Chicken Legged Boys

A SHINee Reality!


She stood there; All four feet ten inches of her. she just stared in awe. We finally tracked May and Key down. My dad decided to drag May to my adjumma’s house where we would celebrated her half birthday and well, the members decided to tag along. A few things about my adjumma: she doesent have television, so she doesn’t know who SHINee is, she lives in a traditional house and still dresses in hanboks, she expects everyone to do the same, she doesn’t believe in girly men, and most importantly she hates everyone before she gets to know them. May and my adjumma never got along, she once called May a disgraceful untalented hussie and May called her a bitter old senile hag; how May was going to act her way out of this one was beyond me. my adjumma looked surprised. Maybe it was the SHINee idol introduction, you know the one where they go, ‘SHINee’ and do that hand thing, or the fact that there were a throng of cameramen, or even when the light blinded her; honestly I was a bit afraid of what she would say. She was terribly blunt. She slowly walked out of the door and stood in front of the members. she narrowed her eyes and spoke.

GaHee, why did you bring chicken legged boys to my house”

I held in my laughter; I guess that’s where my dad got his insults from. i glanced over at some of the cameramen and noticed that they too were shaking from laughter. SHINee was in awe. It was Jonghyun’s brave soul that spoke first.

ah, adjumma, how are you?”

She nodded at him and scanned the other members. Onew tried to make conversation.

I hear it’s your birthday, how old are you turning?”

My eyes widened. You never ask a woman her age. everything went silent. she stepped closer to him. I watched as he backed up, realizing his mistake. She narrowed her eyes at him and opened to speak.

what’s your name?”

He gulped.

my name?”

He nervously laughed again.

it’s um….”

I had to save him, regardless of how funny it was.

uh…adjumma, I brought you a gift”

She quickly turned around at the word gift. Her face turned into a smile and I handed her the gift. She was all smiles when She went back inside and left the door open for us to follow.

Oh come in GaHee! Your little chicken legged friends can too. I have comfortable pants for them so they’ll be making kids in no time.”

I blushed. I really hope they edit that out.

I walked into my old room and I was just the way I’d left it. before my dad became head accountant at his firm and then started his own business, we lived with my adjumma, where I learned the piano. I absolutely loved it. her house was beautiful. There was a pond in the back with ducks and trees and stuff. It was like a museum. I smiled and began pulling out my old clothes from the closet.

is this your room?”

I turned to see Onew with a pile of clothes in his hands. I smiled and nodded. he came in and looked around.

why don’t you have any posters of super junior in here?”

I looked at him in confusion. He laughed when he saw my expression.

I mean, every one loves super junior”

I nodded thinking back to Mina.

I guess I liked yo yo ma more”

It was my turn to laugh. his facial expression was so cute.

that doesn’t really-owww!”

My eyes turned to see my adjumma twisting Onew’s ear.

what makes you think you could enter the room of my GaHee!”

oww, no, we were just talking”

My adjumma laughed.

Like I’m supposed to believe that; you young boys these days have no respect for women”

He was practically on the floor now. it was funny.

no, no, I love women!”

She began laughing.

obviously! Is that why your pants are so tight?!”

no! I’m being fashionable I swear! My stylist dresses me”

I guess she pinched harder because now there were a bunch of people crowded around them; all of them were laughing. The members were on the ground holding their stomachs laughing while the crew tried their hardest to keep the camera from shaking. My adjumma laughed her evil laugh again.

I don’t believe you! You just want to show off you package is it”

My jaws were practically on the floor. She was so persistent.

no. I swear Its not! DBSK’s pants are equally tight! Please, I need my ear”

She finally let go and looked up at me and smiled.

go ahead and change dear”

With that she closed the door. I was amazed. I didn’t know her to be so overprotective of me. I stood there for a moment and listened.

you’ll be fine you chicken, just go put some raw liver on that and you’ll be good as new”

I didn’t hear what was happening, but I could just imagine their faces dripping with disgust. I laughed, that’s what they get for inviting themselves. i sighed and pulled the rest of my outfit out. I hope she’ll let me keep my ear when she finds out I haven’t been practicing.

I got dressed in what was the dress code at my adjumma’s house. It was a traditional cloth like thing you saw in the movies, nothing to extravagant. Because my adjumma is so traditional, she wouldn’t allow the cameramen to come in the house and after extensive persuasion from my father, she compromised by only letting two camera people in the house. She decided she didn’t like the director and kicked him out. I finished and went outside to the living room with the others. The only person who was there was my appa. I took a seat on the floor next to him.

how was your day?”

I shrugged. He sighed and ruffled my head.

I’m sorry I have to put you through this, but we have to do our best to support may”

I nodded and let out a sigh. He laughed.

hey, if nothing else, you’ll get a boyfriend out of it”

My eyes widened.

appa, what are you talking about?!”

