Entry 13

Dear AL

January 10, 2014


Dear Al,


I’m sorry I haven’t been writing in you a lot lately. I’ve been really tired and school’s been getting harder which adds to my stress from basketball. Being team captain for the girls basketball team is hard work you know? Not that we or anything… Plus I’ve been wasting my time on tumblr and all that jazz. I’m a busy kid keke.


Me and Krystal have gotten closer since Sulli introduced her to our group of friends. And to be honest… I don’t think I’m infatuated with her anymore…


I’m head over heels for this girl.


The little things she does when we’re together just drive me crazy, and my delusional mind makes up these crazy ideas that Krystal has feelings for me too.


Oh! And I found out the craziest thing last week. You know the new family in the neighborhood that I’ve been meaning to greet since they moved in? Well it turns out, it’s Krystal’s house! ^^ I’m really excited now that she lived on my street.


I found out by going over to her house since we were paired up for a project. At first I didn’t really pay attention to the address she gave to me because I was too distracted by the fact that she also had written her phone number right below it.


I had taken the car that day so I just offered to drive us to her house since basketball practice was cancelled for me. And good god was I glad I did. I knew that street looked familiar when we went down it. It didn’t really hit me till I got home though… I SHOULD HAVE VISITED THE FAMILY EARLIER WHEN I SAID I WAS GOING TOO T-T




I’m working on my English essay. It’s on how we think technology is changing the world. I said that internet made a huge impact on society because we basically can’t live without it. We post grades through the internet, we talk to our friends that could live far away from us, and it’s our source of entertainment. Let’s say the internet is down (I know, it sounds horrible right?), no one could post grades or assignments for the students to see. No one could talk to their friend on facebook or any other social network. No one would be happy. NO. ONE. WOULD. SURVIVE.


My mom had turned off the internet for not even five minutes and I screamed while running around the house. It was horrible. Not to mention I was writing said essay.


We’re so dependent on the internet :|




Piano practice… -_-*






“Hey Am, do you want to come over again tomorrow so we can finish the project?”




Oh have I mentioned her older sister is pretty hot too? Not hotter than Krystal but still hot


I think she was the girl Yuri unni was talking about with me. She seems to be infatuated too. I don’t know if she’ll score though… She seems pretty scary >~<




Llama out -3-


A/N Another update. It's a little longer than the last one. It just mainly consisted of Amber's day. She wrote alot since she kinda felt guilty for not writing a lot in Al... like me.

Anyways, till next update~ :3

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Chapter 17: Congratulation llamaber!!! XD u did it!!... I'm so proud of u... LOL...
NeZuMiLiU #2
Chapter 16: I'm waiting for the second part! ^^
24 streak #3
Chapter 16: good luck with your strategies ambro!!
Chapter 10: Happy bday kkabYul, our precious black pearl!!!... XD
justmeyay #5
Chapter 10: happybirthday yuri unnie.
Chapter 9: Hahahahha future baby making partner hahahhaa ur soooo dead sulli hahahaha
NeZuMiLiU #7
Chapter 9: Hahaha... Yeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss! Krys is an Angel from heaven (or Hell maybe) S2
Chapter 9: Ok... Now u know her names Krystal... Tick... Baby-making partner?... LOL... Llama, ask her out first do u.. XD
NeZuMiLiU #9
Chapter 8: Soft skin? Hummmm... (* v *)
Chapter 8: LOL... Such a soft skin huh?... :D That's hella long lists you got Llama... Man up ask her name...XD