Eternal Snow

Eternal Snow

Eunmi woke up with a headache on February 15th. Last night, her friends tried to get her to forget about Valentine's Day.


"I don't get it! You guys know I hate Valentine's Day! Why are we going out?" Eunmi complained.

"We're not celebrating!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Eunmi, you know why we're going out," Krystal gently grabbed Eunmi's hand.

Eunmi bit her lip and looked down to the floor.

"We're just trying to make you forget," Jessica stated.

"What if I don't want to?" tears began to stream down Eunmi's cheeks.

"Eunmi, just once, he would want you to go out and have fun, not mope around at home!" Krystal tugged Eunmi's arm.

"Okay, okay! I'll go just this once," Eunmi gave in.

"Leave the ring though," Jessica looked at Eunmii's left hand.

"Fine," Eunmi sighed and took off the diamond ring and set it on her nightstand.

[End of Flashback]

Lying in bed, Eunmi looked at the ring on her nightstand. No tears came out of her eyes, she had already cried so much. The only thing left of her was an empty shell. No matter how hard Eunmi tried, she could never forget the Valentine's Day of last year.


Eunhyuk had asked Eunmi to meet him at the concert hall, downtown. Eunmi felt excited. She hadn't seen her boyfriend in weeks, since he had been abroad for work. Quickly, Eunmi walked towards the extravagant concert hall she had spotted.

"Eunmi!" Eunhyuk waved at his girlfriend.

Eunmi smiled. She started into a run and jumped into his arms.

"Mi, I missed you so much!" Eunhyuk gripped her waist tightly.

"I missed you too," Eunmi whispered into his ear.

"I know," Eunhyuk smiled his gummy smile.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" Eunmi asked.

"Nothing," he replied lamely.

"What! You made me come out into the cold just so we could do nothing?"

Eunhyuk looked up towards the sky and nodded cutely.

"Yah!" Eunmi pushed him away playfully, "I could be sitting in front of the fireplace drinking hot chocolate!"

"We can still do that," Eunhyuk shrugged.

Eunmi quirked an eyebrow.

"I'll be your fireplace," Eunhyuk drew Eunmi closer.

"Ahh!" Hyukkie! That's too cheesie!" Eunmi squealed in his arms.

Eunhyuk laughed, "Wait here a minute, okay?"

Eunmi gave Eunhyuk a confused look.

"It'll just be a second,"

Eunmi nodded.

Eunhyuk smiled and sprinted towards her favorite coffee shop.

Eunmi sat down on a bench and looked at the cars that passed by. After about ten minutes, she spotted Eunhyuk carrying two cups of hot chocolate and a box of pastries. Eunmi giggled as she watched him juggle the three items in his hands. Quickly, she rushed towards him to grab a hold of the box. "I could have came with you," she smiled at his clumsiness.

Eunhyuk looked up at her angelic face, "Eunmi!" Eunhyuk dropped the cups of hot chocolate and pushed EUnmi away as the truck came at high speed.

Everything passed through Eunmi's eyes in a flash. Eumi fell violently onto the gravel, dropping the box of pastries.

"No. No...No!" Eunmi screamed as she saw Eunhyuk's lifeless body.

It should've been me. She thought as she crawled towards his body.

"You shouldn't have, why did you do that?" Eunmi cried as she wiped falling snow off of his pale face.

Eunhyuk smiled painfully, "Because I love you."

"Oppa," Eunmi began to cry even more as she saw blood.

"Shh, don't cry," Eunhyuk softly spoke, "You know I hate it when you cry."

Eunmi nodded and wiped her tears.

Eunmi heard sirens.

"Eunmi, I don't think I'll-"

"No, don't say that," Eunmi ran her hand through his hair.

"Eunmi, reach into my right pocket,"


"Please," Eunhyuk's eyes closed because of the pain.

Lightly, Eunmi reached into his right pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.

"Open it," Eunhyuk commanded.

Slowly, Eunmi opened the small box and inside, was a diamond ring.

"Eunhyuk," Eunmi gasped as she saw the ring.

"Eunmi, will you stay with me and be my wife?"

Eunmi nodded and started to cry again.

"I love you," Eunhyuk smiled and passed out.

Eunhyuk never said I love you again...he couldn't even remember who she was...

[End of Flashback]

Eunmi began to do her normal morning routine. She put on her favorite sweater and packed her favorite foods. Eunmi put on her jacket and walked out her home. She opened her umbrella and started to walk towards the Han River.

As Eunmi walked, she felt like the cold had started to eat her happiness away, replacing it with emptiness and pain. She walked lifelessly towards the river bank and collapsed onto the sand. Eunmi lay on the ground for who knows how long. Finally, Eunmi, got up and threw away her uneaten lunch.