He snuck a stare at me and began laughing.


He shook his head and laughed.

my little angel is so innocent. Lets keep it that way”

appa?! i’ll tell adjumma about the crush you have on your business partner”

I triumphantly smiled as his eyes widened in fear.

you wouldn’t”

I smiled and nodded.


I laughed and in a sing songy voice called my adjumma.

oh adjumma….”


I laughed and he took a deep breath.

one of the SHINee boys keep staring at you”

He leaned in closer as I listened.

He has this look in his eyes when he sees you….”

My heart began thumping.

and he doesn’t pay much attention to may…”

The anticipation was killing me.


At that instant we heard a yelp.

HIGHER! They’re supposed to be higher!”

We watched the doorway as Jonghyun and Key came tumbling out laughing. Minho and Taemin smiled as they walked out. They all wore the same matching outfit. It was very loose fitting. Finally Onew came out. I had to hold in my laughter. he was wearing the exact same outfit except his was pulled up all they way to his chest. he looked like a total nerd. My adjumma followed, looking triumphant.

Doesn’t that feel better? Now your chicken legs can breathe”

I heard my dad laugh beside me and the others joined in. we all sat around in a circle as directed by my adjumma. My dad sat next to my right and Onew took a seat to my left; Jonghyun next to him and Taemin and then Minho. My adjumma sat beside my dad and Minho. May was missing.


She pointed directly at Onew.

you come sit next to me”

There were muffled laughs all around as Onew quickly got up and sat beside her.

Is there room for me?”

We all looked up to see may. She looked beautiful. She was dressed in a traditional hangbok. Some of the members were in awe.

May you look beautiful”

I wasn’t sure who said it, but she just smiled and said thank you. I looked over at my adjumma who looked a bit annoyed.

Is that what took you so long?”

She looked over at my adjumma. I could tell she wanted to yell back, but kept her composure. She continued to smile.

I’m sorry. I got a bit confused while putting it on”

I stared at my adjumma. May set herself for a trap. There were so many things she could have said, but she didn’t. she just nodded and motioned her to sit. May took a seat between me and my dad. My adjumma finally cleared .

I was filled in on what this show is about”

Her eyes scanned the circle.

and I don’t like it”

I felt everyone in the room hold their breath. I smiled as she continued to talk.

First of all it think its ridiculous to call my GaHee an ice princess”

Wait. Did she just?

she is sweet and warm, just like her adjumma”

I let out an uncomfortable laugh.

uh, adjumma?”

She looked at me.

I’m not finished dear”

She continued to talk.

also, why didn’t they base this show on super junior”

She giggled like a school girl. I looked surprisingly at Onew who smiled and gave me an ‘I told you so’ look.

I love those boys”

uh, adjumma….”

especially the chunkier one. i have a recipe for kimchi fried rice that I know he’ll love.”

I tried again.

I’m not the ice princess. May is”

She blinked twice at me and then at may who smiled sweetly.

why you?”

I could feel the anger that radiated off may. I was really thinking she was going to explode. Because she was so close, I could hear her breathing as it became more rapid. She didn’t say anything for a while and then began giggling. My adjumma was embarrassing may and she couldn’t do anything about it.

uh, how about dinner?”

My dad interrupted the silence. My adjumma nodded and began assigning chores. Onew had to follow my adjumma, so that she could keep a close eye on him, Key and Taemin were assigned to wash the veggies and Minho and my dad were in charge of gathering wood. She completely ignored may and left her to do whatever while she told me to go pick flowers and Jonghyun to follow me. by the time we got outside the sun was just beginning to set. I went over to the flower garden and began picking. Jonghyun followed me, but didn’t say anything. I got a bit suspicious and looked up. He coughed and started conversation.

so she’s your piano teacher?”

I nodded and smiled.

maybe she could teach you a thing or two”

He laughed and shook his head.

I think she’s a bit preoccupied with Onew”

I laughed.

Yeah, she’s a bit overprotective.”

He nodded.

Maybe she’s got the wrong guy”

I turned in surprise, not really sure what I heard. He smiled at me and shrugged then quickly changed the subject.

uh, you don’t strike me as the flower type”

I looked at him and shrugged.

I’m not”

He looked at me confused.

then why did she tell you to come pick flowers?”

I laughed and stared at him.

it doesn’t take a genius to pick flowers”

He smiled.

I think its cute when girls know how to arrange flowers and stuff”

I rolled my eyes. I hated to admit it, but at that moment I kind of wished I watched my adjumma more.

well, I guess I’m just not that cute of a girl”

It came out more piercing than I had hoped it would. I expected Jonghyun to call me out on it, but he didn’t.

I wouldn’t say that”

That surprised me. I quickly looked up at him, but missed his facial expression as he turned away and cleared his throat. He looked nervous and I found my self smiling at him.

