A Little Birdie Told Me

A SHINee Reality!



I don’t know how long he had been there or how long I we were staring at each other.


He stared blankly at me. I got up and opened my mouth to speak.

It’s really not what it looks like, I was just-“

His face remained unchanged.

You’re sounding guilty GaHee”

I sighed and scratched my head. His voice left me no clues as to what he was feeling.

Look, I know the evidence points to me, but I didn’t do it”

I looked up and he still had that unreadable expression on his face.

Then why are you going out of your way to get rid of it?”

I was going to answer, but realized he had a point. Why the heck was I so worried? I mean, I really didn’t do it. I looked up at him.

I guess it’s because I don’t want everyone else to think I did it.”

He nodded.

I get it. I won’t tell”

My eyes shone, I could feel it.

On one condition”

My heart stopped again. What the hell was he going to make me do? I looked suspiciously at him and waited for him to speak.

Tell me where I could find a pink bow”

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I looked up at him and noticed a smile that was tugging on his lips. I let the breath that I was holding go; he knew it wasn’t me. I smiled and nervously laughed as his smile grew bigger until we kind of both began to laugh. I playfully narrowed my eyes and pretended to think.

hmm…let me see”

He smiled and I began to take the bow off my head as he waited.



I handed him the bow.

How did you know it wasn’t me?”

His serious look returned.

Do you really want to know?”

I nodded.

He leaned in.

A little birdie told me”

I was surprised but was confused at the same time. He smiled secretly and laughed at me and began walking out the door.

Thank you for the bow”

I nodded still confused.

Wait! Minho, what are you talking about, what little birdie? I’m confused”

I heard a small chuckle escape his lips as he stopped and slightly turned to me.

I know”

He walked off in his gym clothes with a pink bow in his hand. I heard another chuckle and began to whistle ‘Mary had a little lamb’. I laughed, absolutely not expecting that and I couldn’t help but smile.

I was gone and Mina didn’t even notice. I ran back to the group. The guys were finally beginning to get back to the center. May turned to me.

GaHee! What happened to your paint? Its all smeared.”

I laughed it off.

Oh, I must’ve gotten too excited”

She laughed although she knew very well I was lying.

Whatever, look they’re coming!”

She began to squeal and I laughed. Even though I knew who was going to win, I was still excited anyway. I watched as I saw two figures running up. I squinted and realized it was down to Key and Jonghyun. They were both running, Key with his broom and Jonghyun with that stupid globe. Jonghyun had a really determined look on his face, which made me laugh, because he was usually not serious at all. I laughed.

Here they come ladies and gentleman”

The crowd went wild as the mc announced their presence. I laughed. I looked on closely as Jonghyun took the lead. For a second I wanted him to fall or trip or something, so that Key would win. Key was supposed to win, wasn’t he? I held my breath as they were only a few seconds away—Jonghyun had won. I felt…disappointed?

Yah! This is no globe!”

I looked up a bit too expectantly.

Jonghyun! This is not a globe!”

The crowd burst into laughter. I watched as Key grabbed the globe from Jonghyun and began laughing.

Yah, this is an inflatable ball!”

I heard myself laugh. Jonghyun grabbed the globe back defensively.

What are you talking about!? I see Korea! Its right there, and look, here’s America!”

They all laughed as the mc spoke.

I’m sorry, but Jonghyun you are disqualified. Mission incomplete”

He looked disappointed in the most humorous way. it was then that the other members came back. Onew and Taemin came running with murder on their faces straight at Key as he ran around the mc. The crowd hooted in laughter.

This is a rigged competition!”

Minho grabbed the ball and held up the inflatable ball in Jonghyun’s face and pointed somewhere onto the globe.

Korea’s in the wrong place. It’s not next to Africa”

Jonghyun glared angrily and grabbed it back to take a closer look. He stared and laughed and then looked up.

Yah, it doesn’t matter, its still a globe.”

The other guys passed the ball on and began to ridicule him. Onew spoke next.

What happened to the globe you had before, the real one”

Carrying the world is hard work. This one was much lighter, I was being smart”

Key laughed.

Is that why you won genius?”

Everyone laughed. I had to admit even I laughed. It was funny and the face he made was cute.

Yah! Show me some respect!”

Jonghyun made a grab for Key but Key dodged it. The mc laughed.

I once again declare Key the winner. Sorry Jonghyun, cheaters never prosper”


May giggled and walked up to Key. He curtsied and she laughed.

May! Tell him what he won”

She smiled.

