." Seungri explained, wishing Jiyong wouldn't take Seungri's feelings so seriously. Most people knew Seungri would simply bounce back up again. It was in his personality to be an easy going person. He just needed a little time before going back to all smiles.

Jiyong closed his eyes, wondering what went through Seungri's mind when things were like this. When it was just the two of them. When no one would really know what the two talked about for so long. Did he feel weird? Did he wish Jiyong would give him some space? They were ridiculous questions but Jiyong asked them to himself. 

"Seungri-ya" Jiyong murmered.


"You're.. You're great." 

Seungri smiled at this, glad to hear those words from someone he looked up to. Someone he truly cared about. He was glad he hadn't lost his hyung yet. He'd lost many people through time, but Jiyong always seemed to be by his side even if it didn't seem like it. He was thankful for that. 

"You're mine, okay?" Jiyong said suddenly, a familiar line the two had heard so many times.

"I mean it.."

"Hyung.." Seungri chuckled, "It's late."

Jiyong wrapped his arms around Seungri's neck in a possessive way, holding on as tight as he could. Seungri chuckled, trying to push his hyung away but it only made Jiyong cling tighter. Seungri placed the box onto the table near him, trying to free himself now. Jiyong pushed Seungri gently to lie down on the couch. Jiyong lied on top of Seungri, still clinging onto the others' neck. Seungri felt trapped now not knowing what to do. Jiyong nuzzled Seungri's neck and sighed.

"Sleep with me here tonight, yeah?" Jiyong muttered into Seungri's neck.

Seungri would have worried but he found himself relaxing, letting his arms fall on top of Jiyong's back. His arms gently held Jiyong, rubbing his back as Jiyong closed his eyes against Seungri.

"Go to sleep.." Seungri muttered.

"Night, maknae." 


{ A/N: Welp. I don't know where I'm going with-- yeah, I do. I updated after ten million .. days..? Tried to build this up more so we can get into some actual plot = = ; I know it doesn't seem like it's getting anywhere, but soon! I promise u___u; Anyways, on a side note. To explain. Jonghoon from FT ISLAND and Hara from KARA are really good friends with Seungri, so that is why I used those names. I'll update it soon so .. this doesn't seem like crap. yes. Yes. Thank you ;;

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ripandari #1
wish u will update it soon...really love this,please??
missaimamie #2
Chapter 2: I don't know what to say, but I like it!
leahisdaname #3
Chapter 2: just discovered this story .. damn !! i love the way you portray their relationship .. i want to know how their relationship will develop :D
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 2: Cuteness!!!!! Hahahah

Can't wait to get into the plot! ;)
Chapter 2: I really love it :DD can't wait for more of it kkk ji,just admit your feelings to Riri X3
tarepandasan #6
Chapter 1: Love it so far! Can't wait for more!
Chapter 1: This story is interesting actually ~ can't wait for more :)