As Eunmi walked toward the bridge, she noticed a couple hugging. She wished she had that, but she didn't. It was long forgotten now. As she walked closer towards the couple, she noticed that the man looked familiar...


He was smiling softly to the girl in his arms. Eunmi couldn't help it, she burst into tears, "Eunhyuk Oppa,"

Eunhyuk looked up and gave a confused look.

Eunmi shook her head and ran back towards the river.

"Oppa, who is she?" the girl questioned.

"I don't know....I hope she's okay," Eunhyuk shrugged.

"We should go follow her,"

Eunhyuk nodded.

"Hey, are you alright?" the girl touched Eunmi's shoulder.

Eunmi looked up and swatted her arm away.

"HEY!" Eunhyuk yelled and grabbed Eunmi's arm tightly.

Eunmi looked at Eunhyuk and winced.

"We were just trying to see if you were okay, you don't have to be like that," Eunhyuk stated.

"Oppa, you still don't remember?" Eunmi looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Nevermind," Eunmi shook off his arm and began to walk home.


That night, Eunhyuk left his apartment and took a walk. He couldn't shake off that girl he met today at the river. She looked deadly familiar. He couldn't pinpoint it.After mindlessly walking for hours, he spotted a house. The house, looked oddly familiar too. The gate, the snow covered roses, the windows...

Suddenly someone walked out of the house. Quickly, Eunhyuk hid behind a tree. It was her, the girl he saw at the river.

Silently, Eunhyuk followed her.

It looked like she was walking mindlessly also. Whatever was affecting her earlier this afternoon, was still affecting her now.

Eunhyuk followed her all the way downtown. She stopped at an intersection. She looked left and right to see if their were any cars. There were, but, she sprinted out into the street anyways.

"EUNMI!!!" Eunhyuk screamed as Eunmi was hit by a truck.

Eunmi's head hit the road with a load thud.

Eunhyuk ran out into the street and collapsed onto the ground next to his love, "Eunmi....mianhae....mianhae...Oppa is sorry," Eunhyuk cried.

"Oppa, you came," Eunmi whispered.

"Why'd you do that?" Eunhyuk lifted Eunmi into his arms.

"It hurt so much..."

"Mianhae...mianhae...I should've tried harder to remember, mianhae,"

"It's okay Oppa. You can be happy now."

"No, Eunmi."

"Oppa, I couldn't let you go, please, can you let me go?"

"Eunmi, don't say that."

'Oppa, should give this to her, she deserves it," Eunmi lifted up her left hand.

Eunhyuk shook his head, "No, you're the only who deserves it,"

"Hyukie, please, I don't want to feel the pain anymore, please," Eunmi's breath shortened.

"Eunmi, saranghae," Eunhyuk cried and gripped her tighter.

"Saranghae, Eunhyuk," Eunmi let out her last breath.


1 Month Later

"Where are you going?" Eunhyuk's girlfriend asked.

"I'm sorry, I can't be with you anymore," Eunhyuk gripped the door knob.

"What do you mean?" she questioned.

"I don't love you anymore."


"I don't think I ever did, I think it was just something to help fill in the holes of my heart."

"Eunhyuk, is this about that girl that died?"

Eunhyuk nodded.

"She's dead! It's not like she can come back alive!"

"I know, that's why I'm going to go to her," Eunhyuk threw open the door and sprinted towards the cemetery.

Eunhyuk ran faster towards the cemetery as he spotted the wrought iron gates. He collapsed onto her grave. He hadn't eaten in days or drink any water. He wanted to make sure he could see her.

The last thing he saw was the snow falling onto her grave.

Eunmi...mianhae...I'll come...I promise...I'll protect you this time. Saranghae.


If there was an eternity of falling snow, could it hide my feelings for you? Hold me tight, if this is how it feels. I didn’t want to know, what it was like to be in love with someone. I love you, the feeling wells up in my chest. I want to shout to the wintery sky, “I want to see you right now.”

-Eternal Snow


A/N: If you didn't get it...Eunhyuk died...Originally it was totally different...but some plot bunnies invaded my brain and it ended up like this ^^ Hope you liked it.

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Chapter 1: Double character death... Sigh... It nearly made me cry. Eunmi didn't have to die. She could just have made Eunhyuk remember. Somehow... Aish... But good job, nonetheless :-)
keyz_locket #2
awwww... it so sad.... :(
ehyc0211 #4
Awwwwww.....<br />
eun-dj #5
aw it's sad but you really wrote it well i like :)<br />
continue writing other fanfictions okay ? ^-^ ~<br />
<br />
hwaiting ~