We’re going to Lotte world”

The class erupted in applause. I could still hear Jonghyun protest about the results, but was dragged away by the other members. It was funny. After the games were over, we were instructed to go back to our classes and the remaining few hours of class would be for us to practice our majors. I was excited about it until I realized that May was using my theatre for the while being.

I personally wanted Taemin to win”

I looked up at Mina and laughed. I shrugged.

I guess I wanted Minho to win, I mean, his name is on my face”

I sarcastically shrugged as Mina playfully shoved me.

Don’t be such a smartass”

I laughed.

Honestly, I think May wanted Jonghyun to win”

I looked up at her. I didn’t know why, but I suddenly became interested.

Uh…what makes you say that?”

She laughed.

I dunno. She looked disappointed is all”

I unconsciously nodded. She began to laugh.

It doesn’t matter, as long as she stays away from Minho”

I laughed as we entered the changing rooms.

Hey! GaHee, are you busy this weekend”

Without thinking I shook my head.


Mina slyly smirked at me.

Let’s go to Lotte World”

Oh crap.


Instead of going to my theatre and fighting for my space, I decided to spend time with Mina in the dance studio. The thing with the school was, they didn’t care what you did during your individual major time because chances were that we would be practicing anyway; which was true. Regardless of how boy crazy Mina was, when she danced, she was amazing. She and Jin had a full ride scholarship to the school. A song I didn’t know was playing. It was good I guess, it was a bit of both hip hop and rock. I just sat there staring at myself. It was pretty empty. The song stopped and Mina came to sit by me.

Does May still have your theatre?”

I sadly nodded as Mina took a swig of her water.

Seriously GaHee, you’ve got to grow a backbone and kick her out.”

I laughed at the idea.

I have a backbone, I’m no snake”

She rolled her eyes and I laughed at my own joke.

Quit being a nerd”

I smiled.

Hey Maybe I could bring my piano in here and you could dance to my music!”

Mina just about spit her water out at the idea.

Are you crazy!? Have you heard the music you played? It’s so boring!”

I shrugged.

Is not.”

She looked at me sternly.

What? Its not”

She laughed and slightly pushed me.

So about this weekend, I was thinking about wearing this cute mini skirt with the pink polka dots on it, but it might rain, so Maybe my skinny jeans?”

I looked at her and shook my head.

I say you go for the blue croppers I gave you for your birthday and that maroon top you’ve been dying to wear”

She looked at me and smiled.

Maybe. Hey, what are you going to wear?”

I shrugged. I needed to think of an excuse not to go.

Uh, you know what I just remembered? I have to visit my piano teacher this weekend”

Her eyes widened. She’d heard the stories.

The kimchi adjumma?”

I nodded.

Its her half birthday”

She looked confused.

Why does she celebrate her half birthday?”

I laughed at her reasoning.

Because she’s getting older, she wants to get twice as many gifts before she dies”

GaHee! You said you were free. I don’t want to stalk them myself”

I shrugged and she pouted.

GaHee! You traitor!”

I laughed.


She got up but not before glaring at me.

I hate you”

I laughed as she the music again and began dancing. I had a smile on my face because I knew she would stalk them regardless of whether I was there are not. I continued to watch Mina when I felt someone take the seat beside me. I turned to my side and smiled.

Shouldn’t you be practicing?”

Jin gave me a toothy smile and laughed.

Are you kidding? I have natural born skill. I don’t need to practice”

I rolled my eyes. As much as I hated it, I had to agree. He was an amazing dancer, not only that but he danced to all kinds of music, even mine. We actually partnered a few times; I wrote the music and he choreographed the dance. It was fun.

Why aren’t you practicing?”

My face turned into a frown.


He nodded. We both looked at Mina for a while before Jin turned to me.

Hey, how about a walk?”

I looked over and shrugged.


He grabbed my hand and led me towards the door. I didn’t bother to tell Mina. I would be back before she took another break and she wouldn’t even notice I was gone. We walked outside and the whether was really nice. It did look like it was going to rain during the weekend, but the whether was great.

So, how’s life on camera?”

I chuckled at Jin.

You mean crazy cousin?”

He nodded.

Just dandy.”

He laughed.

Oh, by the way, my mom wanted to know if you wanted to come over and watch the first episode of the show with us. She’s making kimbap.”

I laughed and nodded.

Only if I could take leftovers home”

He laughed.


We continued to walk. it felt good to be outside.

Guess what?”

Without looking he answered.


Its my piano teacher’s half birthday this weekend, do you want to come?”

He looked uncertain.

Kimchi adjumma?”

