Karaoke Night!

What We Really Are



Why the hell am I here?

Ji Yong sat watching his new found friend making a fool of herself.

Why the hell did I agree to this?

"Oi! It's your turn to sing" Eunmi said pushing the microphone toward Ji Yong face.

I'm going to regret this

Ji Yong sang along as the lyrics went across the screen

"Well done my friend!" Eunmi cheered adding in adlibs to the song.



"Ah Young-ah are you busy tonight?" Eunmi asked her friend

"Um I-"

"No well do you want to join me and Ji Yong to karaoke"

"Eunmi I-"

"Taeyang will be there"

"Tonight I-"

"Ok let's go!" Eunmi shouted dragging her friend with her.



"Taeyang-ah let's go karaoke after school" Ji Yong asked

"Wow this isn't like the Kwon Ji Yong I know"

"Are you going or not"

"Sure" Taeyang argreed

"That was eaiser than I thought" Ji Yong said under his breath



"YAY! We got 78 points my friend Eunmi patted Ji Yong on the back and chose the next song

"Oh! It's a rap song can I do this" Eunmi questioned herself

"Why did you chose it if you can't rap" Ji Yong asked

"Don't be discouraged my friend we can pass this easily" Eunmi pumped her first into the air.

"Are you drunk?"

"SHHHHH! The song is strarting" Eunmi swayed to the beat and started saying words as fast as she could and waving her arms around everywhere, trying to imitate rappers she seen before.

I give up

Ji Yong also started to rap to the song. Both of them went crazy saying words jumbled up or not even speaking english anymore.

"Ohhhh! My friend look we got 56 points Yo!"

"What song should we chose next?" Eunmi asked Ji Yong "This one? or This one?" Eunmi asked pointing the songs listed in the book as Ji Yong silently looked for a song ignoring all of Eunmi choices.

"They're forgeting about us aren't they? Ah Young said watching her friend go crazy.

"Hmm but it nice to see Ji Yong having fun" Taeyang said.

Ah Young laughed."Now that you have said that. This is the first time I've seen Eunmi talk to a guy without getting all defensive about her personality."


"I don't know if I should be telling you this"

"I can keep secrets" Ah Young arched her eyebrows at Taeyang comments and let out a small chuckle.

"Eunmi didn't used to be like this closed up,agressive she used to be like what her apperance look like, gentle, sweet, caring, she still like that but she doesn't that side of her beacuse she afraid of guys might hurt her. Just like what her dad did to he mum." Ah Young took a breath in and sighed"That it, I'm going to stop for today."

"I never even knew she was agressive" Taeyang said

"Ya! Look what you did to the scores stupid idoit!" Eunmi shouted at Ji Yong giving a slap around the head "Geez"she sighed.

"Ok... I take that back" Taeyang said after witnessing what Eunmi is really like.

Ah Young laughed "She could be even worse, since she learnt self defense when she was little"

"But it nice to see Ji Yong talk to a girl" Taeyang smiled at the sight of his friend happily singing with Eunmi.

"Ever since Ji Yong was small he never talk to a girl so freely before he always stuck to guys, I guess he was afraid to hurt them since he saw how fragile a girl is."


Eunmi streched. "We should do that some other time" she said

"That would be very nice Eunmi-sii" Taeyang smiled. While Eunmi blushed

"I should get home before it get even colder" Ah Young said wrapping her arms around herself

"Which way are you going?" Taeyang asked

"This way" Ah Young pointed right.

"Me too I guess you guys are going a different way right" Taeyang asked the blushing Eunmi and Ji Yong

"Yeah we're going in the same way." Ji Yong said

"Bye then." Taeyang and Ah Young waved and went off.

Ji Yong and Eunmi walked home together at the same pace until Eunmi came to a stop. Ji Yong looked at her and saw she was staring into a store that looked full of pet stuff. Without saying anything she headed in with Ji Yong following behind not knowing what she was up to.

"Do you think your dog will like this?" Eunmi said holding up a bone.

"What?" Ji yong said taken back by the question

"It just thatyour dog... I've never seen it with a toy"

"Yeah... I he will like it"

"Good" Eunmi smiled and went off to pay for it. While Ji Yong stood in the same spot.

"Oi if you don't hurry up I'm going to leave you" Ji Yong jumped at the sound of Eunmi voice, waking him up from his thoughts. He quickly ran up to Eunmi, while passing the shop onwer Ji Yong saw that he had a wide smile plastered on his face. Ji Yong gave him a glare, which scared the owner and his smile dissapeared straight away. Ji Yong made a digusted face, for the owner that old, is interrested in a young girl.

Eunmi and Ji Yong walked home with a blue plastic bag hanging off Eunmi arm containing Gaho new toy.

"Hey we were meant to get close to the people we like rignt?... So why the hell did just us two sing the whole entire time?" Ji Yong asked realising that karaoke was meant to get close to Ah Young but in the end he just made a fool of himself.

"...Damn it!" Eunmi shouted remembering that Taeyang watched her rap.


They failed again.


"I'm home-" Eunmi annouced.

"PARK EUNMI! KWON JI YONG! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Eunmi Mother shouted causing the two teenagers to cover their ears "You guys missed dinner and I had to eat dinner by myself" Eunmi mother cried.




sorry if I haven't updated in a looooooooooooong time i hope this chapter make up for it

i've been busy with school and my other story

sorry if there is any mistakes i'll fix them later~

check out my new story

What! Cinderella Is A Man Now?


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jonghyunie143 #1
jiyoong!! is pretty! :DD
Tabi is back!!!
This stiry is so cute. Thank you for updating :)
YAY! you updated!
waiting for update..
OMIGOSH! i am loving this story
T_____T sad for Eunmi.
It's okay, we can be "Forver Alone" buddies xD
safiahazmi #9
aigoo eunmi ah. it's hard helping your bestfriend to hook up with someone else, especially if you are in love with that bestfriend.
I feel so bad for EunMi...