Entry 15

Dear AL

Dear AL, 

It's been a while since we've spoken to each other. I mean, not that you can speak or anything. Wouldn't that be something if you could though. Man... But then you'd go around blabbing my secrets to everybody and I can't have people knowing these confidential stuff. Especially Krystal. Yes.. Most definitally not Krystal.

I've just been busy with school, work, sports, and of course, Krystal. We hang out a lot more now, even after we finished our project for class (which we got an A on). And as much as I would hate to admit this, but I also may or may not have lost you since the last time we have spoken. IT'S NOT MY FAULT THOUGH OKAY. YOU DISAPPEARED OFF MY DESK AND I COULDN'T FIND YOU UNTIL I CLEANED MY ROOM EARLIER OKAY. GOSH. STOP JUDGING ME.

But, even with just being reunited with you again, I have great news!!! Or I hope it's great news... Anyways, after finally admitting that I love like Krystal, I was informed by a certain unnamed source that Krystal likes me!!! ^^


But then here's the issue, I don't know how I'm going to ask her out.

I've never asked anyone out before. Yes okay, I've had relationships in the past, but in all honesty, I was always the one that was asked out. Even by fangirls of the sports teams, I was asked out. (I'm starting to think that basically NO ONE in our school is completely straight. Even Onew and Luna had some swings before they got together.) 

I tried asking Yuri unni on how I should ask her out, but she's to wrapped up with Jessica-ssi to really comprehend what I'm saying. I don't remember telling you that Yuri has a HUGEEEE crush on Krystal's older sister, Jessica. I've met her a couple times whenever I went to Krystal's house, and I don't think she likes me... But then again, she knows that I like her sister, no thanks to a certain black kkab -.- (Thanks Kwon). I don't think she's told Krystal anything though, which I'm grateful for. 

I asked Luna about what I should do since she and Krystal have become good friends after Victoria's Christmas party, but being the lunatic she is, she gave me the craziest answers. 

"Seduce her."

"Buy her meat."

And my personal favorite out of all the ones she gave me, "Kidnap her and take her to some awesome place and then get on your knees with a ring and ask her to marry you."

The amount of times I've told that woman that I'm not proposing to Krystal. Not yet at least.

I would ask Sulli about it as well, being that she's Krystal's best friend since she's moved here, but sometimes, that girl doesn't have a filter for . Everything just kinda spills out once it comes to her mind. How else do you think I got the nickname of "Llama"? Sulli of course, told me I looked like a llama back when I was in my second year and she was in her first. 

Vic unni might be of a help though. She was always the mature one out of all of us, considering she's in college now and has a boyfriend as well. She's not as close to Krystal as the others are, but I guess it's cause she's an oldie (don't tell her I said that). I'll have to call her tomorrow and ask her if she has any ideas.



In desperate need of help,


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Chapter 17: Congratulation llamaber!!! XD u did it!!... I'm so proud of u... LOL...
NeZuMiLiU #2
Chapter 16: I'm waiting for the second part! ^^
24 streak #3
Chapter 16: good luck with your strategies ambro!!
Chapter 10: Happy bday kkabYul, our precious black pearl!!!... XD
justmeyay #5
Chapter 10: happybirthday yuri unnie.
Chapter 9: Hahahahha future baby making partner hahahhaa ur soooo dead sulli hahahaha
NeZuMiLiU #7
Chapter 9: Hahaha... Yeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss! Krys is an Angel from heaven (or Hell maybe) S2
Chapter 9: Ok... Now u know her names Krystal... Tick... Baby-making partner?... LOL... Llama, ask her out first do u.. XD
NeZuMiLiU #9
Chapter 8: Soft skin? Hummmm... (* v *)
Chapter 8: LOL... Such a soft skin huh?... :D That's hella long lists you got Llama... Man up ask her name...XD