I nodded and laughed.

Uh, no thanks”

I pretended to be hurt.

What! Why?!”

He scratched his head.

Last time I went over, she called me a queer stick boy because I majored in dance”

He turned to me with a serious expression on my face.

Do I look like a queer stick boy to you?”

I laughed.

Do you really want me to answer?”

He shoved me and I laughed.


I heard my name being called from behind me and turned around to find May running towards me and the other SHINee members following close behind. Jin and I shared glances as May reached us.

GaHee! I’m so glad I found you”

She ran up to me and linked her arms with mine. I was beginning to feel a bit freaked out.

uh…hi May. What are you guys doing here?”

She began laughing and said something about getting to know the members. I glanced at Jin who just did this silent nod with the guys. I always found that a bit strange. I looked over and saw that they were all kind of staring at us. Minho, Taemin and Onew had begun talking to Jin. Key was smiling at May, and Jonghyun, well, he was being strange. He just stared at me like he was annoyed. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and decided to shrug it off.

Did you want to come for ice cream with us?”

I turned to May who asked the question.


I felt her grasp on my arm tighten.

Actually, I have to go run some errands right after school”

May pretended to look sad.

Are you sure?”

I nodded.

Oh, come on, GaHee! You and I could have an eating contest!”

I looked at Onew who looked sincerely excited. I wasn’t sure whether to be offended or flattered. Was I fat? As if Key knew what I was thinking, he punched Onew on the arm.

Look what you did! Now she thinks she’s fat”

Onew’s eyes widened.

Oh, no I don’t mean that, I meant, you would seem like the type who loves ice cream”

It really didn’t help much although it was nice that he was trying.

Way to pour salt on the wound”

We all looked at Minho who slightly smiled. I laughed along with the other members. As I did, I snuck a peak at Jonghyun who still stared at me with that face expression. What was his problem? I looked over at Jin who was staring at Jonghyun staring at me. Was anyone else noticing this?

Uh..I’d better get back to the studio.”

I pulled Jin and was about to leave when I heard Taemin speak.

You dance?”

I looked back and smiled. I could feel the glare that May was giving me. I shook my head at Taemin.

Mina dances”

He smiled and looked really excited as he turned to the other members.

Let’s go check it out”

I chuckled at his excitement and nodded. I didn’t dare to see May’s face as I began leading the way. we finally go to the studio where Mina, as predicted was still dancing her routine. We all watched until the music stopped, then we all clapped. She quickly turned around, not realizing she had an audience. She blushed. She was gonna kill me later for letting SHINee see her sweating. Taemin was the most surprised and ran up to her.

Wah, that was really good”

She was speechless and smiled while thanking him. I watched as some of the other members gathered around them.

I take it you can’t dance”

I turned around and realized that Jonghyun was still behind me. I laughed.

I can dance, I just don’t want to”

I lied. He stared at me for a while and a chuckle escaped his lips, which made me laugh.

I don’t believe you”

I shrugged. He took a step closer to me and I don’t know why, but I got a bit nervous.

what makes you think I don’t dance”

He looked down and smiled.

you’re clumsy”

I looked at him a bit offended.


He nodded.

I’ll have you know, I am very light on my feet”

He laughed at me. I stared at him which made him laugh harder. I crossed my eyebrows in annoyance. He looked at me and his laughter finally began to simmer.

alright, alright. I guess you’ll just have to prove it to me”

Without thinking I instinctively answered.

fine, I’ll show you”

He stopped laughing and looked at me with a smirk.

I’ll gladly watch”

Something about the tone in his voice made me look twice. He had that smile on his face again, like he had a secret. I knew I had said something I would regret. I opened my mouth to retract my statement, but was interrupted.

Yah! Jonghyun get over here, lets show May”

He looked up and headed their way. I took a seat and watched as they performed the dance for ‘amigo’. I clapped my hands and smiled. They were really good. I was secretly envious of dancers.

why are you all smiles?”

I turned to Jin.

they were good”

He scoffed.

I’ve seen better”

I laughed at his response and nudged him.

then why don’t you go show them a thing or two?”

He shrugged and got up. He looked determined. I hooted and laughed as he joined the group. This was fun. it was then that Key suggested a dance competition. Winner gets to choose someone to get a peck on the cheek from. They had to alter the rules because Jin entered, and well, he just didn’t really want to kiss May. Mina, May, and myself would be the judges. The both sat down beside me and May started the competition. First up was Onew.

hello, I am Onew from SHINee and I will win the prize”

He cued the music to start and I swear I could feel May shaking from excitement. Onew did part of the dance from ‘amigo’ and I was actually really surprised that Onew could dance like that. He didn’t really seem like the type. Mina just about went crazy as he finished and bowed.

thank you”

We clapped our hands. Next up was minho. He did another part of a dance and was really good. He really knew how to work with his lankiness. We all clapped as he finished. Mina leaned over to me and whispered.