I still want my music journal back”

He laughed.

you still haven’t forgotten about that?”

I stood up and pointed at him.

so you admit you stole it!”

His voice became shaky for a moment.

that’s ridiculous. Why would I steal your stupid notebook?”

I narrowed my eyes.

I don’t know, you tell me.”

He returned the stare and mocked my tone.

I wouldn’t know”

I rolled my eyes.

just give it up. I know-“

It was then that I heard a ruffle in the bushes. We both looked at each other, uncertain of the noise. It was quiet and we both began to awkwardly laugh.

haha, it was probably just the wind”

I nodded and laughed.

yeah, I mean, there haven’t been any raccoons here since I was a little kid”

I looked at Jonghyun and held my laughter. he was pale as his eyes widened.

did you just say raccoons?”

I nodded.

big ones”

He looked scared. It was cute.

uh, I think we should go inside”

I began laughing and stepped closer to him. I looked down and forced a chuckle. I narrowed my eyes at him as he avoided my gaze.

you wouldn’t be scared would you?”

He laughed in breaths.

me? scared? Not at all”

I took a closer step just to .

you know, if you’re scared I could lend you my shoulder”

He looked down and narrowed his eyes and my smiling face. I guess Jonghyun didn’t like being mocked. I began laughing when there was a louder rustle. We turned to each other, fear in both our eyes. We stared at the bush and it began rustling again. I was really beginning to get scared, I think Jonghyun did too because the third time it rustled I felt him grab my hand. We both turned kept our eyes on the bush. It rustled again and then we saw a figure emerge from the dark. It was big and dark and had spikes. My eyes widened, too afraid to yell or move; I felt the grip on my hands tightened. It came closer and it was then that I heard my voice. I was yelling at the top of my lungs and I don’t think I was the only one. I heard a yell beside me and coming from the monster. I stopped when the monster came into full view.

Brad Pitt?”

We all stopped. I stared as a familiar walked towards us and smiled.

hi guys”

I furrowed my brows in confusion. He spoke English. I nodded and heard another rustle behind him and then a voice.

James! I told you not to wander off without me!”

Next thing we knew both James and the mc were in front of us. A few more rustles and two cameramen popped out.


I turned and saw the whole house come out to the yard and stared at James and the mc. I watched as Key and Onew ran up to him and greeted him.

what are you guys doing here?”

I heard Onew ask. I watched James and the mc look at each other and in unison screamed.


James and the mc began clapping. I laughed and was going to clap when I realized that Jonghyun was still holding my hand. I looked up at him and noticed that he was paying attention to the scene. I cleared my throat and he looked down at me. he stared for a bit and his eyes widened. He looked down our hands and instinctively pulled away. If I wasn’t mistaken, he seemed to be blushing. I turned back to the scene. The mc cleared his throat.

challenge to melt the heart of the ice princess commence!”

I laughed. It was a really good introduction. Too bad it was ruined.




We were back inside. The surprise challenge involved my adjumma. She protested at first, but James talked her out of it. he was suave and I guess my grandma had a crush on brad pitt. I never would have figured. We were all sitting on the floor with whiteboards in front of us with markers. My adjumma sat in the middle of my dad and may. I sat on the side; there was no need for the cousin tonight. The challenge was that the members would come out and do gags and would be rated accordingly; the only catch was that they had to make my adjumma laugh. Winner would get to detach from the group with May while everyone else cleaned up. I was pretty excited how things would turn out. If nobody made her laugh, there would be no winner and they would all have to clean her gutters. It was really a win-win situation for my adjumma. The first person was Onew. I could already feel myself prepare to laugh.

tonight you will all be able to hear the musical style that brought a generation to be defined in the history books”

I looked over to adjumma and almost laughed when I saw that she had her stern ‘don’t mess with me look’. I turned over back to Onew who now had his back turned to us. I prepared myself. He began to move his shoulders and shake his leg the next thing I knew, he jumped and was facing us.

rokkugo, rokkugo, rokkugo,…”

There was a burst of laughter and I was holding my stomach trying not to urinate on my pants. He was dancing crazily and shaking his . It was hilarious I looked around and even saw some cameramen shaking from laughter. He finally finished and I wiped a tear. We all turned to adjumma and saw that she was still in the same position she was before. She narrowed her eyes at Onew and spoke.

super junior is no joke”

Onew’s face dropped. The atmosphere became awkward and I felt really sorry for Onew, but it was still funny.


We all turned to the mc and brad pitt look alike as they both laughed.


I watched as Onew’s face sunk. He walked over to Jonghyun who was laughing and playfully punched him. Next up was Key. I watched as Key began impersonating snsd’s gee. It would have been funny, but he was really good. I mean, wow, he was in sync and everything. When he finished everyone laughed, and we all turned to adjumma.


