Chapter 2

Arranged Love

“Appa! What do you mean married?” Jinah questioned her father after being calmed down. She was speechless, how could something like this be arranged? She believed that people should marry each other if they truly loved one another. Not only was she speechless, she was also enraged. She didn’t find it fair that she was destined to be marrying some stranger.

“It’s already been done, you two are already engaged,” her father said, “I’m sure your mother would have been happy to see you get married.”

Jinah sighed ‘yeah happy, but not with someone I love’ she thought. She knew her mom was probably involved and felt a bit guilty. She wanted to make her mom happy but she could not agree with this marriage.

“I don’t want to marry a stranger” she said, looking at Mr. Wu.

“Don’t worry, my son isn’t a complete stranger. You’ve met him before,” Mr. Wu told her. “Well… Since everything has been said, I have to leave now.”

He said good bye to the two and bowed before quickly leaving.


__________________________________________________Arranged Love_______________________________________________________


Jinah stormed up the stairs, slamming the door to her room and jumped into her bed, her tears flowing down her fear, soaking into the bed sheets beneath her. She found it unfair that she was marrying the guy, she despised the idea. With negative thoughts in her mind, she fell asleep.


__________________________________________________Arranged Love_______________________________________________________


The next morning, Jinah awoke to her alarm clock going off. She groggily woke up, the back of her hand rubbing her eyes as she yawned. She reached over to the nightstand and turned off the alarm clock. Jinah opened her eyes and stared at the clock for a minute. 12:35 pm it read. Her eyes widened as she jumped out of bed and scrambled to get her work uniform. She had overslept and was now late to her work. After changing into her uniform, she ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth, splashing her face with water. Before leaving the house she grabbed her phone and put on her shoes. She didn’t bother to tie her shoelace since she was too late.

At the bus stop she could feel her stomach grumble in hunger, she impatiently checked her phone a couple times. Jinah peered down the road and was ecstatic to see the bus coming closer and closer. The bus doors opened and she hopped inside.

 Once she arrived at her workplace, a café, her manager had pulled her aside and lectured her on being late for the job. As a punishment she wasn’t allowed to take any breaks. She nodded her head and took an apron, tying it around her waist and neck.

Jinah grabbed the tray of drinks on the counter and began walking towards a group of males that looked around her age.  Unfortunately, the shoelace that she didn’t tie before had caused her to stumble and trip, falling onto the ground. The tray flew out of her hands, the drinks splashing onto the dirty blonde hair male.

Kris was sitting down with his group of friends, his mind wandered as they began to talk. His eyes scanned the café, looking for hot chicks. He broke out of his trance when he felt himself get splashed with a mixture of cold and hot liquids. He stood up immediately, furious. Kris turned his head and saw a girl the floor, he glared at her for ruining his shirt.

“What the hell!” He exclaimed angrily. “Look what you did!”

Jinah stood up and stared at the taller male and bowed her head down. With his attitude she felt like he deserved it. Couldn’t he be a little nicer about it?

“I’m sorry to have caused you any trouble. Let me get you and your friend’s new drinks. On the house” She said.

Kris couldn’t believe the nerve of the girl. Did she not know who she angered? He could sue her if he wanted too. He looked down at his new and exclusive Gucci white shirt, which was now stained with the drinks.

“1 million won,” He replied dryly, as he pointed to his shirt and stuck out his palm. “Dry Cleaning Only, Pay up now.”

Jinah glared at the male, she had kindly offered to buy him and his friend’s drinks. Now he was telling her to pay for the shirt, which she accidently ruined. What’s more was that it was 1 million won.

“You know what.” She smiled and dusted off her pants, “go take your one million won dry cleaning only shirt, and you pay for it. I kindly offered YOU to PAY for your drink.”

Did Kris hear wrong? Or was this girl talking back to him? He would not let her get away without her paying for his shirt.

“This shirt probably cost more than how much you make in a year, you better pay up miss.” He told her, his hand still out.

Jinah bent down and picked up the empty cups and put them on the tray. She ignored the male and talked to his friends.

“I’ll be getting you your drinks in a couple minutes, so please wait patiently” she told them and turned around to leave.

Kris reached out and grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. The tray dropped to the floor as he spun her around to face him.

“You aren’t going anywhere, until you pay me for this shirt” He said through his gritted teeth.

Jinah closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. She just had it with this guy. She was not going to pay for his shirt no matter how many times he demanded it.

“I AM NOT PAYING FOR THAT SHIRT.” She said emphasizing each word with a hard poke to the males’ chest.

Kris grabbed her finger and tightened his hold on it. He glared down at the girl and was about to speak again, when one of his friends, Yixing spoke.

“Don’t worry about it miss, he’s just being a b*tch. You don’t have to pay for it” Yixing said and gave the girl a smile.

Jinah nodded her head and noticed the two cute dimples on the male’s cheeks.

Yixing pulled Kris away from the girl and sat him down on his chair. Yixing shook his head and turned back to the girl, bowing his head slightly.

“I’m sorry for my friend’s behavior, and you don’t have to worry about the free drinks.” He said kindly.

Jinah turned around and bent down to pick up the cups and the tray; she walked to the back and grabbed a cloth and some cleaning spray. She came back to the table and excused herself as she cleaned the top. She can see the blonde male glaring at her from the corner of her eyes.

Jinah turned her head and locked eyes with him, “Stop staring at me will ya.” She smiled and left the table and served them their drinks.

Kris stared the girl in shock as she left. He felt someone’s hand close his mouth. He looked over and saw chanyeol smiling at him.

“Cat got your tongue?” He asked teasingly.

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Chapter 1: Sounds interesting. Definitely worth subscribing! You're doing an amazing job author-nim! Keep up the good work~! ^^