Boy-crazed Neighbours that Hits on your Brother

Gege, Let Me Love You!
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C H A P T E R  2:
Boy-crazed Neighbours that Hits on your Brother


Boy-scope was what started Jamie and Krystal’s friendship. The first moment Jamie stepped into Seoul and into her new house, she was greeted by a petite girl with long locks and a quirky smile. She was pretty, she thought, and very fashionably dressed.

     Jamie had uttered a small “Hi” and continued to carry her box of necessities into the living room, when she was stopped multiple times.

     The girl didn’t put out her hand for a shake, but instead pointed towards a direction and asked, “Yeah, not meaning to be straightforward, but please tell me that’s not your boyfriend.” And Jamie gave an inward bloodcurdling shriek as she turned her head sideways only to see the sight of her brother.

     The girl then smiled after noticing her reaction. “Good, ‘cause I call dibs.” She winked, and then, finally extended a hand. “Krystal Jung. Nice to meet you, neighbour!”

     Although being horribly grossed out by the fact that the girl Krystal actually found her brother, as what Krystal herself quoted, “HOT”, it didn’t much matter for the next few days and the years to come. Boy-scope came just a little after, when Jamie had enrolled into the same high school, same class, same group as Krystal, and both spotted Kim Jongin during P.E., also known as Kai, or better yet the height of pretty much everything in school. It wasn’t too obvious when Krystal caugh

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Quackerz #1
Chapter 6: xDDD Stomach hurts from laughing...
Update soon!
Chapter 5: Woah someone seems inspired
so many updates
not that its a bad thing :D
Jamie and Krystal's friendship cracks me up XD
jinnie01 #3
Chapter 5: I just finished answering what you had tagged to me XD and then I saw a "new story updates" and viola! haha anyway, this story is soooo adorable! XD aww~ It's really way tooo cute :D
I wonder what will happen to these four XD
LOL I've always wanted an older brother
so i can be the annoying little sister
and hope he has some cute friends XD
jinnie01 #5
Chapter 4: Hihihihi~ This is absolutely cute! XD
Quackerz #6
Chapter 3: Wow... three chapters in one day!
Lol, someone should troll~
Quackerz #7
Chapter 1: Lol, that was quick xDD
Looking forward to your next update!
Subscribed ^^
Quackerz #9
Super curious about this fic! ^_^