He scratched his head and returned to the group. Adjumma was tough. Next was minho. Minho was funny because it wasn’t funny. He did a gag that I’d never heard of but messed up midway and began laughing at himself. It was really cute. We all laughed but adjumma remarked on his lack of perseverance and called up the next person. Taemin was next. He decided to do a really funny dancing gag where he started really good and pretended to trip and mess up. A bunch of us were laughing but adjumma would have none of it. She called him clumsy and waved him off. Next up was Jonghyun. Quite honestly I was a bit nervous, I mean he was really funny and I just wanted him to clean adjumma’s gutters. Yeah that’s it, it had nothing to do with may.

And now everyone, its time for Jonghyun!”

I watched as the mc screamed. We watched as he stood in the center of the stage and introduced himself.

hello, I’m Jonghyun”

He bowed and took a deep breath. He smiled and looked around and pulled out a map; he was imitating a foreigner.

ah…anengseyo? Uh, where, I mean, bathroom….bathroom”

Quite honestly I didn’t find it funny at all, I mean it wasn’t that great. For being a foreigner, his accent was dead on and he didn’t really act the part. I looked around and noticed a few giggles here and there but it wasn’t as funny. I smiled and then my heart sunk; adjumma hated foreigners. I quickly turned to her and was a bit relieved when I found that she wasn’t laughing. I let out a sigh a relief, however it was a bit premature because adjumma started shaking. All eyes were on her and I’m sure everyone was a bit confused. She then opened and began laughing like a maniac. Between breaths she tried to speak.


My eyes widened a bit and looked over to an equally surprised Jonghyun. He looked dumbstruck at first but it turned into a smile. I watched as the other members ran up to him and playfully punched him as a congratulatory ritual. I didn’t know why but I felt a tightness in my chest and couldn’t stop staring at Jonghyun. Amidst the celebration and the mc-ing of james and brad pitt look alike and may shyly smiling and walking up to him and taking his hand—our eyes met. It was quite strange really, he just stared at me blankly and attempted a sheepish smile at me until he was yanked away by may. My eyes followed and landed on may’s who was now glaring at me. I turned away and pretended to be busy.

yah! This adjumma has a strange sense of humor, but it’s a good thing she laughed. I was a bit worried that she didn’t have a funny bone in her!”

There were a few laughs and once again, adjumma had that same expressionless look on her face. I smiled a bit.

Now Jonghyun! Get your reward like a man!”

The mc suggestively raised his eyebrows and began laughing. Jonghyun shyly smiled and began pulling may away from the crowd; I wanted to punch him. There were oohs and ahhs in the audience and the other members began laughing and pretended to walk away as they were quickly stopped by the piercing sound of the mc.

where do you think you guys are going?”

The all turned around and nervously laughed as the mc presented them with cleaning supplies for the gutter. I smiled at their facial expressions. I was still feeling a bit down and decided to clear my head. I got up and headed to the piano room .


I turned to the sound of adjumma.


go help them!”

My eyes widened.

what?! I wasn’t part of the challenge!”

From the side I could hear the members laugh. I put on my best sad doggie face.

You’re not five anymore, I don’t trust those boys with the roof of my house. They won’t do it right”

but adjumma”

With that she turned around and dragged my appa to the other room to scold him for who knows what. I turned to the members as they smirked in triumph. I let out an annoyed grunt and they began laughing. This was going to be a long night.



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing guys!!!



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Wheres the one or two more chapter??? Or is it the end? :'(
Yuuurggghhhh. Please write more. Updateeee!!!!! XD
No offense, but GaHee and Jin dont really seem to be best friends. Not much went on at the dinner, and I think you should show their close friendship more. Just saying. Please dont take this offensively; my writing skills compared to yours. -.-
xxmilliexx #4
I also am trying to personally thank all ya'll for subscribing in hopes that I would feel less like a jerk for not updating.....please forgive me.
xxmilliexx #5
For everyone who has been reading my story, THANK YOU!!!! I know my updating track record , but I really really do appreciate you guys!!!! Ya'll make me happy. The story is almost over so I really do hope you all enjoy it. Thanks again.
lisapyon #6
love this story!!<br />
OH MY WORD!!!!!!!! This chapter was amazing!!!!!!!!
lolisho #8
Do you know how much I wanted to cry reading the last 3-4 chaps?! <br />
T^T wae you make me cry?<br />
But hurray for GaHee! Excellent way of handling herself with May!teehee, she slipped, victory for GaHee~ :D<br />
I want JongHee to make up soon please! <3
Wow GaHee!!!!That took guts to put on the act in front of the whole class!!!!!!!! I am sorry though that you got slapped but at least now your classmates might be nicer to you!!!!!!!!AWWW Minho you were nice to cheer her up!!!!!!!! LOL poor Taemin being chased because of a carrot!!!!!!!! This chapter was sweet,funny,heartbreaking,and touching!!!