I think I’m in love”

I playfully nudged her as she began to laugh. next up was Key; he was good. I think he outshined both Onew and minho. I was so into the competition, it surprised even me. Key left and it was Jin’s turn. I watched as he walked up and smiled a killer smile.

this is for you GaHee”

He blew a kiss at me and I rolled my eyes as he laughed. He cued the music and he was amazing. It was a song I’d never heard before and I had to clap. He bowed again and I laughed. This was so much fun. Jonghyun was next. As he walked up and past Jin, I thought I saw something between them. Maybe I was just imagining things, but they looked as if they were challenging each other. My eyes followed Jonghyun as he stood in front of us and looked directly at me for a moment. For an instant, I felt chills. He then smiled that smile and laughed.

hi, I’m Jonghyun, and I am the winner”

I heard laughter coming from either side of me. the music started and he began dancing. I recognized the song, but I didn’t recognize the dance. It was amazing. I’ve never thought he would be the dancing type, but he proved me wrong. Like the piano incident, I couldn’t take my eyes off him until he stopped. I thought I saw him sneak a look, but I wasn’t sure. He smiled and bowed like it was the most easy thing in the world. I felt Mina lean into me.

I think I’m in love”

I turned to her and nudged her back as she began laughing. Last up was Taemin. He cued the music. It was a different song and he began to dance—I was speechless. He was amazing, by the time he had finished the studio was silent; well at least I was. I think we make him a bit nervous because he forced a smile and scratch his head.

uh, I was just trying something new. Was it bad?”

Was he kidding? I was going to open my mouth to speak but Mina spoke first.


We were all taken aback by her suggestion, but laughed a second later. Mina ran up to Taemin and started doing some moves he did as he laughed at her attempt. The others gathered and laughed. I was about to get up when I felt a tug on my arm. I looked over to see May glaring at me. her nails were digging into my wrist.

tell your stupid friend to be careful who she messes with”

I stared at her in awe as she quickly smiled and went over to the crowd and declared Taemin the winner. He was to receive a peck on the cheek by May. I chuckled when I noticed his smile seemed a bit forced. She gave him a peck on the cheek and quickly after, Taemin was surrounded by the other members who cracked their knuckles. He backed away and they all jumped on him. I was quite funny. I saw Jin walk up to me.

so I guess I don’t get that kiss?”

I laughed.

I guess not”

Maybe I should’ve practiced more”

I rolled my eyes as we both laughed. I playfully shoved him and laughed as he held his arm as if in pain. I felt a stare and turned around only to meet Jonghyun’s eyes. For the second time today, I got the chills.


Hope you all enjoyed this super long update.

Thanks for all the comments and thanks for reading.



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Wheres the one or two more chapter??? Or is it the end? :'(
Yuuurggghhhh. Please write more. Updateeee!!!!! XD
No offense, but GaHee and Jin dont really seem to be best friends. Not much went on at the dinner, and I think you should show their close friendship more. Just saying. Please dont take this offensively; my writing skills compared to yours. -.-
xxmilliexx #4
I also am trying to personally thank all ya'll for subscribing in hopes that I would feel less like a jerk for not updating.....please forgive me.
xxmilliexx #5
For everyone who has been reading my story, THANK YOU!!!! I know my updating track record , but I really really do appreciate you guys!!!! Ya'll make me happy. The story is almost over so I really do hope you all enjoy it. Thanks again.
lisapyon #6
love this story!!<br />
OH MY WORD!!!!!!!! This chapter was amazing!!!!!!!!
lolisho #8
Do you know how much I wanted to cry reading the last 3-4 chaps?! <br />
T^T wae you make me cry?<br />
But hurray for GaHee! Excellent way of handling herself with May!teehee, she slipped, victory for GaHee~ :D<br />
I want JongHee to make up soon please! <3
Wow GaHee!!!!That took guts to put on the act in front of the whole class!!!!!!!! I am sorry though that you got slapped but at least now your classmates might be nicer to you!!!!!!!!AWWW Minho you were nice to cheer her up!!!!!!!! LOL poor Taemin being chased because of a carrot!!!!!!!! This chapter was sweet,funny,heartbreaking,and touching!!!